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Marriage & Divorce - 10 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I was wondering, for those of you who have settled down, is there a past relationship that still haunts you, and why? It can be one you wish you had done better, differently, feel you still don't have closure with, or wish you had maintained instead of where you're at now.

2006-11-10 14:42:21 · 19 answers · asked by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5

When I first meet this guy we were very young. When I say young I'm speaking middle school ****. The first day that we laid eyes on one another we feel in love. He moved to another state, but we always kept in touched. As the years has gone by we both have had kids and both were married we both are going through a divorce. For the last six months we both have been speading time together. We both has realized that we never stop loving and caring for each other. Now he wants me and my child to relocate were he is. So my question to you is do you follow your heart are do you wait and she was life holds for you.

2006-11-10 14:39:12 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

for everything. Its really quite pathetic. Women always start the fights. It's always the women. It is IMPOSSIBLE not to piss a woman off. And when I say this, women say "NO, women get mad because men do stupid things." Well since a womans definition of stupid changes on a day to day basis, its pretty impossible not to eventually do something stupid. The truth is, women have been so conditioned by the feminists to cry and moan about everything, that not even perfection in a man would make them happy. And watch, no women here will try and discredit my claims with words. They will either call me the "typical man" or they will call me childish names.

2006-11-10 14:28:53 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife is hiding a secret from me before we're married. how do I findout what it is?? I don't know any of her close friends.

2006-11-10 14:26:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

help me feel so much better? Why does seeing that other women who understand my pain actually make me feel better?? Seeing your "I hear you" answers to my "vapid emotionless wasteland" post really helped me to feel better. Maybe its like, I want him to hear me, I want him to respond to me. And he just doesn't know how. He's so damn slippery.

Thanks ladies who understand, it really helps me alot. Feel free to go ahead and vent all you like - it helps me to read it and I wish I could give 10 points to everyone who understands where I'm at right now.

2006-11-10 14:26:26 · 7 answers · asked by Ade 6

i want to know if the paperwork of my divorce will catch up to the paperwork of me getting married even if im doing each thing in a different state. i want to marry this new person and i told him i was never married before. i thought the divorce would go through but now its taking forever and my new love is eager to marry me. and i keep putting him off. so can i get married while my divorce paperwork is going through and not get arrested on sight?

2006-11-10 14:26:17 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked this earlier but someone did not like the way I worded it. Apparently Dork is a vulgar word so I will not use it when talking about my friend. So sorry to those I offended. I would just like to know why he constantly goes for woman that do not respect him. They treat him like a doormat. I hope that word is allowed. The last one physically attacked him and constantly manipulates him. He married her. Do you think he has low self esteem? Why else would he put himself through such drama?

2006-11-10 14:20:46 · 13 answers · asked by Jules 3

i quit my job last year, during this time i filed for divorce from my husband, due to the mounting bills and him not providing any child support or anything like that (he claims he has no money and no assets -- yeah right!!!) i recently got a part time job -- would there be a chance that i would have to pay HIM spousal support??

2006-11-10 14:16:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are getting divorced and you find that all of your joint assets have suddenly disappeared, is there a way to find them. I am guessing he has moved them to Switzerland or Canada. Any ideas? The assets were stocks and bank accounts.

2006-11-10 14:15:51 · 5 answers · asked by schweetums 5

hi ive been with my boyfreind for 2 years and i want to get married but i dont think he do he says he love me i have no doubt that he love me but why he dont want to marry me what should i do should i stay or leave or give him more time.

2006-11-10 14:12:09 · 11 answers · asked by williemae c 1

I wish to point out that I am not championing divorce and if you are indeed happily married I commend you and my best wishes for the future, I am asking those who have just got out of a difficult marriage.

2006-11-10 14:11:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

currently lost n confused..pls advise ...tried to beg to regain gf but humilated.
family & wife wants to forgive & forget.she not mad just glad if i could turn to a new leave. damn confused, spoke to people all different views n answers.. told me to sort n tell myself to move on with my own decisions... cant help thinking bout gf all the time.. hates me for leaving her in the first place . love her lots n wanna make it up to her. family came into the picture n told me to go home n be with my wife n kids.. feel sorry for them too..i know i am a jerk. pls advise

2006-11-10 14:09:34 · 10 answers · asked by milo 1

My husband and I have 5 children between us, 3 his, 1 mine, and 1 together. The oldest of his is 15, lives with mom by choice. The other 2 are 12 and 4, mine is 11 and ours is 9 months. Things have gone pretty smooth for 2 years that we have been married. Since the 12 yr old started 7th grade she has been a total a**. Okay hormones, I know. But my issue is last night we had a big family meeting about the half a***d job the girls (his and mine) were doing on their chores. My daughter took her punishment and his blew up and told me how much she disliked me and how she hated her life and we could all die for all she cared. Most of the hate was directed toward me. For 2 years she and I had a good relationship, but since she started 7th grade it has deteriorated. My problem is that tonight he came home late after golfing and was supposed to be home early to tend to his daughter and let her know her consequences. Am I wrong to be mad, he works 60 hours a week to support us.

