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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

We are planning a destination wedding and just realized that we must get married in the states. We would really like to still get away. Any suggestions (we live in Texas)?

2007-11-28 16:18:54 · 14 answers · asked by plays w/words 2 in Weddings

2007-11-28 16:18:25 · 5 answers · asked by soula 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 16:17:20 · 2 answers · asked by John 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 16:15:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i have 6 brother and i sister i never have my own space how do i get them to give me some room

2007-11-28 16:15:34 · 13 answers · asked by Cassidy C 2 in Family

> sweety am pregnant or My dad & my 7 brothers know about u & they are coming for u ... P.S ... RUN FOREST RUN LOL

2007-11-28 16:15:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'll tell my view to whomever I pick as best answer. But, what do you think? If you have sex, do you have to care about the person as more than just an acquaintence, or can you just have sex for mutual/your own pleasure? And, if the latter, is that morally ok?

2007-11-28 16:14:22 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I just want a few more answers please!

It's in reference to how I feel. I grew up in a home not being used to men being compassionate or caring and he is very patient with me. Even though, I have accused him of cheating he still sticks by me regardless of that. I was even to a pt. in which I told him that I really didn't deserve him, bc I have been damaged to much by my past. My family was very strict on me being around males and it's to the pt. that I really don't trust them. We are currently in a LDR. We were talking on IM and he said this. Please interpret this. My feelings won't be hurt. I keep trying to let him go bc I feel that I am too stressful but he always excuses my behavior. This is what he said..

"you dont burden me. just dont be hurt by me. id rather not talk to you if i hurt you. if something happened here i dont want to hurt you. if something happened with you i wouldnt want it to be a bad thing either. most imporant is the foundation our friendship is based upon.

2007-11-28 16:11:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What exactly goes thru a woman's mind when she gets married to a man to be her husband. I am very curious about this! Thanks guys for your honest answers.

2007-11-28 16:10:28 · 7 answers · asked by pain_of_unhappiness 2 in Marriage & Divorce

my ex-wife, when to the child support department to ask for back child support. she only present the separation papers, without the divorce paper.on the separation paper, i suppose to pay $700 a month begining with sept. 1997. The divorce was finalized in april 2002 , and sshe didn't ask for child support. now she went to child support service and ask for back child support , from sept. 1997 to today. and also i already paid $9,000.00 but she only declare $2,000 being paid. what can i do in this case? how can i prove she lied?

2007-11-28 16:10:07 · 8 answers · asked by apetroaie69 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My mom already has 2 jobs and I really want to help out.Please give me some ideas?Thancks.
Remember I'm 13 which means Im not going to strip.

2007-11-28 16:06:10 · 8 answers · asked by courtneycheer123 1 in Family

Don't really have a question. I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season this year!!

I know it's cheesy, but we all deserve to find happiness in our lives. Even cheaters and homewreckers.

For all those going thru tough times, I wish you all the best.

Spread LOVE and GIVE to those who are less fortunate. God Bless. And thank you for helping me during my troubles. I'm glad I found Yahoo Answers. it's really saved me!! You guys saved me!!


2007-11-28 16:05:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

unless they kind of scissor < > or something...

2007-11-28 16:05:11 · 15 answers · asked by k20 3 in Singles & Dating

I have already bought my dress and my wedding is August 2, 2008. When should I start the process of getting my dress altered?

2007-11-28 16:03:48 · 17 answers · asked by courtney m 2 in Weddings

I have a big problem... the guy I'm in love with is planning on marrying my cousin in a few months and they both want me to be in the wedding, the best maid in fact... I try to avoid both of them as it is because of my feelings for the groom. I love my cousin and I would never hurt her by comming between them. Besides, I know that he doesn't love me but even if he did, I still wouldn't do that to her. Should I just suck it up and be in the wedding to make them happy? I don't want to be selfish but at the same time I really really dont want to be forced to watch it. It's especially hard because she has told me that she wouldnt be marrying him if nor for his $. I don't know what 2 do. I'm planning on moving out of state next fall but I still don't want to be in the wedding but she doesn't have many friends so I kinda fee obligated.

2007-11-28 16:02:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a big problem... the guy I'm in love with is planning on marrying my cousin in a few months and they both want me to be in the wedding, the best maid in fact... I try to avoid both of them as it is because of my feelings for the groom. I love my cousin and I would never hurt her by comming between them. Besides, I know that he doesn't love me but even if he did, I still wouldn't do that to her. Should I just suck it up and be in the wedding to make them happy? I don't want to be selfish but at the same time I really really dont want to be forced to watch it. It's especially hard because she has told me that she wouldnt be marrying him if nor for his $. I don't know what 2 do. I'm planning on moving out of state next fall but I still don't want to be in the wedding but she doesn't have many friends so I kinda fee obligated.

2007-11-28 16:01:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am a very nice girl. I am very polite and I always try to get along with every1. But I always end up getting screwed over. My mom doesn't appreciate me and I do everthing for her. I am the only one who takes care of her. My husband has no respect for me. He is very cold and not very understanding. I am starting to really regret marrying him(been married 11 years). The one best friend I had screwed me over as well. She was always filling my husbands head with bullcrap about me.She would tell him I might be cheating which was not true I am way too proper and love my husband and family too much to do that. I cut all ties with her. But I can't just get rid of my mom and my husband. My mom is 67 years old and she has no1 but me. I have 4 little boys that need their dad. I never had one so I do not want to rob them of that. I feel like I have no1 and that really sucks because they always say you get what you give but I give everything I've got to everyone and I rarely get any appreciation

2007-11-28 16:00:32 · 6 answers · asked by Link227 2 in Family

I have known this guy for over a year, but we just recently started talking and admitted that we like each other. He is 21 years old. We hang out a lot, talk on the phone, etc... He hesitates to squeeze when I give him a hug and he sure hasn't made a move to kiss me. I have even made little hints and comments, still no kiss.

