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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

even depressed about it because i think i brought on him stress and trouble, which i didn't previously realise until now

2007-11-28 01:24:16 · 9 answers · asked by 000 1 in Marriage & Divorce

kids and he is now 40yrs old next year and im 24yrs old but i nevr fill than he loves me sence we stay together and is just like he dont have eny plan in our relatonship cos evrytime i ask him when we get marrid but he never answer me but i love him so much. you think he will going to marry me or not.

2007-11-28 01:23:18 · 19 answers · asked by borleo23 1 in Marriage & Divorce


Your a$$cheeks!

2007-11-28 01:21:01 · 20 answers · asked by Zed 6 in Marriage & Divorce

pornography on-line?

2007-11-28 01:19:43 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

house, drinking , gamble. burn her money sent to him from aborod , not care the childern,? even food ,? no more?

why she stil 2 be with him?

2007-11-28 01:13:59 · 3 answers · asked by hsam h 1 in Family

Okay here is the issue. I am attracted to a guy that is like 40 something yrs older than me. I already have a great bf. It just sort of happened, I am gonna forget about it, but my question is. . . .WTF, how did this happen. I have known him a long time (over ten yrs) and I just don't know how this happend. I know I should be ashamed but should I tell my bf I have those feelings for this guy. I would never act on them, but I feel guilty and gross for even feeling it, what should I do?

2007-11-28 01:11:31 · 10 answers · asked by Love United 6 in Singles & Dating

I'm 30 but i feel old sometimes. I know 30 is really still young i don't know if it's because i'm under a lot of stress. Just had surgery am divorcing single parent of two kids and also moved recently. No matter how stable i try to make things my life forces these major situations to take place I hate it because i'm the kinda person that wants to live in the same place work at the same job fir yrs i mean yrs. Any other reasons i feel this way and does anybody els feel old. Sometimes i don't feel like i have energy for my kids I work in a factory 10 hrs pick them up sitter after 6:30 i cook help daughter homework wash dishes give baths do load of clothes check mail I literally don't sit down untill 9;30 10;00 pm Any ideas it's very hard to have any kinda life with this schedule

2007-11-28 01:10:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 01:03:41 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

We have internet on our phone and when you close the phone, then reopen it, it comes back up exactly where you left off. Last night I went to get on the internet on the phone and opened it and it was still on the inbox of my husbands email account. Right there (i didn't go digging around) was several emails from several different girls. Naturally I opened them, and they were porn sites. My husband and I have been through this several times and he knows that is unacceptable and that I definitely don't like it. SO the dilemma. Do I bring it up with him or not. It IS his email. But he left it wide open (probably without meaning to.) I wasn't snooping. SO where do I go from here. It's driving me nuts.

2007-11-28 01:00:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

We're really close and comfortable with each other but I like him a lot. I came out and told him like 7 months ago but I don't act like it at all (because it feels awkward) so I don't know if he knows that I still like him. Right after I told him, he broke up with his long term girlfriend, but he didn't tell me till 3 months later. I don't know how to hint that I like him and I don't want to tell him again cause i can't go through that again.

he tells me that he never tells a girl when he likes her, but that he'll give hints. and he said that he NEVER makes the first move.. what do I do?
My friends say that it doesn't seem like either of us likes each other (even though they know that I like him a lot) but I really think he does. it's little things he does but i have a strong gut feeling that he likes me . I want to ask a mutual guy friend, but I'm scared that it'll get wierd if I'm wrong

what do i do? should i make a move? how should I do it if we're both awkward and shy

2007-11-28 00:58:52 · 8 answers · asked by jldn2008 2 in Singles & Dating

My hubby is always telling my how attractive he is and how he knows he is good looking. I of course tell him this same thing all the time, but sometimes I get a weird feeling when he says it. He is a police officer so his hours are wierd and he comes in contact with a lot of women on a daily basis. He looks around at other women a lot too when we are out. When I ask him why he does it he says it is because he is a cop and isn't loking for the reason I think. He also get very deffensive. Am I being too sensitive or could this be a sign of more going on? BTW I am 7 months prego too

2007-11-28 00:58:44 · 21 answers · asked by GirlNextDoor 2 in Marriage & Divorce

mine sure does and its path is leading somewhere very special to someones heart and ring finger

2007-11-28 00:58:36 · 9 answers · asked by NIFman 5 in Weddings

I'm a straight 23 year old female with a normal sex life but I get turned on by male/male action like you wouldn't believe. So lately I've been thinking about asking my bf if he wants us to try something with another guy. My bf isn't homophobic and knows about my little fetish but still I'm afraid to ask him. Should I just drop it and if not how should I go about it?

2007-11-28 00:56:41 · 11 answers · asked by ash 1 in Singles & Dating

he was only trying to have sex with her and seemed so disgusted at the fact that she was 9 yrs older than him and she had a kid (11). my bf is 20. He gave me the impression that he was never going to talk to her again.

So a few nights ago he called her, and she called him back. I was in the room and he pretty much said he just wanted to see how she was doing. (Mind you this is the same drunk slut he met at the bar kissing on another girl)..

last night i saw in his phone that he texted her again, wondering how she was...

is it just me or does it seem like there might be more.

He said she was a cool person, and the night after they met they talked for like 30 mins. when she was sober...

I am just so confused, and we are still broken up but we were suppose to be working on our relationship and trying to get back together.

