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Weddings - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

I am singing in my friends wedding and need some ideas for songs. Any kinds, old school, country...etc.. Thanks!

2007-08-27 14:21:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My BF is in his brothers wedding and it going to be this huge formal wedding.We will be staying in this fancy hotel for the weekend because we live like 3hrs away and with the rehersal dinner and then the wedding I thought it be easier to just stay close. So my question is for the women out there,have you ever wish that you packed something when you thought "na I won't need it" and then wish you had it? What advice do you have for me to pack that I might wish I had brought along.
Thank You.

2007-08-27 14:14:32 · 13 answers · asked by Cindy 4

I don't wan't the usual here comes the bride. I want something light and almost magical sounding.

2007-08-27 14:12:09 · 13 answers · asked by vanilla e 3

Cost to rent a ballroom at a 4 or 5 star hotel, 100 guests, served meal--not buffet, no alcohol, no band, large cake, nice centerpieces... I'm just looking for an estimate, you don't have to get upset for details.

2007-08-27 13:35:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I could not decide so I asked my married best friend to be the matron and I ask the other one to be the maid. But the are already saying they want to stand next to me. Oh my cat fight. Who walks with the best man or can I decide? I know I would want the mais beacause they know each other. But have the matron sign the marriage license.

2007-08-27 13:27:31 · 8 answers · asked by Kelsy 1

first appeared wearing the white dress, she was chewing gum.
hopefully not during the whole ceremony, but for a period long enough to be noticed.
why do you think was she chewing gum on that special day ?

2007-08-27 13:16:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got home and realized they may have spelled the rev. name with one T on the end instead of two. Also, she abbreviated United Church of Christ like this... United Ch of Christ....so that it would fit in the box on the computer. She said it's bad karma to abbreviate Christ so she wouldn't put UCC. So what all will be seen on the actual license. When she had us check over things to make sure it was correct we only had to check names and SS #.

2007-08-27 13:15:17 · 2 answers · asked by Heart 1

My fiancee and I both love Coldplay and I really want our first dance to be to one of their songs... he thinks he won't know how to dance to it and because it is a very non-traditional choice, doesn't really want to. I don't really care about that stuff because the song means a lot to us and is slow enough to dance to. Opinions?

2007-08-27 12:40:38 · 8 answers · asked by valerino539 4

any help?
i was thinking something like a cocktail dress or something....
a pencil skirt and a pretty blouse...i really dont know what to wear.
im tall...average.
any suggestions?

2007-08-27 12:36:03 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

he's 16 and we've been together for 2 years.
how do i approach my brother(whom i live with) about this and what are some important things we should talk about before we get married?

2007-08-27 12:32:24 · 77 answers · asked by twiggy 2

I'd really like to get married outdoors...any suggestions???

2007-08-27 12:24:22 · 8 answers · asked by Kristabella 2

My fiance and I have some very close friends that will not be able to attend our wedding next month due to being deployed in the military (he is prior military). I would like to have yellow ribbon pins available for our guests right next to our guest book. Has anyone ever made these?? Seems very easy, but i want them to look good :) do i need to use a hot glue gun or just fold and put on a safety pin???? Just curious if anyone else has done this before and how they did it.


2007-08-27 12:22:14 · 7 answers · asked by legends_chick 3

i have alot of step sisters from my dads side and the oldest one is getting married 9.08.07 and i am a jr. bridesmate and my aunt (moms sister) is getting married and i am also a jr. bridesmate, but it is on the same day! just my step sis is getting married 45 minutes before and they both want me there! but of course my loud mouth mom had to go to my step sis and say that i cant go because of my aunt, and my mom and dad had a big argument and it ended up being a worst problem than it was before. so they told me to pick, i am so confused i have till tomorrow to pick. what should i do? here is so more info about the weddings my aunt has 345 people, my step sis has 100, my aunt has 40 people in her wedding my step sis only has 15. my aunt is getting married in a big cathedral my step sis is getting married in a yard. my aunt is getting married in nyc my step sis is getting married in oaklahoma my aunt is 30 and this is her 1 marriage my step sis is 24 and is also her 1 what should i do?

2007-08-27 12:04:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The day after their wedding, my brother and his new wife sat down and went through all their wedding gifts/cards and compared them with the guest list.

They basically made note of what everyone gave (for thank you cards).

