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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

anything will do........................................

2007-11-28 18:18:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

So my boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship of about hour in a half drive. Well i get to see him every weekend but the thing is over the time that we talk on the phone he says more sweet words to me, than when we are hanging out together face to face. I'm not really sure why it is like that. Im actually the opposite. Im not as sweet on the phone but when he is here next to me..that's when i keep telling him he's my everthing, etc etc..he's the opposite. I don't understand..could it be because he's shy? but what are some reasons that could mean a bad thing? knowing him there's no way he's shy...so would else could be a reason? Could be that just in general guys hesitate to show all their feelings and be so open about feelings and express them in order to act more "manly" .....?

2007-11-28 18:18:29 · 17 answers · asked by notyou 2 in Singles & Dating

This is gonna be long, just a warning.


2 months ago my girlfriend of 9 months dumped me. It was for decent reasons, I was an emotional wreck, and then I lashed out at her one day and that was too much for her, I don't blame her.

Up until about a month ago she ignored me, treated me like the lowest form of life on earth.
But this past month we've been talking, becoming good friends again. The past week we've been really close, to the point that today we were actually touching, more than just accidental brushes, which is saying something considering what's happened. I was sitting next to her, she was lying down, and I was tugging on her lip ring, and she was messing round trying to bite me. Playful like.

I've been writing in my blog on bebo, maybe because I secretly wanted her to red it, I'm not sure. She read it this afternoon. I know it wasn't just scanning my page and seeing it, because the post she replied to was a couple weeks old, and on a different page...

2007-11-28 18:15:52 · 5 answers · asked by skame 5 in Singles & Dating

my son has visitation everyother weekend with his father. i am in the middle of a court battle trying to take his fathers visitation rights from him due to abuse and neglect so his father turned around and filed for full custody which is a joke. anyways my son has a younger half brother he sees while at his dads. this child is a holy terror! he is allowed to beat on my son untill hes sore and bruised, my son is quiet and shy definately not a fighter. last sunday my son returned home from his dads with his chin 1 big bruise. i asked his father what had happened. he told me his other son threw a cue ball at my son and hit him in the face. i am so sick and tired of my son comming home from his fathers house beat up by his other child. i have called children services and the police department they call it kids being kids and accidents. what can i do about this?

2007-11-28 18:15:10 · 5 answers · asked by kas 1 in Family

she cheats on me every chance she gets. we have a child but are seperated but i still love her. her and our son are comeing to visit me for christmas... were getting a divorce. would it be worng to try and have sex with her just for the sex?

2007-11-28 18:14:13 · 28 answers · asked by cirus06 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Please don't tell me because God says so. I think it's a shame that people just can't be with each other without having to get a peace of paper that says they love each other. I mean if you love that person, you know that you love them..right?? do you think that weddings are just for women to feel special and that is why people have them? I guess some men want to be invovled in the wedding, but most could care less about flowers and stuff like that...get me? Please I want to know your views on this topic. thanks.

2007-11-28 18:14:10 · 16 answers · asked by Road House 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I recently lost my job of almost 10 years. As a result of this, I took a job for which I had to train out of town. While I was out of town, I found out that my wife of 8 years was having an affair with one of the guys I personally asked to watch over my family while I was gone. I am really struggling with this because my Family (Mother&Brothers) wants nothing to do with her! Her take on it is that they "need to get over it!"
She has shown no remorse for this as well as telling me that if we go to counseling we'll find out its not all her fault!
I have 3 children, the oldest,12yrs,is hers from a previous relationship who only knows me as daddy, a 3 yr old and an 18mo old.
They are the reason I am still around!
How do I move on without hurting my children?
Do I talk to my 12yr old about it? She is going to be going thru enough with adolecence as it is.
As you can see......rock........hard place....???????????

2007-11-28 18:12:31 · 11 answers · asked by tarheel_andy 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i am married and there's this guy at my office that i really like alot. i like him even before i got married. and i still like him. i am planning to give him a christmas gift. is this wrong?

