Ok, I know that my dog can be annoying!! I understand this, I live with him every day, and most times he is in the house with me.
Well, last Friday, as most of you know, my sister in law died of cancer. I have been doing everything I could to help my brother and be there with him. Mon and Tues. nights were spent in Livonia at the funeral home, where I should be. Now, am I supposed to take my dog to a shelter? Or, like most folks, including the one down the street who's dog barks ALL THE TIME, leave him outside while I am gone? Now, I don't know about other people, but, I TRY to help out my neighbors, which I don't get to do most times, but lord knows, I would if I could. I think I mowed a lawn once for one of them when I knew that they were out of town. TODAY, my niece had her 13th birthday party at her moms house. Mind you it was this particular niece that lost her step mom, so, I didn't get home till 11 pm, and yes, dogs probably bothered some, but it is Sat. night, I don't know... anyway, when I got home, SURE ENOUGH, there was a police man sitting in front of the house. GO FIGURE!!
Does anyone have any suggestions? I have tried a bark collar, didn't work. I can't leave him out to show him that barking won't get him anywhere, cause then I'll get a ticket...
My dream? This stresses me out, more than my neighbors, I can bet on that. I'd love to put my house on the market, and move. Oh yea, by the way, I'd love to sell the house to someone they should REALLY be calling the police on, like the people the old owners rented to. You know the kind, the ones with all the bad habits, and lots of rowdy company all the time?
Other than my doggie, there is no other noise from around here. Its just me and my daughter, and we never have company...just my love for music.
I am so sick of the anxiety caused by all this, if I am not home by 9, I get butterfly's in my stomach, and get all nervous. This is no way to live. BUT it isn't the dogs fault, and I love him so there is no way in the world I could get rid of him.
And by the way, what ever happened to actually talking to people when/if you had a problem with them? Heck, people may actually find out that I am not the inconsiderate jerk that they like to pretend I am!! And wow, they may find out that I could possibly help them out in a pinch, but as it stands now, they have forever burned that bridge with me!!!
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