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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

have you ever had a heavy sexual encounter with your best friends partner,what happened how long did it last,did one of you get pregnant how did you hide it from your best friend and/or your partner

2007-11-28 13:24:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

This guy on my but gets too close and he tries to makeout and hug me. I dont like him that way and I told him to get away from me. Grade 8?

2007-11-28 13:20:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hey **** how's it going these days, i have dropped into **** Shops but it has been at night so the chemist is already closed, tell you what though it was really good seeing you,
that time you where on your way out for a smoke break, just letting you know, cause I like yah, you sexy thing. Miss Italian o beauty, Ah well got to say even as lame as it may sound, that hug I got from you that day made the whole day brighter for me....Ahh yes do you still work at **** at the Chemist by the way??....Dang man it's been quite a while since I been there during the day ................because this new job I have, the Boss ( manager ) uses my charm..hahaha...to help get new contracts ..................................what you reckon sweetheart?. .........................................And if this is the last email I send you before Christmas or New Years, Merry Christmas and happy New Year, hope all goes well for you angel.

2007-11-28 13:20:26 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My English is poor but my bf is a British. He usually texts me starts with "Hi Gorgeous!". What should I call him with similar meaning? Is it "Hi Handsome!"? lol

2007-11-28 13:17:53 · 16 answers · asked by Littlestar 3 in Singles & Dating

I have been sad and depressed at the same time! My friends and boyfriend tried to talk to me, but I didn't want to talk to them. I haven't been doing my work lately! I feel like quitting school and leaving Yahoo! What do you think I should do besides talking to someone about this? I tried that and it didn't work. Please be honest! I'm serious here! Thanks so much for answering this question!

-LuckyGirl831 (Denise N)

2007-11-28 13:12:44 · 18 answers · asked by DELETED 3 in Friends

This one is directed to born-again Christian parents. I have some kids still young enough to make Christmas lists for the things they would like for Christmas. They pore over magazines and catalogs with zeal. This has irked me for several years. I do not like the idea of making lists. To me it smacks of coveting. It is not as though our family is poor. They have plenty of aunts and uncles who give each year at Christmas and birthdays. We are not wealthy, but God has been gracious. Still, we get them each three items each for each birthday and Christmas. And we don't tend to spend a whole lot because we want them to be grounded and learn to save for some things themselves. We don't want them focusing on material things.

I would like to end the practice altogether. My husband says that that's how we know what they really want. I feel that true gift giving is knowing the person and giving from the heart, not what the recipient is 'expecting'. To me, that's greedy.

2007-11-28 13:12:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Mine was three years ago and so different to anything that I've ever had since, but is that just because you look back with fond memories and forget about the bad times? You hear about people who meet up with their teenage sweethearts after 20 years and get married... this would suggest you never forget?

2007-11-28 13:10:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a very difficult conundrum. My wife no longer has feelings for me, and is not interested in my needs, either physically or emotionally. We have no children, so in most circumstances, I would think that this is a slam dunk divorce case. However, several years ago, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. She was expected to die, but is doing very well, and has, in all likelihood, beaten it. She did have to have brain surgery, and the specific area of her brain that was impacted was her frontal lobe, which is associated with emotions. So at this point, she is essentially emotionally stunted, which is quite possibly the main reason for her lack of interest in me. She does depend on me financially, as her disease has also cost her her ability to work. I doubt she could have any kind of adult relationship with anyone else because I don't think she's capable. So her life without me would be miserable. But being with her under these circumstances is making me miserable. Thoughts?

2007-11-28 13:08:17 · 33 answers · asked by plungeroo 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I dont know how true is that statement. I just want to know if people do actually believe in this old saying...

2007-11-28 13:07:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Be specific and detailed pls......

2007-11-28 13:07:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

somthin about some girl leavin yu

2007-11-28 13:04:10 · 15 answers · asked by rockstah 1 in Marriage & Divorce

what features do you look for in a girl

2007-11-28 13:03:56 · 2 answers · asked by ஐKatஐ 3 in Singles & Dating

do you think its to much to allow my 13 year old son to have provacative posters of christina aguilera on his wall?should i worry hes doing more than looking at them?

2007-11-28 13:02:54 · 14 answers · asked by megmeg4697 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ok....so here's the story. there is this guy that i've known for a while...i always had a crush on him, but he didn't know. i saw him one day and we started talking, and we ended up going out. we've been going out for about 3 months now. i really never loved anyone like i've loved him. and he said the same thing to me. but the only problem was...that from day one... i told him that i was gonna wait till marriage to have sex. he said he didn't mind it. we would get sexual, but never actually have intercourse. for a while he's really been telling me that he loves me, and i really felt that he did. but today he called me and said that it really wouldn't work out between us, just because of our lifestyles, but he still loves me, and he always will. and maybe something could happen in the future. he's 22 and i'm 19. i'm just so confused and heartbroken. he's breaking up with me, but on the other hand he's telling me that i'm perfect, and that he loves me. i still love him. wat should i do?

