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Fish - May 2007

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i am getting 5 tetra's should i have any decorations like plants or gravle or just plain tank? there all going to be male!

2007-05-29 17:13:04 · 7 answers · asked by ryanderhino 1

My fish seem to be fine without it. peole told me that they need it to get oxygen?

2007-05-29 17:00:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, my fish got the sickness ick, which i bought a solution, not the powder, to treat my fish. I heard that it is a class 2 cancer producing chemical or something. Is it actually bad to touch, and also, is there an alternative way of treating ick?

2007-05-29 16:57:54 · 6 answers · asked by Andrew T 2

One of my guppies just gave birth to a dozen fry and there is this small thing floating around it has a shiny silver top and a very squirmy tail. I don't know if it is a parasite or an under developed fry. One of the bigger guppies ate the "thing." Should I be worried and what should I do?

2007-05-29 16:51:27 · 2 answers · asked by **Mrs. N 3

i dont want the ammonia to rise a worker theirat the pet store told me i should feed them once every other day after i told him a fed them twice a day

2007-05-29 16:48:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

should i be worried about the 10 or so toads that have found it the past week?its been up n goin for 3 weeks started w 15 feeder golds 2 died no biggy . also have 4 koi now. oh yea 1260 gph pump runing water fall 350 gph pump curculating the water.

2007-05-29 16:36:59 · 2 answers · asked by steven c 2

I switched the food for my fish about a week ago. They eat about 3 times a day and I have 1 very large fancy goldfish with red crown, 2 white ryukins, 2 black moors, 2 plats and 1 regular goldfish. We have had them for about 4 months. We were going thru a lot of food because the females ( 1 fancy, 1 black moor, and 1 white ryukin) were eatting so much food. I bought Laguna Medium size Goldfish and Koi food. I think maybe our White Ryukin has gotten swim bladder from the new food. We are quarantening her to a bowl with an air hose for little while. I am going to not feed her at all for a day or two and see if she starts to do better, then ill feed her peas till she is better for atleast a week. We still have some of the smaller blood worms and the fish shaped tetra goldfish food that we can feed her when she starts getting better till she is completely better for at least a week. I need to know how long to give her. Should we just wait till she either gets better or stops breathing?

2007-05-29 16:25:59 · 4 answers · asked by aclements72180 1

I live in a really old apartment bldg. that does not have central air. the apt. units are long vs. box shaped and I have a corner unit. The only place I was able to set up my 28 gallon fish tank was in the small dining room against the wall which is near two opposite windows; one of which has a window air conditioner unit in it.

I could move the unit but I have a separate one in the living room b/c both are small air conditioners that cool each room only.

I'm worried that the window unit in the dining room will mess with the water temperature of the fish tank. Or won't it?

The living room has two walls that have 3 and 4 windows so I didn't set up the tank there. The bedroom has 3 windows as well so the dining room was the last resort as far as the best location for setting up the tank, which has finished cycling now.

So should I worry about the window unit that's two feet away from the tank? Any advice would be welcome.

2007-05-29 16:23:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am trying to get my bettas to start breeding but for some reason the male won't build his nest. i just recently but the male and female in a new 10 gal. tank (female is in the tank but in a divided seethru section) but the male won't build his nest. i had them both in a smaller tank with a seethru divider and once i unvailed the female to him started building a nest and it got pretty big. i heard it would be best to have them both seperated in a bigger tank but i had them in there for over two weeks but nothing. what's wrong?

2007-05-29 16:18:52 · 8 answers · asked by J.T. 3

I have heard that you can feed goldfish lettuce, frozen peas and apples. Can you feed them these vegetables/fruits once in a while, when you normally feed your fish, fish flakes.
IF they do eat vegetables, do you just cut them into small pieces and put them into the tank? Or do you wait till they dry?

PLease answer my questions!!!!
Can you feed fish vegetables and fruits, even when you feed them normal fish flakes?
How do you feed the vegetable/fruits to them?


2007-05-29 16:15:46 · 13 answers · asked by kannaya9 2

I got my betta fish about a year and 3 months ago. My fish has been very active and colorful except for recently. My fish is usually blueish green but recently the color has turned grayish orange. Along with my fish not swimming as much, it has developed a bit red bump on the top of its upper lip and im not sure where it came from. I believe my fish is sick, does anyone have an idea of what is wrong with him or how i could fix it?

2007-05-29 16:10:17 · 9 answers · asked by Ashley 1

2007-05-29 16:07:20 · 4 answers · asked by izzy 1

Alright, so I used to have a beta, very very easy fish to take care of. So a few nights ago I won an albino goldfish at this stupid fair thing and I don't have the heart to kill it. In fact I've grown rather attached to the thing. I went out and bought him a tank and a filter and an aerator some gravel and even a fake fish friend. I know I need to get some plants and a place for him to hid yet. but My question is why does he keep swimming against the walls? Up and down against the wall? I cleaned his water and checked the ph and heat level. I don't know what could be wrong or what else to do. I fed him also. He's a little guy, in a three gallon upright fish tank.

Oh yeah, if you have any advice on how to keep him happy also that would be great.

