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Family & Relationships - 27 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

that it drains you ,, i have great contacts and friend on both yahoo and my messenger but i cant accept any more as i have a stalker that changes his name every time!! until now i loved this now i feel a prisoner and i hate it and i feel old and tired from fighting!! what is your trick to feel young again and loose the negative??

2007-11-27 16:57:52 · 8 answers · asked by jo 5 in Friends

Well on Thanksgiving day my husband suprised me by comming home!! He is a soilder in the war in Iraq. We haven't been together in a year. A week into our 3 week honeymoon he says I have to go to Iraq in 5 days. I cried so much when he left. I mean he sent these video diaries and he sent letters. I did the same, but it was like he was on another planet. We got these letters and tapes of recently happened things but it still felt like no matter how many letters or tapes you send, you still feel seperated. Anyway I was so happy to see him it was just a suprise! I cried and I kissed him and it was soo suprising. We went out for a Thanksgiving dinner that night and had a great time. But the dinner didn't even compare to the sex we had later on that night. The next morning I woke up and he left a note that said I love you. I will be back sooner than you think. I put on a robe and I ran outside to kiss him goodbye.

Story Continues Below:

2007-11-27 16:57:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

When you are dating or in a lengthy relationship with a woman, and things don't work out, what makes you keep her number? I have heard of the plan B or the back up girl, but after 6 months what would be the reason then since so much time has passed. Also, why is there an old saying (it's ok that you guys broke up, he'll be back), and before the year is out me, and my girlfriends have felt, have, and seen that to be true. The real questions comes into play when my brother jumped in the conversation, and said we do that, but we don't keep all the past girls phone number, and when I said to him, if you pick and choose who number to keep, what's the determining factor on who's number you keep, and why don't you guys just do like us, and get rid of everything about that person once they are gone.

2007-11-27 16:46:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

do you think im wierd according to my retarded friends, just because i listen to 80's rock , i mean is that really bad, i think its better than the garbage of rap they listen to.

2007-11-27 16:45:17 · 10 answers · asked by applemania 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Well on Thanksgiving day my husband suprised me by comming home!! He is a soilder in the war in Iraq. We haven't been together in a year. A week into our 3 week honeymoon he says I have to go to Iraq in 5 days. I cried so much when he left. I mean he sent these video diaries and he sent letters. I did the same, but it was like he was on another planet. We got these letters and tapes of recently happened things but it still felt like no matter how many letters or tapes you send, you still feel seperated. Anyway I was so happy to see him it was just a suprise! I cried and I kissed him and it was soo suprising. We went out for a Thanksgiving dinner that night and had a great time. But the dinner didn't even compare to the sex we had later on that night. The next morning I woke up and he left a note that said I love you. I will be back sooner than you think. I put on a robe and I ran outside to kiss him goodbye.

Story Continues Below.

2007-11-27 16:44:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Ok it's very strange. Her and my dad have been married for 25 years, but they aren't close at all. They aren't like all lovey dovey and i don't think i ever hear them say "i love you" to each other. I've never even seen them cuddle or hug. I've come to the conclusion that they don't love each other. Soon my mom is getting cosmetic surgery, she's also always getting manicures and other beauty stuff. She said after the surgery she is going to go to the tanning salon. Why is she trying to look better? I know a lot of her friends are rich so could she be trying to impress them? Or maybe trying to impress my dad (maybe she thinks he will like her better)? Or my worst fear is that she is doing this so that she could have an affair. I dont think this is about her feeling better about her own body image because she isnt a teenager who thinks beauty is about makeup and hair. I'm 17 and even i know real beauty comes from whats inside, i assume that if i know this she does too. So whats going on?

2007-11-27 16:42:33 · 10 answers · asked by Ooh-La-La! 3 in Family

ur mama is so skinny she hula hooped in a cherrio. when u accidently locked ur door u were so skinny that u slipped through the keyhole. ur mom is so ugly that when it was teacher conference ur teacher said sorry no crack heads allowed. ur mama is soo poor when it was cristmas she pretended she was santa and went down peoples chimmneys looking for her little elves (cockroaches) ok i know it isnt funny. ur mamas so stupid she tried to fool my parents that she was santa claus. ur skin is soo rough that our school uses it to sand wood. danm did u forget ur makeup today cause u sure look like a crack head today no offence or anything. did u just break my mirror, no wonder it coulndt stand all that force u got on ur face.

