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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I have a friend who wallk me and my other friend to our classes. he hugs me and i don't like him like that and he is always on someone. he is really annoying. and he acts kinda feminin and to white(but i'm not being prejudice or anything)
Its like seeing a white guy trying to be black and a white guy trying to be black in an annoying way. how can i tell him to bud out and leave me alone with out being mean?

2007-11-28 02:17:56 · 12 answers · asked by Ice_Nova 1 in Friends

If so, How do you handle it?
I love my husband so much and he's a great guy. He is a hard worker, and kind to me and others.
He is just so negative about everything.
Movies, jobs, cars, you name it, he has something bad to say.
I am wore out about it.

2007-11-28 02:14:14 · 9 answers · asked by littlefoot 2 in Marriage & Divorce

your spouse was not their for you emotionally and physically. Little to no comunication,affection or time. And their spending 6 days a week at work (even though the 6th day is an extra job for which you do not need the money) and on the 7th day they often spend what's left of the week away at their hobby. When they are home they mostly watch TV and zone out without much communication or affection. Yet they don't cheat, gamble, drink or womanize outside of the marriage. Is this even a reason to divorce? You can't say they abandoned you if they still "physically" reside with you, and to your knowledge have not committed adultery. Even though when they are home they just zone out to the TV, eat and go to sleep. And even after many many years of stating your unhappiness with the situation. Promises made by the spouse yet no follow through. Even though this is a hellish existance, is this a reason tp ask for a divorce.? Is this a viable reason, spiritually, morally or legally.

2007-11-28 02:08:59 · 43 answers · asked by haditforgood 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend of over 3 years loves using the pen like shocker on my nipples. He has started pressing into my nipples sideways and digging in, or he will press right into the middle of them. It hurts a lot and I can tell that he cannot be turned on otherwise. I think there must be something wrong when a person can't show affection otherwise unless they are only kissing you good bye. I certainly didn't feel like doing that at 3AM in the morning as is his usual time to wake me up after playing his video games. Usually I can take it but, I didn't feel good. He was very disappointed that I stopped him. WHAT THE HELL???

2007-11-28 02:08:49 · 16 answers · asked by baby 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ok I can't find a web site with dresses I like. I wanna white, long dress with some sort of red on it. I need bridesmaid's too I want their dresses halter and red. HELP please. you know of any web site's?

2007-11-28 02:04:36 · 17 answers · asked by Angel 1 in Weddings

i mean i'm 16 i've got a long way to go but everyone is so happy when they think of themselves getting married but with me, i feel scared and i don't know why.

2007-11-28 02:04:15 · 31 answers · asked by 100% husaina 3 in Marriage & Divorce

it's a very complicated situation!!

2007-11-28 02:03:24 · 4 answers · asked by DD 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Have you ever loved someone so bad…and been heartbroken because they did not feel the same or they were just playing with your feelings… that even when you look back or reminisce on that past love and it still hurts inside…often wonder what did you do wrong.? 3 years pass and you are doing fine and married. That person walks back into your life and asks your forgiveness, explains and blames his immaturity for the way they hurt you.. And would love to be back in your life. what would you do? Would you allow that person back? Why would they want to be back after all they have done to you?

2007-11-28 02:00:57 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

So, I like this guy, but he is so popular and hott, and I'm a loser....

What do i do?

2007-11-28 01:55:05 · 10 answers · asked by Whatupdawg 3 in Singles & Dating

I'm a pilot and regularly fly between Vancouver and Tokyo. I live in both countries and feel at home in both. I'm a native English speaker, but also speak Japanese.

I previously lived in Japan for a few years.

I'm now married to a woman I love in Tokyo. I have no problems with this relationship. It goes very well. We really suit each other.

When I'm in Vancouver, I'm also at home. I spend half my time here. There is a woman I truly adore and she likes me too. She's O.K. with me being away flying all the time. She actually enjoys the lifestyle. We're thinking of getting married.

Canada doesn't recognize a marriage unless it's registered in Canada, and mine with my Japanese wife isn't. It's only registered in Japan.

Same with Japan. If I was married in Canada, there's no way that the government would know unless I told them, which of course I wouldn't.

It sounds funny, but I'm a very loyal man. I just spend half my time here, half there. Ideas?

2007-11-28 01:53:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have been dating this guy for almost a year. I still have a hard time "coming" with him. And the sex with him is now boring for me and has been for a while and I never wanna have sex with him anymore. My question is "Is this normal after a long period of dating someone?" Will it ever get any better? Should I move on to someone else just because the sex isn't any good?

2007-11-28 01:51:48 · 33 answers · asked by jasmine.smith60 2 in Singles & Dating

What would you say and do?

2007-11-28 01:49:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

some guys often let their chances pass away by this thought, when something really beautifull could have been.
and the girl deeply wants him.

y do they always have this ridiculous thought in their head?
n decide not even to at least have a try???

2007-11-28 01:49:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok this is for the boys and the girls
If you caught your partner in bed with a member of the same sex would you feel more or less betrayed than if you caught them at it with someone of the opposite sex~?

2007-11-28 01:47:23 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If so what makes you happy?

2007-11-28 01:46:05 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 01:44:25 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I guess, we've always been in competition. I wasn't the greatest friend to her in elementary school now, she got married and I didn't get invited to the wedding but it was really nice and I want her photographer....now I feel like I'm competing against her because i'm getting married in a few months also, I feel its taking the joy out my wedding help.

2007-11-28 01:43:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years now and we are very happy! We have plans to move in together in May and always talk about our life together. But heres the thing. Every time I bring up getting married(which I am totally ready for), he says yes, that he wants to marry me. But then when i ask when, he says some day soon. I would really like to get married as all my frineds are and Im the last one standing. And I feel that we are ready for that. But he doesn't show any effort to put some money away for a ring or even try to maybe set a time line. I feel like Im getting my hopes up. Please help. This is breaking my heart!

