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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

But he is getting new ones for Christmas.

My pan was in mint condition, and I have observed it becoming badly scratched up ever since he started using it. It went from a tiny scratch to big ol scratches everywhere.

Can I ask him to get a new pan for him to use (he can afford it) or am I being a ***** and I should just wait it out and let my pan be violated until Christmas??

2007-11-28 04:17:37 · 2 answers · asked by LifeLove 3 in Friends

Does anyone know the proper etiquette? Do you send thank you notes to those that attended the wedding and just thank them for sharing in your special day?
I had some people that sent a gift before the wedding and I sent a thank you note thanking them for the gift. Should I also send a note thanking them for attending the wedding?
Any suggestions appreciated.

2007-11-28 04:14:51 · 37 answers · asked by clg1975 3 in Weddings

He comes into work almost silently. He sits for a minute before commencing his workday. When people stand around him he freezes and it feels like he wants people to look at me. Why? I am the bosses daughter and I guess I am pretty. Could those be the reasons? maybe he feels uncomfortable around me?

2007-11-28 04:14:37 · 7 answers · asked by pookie 1 in Singles & Dating

previous girlfriends have left me over this and would it be wrong to lose my virginity before marriage if it is sin

2007-11-28 04:11:03 · 23 answers · asked by footyfan 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Hello. I'm 17. I'm Iranian and here in Iran an accusation about battered women isn't very common because here, the women don't have rights like us (Men), but I'm different, my mom is really all to me and I love her, it isn't strange because she's my mother.
But my question is, what CAN I do? Sorry my English. الله اكبر

2007-11-28 04:06:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I haven't seen my finance' in days and want to have a romantic dinner...what can I do?

2007-11-28 04:02:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

he hugges me and talkes to me alot.when were in class he a flirts a hella lot.

2007-11-28 04:02:54 · 5 answers · asked by Soulja gurl 1 in Friends

My husband has a habit of clamming up and not speaking when he's upset about something. We've struggled with this since we were dating, and I've always told him that he can tell me anything, I'm here for him, I can't help him unless he lets me know what's going on, etc.

We've been getting better, but we're still struggling with it. What's the best thing to do to let him know that I'm not here to judge - I'm here to help? I tell him that, if he can tell anyone, it's me. I'm his wife, I'm supposed to be the one that supports him through everything.

He's been stressed out the past few weeks, but everytime I ask him what's wrong, he shakes his head and says nothing, or he'll just sit there and not answer me at all. It's very frustrating! What do I do?

2007-11-28 04:02:49 · 18 answers · asked by SimplyMe 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I went with my boyfriend last weekend to visit his older brother who's a freshman in college. When my bf introduced us his brother said, "I see you've got yourself a spinner." I just laughed but I have no idea what he meant by that. What did he mean? What's a spinner?

2007-11-28 04:00:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


2007-11-28 03:58:46 · 7 answers · asked by sarah a 1 in Family

the more things the better. I want it to seem like he's getting a lot.
P.S. He's my cousin

2007-11-28 03:56:29 · 6 answers · asked by a person 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

This is very embarrasing. Im 30 years old and have never kissed a girl. But Iam getting close to this girl and she may want to kiss, i dont know how to French Kiss!! How do you do it????? Please hel. I need a full description (even diagrams would help). I am so paranoid she will realise its my first time!

2007-11-28 03:51:04 · 13 answers · asked by los 1 in Singles & Dating

I was sitting on the couch with a guy watching tv and he started tickling me all over does that me he liked me ?

2007-11-28 03:50:41 · 9 answers · asked by kari a 1 in Singles & Dating

me to come over to spend time with him im confused

2007-11-28 03:47:29 · 17 answers · asked by maria p 1 in Singles & Dating

he actually moved to another city away from me and my family for this job and he had only had it for 6 monthes and he just got layed off. He was making about 110,000 a year at this job, a 20,000 raise from his previous job. what should we do now?

2007-11-28 03:44:07 · 34 answers · asked by esthie 2 in Family

my boyfriend and i are buying a house next year. he makes six times what i do. how do we decide what fair contributions are?

