My cousin and I used to be best friends. We were inseperable, and did everything together. She lives overseas, so I used to email her and talk with her on the phone all the time. Even though she is 15, and I just turned 13, I am very mature for my age.
She came to visit with her family last summer. I was excited to see her and for the first week or so we were fine.
Then my brother, who is also 15, started hanging out with us. I was fine with that. But me and my brother are not the best of friends, and pretty competitive. So when my brother made fun of me or was rude, I was not surprised.
But when my cousin sided with him on everything, that surprised me. Whenever she and I were with him, she changed, and so did he. They both were meaner to me, but when my cousin was mean to me, she always acted like she was innocent. Over the course of their visit, she did many things to upset me, and my brother was involved in all of them
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