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Family & Relationships - 28 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

my hubby of ten years screws someone else... i think hes sorry... hes been trying to be a better person i think... but how do you ever really know?

2007-11-28 16:50:08 · 10 answers · asked by ice princess 3 in Marriage & Divorce

One of my daughter's best friend - we will name her Kay, Kay is around a lot, she stays all night, hangs out at our house, stuff like that, well here is the story.....Kay's mother was murdered...yes murdered........it was horrible.....she was shot and also the person who murdered her cut her throat......Kay is only 14.........
They know who did it.......He was family!!!

How is Kay going to make it???? Again, she is only 14, this is just so horrible to even think about but to have to deal with the rest of your life......
What can I say to her????????? Help me!!! I do not know what to say when she comes up to the house again....

2007-11-28 16:49:59 · 15 answers · asked by Optimistic1 4 in Family

I have ben dating the same guy for a 1 1/2 wonderful years. but the problem is that my parents hate him because he use 2 do drugs but he quit that for me. the 1 problem is that everytime we fight he tries 2 do anything 2 screw up my life. such as call my friends & family & try 2 get them against me. right now my mother does not ever want 2 speek 2 me & 1 of his friends is threatining me. that is another reason why my dad hates him. right now we are broken up & my dad says if I ever speak 2 him he is going 2 kick me out cause Im 18. but the thing is I feel misreable w/out him & I believe if we go back out everything is going to be perfect again. I love this guy dearly and he claims he love me but my only ? is if he really does love me y does he try 2 get everyone 2 hate me when we fight. he says talking **** about me is the only whay for him to get over me. & his mom says since we broke up he has been crying every night. what should I do and does he really love me? please respond thanx

2007-11-28 16:42:30 · 10 answers · asked by daisygirl89 1 in Singles & Dating

My dad passed away a couple of weeks ago. Everyone keeps asking me how am i, how am i doing? What should I tell them? it feels funny to say good or fine, but I don't want to say not good either.

2007-11-28 16:40:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

in a divorce will a judge order counseling, my wif wants the divorce i dont i still love her. this is over stupid stuff, manly are pasts both. lack of cunmunication key and control problems both of us. we also have two kids 9 and 7. i think this would save are marriage

2007-11-28 16:39:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

hes 15 and he weres skinnys. hes hott ok...but i dont now what to give him what should i do i need a gift please
can you help me

2007-11-28 16:38:41 · 4 answers · asked by niah 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for about 7months. We are both in 30s and we are both divorced with no kids. We both want to get married if our relationship grows and find out if we are right for each other. We don't know if we are right for each other yet but we like each other very much. I introduce him to my family and my parents don't think he is right for me due to uncertainty of financial future of my boyfriend. (He works but he is not financially stable.) My parents expressed their feelings in a nice way and encouraging me to date other potential people. Honestly, I like him very much but what my parents are saying also makes sense. He has been very cautious in our relationship due to past divorce, doesn't open up with me in deep level and it feels he's distant or hegitant to make our relationship go forward. After meeting my parents, he was in shock and now he wants time to think. What does this mean?

2007-11-28 16:38:32 · 14 answers · asked by whattodo898 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my parents are like sycotic have any suggestions

2007-11-28 16:37:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

like for me, its the smile, or how sweet, or how deep they look into my eyes, or how funny they are, or how good looking they are. and i was wondering, have you ever had that experience when you have thought "that is one kind of a girl, i would love to have her"? what types of things did she do, and why did she attract you? i want lots of different and abstract answers please. i am a late teen, and this for personal enjoyment

2007-11-28 16:34:42 · 4 answers · asked by sunny 4 in Singles & Dating

My friend is going through a tough time with depression. I just got off the phone with him/her and wanted to talk to my parents about the way he is feeling and what I can do. It's midnight, but they're awake. I told them what was going on. My father's response was to scream at me for being on the phone too late. My mom told me to get him/her a counselor, go back to sleep, and forget about it. When I told them the reasons he/she was so upset, they refused to believe many of them and claimed he/she was exaggertating. They don't know him/her well and assume that he/she lied for attention. Why do they doubt everything? What am I supposed to do?

2007-11-28 16:34:27 · 3 answers · asked by Allie 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

So yea, one of my close guy friends just kissed me out of nowhere and he picked the best moment to do it... when no one was around and it was foggy and cold. and he held me afterwards, but when my friend comes around he flings himself from me. What does it mean? what do I do? I'm confused. Should I confront him?

2007-11-28 16:33:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Like enough to stop you in your tracks, or just get you annoyed?

2007-11-28 16:33:54 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my husband is iligaly living in the country ireland ive already paid half the fees for his solicitor i know what he did is disgusting because he did sleep with me after having sex with the prostitute i only found out cause she rang him and he was about to pay her,because he is still iligal here does this make a difference for applying for a divorce?it was a woman that married us in a registry office-i dont want to be the one who is responsible if he got thrown out of ireland,it was a secret marraige i didnt tel my family because dont like him and we were going to save money for a good chruch wedding, im regreting geting married to this man

2007-11-28 16:32:49 · 13 answers · asked by daisyanna 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 16:30:30 · 6 answers · asked by soula 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok, my and my girlfriend are 14 years old. Now before anything, we both LOVE eachother. Not crush, not infatuation. LOVE. We have started thinking about 'intimate relations' such as touching, rubbing, massaging of the butt, legs, breasts. We AREN'T going to have sex, or touch the vagina or penis... We won't go past this step. We both want to know beforehand, if this is ok. If somebody could please answer this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Best answer will be selected.