I would be content with cuddling up beside each other when we watch movies, but he doesn't even do that. Is he just shy, or does he not like me as much as he says he does?

2007-11-28 16:00:27 · 41 answers · asked by starcrossed4sho 1 in Singles & Dating

We've been together for a little over a year. We've been friends for about three years prior to the dating and I just need to hear some feedback from others in this type of relationship. Cuz I care a lot about him and yes there is potential. So if there are any other Gemini/Pisces' out there let me know how ur relationship is! Thanks.

2007-11-28 16:00:20 · 7 answers · asked by The Princess 3 in Singles & Dating

So about 1 1/2 years ago i met this guy he was really nice and we hit it off.....we talked all the time for about 7 months but never labeled anything or talked about being more than friends....i was the one that decided to back off last yr bc i didnt like being soo close yet having no label..i sense he might miss me or like me but i need advice??? and then all of a sudden i get a call today from him just simple chatting but he kept dropping these really flirty lines and stressing how he wants a g/f....

2007-11-28 15:59:45 · 5 answers · asked by Honey21 1 in Singles & Dating

My cousin and I used to be best friends. We were inseperable, and did everything together. She lives overseas, so I used to email her and talk with her on the phone all the time. Even though she is 15, and I just turned 13, I am very mature for my age.
She came to visit with her family last summer. I was excited to see her and for the first week or so we were fine.
Then my brother, who is also 15, started hanging out with us. I was fine with that. But me and my brother are not the best of friends, and pretty competitive. So when my brother made fun of me or was rude, I was not surprised.
But when my cousin sided with him on everything, that surprised me. Whenever she and I were with him, she changed, and so did he. They both were meaner to me, but when my cousin was mean to me, she always acted like she was innocent. Over the course of their visit, she did many things to upset me, and my brother was involved in all of them

2007-11-28 15:58:10 · 4 answers · asked by masonkids13 2 in Family

Ok well I have this friend. I was her first friend ever cuz she was a newbie last year. Then since we were in a diff class she's made new friends. This year she had a bruised pinky so all she could do was swing and it got so boring so I decided to hang out with other friends. Then we went to Out Door lab and she was all like I am so sorry for being mean about you ditching me! Truce? I was all like sure. Then when we got back she came up to me and was like I don't wanna be friends with you because of your language. I was like so you hate me because of that. Plus she likes a guy who always uses like a**, and bi*** its stupid. All I ever say is like stupid or idiot and she thinks it bad language. Then since we got this new seating arrangement at lunch and my friends told me when she was talking to her other friend that she was all like if I sit by Kendahl I am going to puke. I don't mind but it gets annoying cuz its like she knows I know she hates me but tries to annoy me about it. Help!!

2007-11-28 15:57:59 · 3 answers · asked by Kendi 4 in Singles & Dating

ok im 12 and my litte brother is 6. I flat out am going to tell you i think i hate him. im not tryin to be rude but he is a perfert and ive told my parents and they just say he was probably just trying to cuddle but i know he wasnt because he always starts with tryin to get the covers off me in the morning when im asleep without wakin me up. hes touched my breasts and tryed to gt up under my shirt but i always wake up and i yell get out now and he just tries to make up an escuse but he knows i know what hes up to because ive confronted him before and im not shure what to do about it to make it stop and not only that but hes gross. whene he goes to the bathroom and goes #2 if he gets any on his hands whene he wipes he rubes it of on the side of the counter and my parents know about that too but all theve done is spanked his but the first two times but now they wont even listen to me they think im just triyn to get him in trouble and we dont get along so please tell me what i hould do

2007-11-28 15:56:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Okay-I am in a little bit of trouble. I was put in "In School Suspension" for "making out" with a boy on a field trip. Making out isn't that bad...Not really at all. Before this, people called me hurtful names and others things of the sort. Now, everything is way worse and everyone knows what happened. Sixth graders and sophmores have come up to me and asked me questions about this incident and I don't even know them. How do I handle the situation maturely and gain back a good reputation. Plus, the guy I was with, well we weren't dating (which made things worse) and we were just good friends. Now he never wants to talk to me or hug me and he took me off his top friends on myspace. (I know no big deal, but I'm worried) What can I do-Please help! And what is my guy friend trying to say.
Am I just a hook up?
I feel very used and violated because now he's saying it's all me fault when I told him no, he just kept pulling me back...
Please help...Thank you in advance :

2007-11-28 15:55:35 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok, well I am 17 years old. My parents divorced about a year ago and i am with my mom. I go with my dad everyother weekend and on some holidays and stuff like that. Me and my mom have not been getting alot lately at all everysince she got her new boyfried. She treats me like crap and she hates my Boyfried. we have been together for about a year and, he is a good guy he dont drink or smoke or party. he is a freshman in college and is always good to me. she dont like him because he isnt what she wants and because he is half mexican? She is always trying to split us up and i work part time and my mom is even trying to make me quit my job, My question is, can i go and move with my dad or do i have to go through all kinds of court stuff? like can i just go over there one weekend and not go back? can the cops make me stay with her? he is my partent to and hasnt done anything wrong. me and him get alot better, and he likes my boyfriend and thinks he is good to me. please help me?

2007-11-28 15:55:34 · 24 answers · asked by Jane D 1 in Family

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