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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My friend, who I want to ask out, asked me to learn a song on the guitar for her...I learned it, is there a way to ask her out by saying that I learned the song for her? (using the fact that I learned the song for her as showing a way that I care about her)

2007-11-28 09:30:17 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He doesn't wear his original wedding ring since it has diamonds on it. He thinks that he might damage it when he is working at his hospital. So I am thinking of buying him a wedding band (no diamonds, just gold). And since I am not American (I don't know all American traditions), I was wondering if it is ok after 5 years of marriage give him a wedding band as a Christmas present. Does anyone have similar situation? Does anyone have husband - doctor who doesn't wear ring at work?

2007-11-28 09:27:26 · 14 answers · asked by Irene C 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I really thought this guy like me for 4 years because the way he acted in the past. I moved to different states. He still kept writting many love poems about ME! (Those poems are very specific and talk about me) Today, I asked him to make a decision.

I could not believe he wrote this..

I have never written a poem about you. With all due respect, I have told you repeatedly that I have no interest in having a relationship with you.

As nice as the book you sent me is, I'm going to send it back to you because the interaction between the two of us has become very inappropriate. You're now on the verge of harassment and consequently I am now asking you to stop contacting me on any medium or in any fashion.

If you do not leave me alone, I will get law enforcement involved.
What is his motivation? Why he wrote peoms about loving me. He string me along. When I love him. He treats me so bad.

Thank you!

2007-11-28 09:27:15 · 23 answers · asked by Hope 4 in Marriage & Divorce

K, so I'm 14 years old, and don't worry im not poor, I have saved up cash for Xmas, now the problem is i dont know what to buy my parents, there the kind of people that have pretty much a lot of what they need, and they don't have hobbies or anything, so ya, here's some details, dad is a truck driver and he's not home that much, and my mom is a stay at home mom, what should i get them?!?!!! Plese HELP!

2007-11-28 09:25:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

i really like this kid....and this loud mouth asked him to go out with me without me knowing so he said no about 2 months ago but now and ever since then he always looks at me. In science a sub had the wrong attendance sheet and called my name in his class and his head shot up so fast ..as my friend told me ...and when i'm walking down the stairs and he's walking up he stares at me constantly until we can't see each other anymore. Alsoi my friend was talking about me and he walked passed and when he heard my name he looked around and started to listen to my friends convo. WHat do you think....

2007-11-28 09:25:15 · 14 answers · asked by ❤ηΙηα❤ 4 in Singles & Dating

Ok so i like this guy.. we met like 4 months ago, and we went to a concert with our friends, then he asked a friend of mine my email.. we talked a little, then i had this party and i went with him, he told me i looked beautiful and he was like always "hugging me" and then my friend were like picture! and he hugged me, then the music started and there was a song and he started to sing to me in the ear , this " where your heart fits" and then we danced a lot, and when we got like lost from each other when we found again, he would hug me again and put a huge smile on his face...

he asked how was the food, he pulled the chair for me, he even told me if he change his desert for mine, even though he didn't like chocolate.. (his was vanilla and mine was chocolate) oh and he asked me my cell #!!
-he isn't shy at all...
-he is just the kind of guy that love girls
-and he said to my friend that he couldn't have a nice girl..
****we haven't talked since...

2007-11-28 09:24:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Can be sexy, romantic, cute, w/e.

2007-11-28 09:22:44 · 4 answers · asked by Nick B 2 in Singles & Dating

is it better for the guy to buy flowers or steal them from a park or a garden?
because if you steal from a garden , it takes alot of time and its cheaper aswel ;)

2007-11-28 09:21:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I need advice or closure to help me let go.okay so my ex broke up with me 7 months ago..and maybe 3 months he got into a relationship with another girl. Basically he moved to another town because of her, and he barely knew her(barely a month). Anyway last night I had a basketball game where he lives(im the manager, so I sit with the players)..and he was there..with her. And instead of sitting on the vistor side..he sat on the home side where I could see him. Yet when the games are where I live..he sits on the vistors and goes alone. He basically makes me see him. After the game, one of his friends told me that his gf is 3-4 months pregnant with her ex boyfriends baby, and top that off, she drinks and parties. Now I dont get whats going through my ex's head, why is he doing this? He's such a different person now, he drinks parties, and I found out he stoled money from a friend. I shouldnt care, but what is he thinking?:(