Since then, they have been talking to us (immediate family: me, my sis, dad, mom, etc.) and complaining about who didn't give them a gift and who gave only $50, (our cousin, for example) etc.

What do you think about that? Is that kind of behavior normal, acceptable and generally expected, or is that totally ridiculous and rude? Something in between?


2007-08-27 12:00:01 · 19 answers · asked by mistaken4sane 4

Our wedding is in less than 2 months...My fiance refuses to understand the time crunch we are under. We have no tuxes, no rings, no ceremony format agreed upon. We have 4 hotel reservations for the honeymoon because we can't decide which one we want. He is driving me nuts! Absoultely crazy! And we have totally blown our budget to pieces.

On top of that I work a crazy job in Manhattan, and I will be traveling for work every single week up until the wedding. California, Ohio, Arizona, Illinois....AHHHH! Not to mention we are planning our wedding in our hometown, which is 600 miles away. When I am I going to do all of this?

I think I am going to loose it! I am considering jumping on the next train to who-knows-where!!! Any other brides that are close to wedding day flipping out like I am?.... I don't know if I am going to make it!

2007-08-27 11:58:37 · 12 answers · asked by NoTurningBackNow 5

i only found one dress so far can u guys please help.


2007-08-27 11:55:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-27 11:46:52 · 2 answers · asked by Ali 1

Should I wait to send the card after the shower (in 2 weeks) or should I send it immediately?

2007-08-27 11:22:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

As I mentioned, I would like this to be a fun speech. Of course I will throw in a couple sweet memories, but I've never done this before, and am not sure of any guidelines I should follow, etc..

2007-08-27 11:20:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought that it was the maid of honors responsability until I was asked. But on top of that I cannot even attend.

2007-08-27 10:31:12 · 29 answers · asked by persia 1

I thought that it was the maid of honors responsability until I was asked. But on top of that I cannot even attend.

2007-08-27 10:30:24 · 6 answers · asked by persia 1

My uncle is getting married in a few weeks, and I was wondering if i could wear this dress. Personally, I think it is very cute :) but maybe a little flashy? I am 13- almost 14 and I am about 5'7. If it is too low cut, maybe I could wear a pink tank top under or a cardigan? Any suggestions?



2007-08-27 10:00:18 · 30 answers · asked by haley 3

I recently got engaged. I announced to my immediate family that we are planning on doing it in October 09 because we want to be able to save enough money to do it exactly as we like. The problem is that my sister is now saying that she and her boyfriend are going to get engaged and that I should get married the year before because that is when they want to get married. Am I being selfish telling her we picked our date first and she'll have to work around it? She is also supposed to be my Maid of Honor. She tells me that I will be hers... I dont want to plan two weddings! (since I would help with hers) What's the ettiquette on picking your date in regards to family.....

2007-08-27 09:20:17 · 24 answers · asked by nesm21304 4

I want something up and kind of messy, yet pretty:)
Anyone have any cute pictures???

2007-08-27 09:11:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom won't budge on me having only a beach ceremony. Is it possible to do both in one day or is that just strange?

2007-08-27 09:05:34 · 8 answers · asked by daizyblue99 1

How do I ask someone to be my maid of honor without hurting everyone feelings. I have two really good friends - one has been there for me recently but not in the past, but knew here since sixth grade. She said she would have asked me but I did not have a lot of money then. The other one I am her daughter's godmother and she asked me to be her maid of honor but her wedding got called off. Then I will have a future sister-in-law. What do I do? Can I just have all bridemaids and then still have the best man give a speech?

2007-08-27 09:02:05 · 13 answers · asked by Kelsy 1

2007-08-27 09:00:19 · 35 answers · asked by Trisha 1

2007-08-27 08:57:14 · 43 answers · asked by Trisha 1

The topic is love, if anyone had wondered. It could be related to engagement rings, promise rings, or even wedding rings...just hoping some people have some suggestions! I especially like engravings that are in another language...please tell me in the 1st language, what language it is, and also whats its translation. Thank you!

2007-08-27 08:46:03 · 16 answers · asked by a_mercurial_love 2

they both want to go, actually they both feel they have the right to go. i don't know what to do. my sister is friends with them both, but i am only allowed one date. i hate to offend or hurt either, i'm just caught in between. any helpful advice would be appreciated. REMEMBER, MATURE ANSWERS ONLY. PEOPLE WITH CLASS...GOT IT??

2007-08-27 08:44:42 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous