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Parenting - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

If I have Joint custody of my Daughter and I have her an equal amount of time as her mother has her am i obligated to pay child support?

2006-09-15 20:24:07 · 6 answers · asked by Tim F 1

Why is it that when I seek advice from older parents who could be alot of help with issues I face for the first time with my son, the answer is always, "it only gets worse?" This is very discouraging and probably not even true. Why do this?

2006-09-15 19:42:07 · 27 answers · asked by ? 7

2006-09-15 18:22:33 · 33 answers · asked by Vy-Vy 3

I am 13 and im frm Hong Kong and i want to know why why in the world will most chinese parents force their children to study for hours or they will be beat or punished i want to know why bcos it angers me alot.

2006-09-15 18:15:06 · 7 answers · asked by linkinicarus273 2

i have a 6 years old niece, female. When she is alone in a room she begins like to touch her genital part and fingering into the vagina area, she very enjoy the feeling of doing it. I and my mom very scare about this habit. it is so awful to do tt in such young age. we already punish her by beatting her but tt doesnt stop her to do tt and now even secretly
could any 1 advice us what to do.. and please be serious because this kind of manner if prohibited in our culture. (plus she is only 6 years old)

2006-09-15 18:04:24 · 27 answers · asked by simplelife76 2

Especially in horror movies. Christ! I remember when I went to see "House of 1000 Corpses" and there was a woman their with her two year old and and infant (and her husband). Look, I know you want to get out of the house, but can't you find something else to do other than subjecting your child to a horror movie (and subjecting the other movie goers to your children)?

2006-09-15 17:49:08 · 21 answers · asked by madsalad1976 3

If you have this clear-whitish stuff tha is leaking out form your vagina, dose it mean that your about to start your peridod?

2006-09-15 17:42:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today she went out and bought spinich from seven different stores in as many different brands of spinich she could find. She has been feeding the spinich to her foster kids, but not her two biological kids. Should I report this as some kind of child abuse?

2006-09-15 16:54:46 · 11 answers · asked by jc20155 4

Once you have your baby baptized, if the Godparents you pick turn out to be uncaring, unfit, can you go to the church and have it changed? thanks. If not, i guess we could just have a surrogate set, but I don't want her to grow up and ask who her Godparents are and say we don't talk to them anymore...

2006-09-15 16:18:03 · 12 answers · asked by motherofthree 2

My friend has a two year old and she barely gives him any attention. When I had my son ( who is now 4 months old) She would completely ignore him. He got 3 blocks away from the house because noone was paying attention to him. They were paying attention to my boy. I felt that I had to be a parent ot both of them when he was around. He isnt disciplined and bites, hits and is very mean. I would not trust her with my son at all. The little boy only weighs 21 pounds and he is 2! I think she kept him to make people feel sorry for her and give her sympathy. Everyone thinks she should of given him up for adoption. Well now she is pregnant again. What should be done. She cant even feed her first child, she doesnt even care to. She thinks he needs to have juice all day and a cup of applesauce. It is horrible. Her mother practically raised him when he was little but she is an alcoholic. Their whole family lives off the state. They dont work. Please help. I dont know what to do.

2006-09-15 16:13:02 · 12 answers · asked by flower_angel_goddess 2

i when was adopted as a baby by my birth mothers cousins.
my real dad died before i was born,and my real mom was only 18.
nobody says anything to me but i think when i was born i was "just an expirement". i mean when young people have a baby at that age usually it means "you were their accident" right? well im 13 almost 14 and i kinda feel like a oopsie for them. i mean im trying to become alot more closer to my real mom and all but she lives 2 hours away from where i live and got married last year.if she down the road has another child won't she love he/she more than me b/c she's finally ready to start a happy family? help!! :(

2006-09-15 15:44:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


My Adoption Story: I want to be closer to my birth mom....?
I am 13 years old,almost 14.I was adopted young is all I know.
Supposedly,when my birth mother was pregnant with me,my birth father died,which is true he really did.I didn't know all my life I was adopted in fact I haven't known that long at all!Well my real mom,I have known her as my cousin in the family.She's like a second cousin to my adoptive-dad.So I really am related to them.Nobody,has yet told me what age I was adopted at,but I can remember many things.I love my adoptive parents.But the problem is I haven't always been so close to my "was cousin..now mom".I mean I see her every now and then.Well just last week I saw her again,at my aunt's funeral.And the whole time her and I talked trying to get to remember each other better.I really want to be closer to her so bad! I miss her everday.Do you think her new husband will mind me or hate me? If she has another child wont she love it more?