2007-11-28 01:43:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

to let him know that I am engaged to be married. I know that he still loves me and this could be very difficult for him, but I respect him and would prefer that he hear this news from me instead of one of our mutual friends. What should the email say? I keep starting it and can't figure out what to say, other than..."Just wanted to let you know that I'm engaged" which seems a little insensitive. Any help?

2007-11-28 01:43:04 · 18 answers · asked by Sharon 5 in Weddings

ok,last year my boyfriend and i had plan getting married but suddenly one night he started crying and said i;m afraid of getting married i really really love you but give me time to build myself getting marrid and stuff,after one month later he didnt call me anymore and 6 months later i found that he has engaged with some one else,how can i forgive him,he really decayed my life i was really in love with him,our relationship was longdistance i did nothing just waiting to see eachother,that sometimes took 5,6 monthes,i was really faithfull and now i regret why!!!

2007-11-28 01:42:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I'm 19 He's 18
I'm jewish He's catholic
I study He studies
I work He works

we live far, we are both cute looking, polite and quite smart.

but I don't know...!,I mean he's 18, I can't imagine telling my family or friends that I'm dating a guy who is younger than me, when all my friends have bfs of 25.

Also I'm not much into him, but it's been a while since I don't have a bf, so should I date for desesperation?

thanks for the answers!

2007-11-28 01:40:28 · 30 answers · asked by natalia k 7 in Singles & Dating

If I am not a virgin at my wedding, I am not wearing white, if I even get married, the white was supposed to represent purity and now anyone just wears it. Well in Asia, they were red, I think Red would be sexier, oh well!

2007-11-28 01:36:57 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings


I am married with two kids. I have come to a point in my life where I feel that i am miserable with my wife. When i try to be intimate she seems to push me away and i cant take it anymore. When i go to kiss her she turns away and gives me a forehead to kiss. When, and if we ever make love, she seems like it is a chore and doesnt give any feeling to it. She just lies there. We seem to fight all the time and i think it is affecting the kids and me. The thing is I seem to want a divorce but cant man up to the challenge of making it happen. I am sick and tired of getting no affection from her, and no matter how much i bring it up she still wont show it it is like she is miserable too. I guess what i am asking is for some outside advice please help.

2007-11-28 01:35:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I met my lover here on Yahoo, and when I tell people, they respond with a kind of superiority... as though it can't possibly be real because I only met him online.

Why can't people just accept it?

I think it's quite amazing.

2007-11-28 01:35:05 · 27 answers · asked by cosmicmoon 5 in Singles & Dating

So at the wkend, my bf was out on a wrk thing n it was more convenient 2 stay @ a female work friends house, (she's married n her husband also lives wih her) I felt really uncomfortable with this, and my bf said I should trust him more, I think he's right and I was defo in the wrong! any thoughts??

2007-11-28 01:32:21 · 16 answers · asked by flowerbomb 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I have been in this relationship for 5yrs and recently I cheated and she found out. She does not know all of the details but she knows and the hurt is still there. I am very sorry and not talking to the other person anymore (althought I kinda want to). I want to really try to make things work and if they dont then they dont well they didnt. She is super hurt and tends to be mean and hurtful to me at times. I know that she is feeling pain but my question is "how long am i supposed to wait for her to stop being hurtful to me" I dont want the whole cheating thing to turn into an excuse to treat me like this forever! She has told me that she does not know if she needs a break. I am willling to but what does a break consist of? I am super confused and sad....like i said the other person is still on my mind but I am honestly trying to work things out.

2007-11-28 01:29:51 · 51 answers · asked by CA 1 in Singles & Dating

so, heres the things...we go to hubby's mother's house to spend the night, sometimes 2 nights...my kids go in thier school clothes and when they come home, they sometimes come home in other clothes she has provided, i dont exactly have other crappy clothes to change them in before going to grandma's. i cant have them coming home in different clothes , no matter what i say to them, grandma wont listen when i ask her to put on the clothes they came in. My husband's sis still lives with her mother at age 30 ish and she acts like this "clothes queen". She has clothes in a locked up closet so if someone needs clothes, they need to ask her. How do i avoid her and solve this problem of them coming back home with the clothes they went in?

2007-11-28 01:29:43 · 6 answers · asked by americansugar80 3 in Marriage & Divorce


2007-11-28 01:27:13 · 7 answers · asked by Lisa<3 1 in Singles & Dating

My friend works online as a doc finishing thesis.She came in contact with old family friend(son),best friend from years & in love.Shes got no choice but to finish work.

This mans mid 30s single busy works as doc powerful rich his folks abadoned so lived with his friends went abroad later.He loves her very much but cant express show feelings emotions due to his past.He gets angry & calls names as hes so in love with her hes angry upset with himself thinks everything will turn out like his past.Its holidays hes alone.She invited him over for xmas he said she could wait for him he wouldnt come she said shell wait.Hes there when she was in hospital & shes there for him.He loves her very much its cursing tearing hurting him inside but due to his past cant express show his feelings.She tries to reach out heal old wounds he'll reciprocate.Hes a good man with past who loves her.They might meet for xmas.

Be nice serious answers.Q:What to say & what to do.Thank u kindly.Happy Holidays!

2007-11-28 01:25:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Been living seperately for more than 5 years but will not file for divorce due to economics. Woman no job and financially dependent on the man. Man says that if he divorce her she gets more money out of him than just regularly supporting her. He's got a girlfriend, she's dating.

2007-11-28 01:24:47 · 13 answers · asked by sweet asia 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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