2006-11-10 14:08:40 · 25 answers · asked by peach 4

scum sucking vapid emotional wastelands intent on vacuuming every last iota of true honest love from your soul and burning them beyond recognition and then dancing on the ashes?????

I guess I'm in a mood tonight. Anyone else?

2006-11-10 14:04:36 · 30 answers · asked by Ade 6

i knew this women who regretted circumcising her son. she said she did it with good intentions. How the hell do you amputate part of a babies dick with good intentions???? I mean seriously, there is not a single medical organization in the US that recomends the procedure and your gonna sit there and tell me you did it with good intentions. WTF is that???

2006-11-10 14:01:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes I love my husband, and sometimes I don't. We have been together almost five years, been married for almost 3. We have a child together and he's the first man I've been with physically, but sometimes I think I married too young. For those of you who haven't read my previous questions, he has not worked the whole time I've known him. I do almost everything around the house including the shopping, paying bills, errands, working, etc. He is more concerned with buying a video game than food sometimes. We are constantly short or late on rent and I am so sick of it. He claims he doesn't work because of "panic attacks," but sometimes I feel like it's an excuse to not work. Then he says I have a good job now anyways so what is the point of working just to pay for childcare? Still, I feel like a man should support his family no matter what. He is a big jerk when he drinks too much too. When we were first going out, I loved him no matter what, now I see his true colors...

2006-11-10 13:58:20 · 19 answers · asked by Torturedsoul 2

How effective are child support hunters????

BTW, he has no job....


2006-11-10 13:49:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


sex makes headaches less severe??

2006-11-10 13:45:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If after 10 yrs of marriage, your wife say, I hate you a lot and I don't like anything about you.. I never loved you from the day we met. What does she really mean by that? I'm totally confused !!

2006-11-10 13:42:44 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its always gotta be about him him him....is he crazy? I have told him millions of times that he is being selfish and he hasn't stopped. He is selfish with the lil ones too....especially when he is eating ice cream...he won't give them any....they keep asking and he just keeps on eating...lol...its true.

So how do you make a selfish person selfless?? (is that possible)

2006-11-10 13:30:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

he lives on buttcrack lane. he went missing last saturday. many believe he went to see his hooker, which he is having an affair with against his 3 wives. none know that he has another wife. they found out yesterday. we believe he is in grave danger. they r hunting him down with sticks of doom. this is very serious. sticks of doom r more dangerous than Mass Weapons of destruction. if u have any infromation, please contact the muffin man's bf, Michael Jackson. he lives in my closet with 241 clowns (which obey my every command because they r my minions of doom.) BEWARE!!!!

2006-11-10 13:30:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay here's the story, my husband makes twice as much money as I do, he pays all of the bills, the only thing I am responsible for is my car note , insurance and groceries. I am contemplating a legal separation for the following reasons (keep in mind we have discussed these issues over and over with no resolution):
- He continues to make independent decisions (like buying a 30 yr old car for $700 against my wishes and without having a mechanic look at it) but when things go wrong, it becomes "our" problem

- He plays sexual power trips, (only wants it when he wants it)

- When I don't give in to his way especially when it comes to
transportation (he procrastinates and refuses to get his car repaired, he wants to drive my car (its new- I also purchased before we got back together -premarriage) He'll say things like, "Well since I don't have a way to get to work, I'll just quit my job", After he pays bills he has a few hundred dollars left, and spend all. I feel I can do better.

2006-11-10 13:27:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well I often hear a woman say
" The first time I saw him, I knew in my heart that I was going to be married to him, and here we are married for 10 years"
"As soon as I saw him , I told my friend/sister that I am going to marry him, And we are engaged now."
I mean Ladies please, how do you know that?
please tell your experiences too,
Guys have you ever said like that ?

2006-11-10 13:26:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Although I have asked him for as long as we've been married to be more affectionate and attentive it hasn't happened. Deep down I know he doesn't love me deeply. This bothers me. I have tried everything. We have two children (6 and 4). Should I forego my happiness for their sake? Oh.. I am 31 years old.

2006-11-10 13:24:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

After Five years and a child together, I had an affair. Where as we are still together a year later, there is still no trust. How can we regain that?

2006-11-10 13:23:02 · 11 answers · asked by reece 1

2006-11-10 13:20:15 · 5 answers · asked by willi5cc 1

I've really pretended for the past few years because we have two beautiful children. They never even see us fuss and would be devasted if we split up. I would not be able to handle it if they resented me. I am so unhappy and have been for years. there is noone else in my life -I'm sure not too many guys would want a 37 y/o w/ 2kids- but I just have so much anxiety, can't sleep, worry all the time. I'm not in love with him anymore, but I've really tried. He's a great dad, but hasn't always been a great spouse. He's better now, but can you ever fall back in love? I've prayed about this and have really been struggling. I don't want to hurt anyone,but I guess I'll have to remain to keep my kids happy. Is anyone else in a similar situation?

2006-11-10 13:14:29 · 28 answers · asked by gabby5 2

I have been married 1year and my husbands friend has a girlfriend
that keeps wanting to have sex with my husband and we have talked to her and her boyfriend but they think i am just naging it has been a problem for 4or5 months now she told me this in my owne home.what should i do?

2006-11-10 13:13:16 · 14 answers · asked by April E 1

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