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Family - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

i have no idea what to get my dad for fathers day ... he is the hardest person to shop for .. he is never happy with anything anyone gives him ... he is a master tech. and he has every tool out there... he's not an outdoorsy guy either... i dont' wanna get him a gift card or anything ... i just wanna make him happy .. but have no idea what to get him ... any suggestions for a fathers day gift for the worlds most pickiest father????

2007-06-03 10:15:16 · 21 answers · asked by needtoknow 2

should they have the same bed time?

2007-06-03 10:04:25 · 19 answers · asked by mike u 1

I am 47 my wife is 22 soon to be 23 well we have 2 kid 2year old and 7 month old and right now i having problem with having sex with her. she wants it but i dont to afraid to get her pregnet again and i know of codoms and other thing but money is part of the problem i been told i need to get fix witch is 600. 00 to have it done and she alrgic to latax and i am to sheep skin and it cost for the shots for her i dont know what to do i love her very much and my kids too help me please. i am the only one earning an income and it only about 800.00 a month.

2007-06-03 10:01:48 · 7 answers · asked by Gary B 1

Thanks for any ideas!

2007-06-03 09:53:16 · 15 answers · asked by tsoto_soto 5

Ive been with my boyfriend since I was 16 ( 7 years ) we started to party a lot and my parents kicked us out so we have been living together since we were 17 . During this time my mom passed away and my family has never really forgiven me for leaving and dropping out of school . Now that Im 22 I feel like Im not going anywhere in my life , if I could leave my boyfriend and go back to my Dads I would but he doesnt have room or money for me to put that burden on him . I feel lost and I want to leave but I have no where to go and I love my boyfriend A LOT and I dont want to leave him but I feel like the best way I can figure out who I am is by being on my own . I dont have my own car or a place to go so Im kinda stranded .

2007-06-03 09:48:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was just wondering if you would be ashamed if your mom drove a Camaro.. some of you may not know what it is, but basically do you prefer your mom drive a suv or van.

my daughter tells me to get another car but what I have seems fine to me.

2007-06-03 09:46:40 · 19 answers · asked by caligrl 5

2007-06-03 09:24:13 · 5 answers · asked by misfit 3

2007-06-03 09:06:17 · 5 answers · asked by kay 1

My father caught me in my sisters bathing suit. He hit me and he said mean things.

I feel really depressed.

what can i do?

2007-06-03 07:35:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, How long did it take so to end up the argue and yelling?
And how old are you?are you a teenager?

And PS: How do you handle neighbours thoughts after that?

And finally what can you do to avoid such situations when you know that your mother's behaviour is not right,but you just worsen the situation with continuing it?

2007-06-03 07:28:38 · 17 answers · asked by Tanya 1

For fun this is. What would you pick? You curently missed placed a cell phone at your mom's and she is ticked. She has really been mean even before the cell phone misplacing, and she has a horrible boyfriend. You don't want to leave her because of your friends and the town she lives in. At your dad's here though he is going to marry a wounderful lady. He usually pays attention to you unlike you mom. You most often have more fun with your dad. You want to live with your dad, but you want to see your friends at your mom's and you like your mom's school. Who do you go live with?

2007-06-03 06:07:46 · 8 answers · asked by ♥soccer_lover♥ 3

i was going to go vist them [they divorced] on fathers day, however after making all the preperations etc,i find out my Mom wants to take us all out of town on Fathers day, i planned on spending it with my Dad, how do i deal with this??

2007-06-03 05:58:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi, ive lived with my mum since birth, when i see my dad its usally between 1-3 weeks, its kool i see my half siblings too, which obviously we get on greatly and never call oursleves halves, when i go up there i share rooms with my bro, its great and all a good laugh,
however i dont have my own room, house is being extended and im not being built a room, does anyone think that might be my stepmum not wanting me to live there? plus is my not havin my own room harsh?
please answer

2007-06-03 05:58:47 · 9 answers · asked by lukeyboy 1

ive been with my girlfriend who i reeli love for about 7 months nw,(shes 16 im 17) bt its bin hard because of her parents not approving but we stayed together and its ok betwn us now. bt ive bin having dis feeling of being inferior to her coz she cmes from a very rich family and they always buy her whot she wants so she lives life very comfortably compared to me where im from a broken up family in the middle of a divorce plus my parents are skint compared to hers coz they never went uni and sometimes i think thats why they dnt approve of me coz my familys not up to their standards. i love my gf alot and were open about evrything and im able to tell her wots troubling me for example problems i ave at home n shes always there and so am i but i sometmes feel small 2 her because she always tells me what her family gets her n the big holiday shes going to be having soon whch shez reeli excited 4, n im really happy for her bt i cnt help it any ideas 2 help? im not a jealous type either.

2007-06-03 04:34:30 · 8 answers · asked by lovestruck 2

The thing is that my grandma punished me because all I did was at the computer playing chess and my brother and other friends were outside does she have the right to blame it on me?

2007-06-03 04:31:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the meaning of wife?

No I did not spell it wrong. What does 'wife' mean to you?

2007-06-03 03:50:08 · 1 answers · asked by philip_jones2003 5

They don't appreciate anything I do. I told them I have good grades on my report card that didn't come in the mail yet, but they don't believe me. I always get good grades, so there is no reason to think otherwise. Why do they hate me?

2007-06-03 03:40:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love my brother and my friends and family. But my friends hate their brothers. i dont want to be the only one saying i love my brother so what should i do? i dont want to be mean to him but i dont want them (friends) to be mean to me.