2007-11-28 18:09:30 · 21 answers · asked by ~Amor~ 3 in Marriage & Divorce

my sons dad filed for custody of our son. he is trying to prove me an unfit mother which isnt possible. i hired an attorney and have been fighting him every step of the way. we go to court dec. 4th. my attorney has done all his homework in order to prepare for this court date. my attorney filed a discovery paper to find out who would be testifying against me and see what kind of things they would be trying to use against me. my sons dads attorney hasnt done anything. no discovery paper, and no supenas have been filed and we have less than a week untill court. can anyone tell me why this attorney hasnt done any of the common things they are supposed to do in order to prepare for court? and what do you think is going to happen tuesday when i get there due to this attorney taking no action?

2007-11-28 18:08:29 · 5 answers · asked by kas 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 18:05:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my ex and i haven't spoken for about 2 months..because he texted me some mean messages so i filed harassment charges agianst him and told him to PAY for the text messages..so he called me last night and i was asleep.so i called him in the morning ..but when i did it seemed like he wnated to get off the phone and he said he had something he wanted to do do and that i should call him back if i wanted to..could it be he's still mad cuz i told filed the charges and broke his bank account or is he just being a jerk.?

2007-11-28 18:04:30 · 4 answers · asked by Ask ME 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 18:04:24 · 3 answers · asked by fred m 1 in Marriage & Divorce

married for nine months now.Ours is love marriege.we ran away from home got married but no place to live choosed brides fathers home to stay and still in same place all rent and bills are payed by father. Mostly borrowed money from my father only and father gave reception party also.We had no money beginning of marriage. myself and hubby goes to work 9 to 6pm.I earn 2,000 and my hubby 4,000.Like every wife i am not dependent on my hubby but only to help me reach my work and back.His money is mostly spent buying things and returning dues from others.We live very luxurious life, car and eating habits.My husbands family never cared for us anyways but when struggling marriage came to a stand still i found my hubby maintening good relations with his family. He hides a lot from me and wants me to trust him.Even his friends back bited him but he is good to eveyone and fights with me if i argue.he plays a good character with my family and blames me daily and says he is not a dog..!

2007-11-28 18:04:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

He says that's why God gave us eyes for & that I have nothing to worry about because its me he loves & stop being so insecure. Sometimes I think its the other way around. What can I do to help him stop?

2007-11-28 18:03:54 · 20 answers · asked by lovie808 2 in Singles & Dating

Hello, I am engaged. She is very shy. Whenever I am around her, particularly when I touch her hand or say "I love you", i feel aroused. I feel guilty about this, cause, I really Love her from the bottom of my heart. But, I am not sure why I feel like this, when I am alone with her. Is this WRONG? Is my LOVE not correct? Also, how would she feel that time, same like me? I am confused. I have only Pure LOVE for her. But, why I cant stop this when i am with her?

2007-11-28 18:01:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

After 12 years of marriage and two beautiful kids, I think i'm ready. We have been through sooooo much most marriages wouldn't of survived this roller coaster ride. From a very loving relationship to a resentful one. We've been through poverty too many times due to his lack of motivation and aspirations and that's just it! I want someone who can support us. I'm tired of struggling and me always putting 110% to hold our lives together, including working 2 1/2 jobs, while he has been saying for years that he needs to get his H.S. Diploma or GED...come on you think?? we lost our home already when we own a house and been practically evicted from two rentals. Is it wrong of me to be fed up and want to leave him because he just doesn't make enough money to support the family???,,...but my kids they are 8 & 13 and he is so loving with them. Anyone????

2007-11-28 18:00:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I dated a girl fro few weeks and when i asked her to be my girlfriend she said that she is not looking for a relationship just for "friends with benefits". We are basicly together all the time, and everything like a b/f and g/f why cant we just be a couple?

2007-11-28 17:59:41 · 45 answers · asked by bond007rr 1 in Singles & Dating

what does it mean to be cultured? i dont get it

2007-11-28 17:59:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

she my BFF and she awesome she is always great and bright. i love her like a friend to death. but when ever i want to talk about depressing/ sad stuff that goes on in my life she changes the subject. what can i do to make her listen?

2007-11-28 17:55:15 · 8 answers · asked by cool 1 in Friends

i would liek to be spanked as a punishment but i dont want to ask for it
i think iv been bad , but how do i get spanked?

