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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I go to a pretty large college in Indiana that's predominantly white, and one thing I've noticed is that the white students are reluctant to interact with the black students.

A perfect example of this is when I'm in my dorm room with the door open...no one will pop in and say hi to me, but they'll stop at all the other rooms in the hall. White girls on campus will hardly look me in the eye even if I smile at them.

So, are most (not all) white people unconsciously racist or is my school just full of pricks? I expect a lot of hostile answers but I'm being serious here

2007-11-28 14:04:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


2007-11-28 14:04:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am 6'6" and about 290lbs, so obviously I am a big guy. My wife is always complaining about how big I am. My clothes are hard to find and a bit more expensive than more average sizes, we have to replace our mattress every 3 years or so cause where I sleep gets "too flattened" for her taste. Thru it all she always makes comments like "if only you weren't so damn big" or " Why do you have to be so damn huge" Keep in mind I was 330 lbs when we got married so I have lost weight since we married and since we met 18 years ago I have always been big. I feel like I am doing pretty good considering my family. My dad is over 400 and My mom is close to that. I have two brothers that are easily 500 (all about the same height, except mom, she is 5'11.) Is there anything I can do or say?

2007-11-28 14:03:02 · 11 answers · asked by skye5150 1 in Marriage & Divorce

She caught me coming home a lil drunk and smacked me...I promised her I wouldn't, but it was a guys night out so I thought she would understand.

2007-11-28 14:02:47 · 60 answers · asked by artiyom 1 in Singles & Dating

so these two flirt with me while the other is around it got so extreme one day that one of them came up to me while i was at homecoming and started to lift her dress and u know. then the other came up and started to do the same thing but she was putting her cleavage in my face what swhould i do plz help

2007-11-28 14:00:46 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

last week he found out i chatted with a guy friend, he was angry because i did not tell him that i chatted for 1 month n not telling him. we've been together for 5 years.. i once went for a drink with a guy fren n did not tell him untill he found out. he just cant accept me again for hiding things from him. we already discussed this n he said he cant accept for being a liar. he said he does not love me again just because of this. i am so sorry n he knows i love him n not cheating on him but the fact of me lying to him is the matter that he said he cant accept it. please tell me how do i win him back. please...
1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.

2007-11-28 13:58:56 · 8 answers · asked by honeygirl h 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i know it sounds weird, but i think arrogance in a guy is suuuch a turn on. even if he's not right ALL the time, a guy that belives in himself and thinks others should belive in him will usually win my respect. i'm a little arrogant/confident/cocky myself somtimes, i'm usually nice no matter what, but at the end of the day, i belive in my own opinions and skills above all. i'm always supportive but rather hard to impress. i know i like arrogant men...but do guy's like this quality in girls, or is that a one way turn on. lemmmme know what you think?

2007-11-28 13:54:47 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i am 43.. bf 31... 12 yr diff.. he says he is not the marring kind.. i love him and would marry him tommorow.. bad habits and all.. drinking until to drunk to walk..etc..would you wait it out.. also you drink . but not the same as he does

2007-11-28 13:54:35 · 18 answers · asked by vis 7 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend and I are raising his boys.
Boys mom picked up and ran off years ago,
Boys mom talks to boys almost everyday and takes them to school every once in awhile.
Pays for nothing.

Boys need clothes, school stuff ect; (we supply)

Boys mom calls today tells me "make sure boys have clothes I taking them to get a family portrait"

What makes me mad is DONT you think underwear or socks would have been better??????

Time with mom is important too?

2007-11-28 13:53:45 · 5 answers · asked by Lisa G 2 in Family

me and my girlfriend were about to engage in intecourse and we were rusking a little and for some reason it wouldnt fit because she is too tight, is there any way to help loosen her up? if not then please let us know...

thanks for any help.

2007-11-28 13:50:49 · 17 answers · asked by Cory C. 2 in Singles & Dating

It seems to vary widely. At some point, one crosses over into a being a slut. Where is the line drawn? Can you provide insight? Thanks in advance.

2007-11-28 13:48:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I mean MELT.
Could-die-right-there-on-the-spot melt.

2007-11-28 13:46:50 · 14 answers · asked by DesperatleyNeedingmyQsAnswered 2 in Singles & Dating

I recently had a boob job after my husband & I divorced. I had always wanted it, so I went for it...also I thought maybe it would boost my confidence after my Ex had destroyed it. Do you think this will hurt future relationships? Do people think badly of women with fake boobs? Just want honest opinions, no rude remarks.

2007-11-28 13:45:40 · 44 answers · asked by Erin 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm 18 and she's 16. i live in NJ and she lives in IN... we had sexual relations over the phone and internet. the legal age of consent in both states is 16... her father is filing a report against me in IN for statutory rape... can I be tried and thrown in jail?

2007-11-28 13:42:28 · 12 answers · asked by Kelevra 2 in Family

My husband has been gone for 8 hours and i havent heard from him any advise!!! any tips on staing calm!!!

