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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

.......that wore a hijab (a traditional Muslim headcovering)?

I use to wear this plus the long body covering because I had to hide my body and act modestly. I don't any more (I was never very religious), and I dress like any woman in the States would. When I did I had the exact same personality that I do now, when I dress more modern. But now guys pay a lot more attention to me. This is me now (I'm 19):


This just goes to show that Muslim women can be attractive underneath what it is she is wearing.

So back to my original question:

Would you ever date a woman that wore the traditional hijab?

Thanks! <3

2007-11-28 15:20:30 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I want to live but I don't belong.
I close my eyes and I see blood and roses.

2007-11-28 15:19:21 · 7 answers · asked by CherryCheri 7 in Singles & Dating

My parents yell at me for everything.

First, today, my mom wants to look at my homework and she says my handwriting isn't good enough and she starts yelling at me about how she told me 100 times, so I tell her to please stop yelling at me and I'll redo it, but she keeps yelling at me.

Later today she was too tired to cook dinner so I had to reheat spaghetti, and as I was done pouring the tomato sauce I accidentally spill some, she starts to yell at me while I try to clean it up, I tell her to please stop yelling at me and I will clean it up, and she says how I do this everytime and I tell her maybe I'm just clumsy, but she just continues yelling at me. My mom yells at me for every mistake I make and I really cannot live with it, I sometimes feel like running away or killing myself, what should I do?

2007-11-28 15:17:08 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am so uncertain about my future husband, he is 22 years... I mean on one hand he is very sweet, and loving, and affectionate. he has very good work ethic, is an excellent father to his child, he loves children and working with the elderly .he is also very spiritual and family orientated... however when it comes to romantic relationships, he tends to be very unreliable, and constantly breaks promises, and makes up excuses. I mean do the positives out way the negatives ?? what is your take on this man as a possible husband ??

2007-11-28 15:14:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My partner and i broke up a week ago. we had been together for just over 4 years. My girl wanted to break up cos she didn't know if she loved me the same anymore, she said maybe she has to lose me in order to realise what she has. I agreed with her cos i fell we will get back together, so we ended up partning on ok terms. All my friends even the females have told me not to have contact with her, to let her contact me first. Her mother has informed she is going through a roller coaster ride of emotions at the moment and to give her time to work it out.
I really want her back as i love her with all my heart and believe she is the one, i feel that i am doing the wright thing. What do you think?

2007-11-28 15:11:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

im 18 years old and my "boyfriend" and i are expecting a boy in feb. he cant stop lying to me. it went from little things like smoking in my car, to picking up girls in MY car, and lying to me after ive personally called the girl and shes told me. then, he cries to me and tells me how sorry he is. i do not know what to do. i love him mroe than anything. i have given up everything to be with him. my friends & a lot of my family. i sit at home and let him take my car everyday, to work & to school; and instead of going to school, hes with another girl. but when he tells me how sorry he is and he loves me, i fall for it everytime. i need help or advice. ive been trying and trying to make it work, but how can it with no trust. he gets mad when i accuse him or things, and dont trust him, but what does he expect? does he want a reward for lying to me? if you have a baby on the way, and tell your girlfriend you want to get married, shouldnt you stop lying? PLEASE HELP ME!

2007-11-28 15:08:41 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

there is something that happend @ skool. like i loved this one girl and the whole school including her found out because i told the wrong person. newayz. how do i stop thinking about her? i jus cant stop. like if i thnk of her in skool or something, i have to hold in the tears because i dont wanna tell ppl y im crying. cz den ill hve to go throo evrythng again and i dont want to. and when i get home i cry. but how do i stop thinking about her? i just cant. she hates me and thtz y im so sad. im a girl 2 nd she got freekd out. how do i move on frm her. i alrdy talkd 2 her but she jus dozent wanna 4get bout it so i dont wanna force hr. if i do it will jus push her even mor away neway. so how do i 4get bout her? or move on atleast a lil bit. its been 7 months and hasnt gotten better. if u wanna kno da hole stry den im me. but for now jus leave advice. or a quote that would make me feel better. please help me!!

2007-11-28 15:08:36 · 15 answers · asked by bisexualgirl 2 in Singles & Dating

My ex gf broke up with me about 3 months ago. It took me a while to get over her and move on, but I feel like I've finally gotten to a point where she is not constantly on my mind. However, we both go to a small college where it is inevitable that we will run into each other every so often. Sometimes, she might see me and will come up to me and gently grab my arm to say hello. When she does this, it kills me. Memories flood back and I begin to think about her again. I really doubt she still has feelings for me, seeing as she never decides to talk to me other than when see occasionally sees me. What should I do??

2007-11-28 15:08:02 · 4 answers · asked by Ben 2 in Singles & Dating

He'll be moving about 7 hrs away for around 6 months.

We've only been dating for a couple of months but I'm devastated.