The beta bowl didn't work out too well. Thanks

2007-05-29 16:02:29 · 8 answers · asked by jenimiper 3

i have 5 zebra danios 5 red platies and 2 tiger barbs and they are doing awsome in my 10 gallon aquarium but i wanna now if i would have to change the water often

2007-05-29 15:46:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the best setup for fish for a 30 gallon aquarium?

2007-05-29 15:30:23 · 9 answers · asked by Brandon M 2


My boyfriend just cleaned his tank and it seemed as though he stressed out his tiger barbs pretty bad, they both in fact seem to be dead right now, we won't know for another couple minutes, but my question is -- one of them turned gray and the stripes became awfully pale. Now he is back to normal, but still floating around the surface.

I understand they both may be dead, but how come it turned pale like that?

2007-05-29 15:28:47 · 6 answers · asked by hi.courtney 1

I cleaned out my 5 gal aquarium 2 weeks ago, new filter etc. today I noticed the fish acting nervous and that the water smells soured but it's crystal clear. I have been adding stresszyme according to directions and water conditioner when I changed the water so I drained off about 1 1/2 gal old water and changed the filter which didn't look dirty at all what am I doing wrong here?

2007-05-29 15:27:28 · 9 answers · asked by rn71953 2

white with red fins

2007-05-29 15:21:52 · 6 answers · asked by gabe 1

i had livebearer babies and i never had plants for them to hide but it would be soo easy to take them out but if i put plants it would be so hard to take them out that i would have to leave them in my aquarium and later the other fish would eat them can u help? thank you

2007-05-29 14:59:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have been told that adding Java moss to a tank is inviting my fish to breed... is that true?

2007-05-29 14:47:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 10 gallon community tank that thus far has four neon tetras, two croaking gouramis, and a tiny pleco. I am looking to add something else to the tank, as all of my fish are tiny, and there is still a lil space left in the tank. I am torn between another dwarf gourami breed (like the dwarf cinnamon perhaps) or a fun livebearer like the mollies or platies. I have three live plants, and one fake plant. so there are places to hide, and I plan on getting at least one more real plant. I am just not sure which new species would complete the tank best. I want something that will "fill" it as it looks empty right now.

2007-05-29 14:45:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

On the bottom of the aquariums that I have there is a sticker and I believe it says that the glass is tempered, I thought it was all tempered but I guess it is not, would the bottom piece be tempered or will float glass work for the bottom of the aquarium as well in building my own aquarium?

2007-05-29 14:44:30 · 3 answers · asked by hyrum 2

ok i have a betta and im going to get 5 neon tetra's i only have betta conditioner so can i just use that for my new tank or do i HAVE to get a diffrent conditioner?

2007-05-29 14:27:58 · 3 answers · asked by jackerelypinki10 1

OK I JUST GOT MY BETTA a week ago and put him in a 5 gallon tank. but now i really want some neon tetra's but cant buy another tank and filter foir them so i was thinking of putting my betta in a vase with a live plant in it then useing my 5 galloner to put my neon tetra's what should i do put the betta in the vase or leave him in the tank and not get the tetra's! (i really want them)

2007-05-29 14:09:35 · 14 answers · asked by jackerelypinki10 1

Well i have 4 Corydora Catfishes, 1 Pictus Catfish and a Common Plecostomus. Can any of these fish survive in brackish water? Cause i am thinking about turning my freshwater aquarium into a brackish water aquarium. If i do, i'm not going to add too much salt, so it will be more like just slightly brackish. And does anyone know of any brackish fish species?

2007-05-29 14:08:19 · 16 answers · asked by Jordan 2

I have a betta in a slightly more than a gallon jar. There is white gravel on the bottom and a plastic plant. He seems to be happy, blowing his bubble nest and swimming around, but there is brown junk accumulating on his plant and gravel. What could this be? Algae? I try to change his water once a week with spring water, last time rinsing out the gravel, but the brown stuff came back. I also add a few pinches of freshwater conditioning salt to the water when I do a water change. Does anyone have any ideas what this stuff is? Will it hurt my fishy?

2007-05-29 13:54:18 · 12 answers · asked by Mollyruby 2

I have read through several other similar threads, but i sill can't seem to distinguish male from female

I don't see a gavid spot on any of the fry.
I can't see a difference in the fins.
Their difference in size is minimal.
There are no color differences.

There is only 1 that is obviously bigger than the rest so I tagged it as female.

There are 12 fry and they are now 40 days old, all are greyish in color. Other people said that by now they should start to color and be "sexually" mature! but i still don't see the color.

I don't mind the color as it will come later on, but the sexually mature is what gets to me! if they in-breed there's a high chance the fry will have abnormalities! I don't want this to happen!

Oh I have another younger fry batch, around 1 week old, and there are around 8 of 48 that are darker. What does this mean?

So do any of you know any other way to find out?
Plus is the sexually mature thing true?
Could the female fry be already "seeded"?

2007-05-29 13:48:51 · 7 answers · asked by dy 1

i'm planning on getting a large tank but i see they are offering to pre-drill for filters and alot of other stuff that i guess makes maintaining them easier but at what gallon does this become necessary or better. any help?

2007-05-29 12:58:44 · 2 answers · asked by tyrone c 2

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