2007-11-27 16:40:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

In today's society, when looking at a woman around 20-25, what we be thought about her for sleeping with 30 men?

Would a man be considered to fit into the same opinion about the female? Is it okay because of our society for a man to have more female partners? And would it be more okay for a man to have a 3 some (w/all girls) than it would be for a female to have a 3 some (w/all guys) ?

-My bf & I have very strong opinions on this ... please help!

2007-11-27 16:40:23 · 11 answers · asked by ♥appletown18♥ 1 in Singles & Dating

My sister is 18 and about to go to college for violin. I want to learn to play the guitar.
we both need instruents.
She dosen't even want me to learn the guitar.
every time I practice she looks at me and raises one eyebrow and tells me what kind of an idiot I am, and that I can't play to save my life. she dose this with almost everything I do and I feel like she thinks that I'll never succeed in anything I do.

Please help.

2007-11-27 16:38:44 · 6 answers · asked by Bleemanguy 1 in Family

2007-11-27 16:37:54 · 7 answers · asked by xXxwerewolfxXx 1 in Singles & Dating

when i talk to guys on the phone they say like "your friend is hella hot" and is it because they think i'm ugly? i didn't think so

2007-11-27 16:37:23 · 8 answers · asked by krissy 2 in Singles & Dating

after you visit his house and go back to yours letting him know you got home safe and ok?

I told my boyfriend it is important for me if he asks me to tell him I got home ok but he does not consider it important and does not do it and it bothers me because it shows lack of concern about me even if it is safe or whatever if it is late then the least I expect is for him to care if I got home safe or ok.

Am I being too wrong on it or is he just not interested on what happens?

I do tell him but he just does as he pleases; some times is concerned and other simply does not care or pays attention to it al all.

I do not wish to be possesive or needy; but I do not see it as something bad either to wish to be cared more or shown more interest either.

2007-11-27 16:34:51 · 21 answers · asked by Pandora 1 in Singles & Dating

I was just wondering if there were any girls out there who would date a guy if he went out wearing skirts, nothing frilly but like long khaki or denim cargo skirts. Not trying to dress like a woman, just wearing a skirt instead of pants. I am 19, 100% straight, and just think that guys should have the wardrobe options that women do. If you would go out with a guy who wore a skirt would you want him to shave his legs or not? Also would you like him to wear tights or pantyhose if it went with the outfit?

2007-11-27 16:25:48 · 15 answers · asked by bballfan117 3 in Singles & Dating

I m engaged and going to marry in january.I am afraid for first night....as i am not virgin ...whether my husband can understand that i am not virgin...?

2007-11-27 16:25:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am 18, and still living at home as I am a senior in high school. I live with my mom and abide by her wishes. I make straight A's, tel her everythign about my life, have never done drugs or smoked a cigarrette or gotten drunk. Unfortunately my mom is a prude and highly protective, so if I want to hang out with friends, she has to talk to the parents first. When she talks, it is more like an iterrogation, and she is always highly paraniod. I would never do anything she doesnt want me to, but when my friends get together on the weekend, and I have to be home by 11, then there isnt much fun I can have. My friends usually hang out until 1 a.m., but I would be fine if I could stay out until 12. I am lucky enough as it is, because she gets angry when I come home at 11. any ideas?

2007-11-27 16:23:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am curious to know if your lifetime lover/marriage partner and your soulmate be two different people. What defines a soulmate? Tell me what you think!

