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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

It is a pearl with two diamonds next to it on a white gold band.
i think it is so pretty. And it is only 200!

2007-11-28 06:31:06 · 33 answers · asked by ... 2 in Weddings

i know its wrong but my feelings are so strong

2007-11-28 06:30:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

She also told me she loves me as little more than a freind now. We have been married for almost 3 years and have a 1 year old child together and are sharing a stepson with her x boyfreind. Please help I don't want to loose her.

2007-11-28 06:30:10 · 36 answers · asked by g_b_blair 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Please pray that i find someone that will love me, Ive been looking for a longtime and no luck, so maybe if other people prayed it would work. Also pray that i do good in school, and finish college soon with good academic standing....I will more than appreciate it...please pray it only takes a second...


2007-11-28 06:29:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Hey everyone!

I am engaged and think the marriage and divorce section of YA is really, really sad.

So who here is actually in a HAPPY marriage?

2007-11-28 06:28:21 · 31 answers · asked by kiki 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok I've been with this girl for almost 2 years were not dating but just living together for the sake of are child. Well about a week ago my sister comes over to pic me up since my vehicle was broke and all hell broke loose. She threatened to get my sister arrested and my sister threatened to call the state on my ex well in other words I know both of them were in the wrong but the ex knew better then to start fighting infront of all my sisters kids.
That brings up what she thinks is right now I live in Maine and theres this state aid called TANF its meant to help families in need with money and so on so forth. Now she can work but she chooses to get TANF because she says getting 20 hours a week is stupid and is a wast of money when she'd be getting about 8.50 or so an hour. She chooses the TANF because she doesn't want to work she wants her money for free. Now tell me honestly is this girl being lazy or is it just me I have a job I work for wal mart I'll give more details as time goes

2007-11-28 06:23:52 · 13 answers · asked by Justn P 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband and I just had our first child 5 months ago and since then, he has been extremely distant. He has been sneaking around texting the girl that did my ultrasounds when I was pregnant! She knew both of us on a 'friend-level' before I was pregnant, but never did we actually contact her outside of the doctor's office. He says their text conversations are innocent and nothing for me to worry about, but what would you need to say at 11:30 pm? He never told me that they talked until I discovered all the text messages on our last cell phone bill. I want to be able to trust him, but it constantly puts the 'what if' idea in my mind. How do I handle this?

2007-11-28 06:23:12 · 38 answers · asked by Southern Belle 2 in Marriage & Divorce

cry. Is this normal? I am 25 years old.

2007-11-28 06:21:46 · 31 answers · asked by tls 1 in Marriage & Divorce

okay he has custudy of only one kid the baby momma is married already......0 baby momma drama!!! but m still worried!!! any one been thru this???????

2007-11-28 06:20:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I met this girl through the internet,we had dinner,good conversation-went to her house,watched a movie,made out for a while. I emailed her a few days later saying I had fun,let's meet again,she emailed me back the next day saying she had fun too, wanted to get together. I emailed her the next day... Didn't hear a response for a week and a half. I emailed again, she emailed saying she was "busy trying to get time off from work". I asked if she wanted to catch another movie that week or weekend, she said yes, definitely. Weekend came,I called,no call back. Wednesday I emailed her asking what happened--I said if she's too busy to date, that's fine, just tell me. She said she wanted to see me, but her phone was not working. We made a new plan for the coming Saturday. I called that day,but she cancelled saying she forgot she had plans already,but she'd call me that night. She never called. I emailed her and dumped her. She wrote back,said I'm a demanding a--hole,not worth her time. Wtf?

2007-11-28 06:20:08 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

The relationship advice gurus/ "experts" think they have it all right. Sorry, but it all seems like recycled highly idealized "conventional" wisdom without any genuine solid practical down to earth solutions for those of us who live in the real world. I've searched for advice for me in my life and in my relationship and I keep reading the same stuff over and over again, and even when I apply what I read, it backfires.

2007-11-28 06:20:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

And I am so scared! I love him and can't picture life without him in it and he feels the same but I am scared that if we do get married we will start fighting and end up hating each other and end up getting devorced. I don't want that to happen.

When we do get angry with eachother we usually give eachother some time to pout then talk about it like reasonable adults so my brian knows that we shouldn't have to many issues but my heart gets scared about all the "what ifs" that could happen. How do you handle this? I want to be with him the rest of my life but I am just terrified!

We have been dating over 2 years and have actually lived together for most of those 2 years and we honstely haven't had any major issues aside from our grouchy periods that we get through just fine. We are both very stable, loving, understanding and best of friends so why am I so terrified?

Also I am worried about the cost of it! It seems so exspencive! I don't know if we have the funds for this.

2007-11-28 06:19:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

How big is a girl who wears a size 16 to 18 in jeans? I have been talking to a girl I met on a chat line. She says she is kinda chunky but of course she wont reveal her weight. She inisisted on knowing mine but wont reveal hers. Im just curious. Its no big deal to me really.

2007-11-28 06:19:09 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

im goin to be punished for a f on my report card and my mom thinks thats going to get me left back because my school told her that i would but told me differntly what should i do to prove to her that im ot getting left back and get of the pounishment?

