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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-11-28 17:44:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I need to vent....
today was not a great day. I found out there was ANOTHER party I am not invited to held by a friend of mine, which someone I had plans with is blowing me off for, i have tons of work which I cannot get done in time, at a small school rumors spread like wildfire and I am trying not to care which makes me a loner, i'm tired all of the time cause I dont' sleep well, and today would have been the date of my now ex-boyfriend and I's 9 month anniversery- who just might have been my first love. he dumped me less than 2 months ago. I can't find another boyfriend at all who's "good enough", he's been a real jerk to me and my friends- also while hitting on them, and I don't have time to do ANYTHING I actually want to do...
what can I do to feel better. I just want to cry it out, but that won't help anything, will it?

2007-11-28 17:43:15 · 5 answers · asked by giving. 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 17:38:54 · 8 answers · asked by A_Girl 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok, well I have asked many questions about my step daughter. And have gotten alot of very helpful advice. I need alittle advice about her and my parents.

I need to know if it would be wrong not to allow her at my parents house.Shes 10 years old.Shes only known my parents since she was 8.And we do not have full custody.

Every single time she is at my parents house and my Grandmothers house, she is very disrespectful, rude, mean, and very destructive of THEIR home. They have been very good towards her.They invite her over to go swimming and include her in the family.Last year at Christmas she said to them"Thats all you got me?" And got really mad, and pouted.She refuses to listen to them and THEIR rules.She says mean and rude things.She feels she can do whatever she wants.The last time she was there,she ran through the house with muddy feet,tore apart rafts for the pool,and told my cousins they dont belong there, that they should leave.CONTINUED>>>>>

2007-11-28 17:32:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I live in florida, and really just work and stay at home most of the time. I like to go out but not too often. I was wondering, what an average expenses are for a single person these days. I serve tables fro a living, and want to know what to expect when i finally step out the parents roof. I want to get a good running car before i do it, but I would like to be out by april of next year. anyone who can point me the right direction, with average expenses and things like that so i can relate I would really appreciate it. thank you

2007-11-28 17:28:30 · 3 answers · asked by rjm954 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i asked this girl out,beautyful,she likes looking at me,but she said it is better being friends i love her so mush what should i do please help

2007-11-28 17:28:18 · 9 answers · asked by my3 2 in Singles & Dating

I've been depressed lately. Not extremely depressed. Not enough to go to a therapist.. just enough to consult yahoo answers (ha). I'm 20 years old, in college, I have a boyfriend. My parents are going through hard times and considering divorse. I think this is really bugging me. I'm an only child and I feel alone with this. My boyfriend is always busy and I feel alone a lot of the time. I don't have many friends were I live and I've been too busy to make more.
I've been over eating and I can't seem to stop! I've been really trying but I can't control it. I was under 120 pounds and now I'm over 135. Gah, it's just getting worse and I want it to stop now. Any tips? Has anyone gone through this?
I'm feeling so terrible about everything. The weight makes me feel worse, but I can't stop eating!

2007-11-28 17:28:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hi, I live with my boyfriend and his parents for years his parents are nice people his mother works his dad doesnt and has been more of a stay at home house husband but doesnt have very good people skills my boyfriend works and goes to school and I work I'm confused for some reason out of the two of us (me and my boyfriend) I'm the only young adult that's being charged half my salary for rent I have no problem with it because I know it cant be easy for his mom to pay the big bills and im glad to help because I love her she has always been there for me more than my mother has for me I will absolutly will not ask and my boyfriend will offer to help pay when the **** hits the roof but she will not take money from him which is sweat but I just dont understand can someone help me understand please and thank you for your time.

2007-11-28 17:27:15 · 3 answers · asked by Magic 1 in Family

Ok, well I have asked many questions about my step daughter. And have gotten alot of very helpful advice. I need alittle advice about her and my parents.

I need to know if it would be wrong not to allow her at my parents house.Shes 10 years old.Shes only known my parents since she was 8.And we do not have full custody.

Every single time she is at my parents house and my Grandmothers house, she is very disrespectful, rude, mean, and very destructive of THEIR home. They have been very good towards her.They invite her over to go swimming and include her in the family.Last year at Christmas she said to them"Thats all you got me?" And got really mad, and pouted.She refuses to listen to them and THEIR rules.She says mean and rude things.She feels she can do whatever she wants.The last time she was there,she ran through the house with muddy feet,tore apart rafts for the pool,and told my cousins they dont belong there, that they should leave.CONTINUED>>>>>

2007-11-28 17:24:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

All right, here's the deal. I am 26. I've been in a 5 year relationship and have been single for 5 months now. I finally said yes to being the girlfriend of a guy who has been trying for three years. And I don't know how to date anymore and I don't know the rules to a brand new relationship. I have two basic questions. Keep in mind that my new guy has a busy career. How often should I go out with this guy (he lives near by)? How often should I call him? I'm ok with talking once a day, is that too much?

