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Family & Relationships - 18 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

okay so my mom is in prison (please don't ask) and my grandma wants to go down and see her but she gets out in like 70 days my grndma lives with her mom who is like 92 and she has aids come and help for but only for like an hour or 2 every other day and i alreasdy had plans with my friends because i haven't been able to go out cause i have been sick but i already told her i would stay and help so she could go but my grandma house has flees ad her and my dad don't get along so what could I say to get out of this
i know it sounds bad but really its not

2007-09-18 05:06:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

My husband and I will be going to two weddings: my co-worker in October and a friend in November. We don't want to spend too much nor give too little.

2007-09-18 05:05:21 · 16 answers · asked by charlotte 1 in Weddings

Then why does he try to get you off with his best mate at the same time as your seeing him.?

2007-09-18 05:05:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My mother-in-law gets on my last nerve! If it's not 1 thing it's another. My husdand & I have been together for 8 years & married 3 of the 8. Now that we're married she acts like she hates me. My husband's in the air force & is staioned in Japan for 2 years. He got us phones b-4 he left with the knowledge that his phone would work in while he's away, his doesn't, any way he asked me 2 call the phone company & have the phones turned off, that's exactly what I did. Now, somebody tell me y his mom went rite behind me this morning & called them! When I told her that I had talked 2 the people & what they had told me she flies off the handle, (just acted really ugly.) Telling me I was wrong and that I didn't know what I was talking about. Y do I let her get 2 me like I do? I've talked 2 my husband & he always says "That's just mama she don't mean any harm." Well yes she does, simply b-cuz it's me, she's disliked me since the day we were married. Help me, b-4 I let this woman drive me crazy!

2007-09-18 05:04:56 · 8 answers · asked by luvsthepink 2 in Family

this guy at school is always trying to talk to me and i can see his penis get stiff in his pants and it makes me blush. what should i do?

2007-09-18 05:03:41 · 9 answers · asked by Sara 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

today in counseling i really fried my partner. he hasn't been actively involved in the "making things better" movement. i know he loves me and he wants to be with me, but he has to try harder to make me happy. i am so devoted to him, but when he neglects me i give up. i ask him for passion, romance, and intellectual conversations, but he forgets all the time and i can't take it anymore. how do i stay in love with him even when i don't feel like i'm being treated how i want to be treated? i don't wanna nit pick or be a b*!$% i just need the love and affection i deserve... in a grown up relationship (not the things that were acceptable when we were younger) -- i told him, this is it for me... either we work this out or i'm gonna be alone. we do a lot of laughing and joking, but what about the other stuff. i want to be enthralled by him!

2007-09-18 05:00:07 · 7 answers · asked by Benny 3 in Marriage & Divorce

OK, instead of asking why women will cheat, how bout this?

List reasons why you as a woman in a happy relationship would never think of cheating.

2007-09-18 04:56:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

a guy is married and a woman is married (separate relationships), but this guy and this woman have an intense attraction to each other? They barely speak but the body language and eye contact tells on them. Neither would ever go any further with it. EVER! They both would love to in their own minds and the sexual part of it would be fabulous because its been burning for a long time, or even just a kiss the passion would be tremendous but it won't ever happen!!! How do you forget if its always there? Just wondering nothing personal

2007-09-18 04:56:12 · 6 answers · asked by Maria 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I talk to a lot of guys that I get along with, but it doesn't get past just sharing interests in things like art or politics, or "See you around, sometime." How can a guy make a genuine friendship with a guy since me and most guys are uptight about it because we're afraid it might make us seem weak or needy?

2007-09-18 04:55:48 · 1 answers · asked by holacarinados 4 in Friends

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years now and we also have a son together. Latley he has been acting like he does not want to be with me anymore. I always has a attitude with me, he is starting to drink alot, and is jus turning into this person that i dont even know anymore. I ask him if he wants to be with me still and he tells me yes but his actions are tellin me something different and i guess he dont act like that all the time but most of the time. Should i give up and move on or should i try and work it out a lil longer because i do love him with all of my heart and i do have a son by this man! Im confussed

2007-09-18 04:53:35 · 9 answers · asked by dgaodg 2 in Singles & Dating

hii...im upset because my parents do not trust me to have a boyfriend..and i know why. its all my sisters fault..she had a boyfriend and got pregnant at 22 years old and she isnt even married to him yet and doesnt plan on getting married for a while because she wants a big wedding and she dont have da money for dat right now cuz she has to pay for expenses for da new baby...now my parents are upset with her and they say i cant have a boyfriend either. they think that i will turn out just like her by getting pregnant before im married and they dont want that mistake to happen again. but i know that wont happen to me but they still dont trust me..what do i do? i am 17 and i started dating a guy but i cant tell my parents, and i dont like hiding things from them..help!!

2007-09-18 04:50:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Has anyone had any experience with this particular store?


Please let me know. I've been reading horror stories about David's Bridal and I'm thinking about NOT taking a trip to check out their dresses.

Please answer ONLY if you have been to the HAGERSTOWN MARYLAND David's Bridal store. Whether as a Bride, or in the Bridal Party.

Thank you.

2007-09-18 04:48:53 · 8 answers · asked by Terri 7 in Weddings

With all the confusion and business that i had to do, school, stoping from panicing, i realized (though as it may be too late) that i love her. I Pm'd her about the vision i had, but i don't think thats quite enough. I probably know what your all gonna say, just leave it. There are other fish in the sea. But i know i was meant to be with this person. I can't help it. Is there still hope? HELP!!!!

2007-09-18 04:48:09 · 24 answers · asked by Sun And Sky 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

is it rude not to congratulate both people on an engagement?