2007-11-28 17:54:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

why is it that a man only thinks you love him is when youre making out,if you go with out for 2-3 days,he starts thinking you dont love him,is it insercurties or what!!i think its out right selfishness,after all im the 1 who just lost my little 25year old brother,8mths ago,shot himself,accidentley,very tradgic,and yes this is what i have to deal with every bloody day,i cant deal with it,nor should i have to,what do all you nice people out their think,what should i do,HELP,

2007-11-28 17:53:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i told her in a note that i handed to her when i was right next to her and it basically said that she is the most amazing beautiful girl thats ever been in my life and all that stuff, but once i told her she was like i'm not surprised and i have been trying to get it out of you for a while. the only problem is she has a boyfriend and they have been going out for a month and a half. She seemed really happy and glad i told her though, i did not ask her how she felt though but she called our good friend and told her and she asked so what now and she said i dont know, so what should i do from here?

2007-11-28 17:49:33 · 3 answers · asked by Pirate84 1 in Singles & Dating

He doesnt wan to sign them cause he doesnt want to help pay for a phone bill. I want this divorce and I know he does too. What can I do? Please help.

2007-11-28 17:49:21 · 13 answers · asked by armygurl052000 2 in Marriage & Divorce

would you move to a different state for love? your chances that she or he would accept you are 50% 50% the thing is would you give up everything you have for someone you really really love?..... someone who you seriously think that you wanna be the rest of your life with.....I'm in that situation right now.... i mean she doesnt give me hope but she doesnt take the chances away...she says that i will have to be patience, that i would have to give her time, that i would have to work really hard to get her back..... and besides.......here is the thing...we have a baby.....she's 3 years old....we are not together cause she moved to another state..i wanna be with my baby and her..well its a long story....but that's not the point...the point is would you move for love if someone tells you that you have to give her or him time and all that stuff......hope you guys understand....

2007-11-28 17:48:48 · 6 answers · asked by Shadow777 1 in Singles & Dating

I've stopped using the toilet, and chosen instead to wear diapers 24/7. I'm dead serious about this. I have been for a few months now. I wear diapers 24/7 instead of using the toilet. I just wear them because they're a lot more convenient than having to live your life around the toilet. You'd be surprised. They're also very comfortable. No one at work has noticed. I haven't regretted this at all. So, what's wrong with that? I've had people act all high and mighty and morally superior. What is the big deal? It's not like I'm hurting anyone. Were we ever legally required to be potty-trained? NO! And I'm the pinnacle of punk-rock rebellion for escaping our well-ordered and regimented society if you ask me.

2007-11-28 17:47:49 · 17 answers · asked by TheNightStalker 1 in Singles & Dating

last week he found out i chatted with a guy friend, he was angry because i did not tell him that i chatted for 1 month n not telling him. we've been together for 5 years.. i once went for a drink with a guy fren n did not tell him untill he found out. he just cant accept me again for hiding things from him. we already discussed this n he said he cant accept for being a liar. he said he does not love me again just because of this. i am so sorry n he knows i love him n not cheating on him but the fact of me lying to him is the matter that he said he cant accept it. please tell me how do i win him back. please...

2007-11-28 17:46:22 · 10 answers · asked by honeygirl h 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I live in a apartment alone & have a vibrator. My boyfriend bought it for me to use when he calls. He's out of state right now. Problem is, my mom is coming to visit in a couple of weeks & she's very nosey, snoops through everything. I am already worried about hiding my private cards & letters from my boyfriend let alone a sex toy... Funny thing is...one time when I went to visit my mom I was looking under her bed for some of my stuff she stored for me when I moved out and I saw my makeup case...I was like oh cool, but then I opened it and saw this giant machine of a vibrator inside, my mom actually stole my makeup case to use for her sex toy... I could never put my sex toy in something of my moms. Anyway, my point is, obviously she isn't disgusted by vibrators, but I still don't want her knowing I have one. Please give me some ideas on where to hide it!!! Not in between my mattress, not inside of a pillow, not in stuffed animals, this woman is a pro snooper people... get creative!

2007-11-28 17:45:00 · 17 answers · asked by Kallie H 1 in Singles & Dating

There is a girl I want to explain my feelings to, but not sure if I will get shot down... I have known this girl for over a month and is a cousin of my friend. My friend says I should not get involved with her. I have many strong feelings about her, but not sure she feels the same. She does talk about another she is involved with, but never sees him, but they talk on the phone sometimes. She has a little boy I just adore. Mother and son are so awesome together. All 3 of us have spent much time together and I am wanting to just spill my guts, but not sure how. I did write her a letter, scared to give it to her... What should I do?? Thanks...

2007-11-28 17:44:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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