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Pets - 20 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

She has been given about 2 months to live but at the moment is happy, lively and loving, enjoying life, food and walks to the full.

2006-12-20 21:59:48 · 6 answers · asked by dottie 1 in Dogs

I'm here in okinawa,Japan because my husband is in the military.I left my dog behind because of all the requirements that needed to be done before she could fly.Now they are all done,but I can't find an airlines that will fly her alone.PLEASE HELP!!I miss her so much.Thanks,Elisa

2006-12-20 21:59:33 · 8 answers · asked by elisa C 1 in Dogs

for example if a female dog breeds with 4 dogs can each dog become a father to the pups in the same litter?

2006-12-20 21:51:48 · 7 answers · asked by naomi 115 1 in Dogs

2006-12-20 21:43:01 · 4 answers · asked by Light bearer 2 in Fish

I went to a pet store 3 weeks ago and purchased a rare blue male Doxie. It was not an impluse buy; I wanted a Doxie; Maltese or Beagle so I was happy when I saw one. There was actually two: blue male and blue femalw but I wanted to buy him for breeding purposes as I recently opened a small kennel of Doxies. I currently have 3 female Doxies and a male and wanted a new addition. I know a bit about puppy mill dogs and asked the pet store where they come from, owner said rep. Doxie breeder in Missouri.
He is currently 15 weeks old and is limping, supporting himself on his two front legs, back two are a bit stiff; hard to move. He has keenel cough and gave him meds that I gave one of my female Doxies when she was 8 weeks, his skin is PEELING off and becoming BALD, he has yellow discharge from the eyes. I went back to the shop and told them this; they said it would all clear in a few days. They gave me meds for the cough and anti-biotics for eye. Checked him over with THEIR vet, said he...

2006-12-20 21:10:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

How can I improve thier chances of surviving the winter ? This is my first winter with a pond. Merry Christmas

2006-12-20 21:08:52 · 17 answers · asked by djdunkyd 2 in Fish

when ever my dog sleeps upstairs in my room or my parents room when shes asleeep it sounds asthough shes short of breath and she cant breath it freaks me and my mum out. she did it last nightthats why im askin.
anyone help?

2006-12-20 21:04:07 · 10 answers · asked by college stud 2 in Dogs

well i got this cat ya and my mum want her desexed does the rspca do it for free or how much does it cost?

2006-12-20 20:48:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

he wont use the litter, we got the same litter as he used, but he keep messing on the floor, we keep puting him in it, if we see him sniffing ect, but keep coming down to mess,

2006-12-20 20:43:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

and how many hours they sleep?

2006-12-20 20:28:16 · 11 answers · asked by Archea 1 in Birds

My boyfriend is a very controling and perfectionist kind of person and something has been bothering me to the point that I can't sleep. We have 3 guinea pigs that I love so much, I clean them, take care of them etc, but my boyfriend forces me to keep them in the drafty hallway, on the floor in a makeshift cage. Which is unhealthy and dangerous for them. I really want to put them in the living room in a good cage but he refuses because he claims they smell (which is not true as I clean them daily, and clean their entire cage out every two days and even then their lives should go first) He just doesn't care if they get lethally sick, they already been sick once and then he complains about vetbills. I wanted to build a new cage and he immidiatly took over the cage design and he has to build it himselve since he thinks I'm not capable of doing so. But even then it's still going to take months before he even starts on the ineduquate cage of his. It really breaks my heart. What should I do?

2006-12-20 20:27:32 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

My puppies have been eating scented candle wax. It seems that since then they've been unable to keep anything down (food and/or water). They've also had diarrhea (no blood in either vomit or stool). They've been acting very lethargic considering they are normally tearing through the house barking at each other. Just today all they would do is lay on the couch. Noses are a little dry and slightly room temperature to the touch. I'm just wondering if it's the wax, or something more serious.

2006-12-20 20:19:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have a female cat in her teens and seems to have produced dreads within the last few months. Starting at the base of her tail, the matted fur has progressed up her body to the middle of her back. She has normal apetite and stool samples and seems to be fine otherwise. I'm just horified to think of taking her to a vet and them putting her down. If anyone has had or seen such problems before, please get in touch.

