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Fish - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Fish

2007-05-31 23:08:02 · 7 answers · asked by Chris 5

Would I kill my tadpoles if I gave them distilled, or spring bottled water?

2007-05-31 19:28:16 · 2 answers · asked by fmdrumstix 1


I am on the third day of cycling my fish and i have noticed a very slight darkening of their skin, one of them has developed a sort of white sore on the tip of its mouth. I checked the levels of ammonia which were 1.0 and nitrite 1.6 I have since done a water change to lower the levels. Is there anything else i can do at this point?

Btw my tank is only 2.5gallons...

2007-05-31 19:10:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am getting a more powerful gravel cleaner next week. It will help me with the constant water changes I need to do. However, it suctions water straight from the facet! Should I suction the water into a bucket, and then put in dechlorinator, and then put it into the tank? I read some people say they put dechloriator in as the water goes in, but is that safe if my goldfish are still in the tank? Also, I read that it's good to leave water out for 24 hours, but with my 50 gallon tank, even with partial water changes that seems to be unlikely to accomplish unless I have several gallons of water sitting around all the time. Is that feasible? What is a safe, but efficient way to do my water changes. thanks!!!!

2007-05-31 18:01:13 · 6 answers · asked by boncarles 5

I just inhereted a few new goldfish. They are VERY cute, two orandas and one ryukin. However, I have a 50 gallon tank! And I am afraid to upgrade until I move in a bit. How long can 9!! goldfish live in a 50 gallon, if they are tiny babies? Is it safe for me to consider a second 50 gallon in a second story apartment? I love these guys and I can't give them up, but this is a big problem! What would you do? I have nursed the new ones to health and am attached. .. would love a bigger aquarium but if they can hang out in 50 until its safe to go big that would be good (I dont mind daily changes, I am doing that now). I also can get a second tank, and put it elsewhere, if that is a good alternative. Help lol!

2007-05-31 17:58:12 · 6 answers · asked by boncarles 5

One of my gold severums will sometime shake and then pick up a gravel in its moth and drop it.. What the hek is he doing?

2007-05-31 17:02:23 · 2 answers · asked by Pogo S 1

would the catfish create a lot of waste?

2007-05-31 16:54:08 · 7 answers · asked by Joey D 2

I am looking to purchase a small young Amia Calva for an empty aquarium. I have tried netting lakes only to get larger ones. Does anyone know any sellers out there, I live outside of Buffalo if that helps.

2007-05-31 16:24:53 · 3 answers · asked by mbork8983 3

Can I put babie convicts in the tank now?

2007-05-31 16:13:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are some ways to clean the gravle of your tank without stressing the fish and i cant buy anything cuz cant afford it so what are somethings i could use around the house.

2007-05-31 16:01:43 · 6 answers · asked by ryanderhino 1


i just have a question about oxygen in my 29 gallon.
it has 7 assorted african cichlids with a aquatech 20-40 hang on the back filter and i was wondering with this many fish if i should add anything for more oxygen? if so what?

powerheads and how big?
i like bubble walls but i dont know if they work and what i need to buy for one. id like one just for looks wil they hurt my fish tank if i add one and i know i need airline tubing, a air pump, will a single outlet 5-15 work for a 18 in bubble wall?


2007-05-31 15:31:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my shibunkins are yellow and the other one is orange with black spots.

2007-05-31 15:26:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I once tried to have goldfish but they died. Are there some low maintenence fish that would live for longer than a few weeks?

2007-05-31 15:21:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive read domewhere maybe on the net.That some fish kiss because they are fighting . The only fish i remember reading about were the kissing gouramis. i have 3 angelfish right now and today i noticed two of them doing this i was wondering if differnt sexes kiss like this or is it just a battle between the same sex like two males fighting to see whos number one in the tank or something um yeah

2007-05-31 15:21:12 · 6 answers · asked by mike a 2

I have an unusual 55 gallon fish tank and it has cornners underneath the tank and we recently had severe thunderstorms with hail and now my 55 gallon fish aquarium has eleast four cracks. Now I was told that it was salvageable but that I would have to build a plattform for it because without the plattform it would give way and the water would be all over the floor.
Can you help me please? Thank you. From Diane Perez

2007-05-31 15:10:43 · 4 answers · asked by coolitgirldd 1

Someone gave me an aquarium. I would like to use it, but I don't know anything about it. Can anyone help?

2007-05-31 15:07:21 · 10 answers · asked by chicagobilwil 1

When a guppy has babies, do the babies only get their parents colors or do they get any type of coloring???

2007-05-31 14:58:55 · 5 answers · asked by Bonnie A 1

My blood parrot fish has a little black on his bottom lip, above his eye and on his hump. Is it a disease?

2007-05-31 14:48:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, I was wondering what these black spots are that are showing up on one of my blood parrots. Is it a disease? Also, if it is a disease, can it kill all my fish?

2007-05-31 14:28:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do not have any fish yet and over night it got smoggy. It was clear and watta boom it was smoggy.....

2007-05-31 14:27:12 · 8 answers · asked by Coach K 4

The cat is an outdoors cat. It is very slender and catches birds all the time. I think it will try to eat my fish!!!!! She can jump super high also. And, if i put the tank high, how will i see it? i need help!!!!!!!!

2007-05-31 14:10:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey so i no im bombarding this web site with questions, but one of the guppies i got has only been swiming at the top of the water ( litteraly the top, almost its head out of the water) and shaking, a LOT. i know the water isnt cold or something like that because i just took the temperature, 76 degrees

so whats wrong?

2007-05-31 13:58:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and how much would it weigh roughly? (the fish tank itself weighs about 15-20 lbs.) the reason im asking is so i can get a fish tank stand made. thanks for any and all answers. =]

2007-05-31 13:37:43 · 8 answers · asked by adam_automatic 1

Is it okay for bala sharks and pacus to live together?
I have 2 pacus and they are about 4 inches each. I want to get bala sharks, what is a good size for the bala sharks to be with my pacus?

And do bala sharks eat goldfish too?


2007-05-31 13:35:41 · 5 answers · asked by johnny 2

i just bought three from a petstore. is there a way to tell if they are 1st year or 2nd year tadpoles. their heads are about the size of a nickle.

2007-05-31 13:14:52 · 2 answers · asked by melissa 3

i am 13 years old and want to be an itcyologist when im old enough

2007-05-31 13:05:37 · 3 answers · asked by nickhil2003 2

at my local pet shop they had something marked as coolis loach.

I google searched it but found nothing.

if possible, give me some pages on them.


2007-05-31 13:05:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey i have a 55 gal tank and im going to do an african cichlid setup. i wanted to know if i would be able to put my pleco in the same tank as them. im not worried about him getting eaten, but im not sure if the water conditions will hurt him as the cichlids require a fairly alkaline ph. any advice would be much appreciated. thanks

2007-05-31 12:36:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

they are getting a dim silver color on the backs is that normal

2007-05-31 12:33:34 · 2 answers · asked by yanihole 2