2006-09-15 15:37:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-15 15:03:46 · 17 answers · asked by holly l 1

2006-09-15 14:59:41 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I guess I grew up in a back hills country hick town, but when an unmarried girl got pregnant, the guy married her. PERIOD! Not getting married just didn't happen. Now, I will say that alot of those ended up eventually getting divorced, though some are still together, but at least the baby wasn't labled a bastard, which is a horrible name. And if they were married, then the father (at least the ones I knew) contributed to the raising and financial support and the mothers didn't have to go on welfare. There was none of the talk about abortions at all. Most of the people in the town where I grew up, were God fearing Christians, and believed that a baby was a baby from conception and that abortion was horrible. I happen to agree, but I know there are those who don't, so to each his own. But why does this countries morals seem to get worse everyday? More unmarried teen pregnancies, more fathers who don't have anything to do with the kids, more STD's, and more unmarried parents.

2006-09-15 14:27:06 · 21 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

I have a step dad, because about 4 years ago my real father had a heart attack and died. I am 12 years old. When I first met my step father (when he was my moms boyfriend) he was really nice. But now since they got married, he treats my sister and me like crap. For example, we get yelled at for talking to him when he's eating. Whenever he drinks, he starts a fight about anything stupid ex: door knob, grass, light etc. I'm sick and tired of this. We recently had our house remodeled. We (mom, sister me) had to put everything back and clean up. It took about a week, and my mom has back problems (car accident). While my step dad said that he's been helping the people remodel the house although all he did was walk around and annoy them. Now he says your lazy and stupid and brain dead and I'm tired of it. He also talked crap about my real dad even though he never knew him. That really made me sad. I also got punished for not closing a garage door! That's really messed up! I'm tired of this!!

2006-09-15 14:23:40 · 17 answers · asked by David 1


I have a very big and strong seven month old son. He grabs for everything, pulls on everything, bites and hits (I don't think he knows exactly what he is doing--or doing it intentionally) out of excitement. I don't know if at such a young age I should be telling him "no" when he does these things--out in public. It seems like every time I tell him no and put his hand back in the cart for grabbing something or doing something that I find unacceptable in a store I get mean looks. I don't understand this--I'm trying to enforce authority. I'm trying to let him know that what he's doing isn't okay. I don't understand the mean looks? Am I doing something wrong? I'm trying to correct his behavior, what is wrong with that? What kind of discipline is appropriate at this age? I'm not spanking--just saying no (not in a cutesy no-no voice--but in a firm voice--letting him know I mean business) and stopping him from what he is doing. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your reply!

2006-09-15 14:13:40 · 33 answers · asked by .vato. 6

We were stuck in traffic today, and my son REALLY had to pee. Luckily, I had a coffee cup and had him pee in it. My daugher watched the whole thing, and she saw his organ, and how boys pee all at once, and she started asking questions. I didn't know how to answer the question, so I said that I would tell her later.

2006-09-15 14:07:44 · 14 answers · asked by Angela 1

2006-09-15 13:50:50 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are parents getting on here, giving advice like they are experts, insulting other people and then when you try to respond to their insults, you see that they have their e-mail and instant messanger blocked? If you can dish out the insults to other people you should be willing to accept the backlash from that. That is why I don't block either one on my profile. If I have a negative comment to make to someone, I need to be mature enough to handle the comments that they make back to me.

2006-09-15 13:44:35 · 11 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

Who hates this as much as i do? Parents that do not discipline their kids expect others to put up with this! Does anyone else feel like this? And, yes i have kids!! In case you were wondering!!