2006-12-20 20:12:59 · 1 answers · asked by dewy_u 1 in Cats

I know the evils of breeders of so-called teacup whatevers, but this site doesn't claim to have bred the size down. It actually makes the claim that the "pocket" beagles were used for hunting before the beagles that we know today. There's just something that doesn't seem right about it, though *possibly the fact that they're charging $1000+ for a BEAGLE. they're great and all, but... don't get me started on that. Also, I've never heard of a tiny beagle, I thought they were small as it was*
I'm not in the market for one, so don't give me any crap about me wasteing my money or blah blah blah, I don't want to hear it. Even if I was, since when was the term "my money" synonomous with "your money?"
Anyways, is it a real breed *obviously not recongnized by the AKC, but not all breeds are, and I'm NOT reffering to designer dogs* that's just very little known, or bogus?

2006-12-20 20:10:17 · 7 answers · asked by mandy 3 in Dogs

just wondering what the appeal of the petshotel in most petsmarts now is? why would you board your dog in a place where they can't go outside? i've seen large dogs in there, and think how sad for them.

2006-12-20 20:02:04 · 8 answers · asked by oh do you 2 in Dogs

please help, i dont know what to do.
i have a fish tank with a castle in it as a feature, it has pond lights inside it to make it look good.
My problem is, my big blackmoore went missing inside the tank, and we found her stuck inside the castle...
When we let her out, we noticed she looks burnt in places from the lights. Especially around her eyes. Is she blind now? Will she be ok? Her scales look burnt in places and she isnt moving her tail much....
please, any advice to help my fish would be great.

2006-12-20 19:58:29 · 1 answers · asked by He moonwalked on my <3 4 in Other - Pets

please help, i dont know what to do.
i have a fish tank with a castle in it as a feature, it has pond lights inside it to make it look good.
My problem is, my big blackmoore went missing inside the tank, and we found her stuck inside the castle...
When we let her out, we noticed she looks burnt in places from the lights. Especially around her eyes. Is she blind now? Will she be ok? Her scales look burnt in places and she isnt moving her tail much....
please, any advice to help my fish would be great.

2006-12-20 19:51:42 · 1 answers · asked by He moonwalked on my <3 4 in Fish

Is there a range of where their considered to be too old to get spayed? I have an 8 y/o female feline, and I want her to get spayed ..but Im scared she is too old now and to get spayed now might be more harm to her than good.

2006-12-20 19:45:48 · 10 answers · asked by real_eyez_recognize_liez79 2 in Cats

I saw this on my dog's paw...he's been chewing on it..here's apic

any ideas on what this could be??

2006-12-20 19:41:30 · 14 answers · asked by xoxmissjxox 3 in Dogs

2006-12-20 19:37:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

BESIDES a squirt bottle?! I heard pepper but my cats don't seem to care when i sprinkle it around.

2006-12-20 19:35:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

He does this at least 4-5 times a day .Is this normal?Why does he do this ?

2006-12-20 19:34:57 · 11 answers · asked by cesare214 6 in Cats

2006-12-20 19:26:46 · 8 answers · asked by warn_terr 2 in Cats

2006-12-20 19:25:44 · 7 answers · asked by Willy 1 in Fish

i have a little kitten that has'nt sleeped much, can someone pls tell me what is normal?

2006-12-20 19:16:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Okay, I have a pair of sugar gliders that have lived in a very large cage for a good few months. They have NEVER paid more mind to their wodent wheel *which is actually safe, i dun mah research* than the three legged on getting inside to scratch an itch with his stump *i'd have to say he's embarrassed about it* But tonight, my baby girl decided to make this discovery and make full use of it. She wasn't stuck in it or anything, she'd run a bit then stop and poke her head out, but my GOD I'd never known how noisey that thing could be *the wheel, I'm well aware of the noises they make when trying to establish who should eat first* So I took it out.
Do you think that was a bit cruel? I'm thinking in the sense of it made her happy and wasn't hurting her, just keeping me up, which either way I prolly won't get back to sleep.
And then I had a conversation with the male. He titered, so I tittered, and it went back and forth. Strange?
It was kinda cute, actually.

2006-12-20 19:12:36 · 8 answers · asked by mandy 3 in Other - Pets

i adopted a dog, it's a boxer/german shepherd mix, but it makes me confused when some people tell me that she looks like a pitbull mix, she has white markings on legs, neck, long tail, playful & hyperactive but the teeth are not sharp compare to my German shepherd mix, does boxer have sharp or scissors like teeth?

2006-12-20 19:12:31 · 7 answers · asked by charie 1 in Dogs

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