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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Crush on my RA...?
I know RAs and residents aren't supposed to date. But I have a crush on my RA. And it's hard to know whether he likes me back or if he's just being an RA. Like he comes over to my quad asking if he can borrow our oven (we all have ovens in our quads), he asks if he can watch a football game in our quad (we do have the biggest TV screen but why not just go watch it with the boys?), and when he had to interview someone for a paper he came to our quad. He has 7 different quads where to chose from where there are boys and girls, yet he always comes to ours. I don't know if he is just being an RA, or what. Or like with the TV thing. Am I reading to much into it? Like do guys just don't think about "Oh I should go there just to be around" but maybe for him it was just really about the TV screen? What do you guys think I should do?

2007-11-28 19:35:06 · 6 answers · asked by rockgurl 1 in Singles & Dating

Well.. See I am a freshman in college and I was out with some girlfriends.. While we were out I met this cute boy who was my PERFECT type (look wise) Conversation never got too deep seeing as he was working :-X but I ended up talking to him on and off the next day and he was a true sweetheart... I also found out he is 2 years younger than me and in high school still... I think hes a great guy but i wonder if i should even pursue things because he is younger and we are totally different places in life.. he still has a curfew and is 16.

2007-11-28 19:29:07 · 6 answers · asked by Kelly D 1 in Singles & Dating

do i sound like a forgotten angel??

2007-11-28 19:24:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What do cheaters feel? Do most cheaters eventually regret or feel remorse? What are the statistics for an adulterous relationship actually working?

2007-11-28 19:22:13 · 24 answers · asked by BlaBla 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 19:20:25 · 22 answers · asked by Jake 1 in Singles & Dating

Im 19, he's 24. We are both very mature for our ages. Ive always maintained that the difference doesnt bother me, what dies bother me is that it doesnt bother him. Im not sure if that makes sense but if you can make sense of what im trying to say, do u think its possible that i actually feel this way or do u think the age thing is a big deal?

2007-11-28 19:17:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Well, recently my guy friend has turned all of my jokes into serious consideration including buying stockings (since they're conveniently in HotTopic where most of my clothes are) and bra (since I never own anythin Victoria Secretly's pink). I am not sure if that's normal or if not, how do I tell him to stop buying me those stuffs without hurting him

2007-11-28 19:14:21 · 11 answers · asked by Turtle N 1 in Friends

a friend that is a female? him living with her and thier kids?

2007-11-28 19:05:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

do u think it'd be possible for me as a guy around 14, almost 15 to date a girl 17 almost 18? i really like her but not sure about her feelings, but just asking if it'd be possible to work out...

2007-11-28 18:59:13 · 14 answers · asked by bob 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-11-28 18:56:46 · 19 answers · asked by rynldsdrn 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year. Everything seems going pretty well. He repects me; treats me very good; and seems he loves me. He will do anything just to make me happy and special. However, we haven't really talked about future together. When we talk about future sometimes he said " I probably go back to school for my Master." Or "I think I need a better job." But hasn't mentioned anything about settling down and get married things like that" So I am wondering if I should open up and talk to him about that but don't know if it's too soon. I don't want to wait forever and waste my time even I love him so much.

2007-11-28 18:56:07 · 10 answers · asked by My Dear 2 in Singles & Dating

Just to give you a better picture, we're both 16. I was always good friends with her. But I always felt like I had to hide the fact that I drink or smoke pot or anything that had to do with that sort of stuff. I always thought she was a good girl, and that she would think differently of me. About a week ago I found out that she drank, and all of the sudden that changed everything. Like that small little fact changed my whole view of her. Now I talk to her every single day online and I tell her everything. And I've never actually told her I loved her (family love folks, nothing weird) until after she told me that. But for some reason I feel uneasy. I don't know if maybe I'm just mad at myself for letting something so small as whether you drink or not affect our relationship for the last few years. Or maybe I'm just so overwhelmed with the transition between distant relative to close friend. Can someone help me with my confusion??

2007-11-28 18:54:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

if a young lady meets up with a young man she met from the internet to have intercourse, what are the chances he will rape her? meaning he will restrain her, possibly kidnap, keep her for more intercourse than she agrees too, ect

2007-11-28 18:53:31 · 12 answers · asked by ihateyouguys 3 in Singles & Dating

Ive been praying for years to find a wife, and today i think i just met her. I also asked allot of people to pray for me and a woman told me something really strange, she said that my wife is coming into my life very soon from now...that the wait was over and i need to begin to prepare for her.

I was sitting studying in the room on campus, and normally only one person uses the room, and she walks in an sits to the table to the right of me, we talk for 2 hours, then walk back to the dorm, and it turns out she lives right next door across the hall like 5 feet away...

I know it sounds off to say someone is my wife, but we really hit off,...

Look I have this strange feeling, and its weird...I mean we had this weird chemistry, like we clicked saw eye to eye...I'm confident she likes me, I know this might sound weird, but i think she is it...Please pray for me and that i don't have to wait and that she is my wife... i got this gut feeling like thats it.. Please pray only takes a second.

2007-11-28 18:52:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I love buttocks...all the time i use them to be drained

2007-11-28 18:49:19 · 9 answers · asked by Venkitash P 1 in Singles & Dating

OK in a nutshell....after 6 years the love of my life doesnt want me, I don't have a job, having the worst luck finding a new one and recently ruined my credit. I am feeling desperate about my situation and I am depressed. I want to move to another state to have a fresh start. Im in CA and was thinking AZ only because I can still drive home and visit mom and a friend who will let me stay in his home until I get my own apt. Nobody around me supports my idea and they say I need to deal with it here, get a job here and that I am giving up. I just feel I need a change of life. I am 26, have my BA, have a car that is fairly new and I know will not break down on me. Should I go ahead and look for a new life in AZ?

