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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

it was really late and its all really comfusing and i dont know if i shud tell my parents!! if the boy tells someone and somehow my parents find out my life will be over!!

2007-11-28 07:36:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 07:34:43 · 21 answers · asked by Nicole A 2 in Weddings

I do not ask alot of my husband.He is a cop and works 12hour shifts,so is off several days a week.I sometimes leave a short list of things for him to do...things I cannot do or find hard to do.I do not ask him to cook or clean or do much with the kids...I do all that and work full time.When he does do what I ask he acts like it is too difficult and that I am asking too much.Like today my list was: 1.hang Christmas lights outside 2.wash clothes (we just got home from a trip and had a ton that I cannot catch up on) and 3.figure out why phone does not work.I just called him (2:30pm and he has not done anything)I think since we are paying for our phone, it should be working and he did not even try and figure it out yet.He also complains when I ask him to do something with the kids, like help the older one with homework, or watch the baby while I bathe, etc.He drinks alot too.He thinks he has to have a case of beer every day he is off, and then some.Please give me advice on what to do.

2007-11-28 07:34:36 · 9 answers · asked by brandiejs1979 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Me and my husband have been married for 7 yrs. I would like to renew our vows on the date we had orginally planned on getting married but didn't get to. I want to have a bigger wedding. We didn't get to do all that at first. Is this normal do people do it anymore or do you think it is something I shouldn't mess with?

2007-11-28 07:33:40 · 13 answers · asked by bbygrl 2 in Weddings

I know this woman im attracted to, I think she is attracted to me, she has been out of a relationship now for 5 months we get along good as friends, she knows im interested in her, I went to kiss her the other day, and she backed away, ? what to do ?? whats it mean ?

2007-11-28 07:33:28 · 12 answers · asked by music4life 1 in Singles & Dating

we have been together for 2 years, and he doesnt work on things that i feel will help us grow as a couple. I have tried before but he got made and started throwing and breaking things in the apartment. I really dont want to hurt him, but I dont feel like our relationship is going anywhere. I just dont want to feel like a horrible person for hurting him when I leave.
Anyone have words of wisdom?

2007-11-28 07:31:24 · 25 answers · asked by Amanda 1 in Singles & Dating

agree or disagree?

2007-11-28 07:31:24 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Have you ever crushed on or were completely attracted to someone you knew you shouldn’t and felt ashamed or bad about it? What did you do? How did you handle it?

2007-11-28 07:31:10 · 4 answers · asked by Love United 6 in Singles & Dating

How do you deal with your co-worker that has issues at home and bring ALLLLLLLL the problems to work?

2007-11-28 07:30:51 · 9 answers · asked by PANGTA 3 in Marriage & Divorce

sorry 'bout the last question guy i was in a hurry!!!!

2007-11-28 07:30:36 · 6 answers · asked by ~MUMBL3~ 1 in Singles & Dating

that he isn't happy here with me and our kids and doesn't want to be here but he is because that's the right thing to do. He says he loves us but is unhappy. I don't know what to do cuz I really love him but don't want to waste my life being with someone who's only here cuz he thinks it's the right thing to do. We have 4 kids and I'm 20 weeks pregnant. Please help me figure out what to do for the best.

2007-11-28 07:30:33 · 22 answers · asked by Lou25lou 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Oprah is laughing all the way to the bank while she pretends to care for people who have lazy minds. People who are too lazy to take control of their own lives and prefer to let someone on TV show them how to live their lives.

2007-11-28 07:28:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

What are your views on pornography and marriage? I'm talking about viewing porn WITHOUT your spouse.

2007-11-28 07:26:54 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

We all have something that we like to hear, so what is your favorite compliment? I love for a guy to tell me that he likes my laugh. It is not the usual, and it is something that just gives me the warm and fuzzies. So tell me your favorites . . .

2007-11-28 07:26:27 · 30 answers · asked by star13769 2 in Singles & Dating

Just started dating again after quite a few years! It seems most guys will tell you what you want to hear, and then totally change the story the next time you see them. I'm having a hard time trusting that any guy is for real. How do you find a sincere one, or know that they are telling the truth?

2007-11-28 07:25:31 · 13 answers · asked by deelight10 1 in Singles & Dating

Is it weird that I believe in the ideal of LOVE. The concept. But not the reality? It's just like how I believe in the ideal of marriage. VERY MUCH! I love the ideal of marriage. But the reality. Well . . . we all know. I'm a big believer in the ideals, but not the reality. Is that weird?

I think that society has tainted the reality of these things for me so much. I think I'd rather settle for the imagination aspect. Feel's like a better way to go. Cause people seem to always let you down from I can see. Does that sound off to anyone?

