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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I currenlty live in Atlanta, GA but I am getting married in Charlotte it is a half way point for my family as well as my fiance's family. We plan to move to Charlotte a few months before the wedding but we do not have a church home yet but would like to marry in a nice church in the Charlotte area. We don't mind paying but would love some suggestions. Thanks!

2007-11-28 12:40:59 · 1 answers · asked by Loreal J 1 in Weddings

Why does it seem to take longer to go to the bathroom when you become a teenager, especially guys? Why does it seem like you go more times a day? Say you only went once a day -- then, when become a teen guy, it's more like three to four times a day. Why? What is it that makes my son do this?

2007-11-28 12:40:12 · 5 answers · asked by jenniferjohnson4697 1 in Family

i met this guy a few weeks ago and i really like him. we have been talking about commitment and everything seems to be going fine. I want to have sex with him but im worried about coming off like a whore! when is the right time to have sex in a new relationship??

2007-11-28 12:39:28 · 18 answers · asked by Ashley S 1 in Singles & Dating

He's attractive and outgoing, and I really like him a lot. He's kind too, never disrespectful or rude. Do you know how hardworking he is? He is only 19 and has several jobs. He gets up before dawn to work: lifting boxes for delivery, baking, cleaning, doing dishes, etc. He's also popular with everyone, including the opposite sex. He flirts with most girls (at least the ones he thinks are cute). I'm 18 and recently started working where he goes. That's where we met, and he seems to want to be my friend. But I believe he could never like me in that way... We never talked much in the past, but the other day he asked me teasingly, "Do you like me?" I said yes I do, and from then on he seemed to want to get to know me better, such as asking me about myself, and him telling me stuff from his personal life. Do you think if he continues flirting with me, is it all a joke? He's too good for me, lol.

2007-11-28 12:39:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We are only seperated right now. I plan on divorcing him but I just don't have the money at this point in my life. I left him because he has a drinking problem and I couldn't let my daughters live that life anymore. I wanted him to get better so I left because he said he could not do it with me in the house. I wanted our marriage to work but I guess he didn't because he is with another girl and they are having a baby in a couple of months. My question is does he have to give me any money since there is nothing from the courts making him?He was giving me $100 weekly but I guess he didn't want to work anymore so he stopped paying me for our 2 girls. He even wrote me a letter saying he was giving me money because I was trying to get help with food stamps etc. I am just shocked that he wont help me and finacially I am hurting. He doesn't work and his girlfriend has free housing so he is just living the life right now. What can I do to get the money I need for my daughters?They are 10 and 3

2007-11-28 12:39:04 · 18 answers · asked by lvbrdy4vr 1 in Marriage & Divorce

if so what happend?

2007-11-28 12:37:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Heres the deal I'm forty two years old, very single. I haven't dated a woman over the age of twenty eight ever (my current friend is twenty five years old) so my question is, are women in their forties sexually active? I'm only asking this because there is a woman who is a great person and we have so much in common but! i believe sex is very important in a relationship and want her to be able to keep up with me. ladies if can shed a little light on this subject I, would truly appreciate it... thanx

2007-11-28 12:35:48 · 15 answers · asked by z 4 in Singles & Dating

okay so i really like this guy, like alot & we've been like hanging out alot lately too & we both like each other. [he hasnt asked me out yet btw.] i love my best friend to death & i tell her everything exept for who i like cause then she goes and starts flirting with whoever it is. its so annoying and a few days ago she found out i liked him and when me, him and a bunch of our friends went out she totally was like AlWaYs with him. she would have followed him to the freakin' bathroom. i told her the nxt day on aim about how rude she was and she said she was sorry. but i dont believe her. now things are like really akward with me & him. wtf do i do?

2007-11-28 12:32:55 · 5 answers · asked by bellalinda576 2 in Singles & Dating

Im 18 and my boyfriend is 21. Well right now he works 5 days out of the week for like 10 hours shifts. Both of his parents are deceased so he bounces back from his uncle and sisters place. Well he told me he's saving up to get an apartment? I like him but its so crazy we only see each othert once a week because of the transportation issue and we never get to go out on dates and stuff like that. I really dont know what to do!! We've been together for a month

2007-11-28 12:31:09 · 4 answers · asked by lady 1 in Singles & Dating

what is the oldest you would date someone ? marry them?.. even if they look 10 yrs younger than they were?

2007-11-28 12:30:04 · 31 answers · asked by vis 7 in Marriage & Divorce

I don´t know what think the psychologists, the moralists or the church about this question. But I think they can`t find the answer.

2007-11-28 12:29:18 · 28 answers · asked by tonydeleons 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Well....I sorta have the biggest crush on a junior at my school. i am a freshmen. He is really hott and he gets really good grades and so many people tell me he's such a sweet and nice guy! He doesn't get into drugs and he seems like a good guy. Whenever I am around him i can't stop blushing and whenever i see him he makes me happy. i can't stop thinking or talking about him. but i barely know him and i have not said one word to him but i really want to get to know him. but i found out today that he is going out with some girl from a diff. town i don't kno why it is bothering me so much that he has a GF when i barely know him..what is up with that? Do I still like him? Plz give me some advice..i really need it! and at lunch i sit across the aisle from him and he always glances at me & today he was like staring at me for seriously 5 min. and i made eye contact with him like five times and i am not just making this up..my friend also saw him..what does this mean i thought he has a GF?

