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[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

Hi,my name is kitty kat cuz,duh,i like cats=all kinds!
whats yur fav??

2007-12-31 18:25:43 · 12 answers · asked by Doctor Tickle 5

I just got her 2 days ago and she is supposed to be 4 months old. She has a pretty big belly yet her backbone can be easily felt. Could she be pregnant???

2007-12-31 15:52:51 · 21 answers · asked by thatgirl90 2

my bro said they dissect cats in HighSchool but at his school so im wondering if its illgal

2007-12-31 15:18:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

hello my kitten is nearly 4 months old, she is always biteing and scratching me and my boyfriend, how can i get her to stop this.

i heard if i hit hear when she does it , she may grow to be more visty

2007-12-31 14:57:59 · 24 answers · asked by Emma S 3

I had to board my cat at the vet for two weeks while I was away. She just got home today, and she's being very shy. She is generally a very laid-back, sweet, affectionate cat. She was super hyper when she first got home, running around the apartment. But she acts like she doesn't even know me. I know it will take time for her to get back into the swing of things, but do you think it's possible that she doesn't remember me? I've had her for about 4 months. I just ask because I don't have a lot of experience with cats, and we've never been apart like this.

2007-12-31 14:53:57 · 13 answers · asked by g 3

In the past few days my boy friend and I have told a friend that we would watch their cat while there out of the country. And their cat is a female cat. And our cat is male who at the end of November got fixed, and he was 1 year a 1 month old at that time. now he is 1 year and 2 months old. My foster cat is about a year and she was fixed around 7 months. Now my question is, my cat wont stop like running after her in a playful way as if trying to get it on with her. Is it possible that since he got fixed at 1 year old that he still know the feeling if being horny? If so, is there anything I should worry about? Or should I just let it run it's course?

2007-12-31 14:48:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-31 14:36:36 · 8 answers · asked by Brandon H 1

I brought my cat home today after having been treated for a bad bladder infection that caused a blockage. He is on amoxil for the next 10 days. The vet told me he wouldn't eat while there and told me to get him to eat and keep observing his urinating. So far he has not eaten. I try to force wet food in, but he gags and spits it out. Also, he is very lethargic. Can an infection cause this kind of behavior. He is just laying around in very weird spots in the house and sometimes just stares into space. Has anyone had any experience with this kind of problem?

2007-12-31 13:36:35 · 9 answers · asked by Debra D 2

I trapped a kitten Sunday and it will get fixed on Wed. AM. It is scared and not eating or drinking, or using bathroom. What can I do? Will it still be wild afterwards? Any advise appreciated. Thank you.

2007-12-31 13:04:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

after he has been nuetered or just go thru the act?

2007-12-31 13:04:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-31 12:46:15 · 4 answers · asked by flowers 1

they wont let us bathe them, they fight, bite and claw. we can bathe the third but it doesnt work. i treated the house, didnt help. i vacuum everyday, doesnt help. any ideas?

2007-12-31 12:35:00 · 9 answers · asked by jillmadd2003 1

I am cat sitting - in my own house for a 6month old cat who is a little disturbed.. She is used to rough play and although affectionate she then goes from a purr when stroked (gently)to a bite. When i walk past her now she hisses.. then comes up purring to be nice, then bites..My instinct is to take it home tomorrow,go in every day and feed it so i dont have to deal with it but, despite my moaning I am a cat lover, have had cats in the past(never anything like this one...) and i dont want to leave it alone for a week. Anyone any ideas on how to turn a nutty cat into a nice cat without traumatising it further? The owner has no idea what to do with it (but didnt tell me things had got this bad....;-(

2007-12-31 12:29:09 · 14 answers · asked by starfish 2

Please help. I have 4 cats and yesterday my apartment complex was detroyed by fire. The cats all escaped, however two of them, Pooka and Cricketa were trapped in the burning building for 2 hours. They didnt suffer any lung damage or burns, but one of them, Pooka is severly depressed and anxious. We have had to move in with my parents and their 14 cats and she hasnt eaten or drank that I can see since we arrived. She is depressed. I forcefed her electrolytes today and gave her some rescue remedy but I am really afraid for her. She is a very sensitive little girl and the fire and change in living arrangments must have traumatized her. I have no choice though, I have nowhere else to go. We have to stay here and short of locking her in the bathroom their is no suitable place where we can put her away from the other cats. Please help, any advice would be very helpful. Herbal remedys, things we can do for her....anything. Please, I am at my wits end. I love her dearly, and this experience has been so traumatizing to me and her. Climbing out a second story window barefoot in a NH winter was horrifying. Please please help us.