I've told him I'd come and visit but something deep inside of me feels like I'm losing him.

To top it all off, I've just realized how much I care this guy.

How do I cope?

2007-11-28 15:06:10 · 5 answers · asked by Kat H 1 in Singles & Dating

i broke up with my ex about 2 weeks ago.
i'm supposed to hate his guts right now because
he lied, and cheated on me. but for some reason
i miss him more than i could ever explain.

but today the guy i was in love with before i ever knew my ex. was talking to me and i found out a lot about him that i never knew.
i'm really confused. i don't know what to do. my ex says he hates my a$$ but then he'd stare at me for the longest time ever even though he has a gf.
i don't know what to do. i love my ex very much but at the same time i think i'm starting to like the other guy again.
i don't know what to do.
its very confusing. please help me.
&&do you have any tips for getting over my ex? i hate the fact that he cheated, lied, and all the above&&yet i still miss him.
thanks so much.
i feel torn apart =(

2007-11-28 15:05:53 · 10 answers · asked by live♥love♥laugh 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm not saying i'm looking to get with some total bombshell. I'd just like to get a girl who I can be proud to show off a little, I'm deffinately not skinny, but I'd never say i was unnatractive. I'm funny, that's my strongest trait along with being a gentlemen. See, I've never really had a great relationship, longest one only 3 months anyway. So, what I'm really asking for, is a way to showcase my best traits, get a nice girl, given, sexy would never be considered a bad trait...
But not sexy enough to make me look bad, one good enough nto compliment my good traits. I know, I'm rambling now, i'll stop.

2007-11-28 15:05:15 · 20 answers · asked by krash726 2 in Singles & Dating

At school today, I got a call from the assistant principal. A group of my friends (unknown) told him about some bruises on my arms. I went down to the office, and he asked if he could see them. I told him what happened. "I was having a pillow fight with 5 of my cousins and we were throwing eachother off the bed. If you think my parents did this, please think again. They would never hurt me." He looked suspisciously saying,"Yes, but it looked like someone grabbed you on the side of your arm." I told him we were playing pretty rough when we probably shouldn't have. I hope my parents don't get in trouble for something they didn't do. I have another meeting with him tomorrow (not sure why). What should I do?

2007-11-28 15:03:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I have a friend who is nice and all, but when we go out in public she allways gets honked/whistled at..talked to by tons of men and rubs it in my face like her **** don't stink..when you tell her she looks pretty today she goes "i know, im a hot *****! haha" and tells me what I need to do with my wardrobe/hair to improve in the men department, She makes me feel low and that I should change how I look. What am I supposed to tell her so she knows it hurts my feelings, I never thought I looked THAT bad tho..
this is her (disregard the cig)
and this is me

2007-11-28 15:03:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My parents keep asking me what I want for Christmas this year, so far I've asked for a few things, nothing real special. But now my cat is really sick. She's taking four medications, we're picking another medication up tomorrow, and we're giving her fluids through an IV, and she wont eat..in the past week, she has eaten twice! and she's been like this for almost two weeks, and has barely improved..if at all. My dad said if she doesn't get better in one more week, then we have to put her down, because I guess it means she has a bad disease, and it would cost way too much just to get the tests done to see what is wrong with her,and they might not be able to even tell what's wrong. She isn't very old, only five years. So I guess what I'm trying to ask is...is it wrong for me to throw out my Christmas list, and just ask them for a new cat? That is if she is put down, hopefully she wont have to, but things aren't looking very good at all. I feel horrible, I mean..she's part of our family

2007-11-28 15:03:17 · 7 answers · asked by Heather 5 in Family

have TEXT sex??? My hubby & I do,,, sooo
much fun!!!

2007-11-28 15:00:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i met my girlfriend at a boarding school in Salem, OR. We known each other for some time and we decided to be together. We started to get real close in our relationship, so close the school had to seperate us, and he began getting in trouble for the same repeated violations; awol, late to class, late to dorms, and stuff like that cause we were always together. Finally they decided to suspend her from the school and send her back home. So they sent her to the Airport in Portland. Now I live in Portland so as an attempt to stay with me she cancelled her plane ticket and went to my sister house. My mom found out and notified the school officials and then they had to make sure she got on that plane. Now im unsure weather or not they'll let her return to the school. I talked to her on the phone recently and I can tell shes completely devastated because of what happend and now shes making plan of moving up here to be with me. Of couse I want her up here but I wanna be donewith school 1st.

2007-11-28 15:00:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My fiance, whom I dated for 4 years, and bought an apartment for broke up with me in June stating that she needed to find herself. I was absolutely DEVASTATED, I honestly though we had a great relationship, after we broke up she became a different person. We tried to stay friends during the summer, but she got EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE with it and pretty much canceled every plan we had last minute. I didn;t talk to her from September through the beginning of November, last week she called me in the middle of the night and told me that she missed me more than anything and she was so sorry for what she did. I talked to her twice during the week and she was so friendly. We exchanged holiday greetings on Thrursday and then I noticed that she was getting very snippy with me again for NO REASON and has now cut off all contact again. I have no idea why she is doing this, I need advice!!

