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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I have been working at my job for a couple months short of a year. I am a damn good employee. I am one of the best at what I do & I am always there to cover other peoples shifts, stay late & pick up the slack left behind by others. I am very well liked by customers & all is good other than I do have 1 problem. I have tendency to run late. Not alot late & not all the time. And I am amongst the many who are late. But nun the less, I am a tardy employee. I was recently terminated. The reason given was for being late a week prior. I asked several times in the last week if I was going to get fired and I was repeatedly told no. The manager who fired me, does not like me and I dont like her.She had it in for me. I am mad because they waited a week & lied to me. What do you think?
Also, the girl who termed me...is only 19 & she frequents 2 local bars. After firing me, I called the 2 bars & informed them that they had been serving a minor with a fake ID. What do you think of that?

2007-01-26 07:26:42 · 11 answers · asked by lile79 1

My co-worker mentioned to me the other day that her cousin purchased a 2004 S-Class Mercedes Benz. He lives in the projects with his mother. I don't get it...

2007-01-26 07:25:44 · 34 answers · asked by phillylady4u 2

i may possibly be going to trial... basically my ex denies hitting me... what will happen? how much of my time will this take? or where can i find out more info? what happens if the judge believes him?

2007-01-26 07:23:52 · 3 answers · asked by CALI GIRL 3

What are the legalities involved i establishig your own micronation, provided you have acquired land via legal means?

No 'Don't Know But Good Luck' Answers please.


2007-01-26 07:21:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

an annual costume contest

2007-01-26 07:16:14 · 3 answers · asked by charlie1 1

Over and over again we have seen and heard our national officials and citizens debate, propose and make laws based on religious ideology, specifically Christianty. For example, anti gay marraige laws. These laws are based purely on religious ideology. Many of these laws were voted on and approved by our nations citizens.

Ideally our nation is set up on the belief of seperation of church and state. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State".

This thought protects both the freedom to practice religion and protects our government from being over run by religious fanatics.

Even though a law was voted into existence by a majority vote by our peers, does that make it ok and fair for the minority gay population?

2007-01-26 07:14:31 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2

If you are pro-choice, I would like for you to tell me why it is o.k. for someone to murder the baby growing inside her. It is a fact that these babies are alive, have conciousness, and can FEEL everything that is being done to them during the abortion. Even the scientific community recoginizes these babies as persons.

Regarding Science and Medicine: Currently, all valid science and medicine is 100% clear that a fetus is a person. Practically, 100% of a person's genetic makeup is determined at the moment of conception. Science and medicine define being a person (human) by genetic means. According to science and medicine, a fetus is a distinct organism.

What do you think when you look at these pictures? How is this o.k.?


WARNING!!! These pictures are graphic. Don't bring up this site if you are squeamish.

2007-01-26 07:10:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Four years after he was tortured in a Syrian prison, a Canadian resident (Maher Arar) has finally received an official apology and $10.5 million in compensation from the Canadian government for its role in the affair that caused him to be deported by US Immigration to Syria. He was detained and tortured there based on false information supplied to US officials by the Canadian government.

Regardless of right or wrong in the Arar case, here is my question:

If you knew you might be deported to a middle-eastern country to face torture for one year, but there was a high probability that you would get a $10M settlement for injustice upon returning, would you still go to?

Further to that, what would you do with the money afterwards? Would it be used for personal gain, helping to make a better community, or for revenge?

2007-01-26 06:50:48 · 47 answers · asked by SteveN 7

I recently got a ticket for not coming to a complete stop in New York. I have court next tuesday, and sent in my not guilty plea on my ticket, requesting a supporting deposition. It is friday now and I have yet to get anything. Does this mean if I dont get it by Tues, my ticket has to be thrown out?

2007-01-26 06:41:14 · 1 answers · asked by SigEpShawn 2

Admiit it your all sick kiddy fiddlers

2007-01-26 06:40:44 · 5 answers · asked by Jeremy Kyle 1

is a much more important issue than abortion, euthanasia, or infanticide?

2007-01-26 06:38:11 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the govt. aren't going to improve and build more prisons and only hand out custodials for what they call serious crimes,should we start meting out our own law and order to protect our communities? The police and courts are failing us .Who wants paedos and other scum wandering freely around enjoying privileges the same as decent people?

2007-01-26 06:35:45 · 7 answers · asked by Hugh Jarce 1

I'm doing a project that will involve collecting water samples from a park to be tested for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, etc. Is this legal, or do I need to get permission from the parks commissioner? I e-mailed the parks commissioner a week ago but he still hasn't replied. I am a high school student and I live in New York City.