2007-11-28 17:24:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well,you see,i was just looking through my dad's pics on his phone,and i saw a pic of a girl's butt.which means he is cheating on her,AGAIN.so help me please!!and that was a pic he took himself because it don't look like no wall paper at all!so help, me please!!!should I tell her.my friend just said stay out of it and don't say anything.and I really don't know what to do!and if I do tell her,they'll start arguing then stuff will start to happen.but still,it seems right to tell her.so should I tell her,or no?

2007-11-28 17:24:08 · 10 answers · asked by Δ 2 in Friends

OK, me and my girl friend usually go at it for at least 2 hours. 3 weeks later of the relationship, she tells me that she doesn't want sex right then. Is 2 hours too long?

2007-11-28 17:22:35 · 5 answers · asked by DVS 1 in Singles & Dating

I am friends with a middle aged couple. Lately I've noticed that they're being more open with their sex lives. I.e: one night the three of us were sitting around and the husband started talking about working on the roof. His wife then told him that she didn't want him to work on the roof because she was afraid he would fall and hurt himself. She then made the comment that she wasn't ready to switch to mechanical devices. She then looked at me and said, "I prefer the real thing." Her husband then said, "Oh, she doesn't want to go out and get a vibrator." I didn't expect that to be said. Later on, they did some adjusting to their bed room. Then I noticed that a painting was hanging too high above the bed. I asked about it, and he told me that there might be a reason that they painting is so high (it's outta the way for when they have sex). I'm 23 years old and abstinent (a virgin). Is this moral for conversation? I'm not used to it because of my life style, they know I live.

2007-11-28 17:18:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Alright my boyfriend stopped using me for sex and started behaving more like a proper man.Now he wants to get married and right after have kids.I really love him but i don't want kids and i don''t wanna marry him cause hes only been like a gentleman for one week and i don't know if he'll change his ways.How can i tell him i don't wanna marry him and i don't wanna EVER have kids,Without hurting or offending him?

2007-11-28 17:17:42 · 16 answers · asked by rosieluvsromance1 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I need to know!

2007-11-28 17:14:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My son has a child with a mother that is not legally divorced, therefore my son and she never married. What steps can he take to obtain joint custody rights? They live in Alabama. Any web site or help would be appreciated. She is threatening to claim abandonment to get joint custody with her mother, although he hasn't abandoned them.

2007-11-28 17:14:31 · 5 answers · asked by sapphire66 2 in Family

If you have a name with initials that make a common word or acronym, such as THE, TOM, or AMC do you like or dislike it?

2007-11-28 17:11:53 · 4 answers · asked by Mailman19 2 in Singles & Dating

I am a mother of two and step mother of one. My husband and I are barely scraping by financially at this point. My husband pays $500 or so a month in child support for his daughter. Her mother doesn't work, his daughter is in daycare (approx. $1000/month= our rent). Her mother also owns their home, and just recently bought a brand new computer and Buick Ranier ($30,000 +). I drive a 94 Chevy Lumina that's on death's door and my husband drives a 91 mercury sable with no power steering. We overdraft our bank account often, simply buying the necessities. We are lucky that we can keep our kids in diapers. My step daughter has ONLY name-brand toys and videogames (she's 3) and my kids are lucky to get a handful of generic toys on birthday's and christmas unless it comes from grandma. I know I probably sound incredibly whiny, but does anyone anywhere even think that this is fair? Also, her mother is college educated and CHOOSES not to work.

2007-11-28 17:11:03 · 14 answers · asked by Jennifer M 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm 5' 8'', 118 lbs. I love to exercise. I have a awesome sense of humor, I am nice, I enjoy being around people, etc. So here's the problem: I haven't have sex in 15 months and it is KILLING me. I am 20 and I would love to meet an awesome guy. I feel like I am wasting my sexiness on nothing! I am tired of sleeping alone but I'm not slutty. Should I just look for a 'cuddle buddy'? What should I do??