I often consider a life of solitude. I'm a young 21 year old guy.

And No I'm not preaching a life of whoring around! Not my style.


2007-11-28 07:22:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am 24 yo and have been married for over a year. I love my husband and we have a great relationship. Sometimes I feel as though I should have waited a few more years to marry. I am very independent and now wish I could have explored life more just by myself. I didn't date too many other people before we got married. I am afraid to tell my husband because he'll think that I want a divorce. I am not sure what I want. Can anyone who feels this way or ever felt this way lend some advice please?

2007-11-28 07:21:20 · 8 answers · asked by Rene 1 in Marriage & Divorce

We have a pavillion, ampitheathre and Gazebo and about 30 people coming, what do I do if it rains, sleets or snows?
Photos are going to be awful? Muddy? dark?
What now, too late to go anywhere else?

2007-11-28 07:20:56 · 13 answers · asked by TaylorProud 5 in Weddings

you the 360 er get to make me dress up in panty bra ect the more you tell the more my gf make me go buy yes i have to buy what you tell me too down to size color style you tell me and if you want to send to to walmart sear macy you tell me and i have too i gave her 6 point on monday night game

2007-11-28 07:20:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i hurt him so much, even when i'm not trying. he hurts me too sometimes. he makes me feel neglected and that he doesnt care for me. he keeps telling me that he is here for me but whenever i dont feel it, i end up doing something like talking to other guys (just talking). i know i seek attention when he doesnt give it to me. i do love him and i want to make things work but everytime something like this happens, i know how much i am hurting him. its so hard to let go because we've been together for so long and i love him dearly. should i let him go?

2007-11-28 07:18:38 · 5 answers · asked by girlwiththegoodies 3 in Singles & Dating

Once I get married, I plan only to have sex with my wife and never masturbate unless I am away on a business trip or something. Do you think I can do it?

2007-11-28 07:16:55 · 31 answers · asked by airforcewolf 4 in Marriage & Divorce

which one of these do you think is the biggest barrier to overcome when it comes to dating

1)race(dating someone outside your culture)

2)age (dating someone way older or way younger than you)

3)socioeconomic class(dating someone way richer or way poorer than you, or way less educated, or way more educated, etc.)

4)attractiveness(dating someone "out of your league")

2007-11-28 07:13:25 · 6 answers · asked by stlouisramfan2003 3 in Singles & Dating

Recently I left a job to work with my self employed husband. My job was not a very high paying job. I made just enough money to pay my child support each week and pay for the trip to pick up my children every other week. It is a long drive so it cost alot to make these trips. Before I left my job my husband and I had discussed our concerns about working together again. We had done so in the past with less than good results. My husband is the real income earner in our home. We have one child at home. His parents live with us and he supports them as well. He promised me that if I work with him he will make sure my child support gets pd and that we will ave money to make the trip. I promised I would not quit working with him. He does need an assistant and can not afford to hire one. This week I started to make my child support payment online but he told me that we did not have enuff money. I became upset with him & told him that I have to find a job that will pay. We both feel betrayed.

2007-11-28 07:10:28 · 18 answers · asked by melissa31011 2 in Marriage & Divorce

you can do anything to them and still the will always come right back why?

2007-11-28 07:10:07 · 5 answers · asked by asdfgh 3 in Singles & Dating

Ok so my fiance's sister is against the wedding. We have been dating for four years and she says that we are rushing into things. On top of that she stopped speaking to us after he told her to stop badgering him about seeing his grandma. Note: We live and hour away and we see her once a month while his sister lives a mile down the road and never sees her. Also, his grandma surprised me when she told a friend in front of me that her world collapsed when we became engaged. Please help!! The wedding is next year and on top of planning a wedding I have to deal with those two. I want them to be at the wedding but together we have agreed that it might not be the best thing.. Any suggestion?

2007-11-28 07:08:55 · 17 answers · asked by Becca M 1 in Weddings

My husband moved back home after our separation due to his affair. While he was gone, I rearranged the house and made it my own. I took over his closet and rearranged everything.

When he came back, he put all of his stuff in an extra room. He was looking around yesterday for a place to store some of his stuff and saw that my stuff is everywhere. He even joked about having his closet back. What should we do?

Then he was picking at me too. He was the one that messed up and cheated, but he is mad because an old boyfriend contacted me.

How can we start over? He wants things back the way they were and I'm reluctant to rearrange everything again and to let this all go.

2007-11-28 07:06:58 · 17 answers · asked by blue eyes 2 in Marriage & Divorce

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