2007-12-31 12:25:32 · 3 answers · asked by Jezah 2


2007-12-31 12:19:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I treat my cats with a monthly flea treatment every month, but it is very costly...does anybody know how to get them at a discount? (Revolution) I have 18 cats.

2007-12-31 11:39:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 2 cats and they are starting to like each other i know how long a cats heaat is, but i need the cats too be neutered quickly.

2007-12-31 11:37:16 · 7 answers · asked by Julie O 1

2007-12-31 11:32:45 · 7 answers · asked by John S 1

do cats come in different types or all they all thesame type? dogs look so different but cats look thesame so i was just wondering if cats also come in different types but their differences are not easily noticed like dog's

2007-12-31 11:15:29 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

When we woke up yesterday morning we found our 16 year old Male Cat laying on his side panting. He was fine the night before. We found poop on the floor with some blood in it and vomit as well. We took him to the vet and he was getting worse by the minute. Over the years his hair has been thinning and he has been drooling in his sleep when sitting and laying down. He ate right, went to the litter box fine and ate fine. He would hack some times and gag, but we just thought it was old age? Anyways we had to put him down yesterday and it was really hard for us. We thought it was strange he would go this quick! We love him still very much. I just wish we knew what was wrong with him. The Doc thought it might have been Feline Leukemia. If he had that, he hid it really good, cause he ate good, slept good, went to the litter box good and all of that... If anyone can tell me what they think, please let me know. Thanks!

2007-12-31 10:00:45 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3

my cat's eyes have brown spots of color in them...he's had it for a while and doesn't seem to be bothered by it...but is this something i should be concerned about?

2007-12-31 09:58:27 · 4 answers · asked by Gabriella 1

She eats normally,well when she wants instead of when she needs to,and she runs around outside!

P.S We Have 5 CATS!

2007-12-31 09:49:52 · 25 answers · asked by meee. 3

2007-12-31 09:28:08 · 6 answers · asked by grandparay00 4

will they be immune to rabies now?

2007-12-31 09:11:32 · 17 answers · asked by potter gal 1

my 5 month old kitten swallowed a clemintine seed
is she going to be okay?

2007-12-31 09:04:38 · 18 answers · asked by Bella 3

Well, its kind of strange, actually. At the start of every new year, a lost or stray animal shows up at my house. Dogs, cats, everything. This year it was a kitten. The first night he came, he had to be brought inside because he wouldn't stop yowling. He is so cute, though. Anyway, the problem is that my other cat is very territorial and agressive around male cats, (which is what the kitten is) and I know they won't get along AT ALL. I am sure there will be horrid fights. And it will be hard to keep them from meeting because my other cat comes in and out all day. How do I go about introducing them?

2007-12-31 08:43:01 · 5 answers · asked by I Think the Planet Needs a Hug 4

I have two indoor cats that are fixed and declawed, a stray adopted us early this year his name is Tuna, anyway my male and female seem to not want to let him in the house and it's so cold outside these days that he whines at my door, I have a house out there for him and a nice bed but it's really cold, how can I get him in and him not freak out and hurt my other cats? my male is about 9 years old and the female is ify she is adopted but I imagine around the same age, but they have no claws to fight back is that not fair or what! How can I do this without putting Tuna into shock so he doesn't shred my other cats to pieces? I tried once and he bounced off the walls it was scary! or is it to late for Tuna to adapt and get along? he looks like he is only 2 years old at the most he is big though. Sorry if this is confusing everyone.

2007-12-31 08:42:33 · 10 answers · asked by robink71668 5

Is there anything you can do to help a cat get through distemper......... and before you ask, yes they have had their shots. One of my kittens brought it home from the vet after he was neutered. He somehow pulled through, I never knew that was what he had because it was so mild. Now I have lost three of his siblings and have two very ill. One is 9 months - an older sibling - and the other is a littermate 5 months old. Please is there ANYTHING I can do to save my remaining babies???

Keeping warm, giving pedilite......... what else? Vet is 1100 per kitten with no promises, I do not have that kind of money - I just spent tons having them all spayed and neutered!! PLEASE HELP

2007-12-31 08:29:27 · 2 answers · asked by angel 6