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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

wen ppl ask a question they need answered people dont even open it to look..... but wen they are a stupid question like why??? people open it? 10 points 4 best answer..

2007-11-28 15:53:42 · 5 answers · asked by *Lil Lisa* 1 in Singles & Dating

i'm just curious, my friend told me he likes his best friend almost like his own brother. just woundering if thats ok.

2007-11-28 15:52:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I've beeen told if I want a cheap house i can try living there. Hey, it's near Chicago and also near the Indiana Dunes.. Would you live there?

2007-11-28 15:50:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Me and my gf have been dating for 5 months now. We both are 17. She is the youngest child of her mother, and her mom doesn't hardly let her do anything. Rarely, when my gf is allowed to do something, her mom calls her every 5 minutes. She also checks up on her, driving by the place we say we are supposed to be, to actually see if we are there. She is RARELY ever allowed to come over to my house, and my parents are upset because they hardly know her. Almost everytime she asks to come over here, her mom says no and to come over there. So i usually go over there, and her mom watches us 24/7. I dont really get any quality time with my gf, and i feel like its drawing us apart. Her mom also takes her cell phone every night at 10. My gf is really busy, she attends a private school, and has dance every day. She almost always has homework, and when she rarely doesnt, she asks her mom if she can come over and she says no. I feel like i am being taken advantage of, what can i do?

2007-11-28 15:50:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

she has a job and she is 17
i am 16 and have two incomes

2007-11-28 15:50:33 · 65 answers · asked by rico 1 in Singles & Dating

Men...Does this description fit how you would describe your wife of ten years? Some people think I am weird for still after being married this long feel this way about my wife.

2007-11-28 15:49:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I do not know what to do.....I am serioulsy confused right now!

Okay, I got this job at this mortgage/insurance place. I am supposed to start work offically on December 3!
Anyway...I am only 20, and my husband and I just bought our first place, so right now our money is very tight!!
Well, last weekened I took a insurance class that cost me a little over 400 dollars!!
It really put as back, and we are scraping as of now! Then, my boss wanted me to go to another training class this week, and there was just no way I could afford the gas of going all the way across town. NOW, he is upset with me, and thinks that I am slacking off.....he thinks that not having money is no excuse!
Plus, I am upset because technically I am not supposed to start working until next week, and he is mad at me because I didnt go to a training class this week!I dont know what to do because I am a dedicated person...I just cant afford to go to all these things hes sending me to!
What should I do????

2007-11-28 15:49:05 · 7 answers · asked by mr.t'smom 2 in Marriage & Divorce

At bible study my friends are always talking about how we shouldn't complain after what jesus did almost weekly so I feel really bad when I do complain to any of them. Is it ok to complain once in a while about life's difficulties?

2007-11-28 15:48:49 · 4 answers · asked by lovehawaii_23 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

About a year ago, or so, my brother was with his girlfriend in an unfamiliar place and he got VERY low on gas, so he thot the rite thing to do wuz call my stepmom and dad, he did so, and they got real pissed at him b/c he called them! They did got mad about the gas thing, but my dad said that he would never call to tell his parents this. is it wrong that they got mad at this? would most parents be compasionite at first to help their kid in need?

2007-11-28 15:48:26 · 10 answers · asked by Doug 2 in Family

My husband has been sending another woman with sexy emails and SMS. I said, it's cheating but he said, it's just for fun. What do yo guys think?

2007-11-28 15:48:01 · 13 answers · asked by jaegerr000 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a definitional essay due on why or why not a homosexual family is considered a family. My argument at first was that they are not a family (Just because I thought I could find sufficient information on the topic). After I realized I couldn't find any sources to implement into my paper I switched over to homosexual families are families. After doing so I still can not find any articles to list as sources.

I was wondering if anyone can give me a few reasons why a homosexual family is considered a family, and possibly some articles to back it up on.

2007-11-28 15:46:38 · 3 answers · asked by Brad 1 in Family

what are ways you can tell other than actually having sex with her??

2007-11-28 15:45:52 · 8 answers · asked by iloveit 1 in Singles & Dating

I know I have to find a job , and move out ..
and I have 2 interviews coming up .

But i feel like my depression will take over ..

i feel so sad right now , and I dn't feel like going to the interviews eventhough I know I need this job to make money and pay for my car , insurance , credit cards , and eventually move out from this dysfunctional family system.

What do you think ...
how can I empower myself?

2007-11-28 15:44:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my partents are leaving to alaska, im 18 years old and i found someone very special! should i leave him and not even give it a try? or give it a try? but what if the relatioship fails?

2007-11-28 15:42:29 · 2 answers · asked by shot out of luck 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I'm a 19 year old girl and came home from college for thanksgiving from University of Kentucky. My father is very strict and immigrated from Russia. In Russia, the punishment are given out by the father. So every time Ive done anything wrong, my dad takes me out to the shed and gives my bare *** a good whipping with a bundle of birch branches or his belt. I never saw this as an issue. But when I got to college and saw how others were, I see that its not normal. When I got home, I back-talked my dad. He took me out there, and told me to drop my pants. I couldn't believe it but I still had to but I took off my pants and underwear and took his 50 strokes with the belt. I cried the whole time and my *** still has bruises and marks (a week later). What should I do? What should I tell him? I said no before and he said then he wont pay for my school. I would rather be punished then have to pay 30000 a year but I want to know if there is another way. Damn russians and their toughness.

