I do not ask alot of my husband.He is a cop and works 12hour shifts,so is off several days a week.I sometimes leave a short list of things for him to do...things I cannot do or find hard to do.I do not ask him to cook or clean or do much with the kids...I do all that and work full time.When he does do what I ask he acts like it is too difficult and that I am asking too much.Like today my list was: 1.hang Christmas lights outside 2.wash clothes (we just got home from a trip and had a ton that I cannot catch up on) and 3.figure out why phone does not work.I just called him (2:30pm and he has not done anything)I think since we are paying for our phone, it should be working and he did not even try and figure it out yet.He also complains when I ask him to do something with the kids, like help the older one with homework, or watch the baby while I bathe, etc.He drinks alot too.He thinks he has to have a case of beer every day he is off, and then some.Please give me advice on what to do.
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Marriage & Divorce