I personally think it should be offered to those who want it. I realize that not all people share my beliefs, but I grew up believing, and still do, that I am not to be ashamed of my beliefs and that I should be proud and not hide the fact that I am a Christian. I have raised my children to feel the same way, and have told them not to be embarrassed or scared to show their beliefs at school and if they ever get in trouble at school for it, I will defend them no matter what. I just think that for all those who feel that religion shouldn't be in schools, that there are just as many who feel that it should be. Why do those who are against it, get what they want, and we have to give up what we want? Why can't there be choices for the kids? Those who want a Christmas program that celebrates Jesus, instead of Santa Clause, have their own program at school on a different night from the others. I just think that if we have to give up what we want, the non-believers can give a little too.
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