2007-11-28 13:39:23 · 25 answers · asked by ttc #1 4 years 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 13:37:18 · 14 answers · asked by Vicky 4 in Singles & Dating

so i feel silly, but there is this crazy hot guy in one of my classes and we flirt like crazy. the other day he added his number in my phone and got my number and has been texting me like daily since. its weird cuz hes not my usual type, like hes pretty stupid, but really charming and hot... like super hot... and we dont really run in the same circles or anything, but i still kinda get the feeling that hes kinda into me,but idk if im just making a mountain out of a mole hill... what do you think? is this headed nowhere?

2007-11-28 13:36:21 · 7 answers · asked by Emily B 1 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriends exwife just told me this today.
They were married ten years yesturday.
She filed for divorce today.
They have been legally seperated 6 years.

2007-11-28 13:35:28 · 11 answers · asked by Lisa G 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i love my bf..would marry today..but he says he is not the marrying kind.. says he loves me with all his heart..wants to spend the rest of his life with me.. i am 42 ydr older than his is,,would you wait for him??

2007-11-28 13:34:43 · 36 answers · asked by vis 7 in Marriage & Divorce

Last year I had two girls who were my closest friends. The three of us did just about everything together. After we went different ways for the summer (we're in college), she e-mailed me to say we couldn't be friends anymore. No explanation. Since then she's spoken to me exactly once, to reiterate that we would not be hanging out anymore. When I went to her dorm to try to talk to her, her mother reported me for harassment. The crazy thing is, we're both still friends with the third girl, who also has no idea why she's done this and is about an inch from telling her to bug off. Anyway, my question is not why my friend dumped me like this--I don't know if anyone will ever know--but how I can deal with it. It's been five months and I'm still so bewildered and upset. I can't seem to put it behind me. Does anyone have any advice?

2007-11-28 13:34:40 · 17 answers · asked by Liz 4 in Friends

There's this annoying person that does that everyday. I can't keep telling them that it is overused, so I need a good comeback so they can't say that again. Any ideas?

2007-11-28 13:32:30 · 7 answers · asked by susie 2 in Friends

When I was about 8 years old I was molested by a contractor in my own house. It never really had much of an effect on me because I was so young and never really understood what happened, until later. Last year I was sexually harassed by a teacher that I have known for years. It brought back memories of what happened and I got really upset about both of them at the same time. It's been less than a year but I'm still really upset, I can't stop thinking about it. I feel like I can't trust men, and I truely believe that all men are pigs. Although the man that molested me got sent to jail and the teacher got fired I can't stop thinking that it might happen again to someone else. I don't really want to get into detail about what happened, but if someone can just give me advice on how I can get over this, I would greatly appreciate it. I don't know what to do. It makes me think I am nothing special and it is the reason why I have no self confident. Please help!

2007-11-28 13:30:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Ok I am severly depressed right now.

I was with my Bipolar girlfriend for almost 5 years....Last December she left me for 2 months cuz she thought I needed to change....I was to blame for all.....she came back and I allowed her to even though she is the one who left me. We were together for about 5 more months this time and she left me again, with everything being worse this time and with her being nastier than I have ever heard or seen her. She is untreated and wild as a fireball right now. I know I can't force her to get help so please don't say that. Right now I am not supposed to contact her at all. Her friends are bad and they influence her and she is getting married to a girl she has only known 2 months and met over the internet on her phone.

I have psychological problems too but I have been getting help for the last 2 years. She knew as well as I did, it was going to be a process...and even though I changed some things and was somewhat better from the first time she left,

2007-11-28 13:30:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Ok, someone I work with (he's married) used to act nervous around me like he liked me. We were dancing around with each other for two months (by that I mean liking each other from afar, not really doing anything else). It was one of the things where you just knew that he had feelings for you and vice versa.

Now recently, all of a sudden, he gives me the cold shoulder. When I enter a room, he exits out right away before I even know it. He has his back turned to me when he knows I will walk by. He used to be so loud and outgoing at work, but recently he just goes to his office and never says a word anymore. I feel like he's almost avoiding me.

I think that he had feelings for me at one time, but now could it just be that he decided it was wrong? I'm taking it so personally and I can't help it because even though I just want to be his coworker again, I feel like he feels uncomfortable around me now because we liked each other. It's almost like he hates my guts or something.

2007-11-28 13:27:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Ok this is a serious question no wise cracks please. Heres the story, my husband has always told me he doesn't masterbate, which I am not an idiot I know all men do, but then I caught him 7 years into our relationship and let him know he didn't have to lie to me, I am open minded and he swears he only did one other time when I was pregnant. I feel kind of betrayed by him for his lying to me. What do you think? I just can't help the betrayed feeling for the lie.

2007-11-28 13:27:21 · 10 answers · asked by married with kids 3 in Marriage & Divorce

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