2007-11-28 15:41:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

She is going to another state to think things over and plans on filing for divorce while out of state. Can her soon-to-be-X use that against her in the divorce case? She's telling him that she is leaving to "think about it" then will serve him with divorce papers while she's gone b/c she doesn't know how he'll react. They are currently married, obviously no "parenting plan" in place. Any advice? Also, can a soon-to-be-single mother get any help from the state with housing/daycare/etc? Any info will help!

2007-11-28 15:41:20 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Alright, well here's the scoop. I saw these girls last Wednesday at the gas station and didn't think much when I saw them at first. When they were walking out, they were looking at me and one of them said "hey sexy." We talked for awhile, but never really exchanged numbers and stuff. I was going to give them my number, but never got around to it.

Then I tried leaving them a note on what I thought was their car and it turned out not to be. I drove past and I saw some guy get out of it lol. I was thinking about maybe trying to put a new one in the lobby for the apartment, since it was an apartment building. I could add on the note "please put note back if you are not the intended receiver or something." What do you think?

2007-11-28 15:40:50 · 1 answers · asked by Mustangmaniak 1 in Friends

ive been trying to forgive him and trying to continue our marraige, but i cant forget this and i hate him for it also since it happened we havnt been the same were arguing nearly everyday, ive completly changed my thaughts on him and every day im hating him more- so i need advice on divorce or annulment were stil living together but on the start of december im going to move away-what does this mean for divorce? ive read ovr the internet on this but it said wed need to be living apart for over 5-7years weve only been married for four months-would i have a right to an annulment? if anyone mite know anything it would be a good help rite now

2007-11-28 15:39:10 · 26 answers · asked by daisyanna 3 in Marriage & Divorce

When I was about 8, my classmates and I were in the bathroom and another girl touched my butt. I told my classmates and they said"You must be gay for allowing her to touch your butt." A short time after that I would tell myself constantly in my head"I'm not gay!". At about 10 I would get aroused by women with big breasts and masturbate.At 14 I was watching soft core lesbian porn and masturbating,At 18 I met a woman off a party line and sucked her breasts in the back of a theater. Now I'm 21, and I am really turned on by women. Is this a result of a false seed being planted in my head as a child?

2007-11-28 15:38:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 15:37:57 · 26 answers · asked by pain_of_unhappiness 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband moved in with his mistress a month ago and I"m still having a hard time coping. If someone could please give me a list of songs that can help lift my spirits. Thanks

2007-11-28 15:37:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

because he is ugly even though they are equally as bad

2007-11-28 15:35:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

This is a tough question that I have been struggling with alot lately.

When I am getting to know someone new I tend to think about things that happened in my past with other relationships. Because I sometimes see myself making the same mistake more than once.
But this can't be fair to compare them because as they say, all guys are not alike.

But, at the same time, we should learn from past experiences to notice the little red flags that warn us about potential incompatibilities.

But I know I too have all kinds of red flags about me and I would want someone to give me a fair chance at love.

So, I am doing a poll to see, how do we all know when it is best to pay attention to little warning signs and when best to dismiss them so that we are not basing our opinion on past experiences?

2007-11-28 15:34:31 · 16 answers · asked by Bethenia 4 in Singles & Dating

i have never given a lap dance b4 but i want to do this for him....does anyone have any tips??

2007-11-28 15:32:02 · 15 answers · asked by starrgyrl_15 2 in Singles & Dating

I live with my big sister who is 24 and married. I am 16. Our whole lives we have been toghether going from foster home to foster home. When finnaly we were adopted by this nice family. Then my sister met this guy. They went out for 4 years and got married. They have been married for two years. One night I was doing homework when I heard arguing downstairs. I ignored it, but then I heard a loud and scary scream! Thats when I ran to the stairs and saw something awful. My sister on the floor crying with bruises all over her arms and face. THats when I saw him come over to her and kick her! Then he looked up towards the stairs and I ran into my room. The last time I saw her being abused was in the kitchen. She was throwing pots and pans at him because he slapped he. Then he started to go for then she tried to climb the counters but he grabbed her and threw her against the wall and started to hit her!

Story continues:

2007-11-28 15:31:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am very attractive and only weigh 124 pounds our sex life is great however he is on alot of meds . He has had two heartattcaks since I have been with him ( 2yrs now) and I do spice up our life and I do make the moves we both do, in fact I am very attractive to him in alk aspects, he has not had an affiar and yes I did confront him this evening and he has agreed to counseling because he says he loves me and does nbot want to lose me and that it was wrong and it won't happen again, but I am very leary I do not want to get hurt
Thank all of you for your quick and very helpful answers.

2007-11-28 15:27:54 · 7 answers · asked by Karen G 1 in Marriage & Divorce

me and my daugehters mom were never married and i love daughter but i was recebtly told by a mutaul friend she said she was not mine!! i want to know but i dont know what i need to find out!even if she is not mine i dont want her to know!i love her and dont want her to get hurt,therefor i want to always be
her dad but its drivin me crazy i need to know.is there anyway to out her knowing!!

2007-11-28 15:25:54 · 13 answers · asked by gary m 1 in Family

just buying a really sexy lingerai outfit frm victorias secret and wearing it for him on christmas eve or do u think he would rather want something like a dvd player...etc?

2007-11-28 15:25:18 · 9 answers · asked by curiouconcieted 2 in Marriage & Divorce

So I'm like the tallest girl in school, (10th grade) and whenever I ask a guy out tat I'm interested in they just say no politely or some of them look up at me like my head touches the clouds and say "no" laughing, then I immediately dislike them. I can't find anyone who I think is nice and prefers tallness or who is taller than me! I don't know what to do because I am rather miserable and all my friends are at least 4" shorter than me!

2007-11-28 15:22:56 · 12 answers · asked by Jen_n_TX 2 in Singles & Dating

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