2007-11-28 18:47:32 · 12 answers · asked by C 2 in Friends

I come from a strong, strict, catholic (and western) background. I grew up in an area where unfortunately racism is still a major problem. My mother has always actively fought against racism and has instilled in me the same tolerance. 2 Years ago I left home for university in canada, a country MUCH more culturely diverse than home. I met and fell deeply in love with a palestian man. I love everything about him, his culture, his family, I've even learned to speak quiet a bit of arabic! I've been accepted by his family which is a HUGE deal bc they are very traditional in that they dont beleive in dating (his older sister had an arranged marriage). The problem: my mom, the same woman who taught me my whole life not to judge refers to him as a terrorist...she has never met him (bc she lives in a different country) She has never said it in a hateful tone, always jokingly, but i know she would NEVER accept any racial slurrs to be uttered in her house, even jokingly.

2007-11-28 18:47:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

you have a dear friend, you taught she was so perfect, she was a sister to you, then she will told you a lot of things of cor'z positive things... then she told you that you not to trust this other girl whom you always be with because you are in the same company, your friend shows good behaviour when shes in front of this girl but when that girl is not around she told many negative attitude that this girl has even the confidential portion. she is destroying the image of this girl. then one day i discover that this friend i thought it is, also do same kind of habit to me.
she is also destroying me even my personality to other people.
it was so hurt that time i knew everything. she said she was sorry but i couldn't trust her anymore... now shes out of the country for work & we haven't settled our problem. i can't see her point... why did she do such thing to everybody...

2007-11-28 18:46:06 · 3 answers · asked by airam 1 in Friends

My husband and I own a house together in California and we would like to get a divorce soon, however, we both don't want to sell the house since market price is not to neither of our benefit. What's the California divorce law about community property is not sold in process of divorce??

2007-11-28 18:45:29 · 3 answers · asked by Mochi 3 in Marriage & Divorce

On one hand, If you have a wife and kids, on the other hand, your parents. If you are being asked whom you love most then tell me which one that is. Your wife/kids or your parents. Honest opinions please.

2007-11-28 18:44:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Please help. I married with my boy friend one year ago . We were friends. i knew that he started to go out with a friend when we were friends . i asked him to cut our friend ship but he said that i love you and i can't . the girl called me severl times and said that they are just firend and there is no relation ship between them. after passing 6 months we married and theycut their friendship . but now i found that my husband is looking to find her web site on 360 or other sites. he has their e-mail and tel. no but never called or e-mailed them he just want to see their web site . i suffer when i see that he is doing this and think that he didn't love me that always is searching his previous girlfriends. I'm totaly deppress and don't know what to do. is it better to say him what i feel or no ?. please help me .

2007-11-28 18:42:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i dont know what to do but am planning to sick for devoice because am tired of the situation is going to two yrs now,i take care or my self and my child

2007-11-28 18:39:14 · 4 answers · asked by monica richie 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my husband and I have been together since i was 3 months pregnant.I am now 8months and i am expecting a boy!
now,my sons biological father is fillipino and im half french and japanese.so he will look asian.
My husband is polynesian (maori) and has dark skin.
he is willing to raise my son as his too but im worried what the world will think when he tells people that its his son!his familly thinks that im caring his child..I told my husband to tell them the truth but he says it doesnt matter, that he is "the father".
Obvisouly,they are not going to look alike.him and my familly says its best not to tell my son the truth.
but then im worried that my son might get bullied when he starts school by the maori kids because he might tell them that hes maori when he looks asian!and im also scared that he might stop respecting my husband or go look for his real father.i know i will have to tell him the truth oneday but when?
Also,what do i tell people if they say he doesnt look like his dad?

2007-11-28 18:38:46 · 18 answers · asked by mel B 1 in Family

Don't they realize that if he cheats on his wife he WILL cheat on her?

2007-11-28 18:38:10 · 16 answers · asked by Miss Muffet 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My friend's 17, and he's 29. I just know know what he's really interested in ya kno.

2007-11-28 18:34:11 · 11 answers · asked by doctorshelbi 1 in Singles & Dating

Me and my Bf have been together for a while. I dont think he really realizes it But like sometimes when were together at skool he'll just like walk away from me and go talk to another group of girls. He'll like steal their things and hide them then their all over him and stuff....... He does it a lot and has a lot of friends who are girls. I think my and his relationship is pretty serious, but I cant help but feel kinda mad and sad when he flirts with them..... What do i do and do you think its flirting??

2007-11-28 18:33:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

should he pay child support? is there a law that protects men? please respond!

2007-11-28 18:28:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 18:25:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

in real life it seems like looks is everything?
There is the well known saying 'Nice guys come last' and I am not just saying this about women, but men too, I see women watching good looking guys just like men do with good looking women.
At work there is a guy who all the women fancy, he is a good looking chap, he gets women asking him out all the time even without knowing what he is like as a person.
I have heard recently men and women see someone and say 'Phwoar they would get it'. People don't say that about nice personality.

I know so many guys who are a really nice people but maybe not all that good looking but they good sense of humour, intelligent, good personality and they are all single.

I recently went out for a few drinks and a game of pool with a mate who is a very good looking guy and the amount of looks he got and two girls came over to him to ask if he was going on to a club later, etc - it is just the total opposite of what so many people say.

What is the reality?

2007-11-28 18:24:08 · 9 answers · asked by Carlton J 2 in Singles & Dating

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