2007-06-03 03:35:29 · 10 answers · asked by Sofia G 1

my mum and dad want to talk to me but i don't want to. they put me in to care. so i said i don't want to see them ny more

2007-06-03 03:25:36 · 19 answers · asked by Alice G 1

Ive just found out im pregnant on friday the first person i told was my bf he was over the moon, he said he'd come and see me after work, but didnt end up coming coz he said he was too tired(we dont live together). he rang me like every half hour though! then we went out today and i was on the understanding we'd spend the whole day together and we only spent 3 hours. i only see him once a week twice if im lucky. he said he was tired because he worked till late last night and hes doing it for the baby. i know we need money but i also need his company and soon enough im not gonna be able to get around to much! when we were out he was hugging, kissing, stroking me. i love that he cares and needs to make money. but he works all week aswell, even when he was at work he rang me every hour! i need his company more than 3 hours a week!

2007-06-03 03:15:23 · 12 answers · asked by vicky s 3

My mother is self destructive. It doesnt matter what we tell her, she will never take the road that will help her. Im not quite sure why.

Now she's invited a known sex offender to be her friend again, I know this because he has attacked someone in my family in the past. My mother knows about this, and denies it all. All she remembers is how he "helped" her. He only helped her to get close to her, to get to her family!

I am moving out in a month, what do I do to keep sane until then. I have this fear that one day im going to come home and this monster will be sitting in the kitchen one day. I honestly am ready to cut her from my life as soon as I leave this house. Please help.

2007-06-03 03:04:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had left my home b/c it was abusive and full of anger. i went and i lived with my aunt for about a month. just over a week ago, she kicked me out. i am now back in the abusive house and don't know what to do. i am grounded for leaving and am not allowed to do anything. i was always a good kid, i've never done drugs, i don't drink, and my grades were usually decent (until recently- it's hard to concentrate). now i can't take it anymore. i've snuck out twice since i've been home and came back both times. both times were to see my boyfriend, that i rarely see now because of the restrictions. we are in love with eachother, and i hate when ppl say that we can't be b/c we are to young. we are. he's 18, i'm 16. he cares about me more than anything. he offered me to stay with him if things got too rough at home. the second time i snuck out, i came home and was forced to move my room in with my brother. it is now so cramped in there that i have to suck it in to move around.

2007-06-03 00:56:17 · 10 answers · asked by yo. 3

Have you seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Remember those 4 mean kids... Charlie was the only good one, right? Well, my brother is the combination of those 4 darn brats.

(greedy, full of glutton, noisy, addicted to television and computers, mean, arrogant, bratty - he really gets everything he wants, he hits people -even me, weird.... and scary)

Even as I type this, he creates a very destructive noise, he is selfless, he doesn't care that my other sister is studying. Also, right at this very moment, he is hitting our housekeeper (our parents are out).

Speaking of parents, I would REALLY blame this to them. I mean they spoiled the kid! He gets spoonfed by the poor, innocent nanny (I feel SO bad for her), he doesn't take a bath on his own!!!

he never gets spanked, never gets reprimanded because he is the youngest and very prone to sickness (that was then, now he is healthy and FAT). My parents are blind to that.

What can I do (me per se) to stop him?!!

2007-06-02 21:15:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister & I are two years apart. I'm older (but not the oldest) & today was her 17th bday & I ruined it because she didn't invite me & she'd been planning it for a month. We live in the same house too. Everyone else in our family plus ten of her friends were invited.

I knew about less than 24 hours before it started. I don't see myself ever getting over that I'm happy I embarrassed her because she's been emotionally abusing my family & I for the passed 4 years.

She had her boyfriend's sister (she's 20 yrs old) move in with us & now they act like they're sisters and always going places together & I never get invited anywhere. I mean I have my own life, but an invitation once in awhile would be nice.

My sister thinks she's older than me & I constantly have to try & put her in her place.

Where do I go from? When I say I ruined her party I'm talking about bringing up all her dirty laundry in front of her friends & our family.

2007-06-02 20:20:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister has taken polaroids of me naked as I was sleeping. She posted them on YA.

Should I do the same to her?

2007-06-02 18:22:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

seems like my family lives together only for the sake of looking like a family...but when the five of us come together, we only seem to argue and fight...

2007-06-02 18:05:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hope they catch them all.

2007-06-02 16:46:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my parents just bought a brand new 2 family house and they rented out the first floor to my sister and her family. my parents said my brother(21) and I (19) could move into the second floor
apartment. its a 3 bed room 2 bath, the problem is they said we could only move if we find a roommate. with out a roommate it would be 600 a month each i could afford it i just have to wait for my brother to get a job. my parents wanted this guy from our church to move in with us but my boyfriend is not happy with that at all. how do i convince him that this is not a bad idea and i dont have any feelings for this guy? we wont share a bathroom i will have the master with my own bath. any tips? only serious responses please.

2007-06-02 16:14:20 · 13 answers · asked by Jessica L 1

He won't leave the hospital because of his girlfriend jamie is in the hospital. She was in a terrible car accident and she is in a coma but she been showing signs of improvement. Her doctor says if she keeps this up, she will be wide and awake alot sooner. I am worried about my son, he won't leave the hospital, he won't eat or drink. Well he been drinking water alittle, he won't leave her room. He been by her side ever since he got there. She only been in a coma for 6 days and showing improvement already. When i went to check on her, he had her arms around her talking to her. She did move her hand and thats good. Her parents didn't leave ether but they are glad that Jamie has a caring boyfriend in my son, so am i. When her mom called my son's cell, he rushed from work, he wanted to be with her when he arrived, but we had to stop him, he started crying and ran off to a section of hospital, my daughter, his older sister by 3 years conforted him because she can get to him, they r close.

2007-06-02 15:01:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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