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Family & Relationships - 27 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I went out with this guy in high school for nearly 3 years. I broke up with him for various reasons but it really was kind of an unclear break up since i was going through some changes and i really felt like it was just time to end that "good thing",as they may say. Anyways, after the break up we tried to be friends but i had this other boyfriend that made things complicated. And to make it worst, i got pregnant with the other boyfriend and had a kis but now we arn't together....to make a long story short there. so now its been over 2 years since i've talked or even herd from the first boyfriend and he finds me on myspace.com a few days ago and sends just a friendly "hi, how are you?" kind of message. should i start up a friendship again or will it just be akward? i sent a short and sweet message back but i'm kind of confused. I really broke hi heart and i felt guilty about it for a long time. how should i handle this?...........p.s. this guy was my first everything.

2007-11-27 18:53:41 · 5 answers · asked by Y Y 1 in Singles & Dating

i understand that people can be shallow cause they can't help it. but my friends are kind of pretty but it seems like all these guys are crushing on them and not me. i don't really get it because there have been guys that tell me i'm cute/ pretty but they aren't the guys i want to like me.

2007-11-27 18:46:24 · 8 answers · asked by krissy 2 in Singles & Dating

ok this is really sad, but I'm just starting to obssess over guys and I'm...umm over 18 years old (yeah late bloomer). in middle/high school I was always calm, focused on school work. but I've been obsessing over a bunch of different crushes these past few months. i can't help it, I'm always thinking about a guy and it's driving me nuts cuz it's so unlike me. I feel like I need to focus on a guy in my life and it's so stupid. any tips on how to stop this madness?

2007-11-27 18:45:04 · 12 answers · asked by Katy H 3 in Singles & Dating

Let me start by saying, This is a new name for privacy reasons.I am not a troll..I need help.

I have been with my husband for 13 years, married 11. Over the past couple of years things have gone from bad to worse. He is all the time calling me lazy, stupid, dumb btch, along with many others..Just tonight he called me lazy cause i didnt want to go to the store for him. He says i never do anything yet I am the one cooking,cleaning,taking care of kids, helping with homework ect..

Yet this man, works nights, comes in at 6am, sleeps, gets up and leave and stays out with buddies or hunting until time to go to work again

Tonight, I just snapped, I had enough of the verbal and i hit him, in the chest and told him im sick of this..I think it just stunned him cause he just left the house and went to work.

This worries me because i am not a violent person, i just had enough.

I know i need to leave but have no job and no family i can stay with...

I need suggestions!!

2007-11-27 18:42:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My love and I have been through hell and back with each other and both feel that we should just wipe the slate clean and start over, you know.....start new memories to erase the old ones. The problem is, the past always has a way of sneaking up on us and it tries to cause problems. We've both did our share of misbehaving, but we're wiser and more mature now. Nothing would make us happier than acting as if the things that we have dealt with never happened but it is way easier said than done. What are some ways that we can stop ourselves from dwelling on the past. We really love each other and we've both done a lot of growing up. We also have a daughter on the way and we really want to be a loving family. Please help us, what are some ways that you all lost focus on the past?

2007-11-27 18:39:08 · 9 answers · asked by Tnisha 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My love and I have been through hell and back with each other and both feel that we should just wipe the slate clean and start over, you know.....start new memories to erase the old ones. The problem is, the past always has a way of sneaking up on us and it tries to cause problems. We've both did our share of misbehaving, but we're wiser and more mature now. Nothing would make us happier than acting as if the things that we have dealt with never happened but it is way easier said than done. What are some ways that we can stop ourselves from dwelling on the past. We really love each other and we've both done a lot of growing up. We also have a daughter on the way and we really want to be a loving family. Please help us, what are some ways that you all lost focus on the past?

2007-11-27 18:38:45 · 8 answers · asked by Tnisha 1 in Family

My love and I have been through hell and back with each other and both feel that we should just wipe the slate clean and start over, you know.....start new memories to erase the old ones. The problem is, the past always has a way of sneaking up on us and it tries to cause problems. We've both did our share of misbehaving, but we're wiser and more mature now. Nothing would make us happier than acting as if the things that we have dealt with never happened but it is way easier said than done. What are some ways that we can stop ourselves from dwelling on the past. We really love each other and we've both done a lot of growing up. We also have a daughter on the way and we really want to be a loving family. Please help us, what are some ways that you all lost focus on the past?