2007-11-28 16:30:09 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Because in my 4 th peroid class these spanish kids bother me. Thay look over at me and as if something wrong with me. May be it because i dont talk and iam very quiet in class all the time. Then in PE this kid smile and said are you ok , and said you too quiet. I bet he think i gay or something. I dont feel like talking , ia be too tired from waking up in the moring.

2007-11-28 16:30:01 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

What is your opinion on that?

2007-11-28 16:28:57 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Thanks guys in advance! I am just very curious about this!

2007-11-28 16:28:25 · 21 answers · asked by pain_of_unhappiness 2 in Marriage & Divorce

This guy chased me for about a year. I was scared to let him in...and then finally agreed to be with him. We dated for 3 months and he broke up with me over something silly. For the past 6 months it's like we have never stopped dating, but he cant seem to commit to me again. I'm not sure what his problem is. I can tell he cares so much about me. Today, I've decided I needed to step my foot down. If he cant tell me how he feels or call me his gf...then I cant act like his gf anymore. I felt like I needed to move on because it wasnt fair to me. We've never told each other we loved each other...because we both feel like those are extremely strong words...but I miss him so much, and we have so much chemistry. Is it true that if he truly loves me he wont let me walk away?

2007-11-28 16:28:00 · 14 answers · asked by ilovecalc123 1 in Singles & Dating

i think my husband is getting bored with me , i mean we don't do anything together aymore.we have a 3 month old baby girl and the other day he told me all he wanted from me was a baby (boy) !!! i think i should've waited to get married , i feel stuck.i don't work , he moved us 2 states away from ANY of my family.plz i need some help!!

2007-11-28 16:27:41 · 14 answers · asked by derrick's wifey 2 in Marriage & Divorce

HELPP!!!idk wat its called and he doesnt ither!
anyone know!!!??
i kno it goes on thier tux, idk wat its called, i need to kno ASAP,
the ball is this sat!!

2007-11-28 16:24:41 · 5 answers · asked by Kr!ssy 3 in Singles & Dating

Where can I find information on how to deal with false accusations by 2 of my children accusing me of inappropriatly touching them. My ex-wife, there mother has had 2 no contact oders innitiated by the courts, and I was advised the 1st time by local authorities to give it time, not contest it and see what happens. After I was informed it had been reinstated for another year due to the possibility I might re-offend it became aware to me I need to take steps to disprove these accusations, for my girls sake as well as my own. I live in a small town. This effects my everyday life as to my profession, but more so it effects my girls in ways they may not even yet be aware of, and last but not least I love and miss them with all my heart and want to help them deal with this. If they were mistreated, the real offender needs to be found and stopped before he destroys another family the way he has mine.

2007-11-28 16:24:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I was looking online that tells what to do when you find your spouse is cheating and it talks about calling the other persons work place and letting there friends know what they are doing. Was looking but couldn't find it.

2007-11-28 16:24:04 · 5 answers · asked by rene1695 5 in Marriage & Divorce

Started dating a woman. She wanted it to progress to steady dating. Then said she really couldn't handle a relationship right now. Then decided she wanted to continue dating, but when I started talking to other women and started showing interest she busted my chops for even thinking about seeing someone else. WTF!!! She's 40 years old and still has no idea what she wants. She just knows she wants me sitting and waiting on her to make up her mind. What the h**l does she want?
Option 1: Dump her like a hot rock.
Option 2: Give her an ultimatum to commit to something.

Your suggestion?

2007-11-28 16:23:42 · 6 answers · asked by ? 4 in Singles & Dating

This question has probably been asked before, but I just got on this site a few days ago and find it so interesting, I mean the questions and answers, I love it. Not to sound corny but I've been going through different things in my life right now and when I come to this site it makes me feel better and not so alone. And plus I'm looking for a job right now having a difficult time, my tyoing is slow but this might help me get better.

2007-11-28 16:23:36 · 24 answers · asked by summer 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 16:22:41 · 4 answers · asked by A_Girl 2 in Singles & Dating

What do they do when other boundaries are involved as well?

2007-11-28 16:22:40 · 6 answers · asked by oniatario 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-28 16:21:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

So... my boyfriend/ex-boyfriend have not had a steady relationship. It's always off and on. I have trust issues because he cheated on me in the past. We both acknowledge that we love each other.

He tells me he loves me all the time, but sometimes he does stuff that makes me think otherwise. When he does I get mad and say stuff about how he doesn't really love me.

So, anyway, last week we had two "discussions". He had given me a ring (not an engagement ring, just a ring; he gave it to me a month ago) and I tried to give it back to him the other night. He got really teary-eyed. Then we started talking about the way we feel about each other and he started crying... like tears rolling down his face type of crying. And he told me that it hurts when I question his love, etc.

Same thing happened a couple of days later. We've decided on a break, but it's difficult for both of us. So, what do you think? Was he honestly crying? Or could it have been an act?

2007-11-28 16:21:00 · 18 answers · asked by Genna 2 in Singles & Dating

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