2007-11-28 13:02:09 · 9 answers · asked by Cherry69 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 12:55:25 · 7 answers · asked by cella31 1 in Family

I made the biggest mistake of my life....I want to be 100% there for my husband. The person I had an affair with says he loves me and wants me to leave my husband and be with him. I have told him I don't want to end my marriage. The "other" man gets angry and says he will not get over our relationship. When he drinks he threatens to kill himself and says he will ruin my marriage. I have tried everything to end this mess. I know I am a dirty b*&^h. Please offer real advise. The scarlet letter is not enough to carry. I know I should be spit on and rocks thrown at my head.......

2007-11-28 12:55:01 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 12:53:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My acqauintance is an engineer who is very smart but he does things that are socially awkward. For one he bathes sometimes at night but not morning. He is probably 150 pounds overweight and dont care to go to a gym even though students have free gym membership and he lives a 3 minute walk from the gym. He also does not exercise and due to that is uncoordinated, tireds quickly, and has no athletic ability. Also he has never been on a date before and hes 23. He also has a tendency to run to mom, a dad, or a professor for a personal issue in his life instead of deal with it on his own?

2007-11-28 12:52:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

last week he found out i chatted with a guy friend, he was angry because i did not tell him that i chatted for 1 month n not telling him. we've been together for 5 years.. i once went for a drink with a guy fren n did not tell him untill he found out. he just cant accept me again for hiding things from him. we already discussed this n he said he cant accept for being a liar. he said he does not love me again just because of this. i am so sorry n he knows i love him n not cheating on him but the fact of me lying to him is the matter that he said he cant accept it. please tell me how do i win him back. please...

2007-11-28 12:51:51 · 27 answers · asked by honeygirl h 1 in Singles & Dating

she feels bad about the stuff that i told her. i dont know what to say. i know she hangs wit alot of dudes on our campus.so i dont know if i believe her or not

2007-11-28 12:49:39 · 19 answers · asked by sexyutvol 1 in Friends

I got a job at the levine children's hospital in charlotte. Obviously excited that I finally got a job in the hospital,but family members freak me out. How do I deal with them, they stay under the children all day. I'M A NERVOUS WRECK. I need help. What are some suggestions?

2007-11-28 12:45:55 · 6 answers · asked by Christina T 1 in Family

I think guys are more confused about girls. That's just me though. What do you think?

2007-11-28 12:45:20 · 14 answers · asked by Kodi [[RoX uR sOx]] 3 in Singles & Dating

My best friend is a boy.We talk to each other about everything and get along great...as best friends do. But lately he has sort of been..I don't know..laughing and looking at me more.But the thing is that I really really really like him. And it isn't even like it is superficial either, I know he is not the most conventionally attractive person, but I do like him so much I can hardly stand it. But it kills me because he is skipping a year and so is graduating and going to college THIS YEAR. Now, THAT I know I can't stand. But anyway, he asked me out to lunch for my birthday and I am really excited but I am kind of wondering if it will be different than any other time we hang out. And I don't even know if that would be a good or bad thing...because if it is somehow awkward then that could be weird considering we are going to spend all day together anyway because we both work for the same technical director and have a production then...What do I do?

2007-11-28 12:45:09 · 1 answers · asked by FiendFyre 2 in Singles & Dating

im just curios about it

2007-11-28 12:44:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm in my early 30s and there is a woman in her early 50s that seems to be attracted to me and I have absolutely no clue what of me attaracts her. I am not bad looking, I'm not great looking but still, this doesn't have any future, she shows all the signs she is interested on me and we just talked once where we talked aboug going out, going out and hang out like in kind of dates for the way she described that idea of going out, she is divorced and her children are just a few years younger than me, has anyone been on this kind of situation? or have heard a common factor on these cases?, I'm wondering, I'm kind of an adventurer guy who usualy doesn't stay doing nothing when questions like this come to my mind, I go ahead and find out by myself, but I'm just wondering what people know about this, regardless if they have been in my situation or the other person's situation.

2007-11-28 12:43:52 · 5 answers · asked by livingthe30s 3 in Singles & Dating

Girls what would you do if your guy:
Could only manage a semi erected penis, so basically he couldn't get it solid like previous partners.
Couldn't hold out for more than say 2 minutes every time before cumin, even if it was the second time of the night.
And wasn't very big either, although I no that doesn't matter. But what with the other problems I've mentioned and that added to it, what would you do?

Keeping in mind you have only just started dating, he really likes you too.

2007-11-28 12:43:48 · 9 answers · asked by Bonnie B 4 in Singles & Dating

what is the deal with one night stands and sleeping with different guys, i don't get it some of them do it without even thinking on the consecuences. Anybody that has been extremely promiscous???

2007-11-28 12:42:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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