2006-09-15 13:36:03 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

I married my ex when I was young and foolish. I found out he was an abuser after the fact and left him after 3 months. I found out i was pregnant a week later. He had nothing to do with me during the pregnancy and no one in his family even contacted me until my son was a month old. I filed for divorce and he even requested a paternity test, yet he still wanted visitation. He only came to see my son 4 times in the first year, and not at all during the second year. Since then he only exercises his visitation about every 3-5 months. He has moved so many times I can't keep track, but know he lives about 6 1/2 hours away. He only calls when he is telling me he is exercising a visitation and even 9 out of 10 times he sends someone else to pick my son up, usually his mother, who has never forgiven me for divorcing her poor baby. I haven't actually laid eyes on this man for a year. I have written him a letter asking him to be more envolved, but he ignored it. How do I continue to deal with him

2006-09-15 12:34:30 · 23 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

2006-09-15 12:24:03 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Husband's biological kids moved after I sponsored them to come to the USA because my husband asked me and I'm an American Citizen, ages are: 11, 15, 18 and 21.They are all Muslim and so is he. If we watch a movie; he sits while everyone watches a mafioso graphically bet a man to death with a baseball bat. Different movie, everyone watches while car runs over guy then backs up over him repeatedly, no probs for Dad. Married couple in film kisses in front of their house in daylight. Dad goes ape to turn channel. 21 also demands film be fast-forwarded. Scene in Titanic where L.D & K.W. are at the front of the boat was fast-forwarded. Man and woman kiss/hug--bad, brutal violence relished?! Family goes 2 mall, 21 yr old (male) alone w/digital cable for 4 hrs. He ordered $70 in xxx hard PORN! Hubby purchased porn before kids came. Now if a man & woman innocently kiss w/clothing ON (PG film) it is quickly turned off by Dad & 21 YO son. Is this hypocrisy, insanity, normal, something else...?

2006-09-15 12:23:14 · 9 answers · asked by zoe_southernusa 1


2006-09-15 10:50:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

There seem to be alot of men who think that the money they pay in childsupport is for their ex to go shopping with. They don't stop and think that a child needs food, clothes, and a bed to sleep in, and this stuff isn't free. What is worse is the men who had one night stands. They seem to think that since it was a one night stand, that the woman either needs to abort the baby, give it up for adoption, or deal with it herself. Even with men who were there in the beginning. There seems to be so many men trying to get out of childsupport. My ex-husband changes jobs every time I turn around. He told me once, that he wished I had to give him reciepts of what I spend his childsupport on. PLEASE!!! I get $200.00 a month. That doesn't go far, especially when he doesn't help with school supplies or clothes. I have filed to have the attorney general review his child support but they are dragging their real. Why don't some men think they should pay childsupport?

2006-09-15 10:30:13 · 27 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

I have had nothing but stress and frustration since my stepson moved in with us in May. We took custody of him because his mom was at her wits end dealing with his behavior and we thought a change in environment would help him. We also put him in counceling, but nothing has changed. It has been getting worse. He lies, steals, and just out right causes trouble. The first 6 weeks is not even out and he has been given detention, got suspended from the bus, and is about to be removed from the bus permanently. I have felt like a prisoner in my own house since he came here. He disrespects us, has stolen from me so much that I don't dare leave anything valuable out in the house, and he shows no remorse. We laid out groundrules, gave him consequenses of breaking them, and even offered rewards for good behavior. He didn't care about any rewards, he just wanted to do what he wanted to do. I tried and it didn't work. Am I suppose to feel bad? I feel nothing but relief to have my life back.

2006-09-15 10:07:23 · 14 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

I want to do the entertaining myself.
I'll leave the knives off my fingers for the face painting.
Would Jason from Friday The 13th be a better choice?

2006-09-15 09:52:27 · 41 answers · asked by SilentRunning 3

I don't have children, yet. But I've been thinking about something for a while now.
When I do have my first child, I plan to be the best mother possible to him or her. Me and my boyfriend talk about what kind of parents we want to be and discuss different parenting skills all the time. I realize it will ultimatley be up to our child to follow our guidance.
I guess my question is no matter how perfect our parenting will be, won't society ruin all of our hard work? I mean, when our child starts school, won't the other kids who didn't have such great parents pass along their bad behavior and habits?
As a parent what do you do to ensure only YOUR parenting stays etched in your childs brain and not someone else's lack of parenting?

2006-09-15 09:50:11 · 179 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-15 09:17:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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