2007-11-27 16:21:01 · 10 answers · asked by His Wife 3 in Marriage & Divorce

ok i am not sure where to start but here goes me and this guy have been engaged now for almost a year we usually talk at night before we go to bed but here lately he don't answer the phone when i call ( he don't have a home phone just a cell) and he is alwys saying he is asleep which he has been working extra hours at work but i have been cheated on before and i am now afraid he is doing to me too or i am i just parinoid that he will cheat he says he will never cheat on me and he don't believe in that and i am afraid if i don't stop i am going to push him away i love him with all of my heart and dont want to loose him so please help

2007-11-27 16:19:14 · 8 answers · asked by mommy2emma 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm her 4th,she's my4th,we have a son that's her 4th,that is now4.She decides after 6 good years I gotta go.what's up with that?I wasn't even out the door and he was already moved in.She tells our son that's his new dad,my son doesn't even like him.He has no job,no car,nothing.I have all that.yet she calls me everyday and says she loves me?????

2007-11-27 16:17:01 · 15 answers · asked by meme 2 in Marriage & Divorce

When you want to do it, but when your partner is either POD'ed, sleep, or whatever. Right now I'm playing on the computer *here*, but what can really get your mind off of the feeling of rejection and being ignored?

2007-11-27 16:14:59 · 6 answers · asked by goldenchilde11 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-27 16:14:15 · 6 answers · asked by Katelyn 1 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I have been married for three years and just this year he decides to stay at home for christimas and say we are not going to anyone elses home. (my mothers his mother) I recently had a suprise birthday party for him where I got both families together and he couldnt tell but it didnt go over to well long story but basically mother in law was rubbing taking kids to the park in my mothers face and only to her as if she should get grandmother of the year. Anyway they dont get along . How can I tell him that we cant invite both families at the same time I mean I just cant say my mom dont like your mom. He already thinks I dont like her because I point out that she likes to lie alot . And to be blunt you cant fix stupid or dumn and she is just as country dumn as can be but I am nice about that point I keep this to myself. Please help what can I do.

2007-11-27 16:05:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My wife is upset and thinks it is her. She has put on a little weight since the baby, but that's not it. Jennifer Anniston could walk in butt naked and I would probably just enjoy the view. I don't even think that would get me turned on.

2007-11-27 16:05:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Well I'm 18 years old and in college. I have a really close friend who lives in Georgia while I live in Texas. She recently invited me to stay over her house with her family for a week during winter break (the week before Christmas) I agreed to it. Well I'm still living at home and when I told my father about my plans he told me I'm not allowed to go! I don't know maybe I'm being bratty or something but I see no reason why he shouldn't let me go. I am going to pay for the ticket out of my own pocket. I am 18 and have never gotten in trouble in my life, I'm very trustworthy. I've never done drugs, I've never gotten drunk, I rarely go out with my friends, I barely HAVE any friends, I'm a straight A student. My friend is my age and we've known each other for years now, her family is just like mine and my parents have meet her and her parents many times and they know what a couple of goody goodies we are. How can I make him understand that I'm an adult now?

2007-11-27 16:05:07 · 9 answers · asked by punky 1 in Family

time? I don't care anymore emotion-wise, he's a cheater and a loser, but it would entail serious legal issues for me.

2007-11-27 16:05:05 · 12 answers · asked by Everybody's Favorite 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm a fairly attractive male, reserved but talkative once you get to know me, very dark curly hair with gray highlights, blue eyes, age 21, tall, with a very slight Southern accent. I also can't get single women to talk to me for my life!

These are four very recent examples (with the last 12 months or less) of 20s-aged, attractive, bubbly, and married or engaged women hitting on me:
1. Just LAST WEEK, I had an engaged woman (who has become a friend just over the last 3 months) ask me if she could stay at my house when she moves to my town in January for a new job. She also asked me to Starbucks and gave me her phone # first!
2. I had a married woman at work, intelligent and cute with two kids, trying to leave her supposedly jerk husband and hitting on me very hard. I turned her down politely.
3. I had each another engaged AND married woman smile at me first in class and initiate laughter and conversations this semester--multiple times.

Help me understand, please.

2007-11-27 16:05:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

An older Paul Newman looking gentleman came into my 2nd job tonight and I fell in lust. I am 30...he was probably about 65, I'd say. What was the attraction? He flirted; but I get flirted with all of the time. Why did this one turn me on? No, I am not usually attracted to older men. The oldest man that I have dated is 38. I actually hope that he will return to shop!

2007-11-27 16:04:37 · 4 answers · asked by rene t 2 in Singles & Dating

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