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Marriage & Divorce - 10 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Women were liberated from the home, from their husbands, from their children - from having to bear children at all. Fathers were liberated from their authority. Children were liberated from limits, from rules, even their parents. And the entire population was liberated from moral and ethical standards. Yet it turns out that those things were precisely what held society together. "Family values" have been so scorned that we are left with neither families nor values. What do we have? Rampant illegitimacy and sexual disease, widespread divorce, and a generation of unloved, undisciplined, and uncared-for kids.

From The Impact of Feminism on the Family

Please no Christian bashing. This is a not a directly religious topic, no need to be rude. :o)

2006-11-10 08:27:02 · 9 answers · asked by Julie 3

2006-11-10 08:20:17 · 25 answers · asked by Dean 2

I know it probably isn't the best thing to hear after a hard days work, but I put with it for 4-5 after he gets home and then when it is time to go to sleep I can't stand it anymore! I don't want his stinky *** in bed with me. It makes me gag sometimes. Also, I don't want to have to wash our sheets every freakin day cause he stinks them up. I tell him that I don't understand why he is offended when his stench is offensive to me. Why he can't he just jump in the shower for 2 minutes and rinse his body off?!
In his defense, our 2 yr old is demanding and wants to play with Daddy non stop when he gets home, I understand that but when he finally goes to bed why can't my husband take the opportunity to jump in the shower.

2006-11-10 08:14:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some serious advise or prayers only.

It hurts, but I do not know what to do. There is confusion going on but people are brief in answers or/and they don't really answer your questions or each other How can confusion and unrest stop if we cannot be open to each other in a family?
I desire we speak the truth in love...not nag, and for people not to live in fear but be supportive and care about each other deeply. I care and living in this darkness causes pain and suspicion. If I need correction or there is a misunderstanding, I wish somebody would come front and talk to me about it. Putting on masks and having only "safe" conversations such as weather or sports or the same old stuff pretty much about work is not cutting it. Please pray for this situation. I am not God and do not know His Will in this. There is not peace and I'm trying to put it in God's Hands. This has gone on so long and seems to be getting more mysterious and deeper.

Thanks and God bless.

2006-11-10 08:11:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Sr. Financial Analyst. My company want to transfer me down south and my salary would be better than $100K per year. As it stands I make better than half that. Sounds great! It's the opportunity I have been looking for and have worked my whole life for. The catch - I will probably lose my child. I get my child on a 50 - 50 basis. I don't think the courts are going to let me take my child away from Mommy. What would you do? P.S. - I have no debt - everything I have - house, cars, etc. is paid for.

2006-11-10 08:09:23 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 08:09:14 · 22 answers · asked by Dean 2

I put a post it note on her computer monitor and she tried for almost a minute to move it and close it out useing her mouse and curser......it was funny but yeah thats just not normal right?

2006-11-10 08:06:06 · 14 answers · asked by Derrick J 2

Me and my husband have been together for 8yrs now and im only 23yrs old,we met at 14yrs old....Any we have been married 5yrs ,have to small children 5yrs and 6yrs old.I know alot of young peoples relationships dont last ,i was just wondering are there any other couples out there like mine?

2006-11-10 08:04:50 · 11 answers · asked by youngprincez23 3

2006-11-10 08:03:56 · 8 answers · asked by S K 7

We are facing some serious allegations from his ex- about the children and it is putting a BIG strain in our marriage. He constantly accuses me of cheating and Im commited to this marriage. I don't know what else I can do to prove my love or commitment to him. I know he is damaged from his ex for her cheating on him but he can't keep using this. Its been seven years and I don't know if I can make it another 7. his kids are 20-18-12-10. When is it time to say Im DONE...? I do love him and his children but should I act on his request this time? I feel if I go then he'll stop me like he has before after telling me this. This is a very serious matter and Im unable to tolerate his behavior. Please help.. encourage me to hang in there or to pack up and go! Im confused...