2007-11-28 14:59:14 · 18 answers · asked by Jennaba9048 1 in Singles & Dating

ok so what if im 16 and i have a lexus convertible and im homeschooled..and im a clotheshorse...my friend keeps telling me im spoiled im i wish shed go to hell...

2007-11-28 14:58:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I have been married for over nine years, it's not the best, but we do love each other, lately we have been fighting more and more. About a week ago, my first love and I began IMing each other and talked about how there could still be some feelings there. My husband and I have hung out with him since he's been back, but my "friend" and I haven't been alone, but the few times we were around each other we noticed some definate sparks. We have also considered meeting for lunch, but I am very confused, this guy and I were dating when my husband, which was a good friend, and I got together. We were on a break, I did love him very much, and my husband and I got together as a rebound thing, and the guy moved away for about nine years after we got married and has moved back.....don't know if I should risk it and start something up with the only other guy I ever loved, or just leave the past in the past. If u have any experience with something like this let me know how it worked out for you.

2007-11-28 14:56:22 · 37 answers · asked by steeler_chic 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm 23, she's 17, we met a couple of years ago, through my work, we lost touch, but a couple of weeks ago we got in contact via a social networking site. We've really hit it off, although we appreciate this a time of transition for her, finishing college, etc. I'm a bit more settled, live away from home, have a full time job, and have a more definite direction in what i want to do i.e. join the military. Which, incidentally, is her aim too, and for various reasons, we'll probably be joining at about the same time. What I'm looking for is advice on dating someone significantly younger, and how this might be taken socially. Any discussion greatly appreciated.

2007-11-28 14:55:42 · 21 answers · asked by AdvicePlease 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm constantly being put down because I don't put other people's happiness before my own, like my grandmother's. My mom works all day and leaves my grandma to take care of me and my little brother, who is quite a handful. He has to go over to his father's this weekend and my grandma decided that I had to go over to my father's this weekend so she could go off and shop and go out to eat and not have to worry about me at home. She is an extreme worry-wart and can't go off for a few hours and enjoy herself knowing I'm at home alone. It drives me crazy because there is nothing I can do to make her stop worrying. And when I complained about being sent away she pulled the whole "Why can you not do this for me? Is my happiness not important to you?" I have tried putting her and others before myself but it's kind of hard to make others happy when I'm never happy myself. Is there something I can tell myself when people ask me to do something for them?

2007-11-28 14:55:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-11-28 14:54:35 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


do girls like a guy with a nice body, i dont mean like super buff, but i mean like nice arms a 6 pack and nice pecs like that?? do they like that stuff??

2007-11-28 14:54:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

to make up?

2007-11-28 14:53:04 · 48 answers · asked by 結縁 Heemei 5 in Marriage & Divorce

i really need help, i know this might be stupid &all, but i really want to go to LA w/ my cousin, because i really want to see "certain people" down there, dont ask who plz, but my parents are being mean &saying no, becasue i was @my cousins house LAST WEEK, but that was for thanksgiving! can someone pls give my advice on how to convince them? &i need it now, becasue i have to reply to my cousin ASAP. ty for reading this, even if u cant help....

2007-11-28 14:53:04 · 21 answers · asked by youdontneedtoknowmyname. 2 in Family

I've been single so long and I really want to be in a relationship, not just a hookup. Not many guys at school intrest me, but a few do. However I can't get there attention and I want them to notice me. I have a crush on two guys at school, but I talk to neither one of them! I'm in the 9th grade and the 2 guys I like are in 12th grade and 10th grade. Yes I know the senior is too old for me, but whatever, its just highschool. They are completly opposite from eachother. The sophmore is just a regular guy and the senior is a gangster like guy, but hes clean cut and hes not the stupid loud ones, hes kind of quiet I guess. I really wanna grab their attention at school, so what should I do? Should I just talk to them or...? Please help!

2007-11-28 14:50:35 · 10 answers · asked by ilovecali00 2 in Singles & Dating

My mom died in 2005, but her memories are tearing me apart mentally. I just don't feel like living here in the world anymore. I really really miss her. How to get over this loss?

2007-11-28 14:50:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I'm so in love with my ex bf. We just recently started emailing ea other again. He lives in another state with his girlfriend and has a wife he's been separated from for many years. I am beginning to feel like a fool. He's made no indications at all that he loves me or wants a future with me. Why can't I just get it through my head?? Should I just cut him out completely? Or waste more time out of my life on a fantasy that is turning out to be just in my head?

2007-11-28 14:49:24 · 8 answers · asked by ~ luv sis 6 in Singles & Dating

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