2007-11-28 00:55:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My sons father has not paid maintenance for him in the last 8 years (apart from the six months arrears before he got married, which he paid at £20 per mont) IThe CSA have started chasing him. He has not contributed to my son at all in the way of clothes, pocket money, haircuts, school etc (he is 13). He contacted me last night regarding the letter he got from the CSA and said that he didn't want to use them he wanted to deal direct with me (we had an arrangement like this when my son was between the ages of 2 and 5 and basically he just paid what he wanted when he wanted) When I refused he shouted abuse at me down the phone but more disturbingly telephoned my son on his mobile and started screaming at him to tell his mother she was a 'f******g b*****d. My son was distraught and is now scared to go and see him incase him and his wife have a go at him. I cannot afford to go to a lawyer does anybody have any idea what to do (I tried to speak with him myself but got told to F Off

2007-11-28 00:54:36 · 7 answers · asked by Gym Girl 2 in Marriage & Divorce

ok, is it better being more or less expressive to your girl, do girls go for long poems, is poetry writing kinda romantic, it's easy to put feelings into writing, but how do you go about doing it verbally, am i approaching this the right way


2007-11-28 00:51:48 · 23 answers · asked by rjhfocus77 6 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I met 3 years ago on a blind date. Obviously, things went well. Less than one month later we moved in together. At the same time we began dating, his ex-girlfriend gave birth to his son. Eventually, (2 years of court battles) my husband obtained full and legal custody of his son. (his son had already been living with us full time nearly from the begining). I had quit my job, and became a stay at home step-mom. I also used the money i had saved to put myself through college, for -him- to go to college. Furthermore, my father co-signed a vehicle loan for my husband shortly after he was finished with school. I relocated with him for his job. All sounds happily ever after....

Except, I am unhappy. To the point of wanting a divorce. He's a wonderful man, but I'm just not happy. And, I'm in love with my best friend. He lives 1242 miles away. Asked me to be with him. and no, I have -not- had an affair. Just in a touchy situation. Any advice?

2007-11-28 00:51:32 · 19 answers · asked by Ellie 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 00:50:44 · 31 answers · asked by guddu 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 00:48:53 · 22 answers · asked by totopapa 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Have you got yourself to blame?
Do I disappoint you, or am I just the same?
Too late to drag the past, and love after all is a temple.

That was in the past.
I am very unsure of my future, but what is yours?

2007-11-28 00:48:35 · 2 answers · asked by MikeD2 4 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 00:42:00 · 15 answers · asked by totopapa 1 in Marriage & Divorce

how many women who are married with kids. a husband. he treated her like a queen .would degrade her self always calling to well try and act like a younger woman . when she was in her.40.s just to get what she wanted with me i only did her right in her own home. make her feel young. i almost throwed up at her strached marks . and later on while i went away always calling me mking a *** out of her self . all she was was trash. my thought.s about her. she is now on her own where she told her husband. he divorced her . pity for her no way. she was trash then and probley still is as to her lustful ways with me she is no more than a cheap whore who.s marrage. ended over it was that not her fault for telling it. yes her.s alone

2007-11-28 00:36:31 · 13 answers · asked by matthew v 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My real name is Elena

but everyone knows me as Ellie

Im starting a new job soon and im not sure what I should ask them to call me

People say Ellie is cute much maybe a bit babyish

what are your views?

2007-11-28 00:25:21 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I definitely want to have a small, beautiful destination wedding. I'm looking for opinions from other couples or wedding guests on the best places to have a destination wedding. We live in America, so really want to go somewhere outside of the USA (though we would consider Hawaii as well). I am open to any destination in the world, with the exception of:

- very very cold, icy, places
- dark and rainy places
- very commercial resorts (Sandals, Superclubs, etc)
- places that are extremely difficult to get to
- places that are very expensive to travel to (would make it too restrictive for our guests)
- places that have extremely difficult marriage license requirements for American citizens

Other than that, open to pretty much anything. We're open to beach, mountain, forest, city, tropics - whatever!

Thank you so much!

2007-11-28 00:22:27 · 8 answers · asked by Snowflake 2 in Weddings

What do you think makes your marriage work so well? What are some tips that you would give to a newly wed couple?

2007-11-28 00:20:39 · 37 answers · asked by Ayliann 4 in Marriage & Divorce

My last gf was a bit opposite of me i liked rock more and she like hip hop more ..u know that kind of thing ...since we were diffrent we found our relationship more intresting ...i have never dated someone who likes some of the same things im into...

so is it beter to date someone who is diffrent from you a bit or someone who shares similarities?????

2007-11-28 00:17:55 · 11 answers · asked by dwtamaman 1 in Singles & Dating

is is good?
i don t know..........
i think that people who are normal never ask me for a date....
i don t know ....
maybe they are afraid..........
only those ones who are the always rejected teases me...
i started became angry.......
a normal person could not believe that i m alone...
i m not snob..........
i m not waiting 4 a model or a rich one or something extraordinary...
just a person with my education .... in my age........
smart.......and funny...........

why all the other girls who are shorter more stupid and angle have a partener?

2007-11-28 00:15:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I know what a cougar is as in the animal, but several guys refer to some girls as "Cougars"... why, and what qualifies a girl as a "Cougar"?

2007-11-28 00:10:03 · 10 answers · asked by barbiegrl5150 1 in Singles & Dating

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