2006-11-10 08:03:12 · 11 answers · asked by anabanana 2

My husband has said he is not happy with me.He has rejected me because I did not go to college when he wanted me to,learn to drive when he wanted me to and be in the job he wanted me to get into. When I did start college and all that after having our 1st child he said it is too late for me.He has started having affairs with successful women and has just rejected,resented and became so critical of me that no matter what I do it never seems to be as good as these other women.I am only 33 and we've been married for 7 yrs

2006-11-10 08:01:38 · 9 answers · asked by JUSEve 2

My husbands been kind of down lately so I suggested we go to the zoo as a family - just me, him, and baby. Well, this lady called up this morning who I thought was his zonah which is like a female escort and asked to speak to my husband. Well after a few minutes he got off the phone and said he needed to go see her and I was like can't you see her tonight after the zoo and he was like no I really need to see her now and then he told me she wasn't an escort but his mistress. I started crying and said that I really wanted to do something with him today and he hugged me and said that he loved me and he would take us out to dinner tonight so I got a little happier. I asked why he had to see her now and he said it was because he hasn't had sex in a few days with him being gone on a trip and me being on my period. I know men have sexual needs but do you think there is some way I could get him to start thinking of his family first? Thanks for any advice.

2006-11-10 07:55:39 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

my hubby's on the phone, that's his life story, hopefully it'll keep him company when i leave?

2006-11-10 07:55:17 · 29 answers · asked by Wisdom 4

my daughter who is 21 years old has just informed me that she seen my ex of 3 months who is just her step father and he had told her that she is more than welcome to go to his house with her boyfriend for dinner. I tried to explain to her my feelings about this also she really is not that close to him only really knowing him for a couple of years. she feels that i am being ridiculous. How can I explain to her that it would hurt me if she was to do this, especially if he was involved again.

2006-11-10 07:43:08 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 07:37:57 · 7 answers · asked by betrayed 1

She just moved out last week.
I miss her terribly:(
I want her to know that I'm thinking of her but feel I'm being annoying. Uuggh!

2006-11-10 07:36:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i have been with my boyfriend for 6 years and we have 2 beatuifull children and everything was very good at first tell about 3 years ago he stared cheating on me well then he is drinking alot more he is really mean to me cussing at me saying the meanest things well he started getting really bad about the house we have a 5 year old and a 2 year old and he wants the house to be spotless he works full time but he yells at me if stuff is not done and he sets in front of the coumpter or big screen tv and ignores me and his kids and yell makes us go out of the living room on mondays so he can watch his wrestling and football does anyone have any advice for me or what would you call someone that thinks everything should be neat and clean and spotless please help

2006-11-10 07:31:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, when we first met we were having sex all the time! A few times a day! Now, we're married (I'm 22 and he's 24) and we have sax maybe every 2 weeks! I'm very attractive so that's not it. (He doesn't even want me wearing skirts because of the way other guys will look at me)

I'm very sexually frustrated! And please don't give smartass answers!

FYI- he's not gay, he's not cheating. He spends all of his time on World of Warcraft(an online computer game). I'm in the Air Force and work weird hours so I work when he sleeps and home when he is home. He doesn't have time to cheat.

I asked him last night why he doesnt want to have sex and he just said "I dont know" so I left it at that.

ALSO, at night I like to just hold "it" but he doesn't like that. Is that normal? (eventhough for a 24 year old guy to not want sex from a hottie is not normal, I was just wondering)

2006-11-10 07:31:36 · 34 answers · asked by ur a Dee Dee Dee 5

I am a devout Christian and God does not like divorce but I no longer lover my husband and have counseled with our Pastor but it still doesn't change how I feel. He "thinks" he is too disabled to work and I am supporting us. I think part of it is that I no longer respect him.

2006-11-10 07:27:36 · 19 answers · asked by Lucia S 1

What is the law with my situation. I am pregnant by someone else my husband left in april i found out he had been cheating on me when we were together and continued to do so after he left. I am now going to file for a divorce. My question is what is the law concerning me being pregnant by someone else?

2006-11-10 06:59:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend of mine wanted me to ask this for him, to see what other people would do in his situation. He and his wife had separated over a year ago. They are scheduled to go to court at the end of the month about child support, custody, and the marital home. He has no dispute about child support, and is already giving her money weekly to help out. And since the children are teens, he is not arguing about custody becuase he thinks it should be their choice. As for the home, he wishes it to be sold, and pay off any debts accumulated in the marriage. She does not want to sell, and wants exclusive ownership. He has a lawyer, but wants to know if it would be better to try to settle it out of court, his lawyer advises him to go. What are advantages and disadvantages of this? Should he just go to court? What are his risks of settling it outside the courtroom, or inside? Anyone been in this situation before?