2007-11-28 09:20:49 · 9 answers · asked by bianca 5 in Singles & Dating

Do you think someone who is Bipolar (untreated in all ways)....and is leading a very risky lifestyle right now (spending excessively, not paying bills, drinking and partying a lot, hanging out with the wrong kind of friend, accepting a marriage proposal from a girl she has only know like 2 and a half months, and a few other shady things)....do you think that after being with me for almost 5 years that she will regret what she did in the near future or at least some day? Even though we had our share of problems...and I have my pscyhological problems as well (OCD and BPD).....But even with her being nasty to me lately really bad and her making things out to be worse that they were between us and telling her friends that stuff, I was always there for her....even after she left me this time. And she left me once before this time too, maybe like 5 months before this time. So with her making out to seem like the 'devil'.....if it was you, and you were as unhappy as she is making it seem ..

2007-11-28 09:15:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I live in Illinois and my step son just turned 18 but has not yet graduated from high school so the state automatically extended child support until he graduates. At the same time they did a case review and said my husband had missed 13 payments from the years of 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2003 and now has to pay the delinquency plus interst! We tried to fight it saying it was court order to be withheld. And believe me if it had not been taken out of his check, we would have known.The states said prove it was paid and the court ordered withholding notice and the fact that it was withheld ever other week was not enough. Only proof would be pay check stubs and I didn't keep 8 years worth. Let this be a lesson learned....KEEP YOUR PAY CHECK STUBS FOR THE ENTIRE TIME YOU PAY CHILD SUPPORT!!! According to the state, they have no obligation to notify of a delinquency in a more timely manner. Isn't this a big surprise.

2007-11-28 09:15:01 · 4 answers · asked by Sharlena 2 in Marriage & Divorce

K, so I went out with this guy for like two days. Then we broke up. Then, about a week later I went out with him for another week, and we broke up again. We still like each other, but we're not going out. We hold hands and cuddle and stuff, so I would say we have a thing. I told him I don't wanna go out again because I don't want it to turn out like last time and that we should hang out more before we go out again. Do you think it's good that I'm waiting a little bit, but leading him on? I really, really like him, and I try to get over him but I can't. Am I doing the right thing?

2007-11-28 09:10:49 · 17 answers · asked by The Girl 2 in Singles & Dating

Seriously though, I don't know why it's sooooo important for girls nowadays to wait until the second date at least. From a guys perspective, whether she gives it up on the first or second date--the opinions don't change!

2007-11-28 09:10:35 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 09:10:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I need some more reasons why i need a new mattress! I need a new one because on it was my moms and 2 my back is hurtibg because it is so uncomfotable!!! Help Me!

2007-11-28 09:09:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

So I just got engaged two days ago & I was at the mall today and was wondering around a bookstore. I found the wedding section and picked out a few wedding planning books and sat down and started to go through them. After going through them I started to feel really anxious and I like I needed to take some deep breaths and maybe stick my head inbetween my legs and calm down.
I don't know if it is just the stress of thinking of all the planning needed and money needed. Or it's just all my stresses combined.
Basically my stresses include: college classes, currently in the process of transfering colleges for the spring, work, finances, & problems between boyfriend & mom.

Did anyone else feel a little faint when they started thinking about everything they would need to do?

2007-11-28 09:09:03 · 15 answers · asked by prettyblueeyes101010 4 in Weddings

Okay, so my friend and I are going to the mall for my birthday.
She's thirteen, and I'm fourteen.
I talked to her about stopping at Spencer's to get a vibrator for both of us, and she's up for it, except we don't know if they check the age there.
I've heard some people say they do, I've heard some say they don't. I don't know, so that's why I'm asking.

I've heard that since they sell them as "massagers" and "gag gifts" that you can buy them any age...

Oh, and no smart remarks such as: "Oh, you're too young to be buying this, etc." At least I'm not going out and having sex.

Serious answers only please!

2007-11-28 09:07:49 · 12 answers · asked by murky_kitty 1 in Singles & Dating

he sent me a picture of a beautiful single rose ( thru email), he's told me he liked me before, but what does this mean?? how do i respond to it??

