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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

If a girl seems to attract only overconfident, rather loud guys, what does that say about her?

2007-11-28 10:15:05 · 4 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

a christan church group, one woman kept going on about some trouble my daughter got into years ago and these others i felt did not like me they were smirky and horrible to me, i felt uncomtable hurt and i dont, really understand cos they have been brought up in respectable christian homes whats up iwth them

2007-11-28 10:14:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My dad has never liked black people.Iv'e found out that I'm attracted to black girls. I'm white.Is this o.k? If she wanted to go out with me how could I tell my dad?

2007-11-28 10:13:40 · 8 answers · asked by mapizrap 1 in Singles & Dating

My bf and I want to marry each other badly but hes 18 and im 17 and I want to get engaged to him at 18 but not marry him until im 23 so I could finish off undergrad. Is this a good idea?

2007-11-28 10:13:24 · 27 answers · asked by =) 2 in Weddings

At work there is this woman who i like alot. we have had small convos, we have talked during breaks, and we also text one another outside of work. I recently asked her out to dinner and she said yes. does that mean its a date? and she asked me if i would interested in comin back to her apt so that i know how to get there. does that mean she likes me a lot or just a little? What would be a good place to go to dinner bc i really want to impress her?thanks g

2007-11-28 10:12:06 · 3 answers · asked by tbg1982 1 in Singles & Dating


Getting ******* rejected.Im a good guy and im not that bad looking yet i always get rejected its getting to the point now where im starting to hate girls and i dont want to be like that.What the hells going on? I always be as nice as i can but they play ******* games and mess around with my feelings.

2007-11-28 10:09:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been dating a man for about 1 1/2 years.I have recently found out that he is looking at porn everday onhis computer and sometmes twice a day.My first question is, is taht normal? But I have another question. He is 41 and he is looking at pornthat is of girls that areVERY VERY young teens. Is that normal for a man in his 40's to look at that kind of thing? Not that I"mtrying to make up an excuse for him but could it just be that he is trying to be young again. If anyone has an answerto tis PLEASE HELP!! Thanks

2007-11-28 10:05:39 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

A while back during the summer, i had this thing with this girl. I liked her and she liked me and we both knew it but never really talked about it, we had kissed and stuff a couple times but that was it. then last week i told her that i wanted to be "more than a friend" and she was saying that she just wants to be really good friends. i had kind of stopped thinking about her but now i really like her and finally worked up the guts to tell her. Is it too late? What can i do to get her back?

2007-11-28 10:04:16 · 27 answers · asked by Chris 2 in Singles & Dating

The thing is, i started a new job a couple of weeks ago, im 16
& there is this girl/woman that i like. She is 21. I know its a bit
older but i really like her? Should i ask her out?

2007-11-28 10:04:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My ex boyfriend's birthday is in a week. I love him to death and were probably going to date again. He loves trucks, mudding, country music, he's going to be 18!! I want to do something/ get something really great and sweet but have NO ideas. Guys what would you want? Girls what would you give?

2007-11-28 10:00:24 · 4 answers · asked by LuvnLife 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok, eventually my boyfriend and I will marry sooner than later. Here's the kicker. I'm atheist; he's at least agnostic. We don't really care about religion though our families do. His father is Catholic, but raised by his mother's beliefs of Baptist. I was raised Catholic but now I believe what I believe. My mother still is in denial saying I'm at most agnostic . I always wanted to get married outside because I'm outdoorsy. My bf always thought he would marry in a church, but more for his parents' sake than his. He just thinks it is normal. Thinking about it more, I wouldn't mind a ceremony in a church or chapel, but I already have an officiant in mind (family friend back home) who won't inject God into it. I believe churches are beautiful, but all the beautiful ones in Dallas are Catholic and bf and I are a big no-no there. The little wedding chapels around here suck so that only leaves actual churches. Anyone have an ideas what religion would allow us in?

2007-11-28 09:59:27 · 10 answers · asked by fire_n_ice723 3 in Weddings

make out or cuddle?

2007-11-28 09:58:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

we talked about this with a couple of friends at lunch and they agree that men want a woman who can compliment them and who boosts their ego, even if it's white lies sometimes.
Is this what it comes down to?

2007-11-28 09:57:53 · 6 answers · asked by AMBER D 6 in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 09:57:30 · 32 answers · asked by LD 4 in Weddings

so, i've known this guy for 5 years... we met in middle school... we're both older now outta high school and started talking again. I'm starting to really like him. but he's the son of a major celebrity! and really gorgeous! a lot of girls seem to think the same... but he doesnt seem to give them the time of day... he's polite of course but nothing further (or so i think)
what should i do..?..

im not giving the name :-p

&& i dont care what family he was born into.
I just care about him!! ive already been to his house and met his family ... keep in mind we've been friends for 5 years. and we have tons of mutual friends. but just recently started to get closer:: nothing physical just... flirtatious ect. how do i kno he hasnt or isnt doing the same thing with tons of other girls?