2007-11-27 18:38:18 · 1 answers · asked by Tnisha 1 in Singles & Dating

i met this girl at a party...and we made out to death i got her facebook and i was in contact with her...apparently she is a nice girl...i mean soo nice...im goin out with her this week or next week...would that be weird if i tell her " i love you " if i find out she is so nice when we are leaving ?
by the way im 19....

2007-11-27 18:34:56 · 21 answers · asked by Ali 4 in Singles & Dating

But the problem we never reach the point that we agree..it gives me headache...though we stil talk and talk and talk.

2007-11-27 18:32:18 · 7 answers · asked by dikya 3 in Marriage & Divorce

He has been with her for almost two years and she uses him for money and food and booze. She is rude to me and my sisters, but my dad won't believe us! He's done a complete 180. What can I do to gently tell him we want nothing to do with her?

2007-11-27 18:32:17 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I'm looking for a poem or verse about unconditional love to write to my Nan, she may never read it but I will read it to her as she is dying. She was a wonderful lady and always had unconditional love for everyone, welcomed you in her home Nan was never rich with a lot of money but wealthy with love and caring and excepted you for what or who you are. Nan is 95 and has dementia, as we will not be buying her a gift I would like to give her words on how I feel.Any help out there I would be grateful. Thankyou A loving grand daughter

2007-11-27 18:31:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

My boy, like any other has been checkin out porn. I know it's normal and its natural... but i can't help but feel a little self concious and play the blame game on myself every now and then.

I just want to be able to do something to make me feel like I'm getting even...

Any suggestions?

2007-11-27 18:29:40 · 7 answers · asked by Megzy N 2 in Singles & Dating

After My ex(4 years together) and I broke up I tried to win her back but failed. She fell for another guy afterward and though they aren't going out she likes him a lot. Anyway I guess the last 6 months I have been very needy and she even told me she doesn't feel comfortable completely around me cuz she knows I still like her and suggested not speaking to one another until at least when winter break starts but seems like she isn't going through with it. She called JUST at first but I didn't pick up. Im planing to not pick up anymore at least until New Years so I can get over her and show her I ain't attached anymore (which I really dont want to be anymore). Thing is I dont want her to think I don't want to be friends and be mad that I didn't pick up for so long since we both do want to be friends still...so I was thinking about getting her a nice thoughtful gift (nothing fancy) for Xmas and explaining to her why I didn't pick up then. Is this a good idea?

2007-11-27 18:27:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I thinking today about how things have changed, then wondered: Do people still ask for "a number" (as in a Guy getting a Girl's Phone Number), or do they get an email address instead? If your at a bar / club etc... and talk to someone your interested in dating, do you still ask if you can have her number or has that changed.

2007-11-27 18:27:45 · 11 answers · asked by tom s 3 in Singles & Dating

i cannt hide my emotions when i saw a girl or woman, when they wore tights showing there things, how can i control my emotions

2007-11-27 18:25:42 · 16 answers · asked by Raj veer 1 in Singles & Dating

by at least 10 years.

2007-11-27 18:25:20 · 10 answers · asked by umyeah 2 in Marriage & Divorce

MY DAD WATCHES PORN and has magazines such as playboy and pent house
and he dls them alot... he has 400 gigs of em
and its so dam irritaitng that he ask me to go out of the room cuz its late at night(10pm) which is so idiotic cuz its most likely that he was going to watch porn... pifft
is this normal?? Or does your dad watch porn too?

2007-11-27 18:25:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Let's say 2 people are co-habiting (not married) yet he man makes more so he pays for more of the bills and rent than the woman. Should the woman do something in return like cook more often or clean more often? Assume they both have 9-5 jobs during the day. Please explain your answers. I know people who say yes, and others who say no..

2007-11-27 18:24:21 · 15 answers · asked by Kathy1 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am coming home for lunch and call wife
Me- I am coming home to make frozen pizza that I bought yesterday
Wife- It's about to expire. I will exchange at shop
M-Don't bother. It is fine
W-Already going to store so no trouble
M-Fine. Fine, we can do your way
W-It's not "my way". It's for your benefit
M-I know it's for my benefit but it's how you want to handle. I don't care
W-Fine. If you don't appreciate it, then I won't be concerned for you anymore
M-You still have to be concerned about me, but I don't care about this
M-Let's not argue. So if I come home, can we be loving?
W-"Whatever". I don't know
M-That's not good enough. We have to get along and not fight over silly things. Can we be loving?
W-Fine, we can do your way
M-So can we be loving?
W-We can do you way
M-So can you say, "I want to be loving"?
W-No, already said we can do your way
M-It's not "my way" if you don't say you want to be loving
W-It's the same, so I am not going to say it

2007-11-27 18:22:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

when you tell your girlfriend or wife your my everything, what does it mean to you? what exactly are you trying to tell her?

2007-11-27 18:22:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I have yet to pursue my dreams ......and am thinking of moving to be with him..... i need advice asap,,,,,,pleaze

2007-11-27 18:21:11 · 15 answers · asked by love 2222 1 in Singles & Dating

First off, I'd like to assert that I love my family very much. But I do not love how my eldest sister's 4 and 6 year old kids physically attack me at family events.
My sister's approach to parenting is to let them do as they please because they are just being kids and just ride out the storms untill they grow out of their wild behaviour.
I do not advocate hitting or yelling at them, nor is it my role to discipline them. But lately I find myself dreading attending family gatherings, which otherwise mean the world to me. Their prefered methods of attack are screaming in ears, scratching at eyes, biting fingers and general puncing and kicking. You can imagine my anxiety and frustration as my sister sits there motionless as I am subject to these onslaughts.
I don't want to avoid my relatives but I am not a human punching-bag.
Any suggestions would be appreciated as I have no kids of my own and am worried I might hit back one day, which would go down like a led zeplin

2007-11-27 18:19:43 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am married for 1 year with a young man.
I m so stressed recently because i m going to school and working at night as a waitress.
I stand all day, cook, clean, put in order the house and then when at night I finally lay on the bed I wont have my husband around.
He s so heavy and pushy.
As soon as i step in the house he kisses me and does not even let me take off my jacket....he wont understand is too heavy.
I need my space just to relax a bit otherwise i ll end up in a mental hospital soon.
What can I do with my husband?
I m so tired that i can't even make love with him...
Do you think I dont love my husband enough?
Can the stress kills the desire for my husband?
I m worry and in the same time i can't stand anymore my husband...why? Please give an advise

2007-11-27 18:16:31 · 9 answers · asked by manolaxox 1 in Marriage & Divorce

So ok not to be cocky or anything but I'm used to girls coming on to me. And all the girls I've liked have always been talking to me and stuff. But now I like this girl in my English 10 class and shes kind of quiet and shy. She's really cute and I love her personality. I don't know that from experience but I've seen how she is. I don't know how to approach her since I'm not used to being the one making the first move so what should I do? I Forgot to add that I did try a couple of things to talk to her. First time I had a shocking pen and I tried to get her with it but she didn't fall for it. The second time I ask to see her homework from English and she let me but she didn't say much. And today I asked her did she know my name after I gave the homework back to her and she said no so I told her my name. And what should i do tomorrow when i see her?

2007-11-27 18:16:05 · 15 answers · asked by Young J 2 in Singles & Dating

What animal best describes you?

2007-11-27 18:15:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

more than one man to make the perfect one..........Ladies um sure you understand me........

2007-11-27 18:15:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

There is this guy at my college who i like a lot, we argue some but mostly we get along great. He doesn’t have a girl friend and i haven’t herd him mention that he likes anyone. So how do i get his interest? How do i get his attention and see if i can get him to like me? We talk all the time he’s two year older and normally we hang out with the same crowd. How do i take the relationship from friends to more?

2007-11-27 18:15:01 · 16 answers · asked by Qwen 2 in Singles & Dating

theres this guy that i completely adore; we arent going out (well we did once before, but things werent workin out on that level) but we have strong feelings for each other, and we are having sex - would he be considered a fxxx buddy? is it slutty to have sex with someone ur not in a relationship with?

2007-11-27 18:12:32 · 21 answers · asked by aprili 1 in Singles & Dating

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