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Fish - March 2007

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I have heard they shed their exosceleton. How can i tell the difference?

2007-03-31 23:18:42 · 7 answers · asked by kal 1

I want to add diff. type of fish with my mollies, but i dont want to get Guppies or Platies.. What other are good with Mollies...

2007-03-31 21:21:32 · 19 answers · asked by Jennifer M 1

fins & the veiny red markings. It became sick after moving it and its friend I've had for over a year now. They were doing super the whole time UNTIL I set up a new 29 gallon aquarium & moved them....did great for 3 days, went for the weekend, came home & goldie & rock were hovering at the bottom together. It was obvious that goldie was the sicker one, a common golfish about 4-5 inches. It seemed her friend Rock the shubunkin (same size) was sheltering her. I believe that they got sick from an additon to the new tank... live plant, new fantail or rocks & decor. After salting & dosing w/antibiotics the shubunkin is doing much better& has gotten rid of popeye-it's eating, swimming & mostly normal, goldie showing no signs of improvement, she is swimming around the tank aimlessly, but not hovering much on the bottom. Not eatin at all, popeye not getting better. I have changed the water, and done what I can. I don't want to give up on goldie yet, but she won't get better & WONT DIE..

2007-03-31 20:36:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


Whoever can give me a picture of a giant flower horn will win 10 points. I will accept the picture in any way that includes through aim, through youtube, through a google link, and pretty much anything else. The reason i want this is because today i boughta 5 foot long arrowana that ate my flower horn, so now im looking for a flower horn to eat my arrowana

2007-03-31 20:14:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've tried hard water, softened water, water clarification drops and none seem to work. I drain out 2/3 of the water in the tank about every other week and it still turns green. Even shortly after taking all the tanks contents out and doing a thorough cleaning, a few weeks later it's al green again...there is no algae build up on the plants or rocks, so this one has been spun for a loop. any suggestions?

2007-03-31 19:30:04 · 4 answers · asked by noyb 2

I currently only have one female betta, but I'd like to get her a bigger tank and possibly another female betta tank-mate :) Would a 5-gallon tank be suitable? I realize that isn't very big, but I don't have much room right now and plus I'm not very experienced with fish tanks. I know I would need some kind of tank with a cover since I have a cat. Does anyone have any suggestions of what kind of filter/heater to get? I'm not sure which brands are best. I'd also like to maybe get a few live plants, but I don't know what kind would work with the bettas. Any advice would be helpful :)

2007-03-31 19:29:56 · 14 answers · asked by Lisa Marie 7

I have had my 50 gal tank for two years. I have never had a problem with nitrate levels until about 6 weeks ago. I noticed my fish started acting depressed and would only come out when I was feeding them. I went to Pet Smart and one of the employees told me to add 7 tsp's to the water. Well the next day my goldfish would not move and it's scales were sticking out. The fish looked extremely bloated. I took the fish to Pet Smart and they said he had Dropsy. They said that was the worse case of Dropsy they had ever seen. They put him to sleep for me. Well now, I am again having the same problem as I started out with, my Nitrate levels are too high. I need to know a safe way to correct this problem without killing anymore of my fish. Please Help.

2007-03-31 17:42:06 · 5 answers · asked by Dana T 1

i want to know so i can breed my goldfish.

2007-03-31 17:31:38 · 5 answers · asked by Malyssa 1

2007-03-31 16:37:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like to have the lights on at night. but am I interfering with the sleep pattern?
How long should the lights be on?

2007-03-31 16:33:50 · 7 answers · asked by ktina 1

My husband came home the other day from fishing and threw his left over minnows in my aquirium. I have 3 huge goldfish and a footlong algae sucker. Now there are maybe 25 to 30 minnows swimming everywhere. What kind of problems will I have? He said he just wanted to keep them for fishing.

2007-03-31 16:22:17 · 5 answers · asked by justwonderingwhatever 5

I found a site that said to use a styrofoam cup to do this. Is this correct and if so how do I place it in the tank to allow the male to build a bubble nest? Learning how to breed Betas and Need Advice.

2007-03-31 16:12:31 · 7 answers · asked by jagkris2000 1

Whats next? how do I take care of them? how fast will they grow? any good advice? thanx

2007-03-31 16:09:29 · 2 answers · asked by Roni Lynn 2

I have a bright orange tropical fish; about one inch. It just had babies. The tail is slightly black. All fins are clear in color.
What is this fish?

2007-03-31 15:58:37 · 15 answers · asked by edward 3

is it okay to put guppies ai an aquarium with other livebearers such as mollies,platies and swordtails? or it will nip the fin and tail of the guppies? help..

2007-03-31 15:48:32 · 9 answers · asked by xxx 1


okay, my fish died and i dont know what happend.
i had a male betta. he was doing good, and i was feeding him.
and then he started to get white fuzzy looking stuff around him. and i really didnt think nothing of it, i thoguht maybe it was from him swimming. but i layed down for a nap today and i woke back up and went over to feed him, and he had a whole bunch of that white fuzzy looking stuff around him, and he was dead. does anyone know why or what that stuff is? please help

2007-03-31 15:01:32 · 8 answers · asked by na_na 2

I'm doing a science fair project and we can only use animals in our expirements if they dont have backbones...I dont really want to use worms or crickets so im wondering if i can use minnows. thanks.

2007-03-31 14:04:01 · 11 answers · asked by Lisa 1

The store dude accidentally put one in a bag along with two sharks. So, in an attempt to keep it alive, we need to know if snails eat algae, and if they don't eat algae, what do they eat? Thanks alot. Oh yeah, I have no idea what kind of snail it is.

2007-03-31 13:38:18 · 11 answers · asked by najohodo 2

A 20 gallon bowfront glass tank with an oak look stand and a hood for $225. It's on sale at my local pet store.

2007-03-31 13:16:16 · 9 answers · asked by ♥Pretty♥ ♥Kitty♥ 7

2007-03-31 13:11:54 · 9 answers · asked by rybka 3

if so,I would appreciat advice and care instructions, TY

2007-03-31 12:42:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

So i am taking care of a friends fish and i have tropical freshwater fish of my own. the fish that i just got are about three times the size of my own. can i put them in the same tank or not?

2007-03-31 12:41:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I stupidly got a Tetra and put it in the tank with my 4 Tiger Barbs. They are terrifying the poor Tetra and I don't know what to do. The pet store is closed till Monday and all I have is an extra goldfish bowl with no water pump or filter to put the Tetra in so they don't kill it. What to do? I know now it was stupid to get it so please don't rag me. Good advice PLEASE!

2007-03-31 12:39:02 · 4 answers · asked by orchidscream 1

I have lots of goldfish in my tank, one of them is nearly ten years old and for the past year he has a cotton like growth on his head. I have treated it with so many medications. Sometimes bits fall off but they grow back soon after. He seems happy enough but how can I help him or will he be okay if he just lives with it?

2007-03-31 12:36:11 · 3 answers · asked by robertduhy 1

2007-03-31 12:15:01 · 4 answers · asked by rybka 3