2007-11-28 03:44:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am concerned about her because she seems to have a big problem that she just can't see. She is a single mother of two children. She works with me at work and every single day we carpool together in my car. She rarely contributes to gas nor does she offer to drive. She comes into work late EVERYDAY! Which therefore, makes me late as well. She has beggining to upset not only me but my family and even my husband because she seems to be very selfish. She has money to fix her car but it seems as though she is not saving her money anymore. She went on a BIG shopping spree for X-mas. My mom is mad at her and doesn't even talk to her or give her rides anymore because of her behavior. On the weekends she makes things worse by making my grandma babysit her kids and she doesn't come home til the next day and makes lame excuses that she had no ride. She is on my last nerves and I'm sure on everyone else's. She used to borrow my g-pas car until it broke down. Now I"m her only mode of transportat

2007-11-28 03:39:14 · 10 answers · asked by Txgirl23 4 in Family

He has employment that is on-off (mostly OFF for the last five years...) and he always waits til the last minute to do anything around the house. Cleaning out the gutters, fix the garage door, kitchen faucet, etc. I stopped nagging about 10 years ago, which I thought would help... but still items still remain un-done. How do you get someone like this motivated?

2007-11-28 03:35:59 · 20 answers · asked by Anna 1 in Marriage & Divorce

You know that he loves you...Yet you find yourself crying and feeling miserable a LOT! Whenever you are with him, it is easy to feel okay. But whenever you are alone you are bombarded with the feeling that he doesn't even know you...That you are making a decision which you will forever have to live with...And the problem is, you have two choices. Either marry the man, or leave home since your parents and the church (which he also attends with you) will be miserable to live with afterwards.

2007-11-28 03:35:29 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

He wants to have "relations" with me.... is that weird that he does or is it even more weird if i do it?

2007-11-28 03:35:00 · 33 answers · asked by Jen Yo 5 in Singles & Dating

My gf roomate caught me look in her panties drawer now she gonig to make me wear some over the weekend but i have to go but them and any thing esle you gals tell me to get color size style panties bra heel skirts whatever. she want to humulate me. she tell me that how she felt when i open that drawer

2007-11-28 03:34:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Two sucessful, financially viable professional adults decide to live together after 2 and 1/2 years of seriously dating. Neither of them are in a rush to get married, but marriage talk have been done several times. They're both in their early 30's and have discussed the possibility of getting married within 2-3 years. They are both looking forward to the next step by living together as they have both maintained separate households until now.
What are the pros and cons of cohabitation?
Will routine make the relationship stale?
Is she worrying too much?

2007-11-28 03:34:31 · 7 answers · asked by Yoda Y 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 03:33:27 · 13 answers · asked by All the way back... 4 in Singles & Dating

on Christmas eve? I have made a cd with all of his favorite songs and I will have food that I know he likes. I think it would be good to have our family together for the night. My sister and her family will be there and I know they miss him also. The only problem is that he has remarried and I wouldn't want her to come along.

2007-11-28 03:30:59 · 64 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

she was humping a pillow! is that normal???!!!...please help!

2007-11-28 03:23:04 · 14 answers · asked by sexysweetplum 2 in Friends

Seriously, every time I go out with a girl, or get to know one more, or see more into one of their's character, I get disappointed or let down.

No offense, but this happens ALL the time.

One girl I met, I got to know her more, but she wanted to probably get back at her ex.

Im not making it like im a victim it's just women can complain all they want, but when a guy does it he is judged and ridiculed........

Should i stop dating?

Im 27 and my last date went great, but she never returned my calls.

Is there a game Im supposed to play?

2007-11-28 03:23:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Im 20 yrs old, and i've been single for over a year now. I have two children, but my youngest has medical issues, Im scared to try find someone, casue I don't think anyone would want to go through the things I have to with my youngest. I think it's useless talking to a guy because I know once they find out about about my life style (which isn't that bad) there going to run. I just don't feel like there's anyone out there for me. What do you think????

2007-11-28 03:19:45 · 11 answers · asked by Shae 1 in Singles & Dating

So my girl broke up with me this summer. And its the first holiday season ill be spending alone in three years..kinda sucks. Anyone else spending it without that special someone? and how are you dealing with that?

2007-11-28 03:19:34 · 6 answers · asked by ralj86 1 in Singles & Dating


I somehow manage to everyday get at least one friend ticked off every day. I don't do anything and I talk to them but they deny that they are mad, but I knpw my friends and I know they are lying. What is it? Is something wrong with my friendship skills? Plus I am 17 so don't treat me like a child with your answerses. Best answer gets 10 points.

2007-11-28 03:19:04 · 8 answers · asked by heyjesus90 3 in Friends

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