2007-01-26 06:35:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

In response to the people who answered my question regarding gay marriage. Many of you have said that majority rules which it does in our democracy but my question was is it fair to a minority of people to be out voted my a majority. Should I remind all of you that many laws that have been voted on by our majority of citizens were unjust? Do you not remember the fight to abolish slavery, the civil rights movement, and the women’s right movement? They fought the majority rules for many years until our nation was forced to recognize their worth as citizens and human beings.

Now we are faced with a new fight for gay people. But to me this is more than a fight for gay marriage. This is a fight of religious idealism vs. secular thought. Someone said that marriage is defined as a union between a man and woman. This definition is being redefined through out the world to include same sex unions.

Should our government define marriage based on Christian idealism?

2007-01-26 06:33:20 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2

2007-01-26 06:14:43 · 8 answers · asked by shundrabanks 1

Wouldn't the employees set the bar for what they were paid. I mean you dont have to take a job that isnt paying much and so you yourself would set the bar for wages and not the government.

2007-01-26 06:14:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

taking into consideration that 2 paedophiles were also set free because our prisons are full.

2007-01-26 06:14:30 · 7 answers · asked by Hipira 3

i understand that you cannot refuse service based on colour race gender etc etc. do they have the right to refuse based on other criteria where can i get more info on the right to refuse service.

is it the same as the manager of a resturant refusing serivce to the patron ?

2007-01-26 06:13:48 · 2 answers · asked by ? 1

A company is charging my bank acct. & the bank says fine. When I ask the bank to not allow any withdrawels unless it is with my signature they say they can't. I have to go into the branch in person & prove who I am, yet this company, that I don't even know, can just keep taking with out my permission? Is this a commmon practice and is it in any way legal? Why does my bank give my money to anyone who calls and says I told "joe shmo" he can have 620.00 out of my checking but I can't call and say please don't?

2007-01-26 05:53:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am filing divorce papers. Each document must be sworn and notarized. Is it legal to have a page-break in the middle of the swearing and notary section? Or should I put all of this on a separate page? Only reply if you have specific knowledge about this question. Also, must all text in the documents be the same point size? Thanks.

2007-01-26 05:50:53 · 6 answers · asked by Tertium Quid 2

Can a lawyer who represented a husband and wife on seperate issues now represent either one for a divorce against each other?

2007-01-26 05:40:02 · 5 answers · asked by garret1969 1

penalty. Something that I would only expect from backwards and barbaric countries. It does not put people off commiting crimes as America has more people in prison than the UK per thousand of population. There is even an Scotsman with a rather dubious conviction which was quashed then reinstated., so how about Americans what you gonna do about it?

2007-01-26 05:37:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

for the health of everyone who patronizes these places, but then say that government is "going too far" if it passes an ordinance that says one cannot smoke in an automobile if there is a child present, or in a home where children live...It seems to me MUCH more important that the latter locations be smoke-free!

2007-01-26 05:32:37 · 38 answers · asked by Philip Kiriakis 5

I am moving to Guam my husband got military orders there. I have a little girl from a previous relationship that never resulted in marriage. She has lived with me since day one and continues to do so. There is no custody order in place, i assume That I have full custody and that her father would have to go and astablish custody. He does not spend much time with her and he can see her when ever he wants, he only does so when it is convient for him, or if his family wants to see her. I do not feel that she would be taken care of if i sent her to him in the summer. Do I have to? He has signed for her passport and he know that we are leaving is there anything that i have to do so that he can not get me for kidnapping? He wants to clam her every other year on taxes but what he pays in child support is not half of what we pay to support her will he ba able to claim her?

2007-01-26 05:31:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-26 05:30:45 · 11 answers · asked by paresh p 1

Yesterday evening my 7 yr old son was attacked by a pit-bull dog in our apartment complex. My son was outside in a common area when someone opened their door and the dog ran out, spotted my son and attacked him from behind. He was bitten twice on his back, once on his rear, and twice on his upper leg- they stitched some of the spots. I'm thankful that it wasn't real bad, but I have everyone telling me to sue the complex. (The owner is a single mom who has no money.) I KNOW I NEED TO CONSULT A LAWYER, but I was just wondering what you all thought. Has anyone out there been in the same position? By the way, I live in Tx.

2007-01-26 05:27:32 · 28 answers · asked by Jennifer M 4

Is it right that two peadophiles have been allowed to go free following their court hearing while a journalist is given a custodial sentence when there is so much controversy about the current state of the prisons in this country?

2007-01-26 05:15:47 · 25 answers · asked by qurm_kim 2

My boyfriend is involved in a custody battle with his ex wife. He has primary custody now but she wants to take it from him. I'm going with him to the first hearing for moral and emotional support and if need be I've writen a letter to read to the judge about his character and his kids. The case against him is weak and because of money he's "defending" himself the first time around and will get a lawyer if need be. What can we expect at the first hearing? Will it be decided then or will it continue for awhile?

2007-01-26 05:14:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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