2007-11-28 09:06:42 · 23 answers · asked by PuppyLover 3 in Singles & Dating

my husband didnt ever want another one and told me to get my tubes tied, but then i wasnt sure but a lot of reflection on my past and present has convinced me that one is more than enough.we both have professional jobs and i do all the house chores alone as well as taking care of our child.i am exhausted each day and we seldom communicate without a fight ensuing, which worries me that my daughter is surounded by a hostile and cold environment, hence i dont ever want another baby to experience this atmosphere.i realise that i need to make this hard decision as my husband is against one child now that i am determined to stop here. what would you do? we have been married 4yrs together for 8yrs, and emotional heart to heart communication without a fight is non existant even though we are seeing a marriage cousellor, it seems like a waste of money and time. what do you think? serious answers only by married pple plse!!!

2007-11-28 09:06:05 · 15 answers · asked by sherie 2 in Marriage & Divorce

one twin- ive liked 4 ages but i always say stupid stuff 2 her and we hardly talk
other twin- just recently started liking her, can talk sense to her, and we talk loads

which would you choice?? and any advice??

2007-11-28 09:05:42 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

See my ex boyfriend has been all flirty flirty with me and he broke up with me like 4 weeks ago (the relation ship lasted for like 2 weeks) because he said it was over stress and he said he still likes me but he doesnt want to go out with me and my newest boyfriend is so sweet and HOT but so is my ex boyfriend!!! somebody HELP ME!!!

2007-11-28 09:03:34 · 16 answers · asked by ariel_kng 2 in Singles & Dating


Do you think someone who is Bipolar (untreated in all ways)....and is leading a very risky lifestyle right now (spending excessively, not paying bills, drinking and partying a lot, hanging out with the wrong kind of friend, accepting a marriage proposal from a girl she has only know like 2 and a half months, and a few other shady things)....do you think that after being with me for almost 5 years that she will regret what she did in the near future or at least some day? Even though we had our share of problems...and I have my pscyhological problems as well (OCD and BPD).....But even with her being nasty to me lately really bad and her making things out to be worse that they were between us and telling her friends that stuff, I was always there for her....even after she left me this time. And she left me once before this time too, maybe like 5 months before this time. So with her making out to seem like the 'devil'.....if it was you, and you were as unhappy as she is making it seem ..

2007-11-28 09:03:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my husbands messenger logged on automatically when I turned the computer on. As soon as it logged in a women popped up and said "I miss you" *rushes to your side*. I typed a few vague things to see what was what and well.....it wasn't pretty. I thought we had a great relationship. I'm carrying his child. I'm going to confront him when he comes home (if not sooner). Am I wrong to feel betrayed?

2007-11-28 09:02:25 · 43 answers · asked by Jenny 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm not taken, so how many different girls can I date without getting in trouble? If I go on a date with one girl on Thursday and another girl on Friday...does my Thursday date have a right to be upset with me if we are not exclusive....yet? Please note: Date does not equate to sleep with ;)

2007-11-28 09:01:49 · 24 answers · asked by Chris T 2 in Singles & Dating

so i was walking down the stairs and my boobs were kind of shaking, and i looked at my crush, and he was smiling. What do you think he was thinking?

2007-11-28 09:00:44 · 58 answers · asked by Nikki T 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm 16 and have large breasts for my age, my friends (all girls) said i should be greatful as they are all flat but as my last 2 boyfreinds dated me only for my boobs, i'm rather self concious. A lot of guys at school taunt me about them and i think i'm asking this question just to rant but if guys like girls who have big boobs so much why do they push so many to breast reduction by making them feel out of place.

2007-11-28 08:55:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm 25, male and I have a height of 5'8" and my potential life partner is also 25, and she is 4'6" tall.

Please advice, does this really matters in a long term relationship in any serious way ?

Does this affect her child conception or anything in future or our sexual life ?

2007-11-28 08:55:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have a fiance and we really lovee each other alot...and he is realy very loving n caring about me and likes me alottt..i know that..and we even are soo open with each other that we have each others passwords for email and all...but still I feel very insecure wenever he is on his yahoo mesenger and chatting wit hs frnds that are girls...i feel very insecure and panicked..i really dunno why..i shudnt feel like this right? like i keep wondering OMG wat r they talking about..or could they be flirting..etc..What shud i do abt this insecurity and feeling? I just dont want him to chat with other girls..ANd i dont even knw what they could be talking..so i feel insecure..What should i DO about this? PLS HELP ME..advise maturely..

2007-11-28 08:55:08 · 11 answers · asked by mani 1 in Singles & Dating

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