I asked a question yesterday (you may look it up) about a problem with my neighbor's son visiting my home and acting very rougish and failing to listen to even the most basic of requests. Anyway, I went and talked to the mother in a very neutral fashion, and told her about how her 3 year old comes over and calls me names, tells me to shut the hell up, and says things like "yada yada yada!!" really loud when I am trying to speak to him or even my own children.
I simply told her, "whatever he does at home is none of my business, and how he treats you is none of my business (he goes off on his mother worse than he speaks to me. PLUS his mother only finds the behavior cute and does not discipline him) but when he comes in my home, I expect him to respect my home and my rules. At my house, we don't walk on dining room tables, speak sideways to adults, swear, and swing from shower curtain rods like spider monkeys...."
Well, she says that's how kids are SUPPOSED to act, and laughs?? WTF
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