2007-11-28 06:16:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I don't think it's fair that women can cut and run when they feel like it, and collect major money in the process. I'm one of those people that thinks marrage doesn't work, because men can't be with one person for the rest of there lives...it's just not possible. Men need to see and feel something new on a regular basis, and most wifes won't let other women into the bedroom. ( it would truly help if they did ) Plus, women that just expect gifts and other crap, make me sick, but it's no shock that 99% expect gifts and crap.

2007-11-28 06:16:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Yes, adultery is not the same as raping someone or molesting a child. However, it DOES hurt people. It hurts families, it hurts friends, and it even hurts the two people involved even if they do not notice it.

That's why I am wondering if registering them as sex offenders is a good thing. Because they DO hurt people. If the public has a right to know if they are living near a person who could potentially hurt their child, it makes sense for them to also know about someone who could possibly destroy their home. Someone who get destroy a loving family and a loving marriage.

2007-11-28 06:15:06 · 23 answers · asked by banananutmeg1 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Well, luckily she's not my sister in law yet, but she will be. Everytime I see her she has this fake sweetness about her and then she starts arguments with everyone around her about everything. I think she believes the world revolves around her, because, when she wants something she makes everyone around her cater to what she wants. Her family begrudgingly goes along with her demands, but I am not the type of person who will do that. I am worried I will call her out one day and I don't want there to be conflict, but I can't stand the way she treats everyone and acts. What do I do?

2007-11-28 06:12:00 · 19 answers · asked by Laura 4 in Family

My husband's ex wife came into the place which I work and she don't leave the house plus me and my husband live in a different city then she lives and I work in the city where me and my husband live He's been seeing her when I'm at work and he has our son with what am I dealing with?

2007-11-28 06:11:08 · 22 answers · asked by kenoraizd 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok we have an odd relationship to start with. Were not dating but its like we are but without the whole"bf/gf" label. Heres where I am lost. He has my heart but its hard for him to tell me how he feels.So 90% of the time I have to assume he cares.Anyhow he told me that since he lives 2 hrs away (college) that he feels bored a lot and would like to chill with someone (he said not date/sexual). And he wanted to do it without feeling like he is going to hurt me. He has been wishy washy with me for awhile..first he says im smothering then he says he misses me. Anyhow I gave him his space for 5 days (no call/or write ect.) he calls me and tells me how stupid he was and how he runs his head too much and that he just meant that what "if" he wants to chill would somone..and then tells me he didn't and don't want to. So we made up..and now its back to being odd again where he's not calling or writing..ect.. Any advice on any of this? I really love this man..but damn this is getting old.

2007-11-28 06:11:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have a few questions mainly for the men.
1. How come guys never want to be in a relationship?
2. If he says he's not ready for a relationship, how long does it usually take for him to want one?
3. I know this guy who is 27, when do you think he would be ready for a steady relationship?
4. If a guy says he just wants to be friends, in due time do you think he'll want to be more? and would I be crazy if I wait?
5. What makes a guy decide to settle down or be in a long term relationship?

2007-11-28 06:07:49 · 1 answers · asked by tc22 3 in Singles & Dating

I'm constantly thinking about it. I love doing it. It's like an addiction for me. Is this normal?

2007-11-28 06:07:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If the guy is 7 years older than you. Is that too big of a difference?

2007-11-28 06:05:15 · 45 answers · asked by Alison 1 in Singles & Dating

Hi everyone. I'm a rookie at this. But I figured it's worth a try to get some different perspectives. My girlfriend has been what I think unfaithfull to me for the last year to 2 years. She has been sending her naked pics out to people she has talked to over IM and email. In the emails with her photo attached she talked very sexual for the receivers, more than she even would to me in bed. I've also discovered that one of the persons she sent her photos to, had been calling her and having sex with her over the phone. I told her I'm done with her, but a little part in my mind says "it's only over the phone, or it's only over IM and email"... but I still think that she was cheating on me. I can't get the thoughts out of my head. We have been together for over 7 years. We never got married in part because she is currently married, but seperated. Oh, and to top things off, the pictures taken of ALL of her nakedness was taken by her seperated husband. What do you think?

2007-11-28 06:04:34 · 22 answers · asked by the next jimmy page 1 in Marriage & Divorce

He is divorced, I have never married. Curious to find out the "how many dates before you do it" rule in general for Scottish society. I can wait as long as necessary.. I don't want to ruin the relationship by accepting an invitation too soon.

2007-11-28 06:03:01 · 6 answers · asked by Aunt Gwenna 2 in Singles & Dating

Actually I'm just testing how wise people are with their money. :D

2007-11-28 06:03:00 · 9 answers · asked by Dude 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I am dating a guy with a baby. I have never had kids and always thought my boyfriend, or husband would always have our first child together. is it really that big of a deal? Does it cause problems and does the relationship ever work out?

2007-11-28 05:56:44 · 4 answers · asked by Floridagirl 3 in Singles & Dating

what do u do if it happen ?

2007-11-28 05:56:09 · 19 answers · asked by jealousy 3 in Family

A good idea to tickle to set things rolling? :D

2007-11-28 05:55:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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