2007-11-28 17:10:36 · 14 answers · asked by Taste the Rainbow 5 in Singles & Dating


2007-11-28 17:09:30 · 4 answers · asked by srikanth H.G 1 in Singles & Dating

I have been supporting them for a year now and I'm tired of not having anything because of it. So, how do you kick your own mother out?

2007-11-28 17:08:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I have been with my fiance for 9 yrs and we just had our frist baby 5 months ago.Our relationship has always been great until now. During the month of October I found out that he had gotten a phone for someone. When I ask him about it, he lied up and down that it was guy friend. Then I heard a meassge he left saying "Hey mamas I like being around you, you make me feel good and know that I love you" Not a guy friend, but a girl he goes to school with.
He swears on our son life that she is just a friend and that nothing ever happened. What do you think??? Can this be true

2007-11-28 17:06:53 · 24 answers · asked by tinklelove 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My current boyfriend believes that there is no valid reason aside from life and death matters for me to have any communications with the father of my daughter. He says that any normal person would agree with him. Am I so off on this? Is this really how people feel about this?

2007-11-28 17:05:56 · 27 answers · asked by Jennifer R 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend and I have 2 children, 31 months and 16 months. The youngest one has a mild form of cerebral palsy in which she can not use her left arm. She does have a therapist that comes to our home and teaches me techniques to do with her to overcome her disability. I am the only one who does her therapy with her never her father. My question really is who would obtain custody if my boyfriend and I part ways? I know he would not put in the time each day to do her therapy with her and she will never improve in her condition. He is the primary financial provider. I work part time with little pay, go to school full time to become a nurse, and take care of the kids the majority of the time with the exception of 4 hours a day a couple times a week. I have a misdemenor of disorderly conduct, no family members, and his family does not like me due to the fact that he lies about the fights we have and always tell them it's my fault. Who will more than likely get custody?

2007-11-28 17:03:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I went and got a vasectomy doneabout 8 years ago when I was 24. Throughout the years I have explained that if you want children then I'm not the one for you, however I don't just bust out with vasectomy. Several times I've had girls try to scare me by lying about pregnancies and I've also had women who have told me that they'll be able to change my mind. At both of these cross roads I explain why they are wrong which invariably ends the relationship. Do women really believe that I'm a liar or are they just not hearing what I am saying?

2007-11-28 16:56:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

we went out 3 months ago and he asked me to get back with him...before i answered him i asked him why he had broken up with me in the first place. he said this girl had been flirtin with him and told him to break up with me so he did. he was honest, i give him that. the problem is that i told him yes and we met and kissed at school (high school) and he later myspaced my brothers to ask if he could go out with me. one of them said no. so my boyfriend(well almost there) decided not to get with me to not break up his "relationship" with my brother. today i was told that his friends dared him to kiss me..so i need to know ...because i cant believe it myself especially after he confessed he loved me and me to him...is he just playin with me???

2007-11-28 16:55:02 · 8 answers · asked by alwaysg7 2 in Singles & Dating

she just told him she still loves him, too. tonite.

just got engaged. yeah... i wanna puke.

2007-11-28 16:54:14 · 29 answers · asked by crimsonsky_bleedingheart 3 in Marriage & Divorce

This boy is my boyfriend's 8 year old nephew, his mother has never really cared for him, so my mother-in-law has raised him.. he leaves with her and other 7 people in their house.. every single member of their family, including my mother-in-law yells at him, calls him names like (exactly these words): pig, ******, stupid, p**sy, small penis, and even more hurtful nicks.. but is very weird because she says she loves him, but never pays any attention to him, nobody helps him with school work, instead they tell him he will never be anything good in his future.
Sometimes they do hug him and give him stuff, but to me, it only confuses him more.
His grandma (my mother-in-law), has beaten him with everytihng she can find and has left bruises.. One time his teacher saw them and called the social services people and gave a warning, she was very depresed..
What can I do? How can I do it? Who can I tell? I really don't want anyone in their family to know is me, if i ever report it

2007-11-28 16:53:06 · 6 answers · asked by Bee 4 in Family

Last week i walked in on my surprisingly gorgeous daughter in-law completely naked in the shower ,i just stood there and stared at her (for at least 15 seconds) and then i got hold of my self and swiftly ran out of the bathroom.But ever since this "sexy" encounter with my daughter in-law i cant get her out of my mind... i constantly have dreams of where im having sex with her. I wish she would just one night sneak in my room and have sex with me..!!!! How can i get over her..? Or is there a way me and her could have sex secretly ? And advise would be appreciated?

2007-11-28 16:51:04 · 14 answers · asked by Bobby 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

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