2007-11-28 09:52:20 · 4 answers · asked by colleen;; 1 in Singles & Dating

Would you stay with them? If they're well adjusted now would you dismiss their past?

2007-11-28 09:50:30 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

e! I have a date with a new guy Friday night and want to look hot. Yes, he knows I am a smoker, and it is ok with him even though he is not.

2007-11-28 09:47:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

it hurts me to write this but i cant really think clearly and i need someones advice that doesnt know me , anyways my friends threw a party while i was away for thanksgiving and when i came home my really good friend steph told me that my best friend amanda slept with my boyfriend lucas ,i didnt believe it but steph took pictures of them making out and someone had actually filmed them and i couldnt believe it , now they both are sending me e-mails calling my phone and i dont know what to do ! im trying to calm down because if i see either one of them i dont know what i'll do, i know i cant ever be with him again or be her friend anymore i just dont know how im suppose to let go when it feels like they both stabbed me in my front and my back.

2007-11-28 09:46:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My boyfriend is so damn lazy! He just lays around in bed all day talking about how tired he is. He never wants to help me with anything and anytime I ask him to do me a favor he acts like I owe him. When he should help out around the house anyway.... PLEASE HELP! I dont know what to do with him anymore!

2007-11-28 09:45:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I know I'm not that ugly. But let's face it: I'm screwed. I studied so hard and worked so hard to improve the way I dress. I read the bloody Economist and am very well versed in the arts, literature, film, etc. I speak four languages. But I'm useless and horridly plain. I'm stuck depending on the kindness of others to love me. Every time I look at my face in my mirror, I feel like I dying and I just want to break the mirror and forget I exist. I know biology have cursed me forever, and don't you say that one day "the right man," will find you. Sure, but I'm not allowed to be choosy at all. Why bother? Why I am alive if I'm so undesirable to men? I don't care if they're not classically attractive, only thin, and from a good family and well-educated--as I am. I actually find Tom Hanks-type guys very attractive.
I live by a river, and sometimes I just feel like pulling an Ophelia and well you know...

2007-11-28 09:45:24 · 27 answers · asked by Carolina P 2 in Singles & Dating

How did you meet? and how did you know that they were the one for you?

2007-11-28 09:42:58 · 24 answers · asked by Rainbowsssss 4 in Singles & Dating

Atleast most guys are.

2007-11-28 09:42:53 · 13 answers · asked by Rainn 3 in Singles & Dating

I asked my ex out yesterday and he said he would like to go out, but not right now because he's still getting over the break up. It's been a month and one week or more since we broke up. Did he use that as an excuse?? Should I move on??

2007-11-28 09:42:11 · 12 answers · asked by Mystify 1 in Singles & Dating

My son and his little 2 year old girl live temporarily with us. However, due to the new neighbors who moved in below us, complaining constantly about the 2 year old, running, jumping, etc. My husband and myself are afraid that eventually we will get evicted because of the continued complaints. Anyway, my son works and makes $10.60 an hour, and he has a car that the payments are $324.00, but he has the little girl. Does anyone have any idea, if this would prevent him from getting housing assistance or WIC or foodstamps for him and the little one?

2007-11-28 09:41:03 · 5 answers · asked by desperate77 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

you or your spouse/bf/gf? Any stories? :)

Mine are always warm (unless I'm sick.)

2007-11-28 09:40:55 · 11 answers · asked by ironcityguy 5 in Singles & Dating

hi last year i met this guy and we were getting on really well but he has a baby with sumbody else though he isnt seeing her.
we text all the time and he says he wants to meet up with me but neva does,but then he comes running back saying he is really sorry.
i dont know wat to do,he gets jealous if i mention other men but the fact is i never see him and i really care for him.
he makes promises he cant keep but sumtimes its like he really cares,he says i make him nervous.
please help ?

2007-11-28 09:39:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

a) the man be older than the wife?
b) the wife be older than her husband?

2007-11-28 09:37:41 · 12 answers · asked by Diva 1 in Marriage & Divorce

At work there is this woman who i like alot. we have had small convos, we have talked during breaks, and we also text one another outside of work. I recently asked her out to dinner and she said yes. does that mean its a date? and she asked me if i would interested in comin back to her apt so that i know how to get there. does that mean she likes me a lot or just a little? What would be a good place to go to dinner bc i really want to impress her?thanks g

2007-11-28 09:33:34 · 4 answers · asked by tbg1982 1 in Singles & Dating

emily is smart and funny but she kinda ignores me and always challenges me. sara is clearly into me and i know that she would go out with me. should i go for the challenge or go the easy way?

2007-11-28 09:31:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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