2006-11-10 06:55:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend of mine wanted me to ask this for him, to see what other people would do in his situation. He and his wife had separated over a year ago. They are scheduled to go to court at the end of the month about child support, custody, and the marital home. He has no dispute about child support, and is already giving her money weekly to help out. And since the children are teens, he is not arguing about custody becuase he thinks it should be their choice. As for the home, he wishes it to be sold, and pay off any debts accumulated in the marriage. She does not want to sell, and wants exclusive ownership. He has a lawyer, but wants to know if it would be better to try to settle it out of court, his lawyer advises him to go. What are advantages and disadvantages of this? Should he just go to court? What are his risks of settling it outside the courtroom, or inside? Anyone been in this situation before?

2006-11-10 06:54:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 06:52:57 · 14 answers · asked by Geronimo5 3

Do I need to call the police the next time? Or file for seperation even though I have no money. I have put a call into some low income apartments to see when one is available. I was hoping to leave after the first of the year. Does anyone know the correct procedure on this and with hardly any money? Please help!

2006-11-10 06:49:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

She can't bear us all living in the same house. Should I chuck her out?

2006-11-10 06:47:13 · 36 answers · asked by Josephine 1

About a month ago my husbands brother asked to stay w/us for 1 week till he got a place of his own we didnt want him to but said yes. After 3 weeks he still was there he never cleaned up after himself ate my food (im pregnant) when he would take a shower he would leave it black. I had had enough when my husband started drinking w/him everyday we started having problems and my husband lost his job. His stupid brother never offered to help pay 4 anything. When I told my husband I didnt want his brother there he had nothing to say. I went up to his brother told him off put his stuff by the door and he still didnt leave I dont know why i wasnt brave enough 2 kick him out. My husband got a job w/him and 1 night didnt come home i threw his brothers stuff out in the front yard and the next morning I guess they both picked it up i feel my husband has choosen his brother over me I havent spoken to him in 3 days and he missed my 1st sonogram im really depressed should i leave

2006-11-10 06:41:12 · 12 answers · asked by need advice 1

A guy I thought was single held my hand when walking me to my car after a get-together, well little did I know the scumbag was married! I feel horrible now, should I? All we did was held hands, but before then he would constantly touch me and hug me, etc.

2006-11-10 06:35:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I are almost like roomates. We do love each other - there is just no passion there. I've tried to spice things up - but between his work, and the football he watches, he is never "in the mood" it seems.
Last week, his friend came over. My husband was working late and was not home. I always thought there was "something" there between his friend Gary and me. We were alone , and I know its wrong - but we ended up kissing at first - then had mad passionate sex in the bedroom. I have never felt THAT alive - and that excited - in years. Gary left literally 10 minutes before my husband got home.
Since then - I have seen Gary every day...9 days in a row. Gary has a flexible schedule, so its very easy for him to stop by our house. He is married as well - but says he loves his wife, as I love my husband.
I KNOW cheating is wrong....
BUT...is it possible to have a loving marriage...and a lusty affair at the same time?
Does anyone else have both?

2006-11-10 06:34:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband left me six months ago for another woman. He won't file and divorce and I can't afford a lawyer ( I have consulted ten). I hate being in this limbo and I hate not seeing my kids everyday. He gave me the "It's not you, it's me" speech. My friends are sick of the crying. Has anyone been through this who can offer some hope other than "things will get better?" Did they get better for you? How? If they don't, I don't see the point.

2006-11-10 06:34:22 · 9 answers · asked by bobbie k 1

ok i have posted three questions on this website tonight(i'm in germany for those wondering been stationed here for seven years) my husband is deployed alot so i watch a lot of videos to pass the time if you catch my drft. well i ahve him home for 4 weeks and he seems kind of shy when it comes to new stuff. how can i tell him or introduce him to s.e.x in public or just raw uncontrollable s.e.x? role play? anything,, i want to do what they are doing on the dvd..it looks fun. any suggestions or ideas?

2006-11-10 06:32:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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