2007-11-28 12:29:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and I have been together a little over two months. We do everything together and we really mean a lot to each other. He is there for me when I need him and right now he is my best friend. But, we still haven't said that we loved each other. I've felt serious feelings for him for a few weeks now but I'm to afraid to say anything to him for fear that he won't feel the same. Our relationship is fantastic the way it is and I would hate to ruin it. But, is it worth being in a relationship if I can't tell him how I feel? I would just like to hear another perspective.

2007-11-28 12:29:01 · 6 answers · asked by b e a utiful 3 in Singles & Dating

My guy just proposed last week, and I'm really excited! Now I am curious what kind of wedding band I should get with my engagement ring when we get married. Here is a link to the ring he got me (hope the link works):


The side of the ring is not flat, so should I get a wedding band that conforms to the contours of the side of the ring, or just a simple band that is a uniform ring shape? I know I can "do whatever I want", I'm just wondering what is typically done when the side of the engagement ring is contoured due to the setting of the diamonds.

2007-11-28 12:28:20 · 12 answers · asked by Galaxie Girl 6 in Weddings

my girl and i have been gooing out for 2 months and she is getting on my last nearv and ther r a cople of oher girls i like at my school and they like me and iam afrid to domp her help me

2007-11-28 12:27:39 · 7 answers · asked by Cameron S 1 in Singles & Dating

my step grandad married my grandma for her house.. even though when she died before him and he died a yr later he gave it to me and her
my ex husband married me for the same house.. even though my grandparents were alive for 7 or more yrs after we married
why does she believe that a man would marry someone for what they have..she has told me that she researched what a military wife get when her husband dies.. and she married my father he was in the navy for 20 yrs.. died 5 yrs after.. now she is doing good.. she keep telling me to marry into the miltary..my bf is not in that..to me she seem so sad.. she is going to die alone with out love..what do you think of it?

2007-11-28 12:22:44 · 14 answers · asked by vis 7 in Marriage & Divorce

Dredging up the past and throw it in your face. Even after one has changed.

2007-11-28 12:21:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

What makes a wife a great wife?
What does it entail? Besides the obvious of loving the husband.

2007-11-28 12:19:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 12:18:36 · 65 answers · asked by BeautifulGirl 2 in Marriage & Divorce

whats changed? still got my hair, not fat, just the same but older, all my teeth, good job, good mates, only 39. why do the older women hold back?

2007-11-28 12:16:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 12:15:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

every weekend he causes problems by drinking too much, being jealous/aggressive on a couple of occasions. i've given him several "last chances" but its not improving. he says i need to tell him what he's doing wrong. but when i do,he starts swearing and says his bad behaviour is because I wind him up. he thinks throwing stuff against a wall should be excused if his girlfriend has been "f*cking his head up". is this part of his personality or can he learn/mature?

2007-11-28 12:15:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If a man says he's bored with his home life (family and kids) bored with his work and his lover...is there anything anybody can do about it?

2007-11-28 12:13:22 · 11 answers · asked by Danu 6 in Marriage & Divorce

A new apple Macbook pro + a kejeet cell phone + any rolling suitcase. This is basically my Christmas list. I just need an estimate. Please? I don't have time right now and my parents want to know.

2007-11-28 12:12:56 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

A woman I work with is in a really bad scrap with her stepchildren right now. She lost her husband not even two weeks ago to a car accident, and they're showing up on her doorstep telling her to get out of their father's house! How WRONG is that?

2007-11-28 12:11:33 · 8 answers · asked by Marina 7 in Marriage & Divorce

Kay here's the story, It was my first year at university and although i hung out with quite a few circles of friends there were no real close friends i got to know. Then I started hanging out with this one girl from my classes, she was in the same classes as I was and she was fun so I got to know her a little better. Sure i flirted with her now and then but it was nothing i didnt do with all of my other friends....but something tells me she doesnt know that and just now as she got off the bus she told me she likes me.

I feel like a jackass for leading her on and she's an awesome girl, what should I say to her?

2007-11-28 12:10:06 · 18 answers · asked by Aniatario 4 in Singles & Dating

I am a 13 year old girl. And I dont know what to ask for for Christmas. My grandparents dont want to get me money but I dont know what else to ask for.

2007-11-28 12:08:53 · 20 answers · asked by cwarne_94 1 in Family

I hate dressing up - how on Earth am I supposed to land a good job if I don't dress the part? I'm too curvy and my breasts are too big to wear suits plus I'm short - I hate work - I just hate it. I was made to make babies.

2007-11-28 12:07:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i got a crush on a nerd guy he's cute. but he told me he doesn't like me. in yet over the week he's been staring at me a lot and especially when i turn he's looking at me like 75% at the time. or turns his head when i look his way. he and his friends kinda stop talking and look at me at times too! i'm confused, does he like me? and if he does why doesn't he grow balls and talk to me!

2007-11-28 12:06:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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