2007-09-18 04:46:53 · 22 answers · asked by la de da 3 in Weddings

What are some excuses you give you boyfriend/husband whatever when you don't want to have sex? My boyfriend is convinced that i don't want to have sex with him because he thinks i'm giving it to someother guy. When the truth is i don't have a reason, I just don't want to do it!!!

2007-09-18 04:46:05 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband's mom committed suicide 3 years ago. Now his dad is dating a really nice woman. They aren't living together, but she redecorated part of the house and packed up some of my husband's old toys and things for him to take. One of the items was a bank that was in the kitchen hutch for years. My husband was really hurt to see that she took it out of the hutch. I think it also bothers him that she went through his old room and packed things up. I try to tell him that it's not a big deal, that he's 31 and shouldn't be keeping things at home anymore. I know it's a lot for him to deal with, but this woman is really good for his dad even if she's sort of meddling with the house. What can I do/say to prevent him from overreacting and disliking her?

2007-09-18 04:44:00 · 7 answers · asked by ♫ Sweet Honesty ♫ 5 in Family

Some guys in my class keep staring at me dreamy-eyed even though they have gfs already. This has been going on for almost a year. I didn't notice at first, but I find that they always look away hurriedly when I accidentally look towards their direction. I find this annoying.

2007-09-18 04:37:07 · 37 answers · asked by HopeGrace 4 in Singles & Dating

I was roommates and close friends with this girl all 4 years of college. We're from the same hometown and survived nursing school together..well, she got married last year and didn't invite me to be one of her bridesmaids... I was really shocked (and other people were too). Actually, I was hurt by it..I really thought that I was going to be asked. Now my wedding is coming up and I had always thought of asking her to be in my wedding party, but now that I wasn't in hers, should I still have her in mine?

2007-09-18 04:34:50 · 34 answers · asked by ne_gal81 2 in Weddings

Ok, we've been together for 3 months and it was rough at the beginning, e.g. she dumped me after a week and 'cause she wasnt ready and then she decided that she wanted to be with me. It's been going good, she tells me she loves me, but she has done some things that I dont like. Recently, she went dancing with her friends, and she said that if a guy asks her to dance she'll sy shes married. I picked them up from the club, and the first thing that happens is a guy comes up and says didnt I dance with you in the club, her friend quickly came to the rescue by denying it. Then the other day we went to eat and she ran in to a guy, and she didnt introduce me, the second time the guy came by us and she said this Doug. not this is my bf. Now, her body language said, "this is some guy, im still single". I found out from my friend that she was in love with this guy, and she tried to play this off. should I be angry? I think of this as lying. she said she didnt dance with a guy but she did.

2007-09-18 04:34:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Leave age and answer puh lease....

2007-09-18 04:34:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

To all you people, male and female that have gone through a divorce. How did you cope? how did you get through it? Is there light at the tunnel for me? I am splitting from my husband and I dont know how I will get through it.

2007-09-18 04:33:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


2007-09-18 04:33:25 · 14 answers · asked by kat 1 in Marriage & Divorce

If you could write a law today for the state you live in that punishes cheaters what would it be?
No limits, anything goes. How would you punish cheaters?

2007-09-18 04:29:34 · 12 answers · asked by nelppik 3 in Marriage & Divorce

A little bit about myself...I'm 5'5 and weigh 184 lbs. Now I think my average weight for my heighth is like 135-140 pounds or something like that. So yeah I'm over weight, but I tend to hide it very well. I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm not obese or anywhere close to it. I'm not depressed or ashamed of my body. Yes of course I would love to lose weight and be a little more comfortable especially when meeting guys like I used to be but it's not like i dwell on that 24/7.

My mother was not the skinniest kid either when she was my age. But I almost feel like she's disgusted with how much weight I have gained. She's always telling me that she's concerned with my weight (i went to the doctor and i'm as healthy as can be). That I need to go to the gym, that things (like guys) will starting happening for me, drink more water...yeah these are just regular concerns for a mother, but she's been doing this pretty much my entire life and i can't take it anymore! What do I do?!

2007-09-18 04:28:49 · 13 answers · asked by malassa07 4 in Family

I've had a hard time coming to terms as to the "real" reason of me not being able to maintain certain freindships with people I grew up with.For instance, I had this one childhood freind I grew up with, and I always went to her little events she would have, and I notice that when I went to her birthday get together last year she didn't really talk to me, but I notice this was after she found out that I had finally left an abusive boyfriend and she stopped talking to me altogether,(which was weird) then I got in contact with some of my other friends I went to high school (whom are sister) one of the sister's I guess doesn't care for me too much she laughs at me everytime I say something, and I spilled something on my shirt and she laughed I treated her to dinner for her birthday, and she asked me "What do you do all day eat? and sent her a text message to say hello and she ignored me and then I notice everytime we go out her sister, puts out her hand a gesture to give her money" is i

2007-09-18 04:26:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Here's the deal.. my boyfriend and I grew up together. We have been together for a while now and have already dropped the "L" bomb... (Said "I love you").. anyway, the other night he looked at me and said "do you love me?" and I said "yes..." and he said "are you sure?" and I was like "okay, what do you want?" hahahaha and he said "Nothing, I just wanted to make sure.." Why would he ask this? He knows I love him, if anything I'm normally the one who is more clingy.... so just wondering why he would ask this - he is like a "tough guy"... so it was weird... any thoughts?

2007-09-18 04:26:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Its so stupid i cant understand myself. I want to meet a wild boyfriend who is dangerous and will sweep me of my feet, do wild things with him just to feel alive! jUST TO GET OUT OF THIS BORING MUNDANE AVERAGE LIFE i want excitement something different.I want to go off the rails totally, i may be ready to self destruct i don't know someone tell me am i crazy, screwed up

2007-09-18 04:23:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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