I met this girl through the internet,we had dinner,good conversation-went to her house,watched a movie,made out for a while. I emailed her a few days later saying I had fun,let's meet again,she emailed me back the next day saying she had fun too, wanted to get together. I emailed her the next day... Didn't hear a response for a week and a half. I emailed again, she emailed saying she was "busy trying to get time off from work". I asked if she wanted to catch another movie that week or weekend, she said yes, definitely. Weekend came,I called,no call back. Wednesday I emailed her asking what happened--I said if she's too busy to date, that's fine, just tell me. She said she wanted to see me, but her phone was not working. We made a new plan for the coming Saturday. I called that day,but she cancelled saying she forgot she had plans already,but she'd call me that night. She never called. I emailed her and dumped her. She wrote back,said I'm a demanding a--hole,not worth her time. Wtf?
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Singles & Dating