My parents dont do ANYTHING for the Holidays! Nothing! I sit around being loneley watching my neighbors open presents of Christmas morning, how they make a roats turkey and invite friends and family to eat and have fun....we are kind of Jewish, so we do "celebrate" Hannukah, but all we do is light a menorah. Then my parents expect hords of gifts from me, like 200 dollars worth of my babysitting money. I dont have a cell phone, ANY friends because I'm homeschooled, I have to buy my own clothes, computer, bedding, chairs, etc and I'm only 15. I used to use my birthday money, like 40 dollars a year to buy clothes from the salvation army, because my parents didnt want to buy me any clothes, let alone toys. I'm MISERABLE and lonely, and when I tell some people I rarely meet they don't understand because they have GREAT lives and think i;m a freak! And they don't understand how I can;t go to their birthday parties or dances at their schools because my parents thinks that (continues below)
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-:-vInTaGe PaSsIon-:-