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Weddings - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

Was it something you had carefully planned in advance (i.e. date, location) or did you just do it "on the spot"?

2007-08-26 23:52:37 · 14 answers · asked by louloute 1

I wish we wouldn´t have rented a tux-we should have taken that $95 rental fee and invested it in a suit. The best man wore a suit, my Dad wore a suit, and we should have either bought my husband to be a nice suit, or just bought him a really nice white shirt and a tie instead of renting a tux.

I just wanted to post this so other people would follow our advice-100s of other guys had worn that same tux, and we should have had my husband wear something he could have kept the rest of his life.

2007-08-26 23:23:33 · 12 answers · asked by Learning is fun! 4

My friend have married before 45 to 50 days. But in those days they have spend only 10 to 15 days together. Most of the days her husband were went out for his job. Now days both were not properly sharing with each other. Every time there is small problem and argument. That argument leads to fight. I like to interfer, shall i? I wish to solve this problem. i like to know weather they have good relationship, including all the thing. Because this will help me to guid or advice to them.

Shall i interfer? This is correct of wrong.

Please advice me

2007-08-26 20:35:05 · 6 answers · asked by cooljean g 1

2007-08-26 17:24:14 · 17 answers · asked by sandrahertzberg 1

I showed a picture of a wedding dress I liked in a magazine and website to my fiance and he didn't like it. Last week, I had the opportunity 2 go shopping 4 a dress & i saw the dress. Everybody in the store & my friend said it was the nicest dress I tried on & I discussed it with my fiance who at the time said that he trusted the opinions of the people I was with so I ended up putting 50% down on it. Last night my fiance saw a photo of me in the dress & ended up admitting that he thought the dress was horrible & couldn't understand why I would have got it when he had already said 2 me that he didn't like it & it didn't suit the style of wedding we were having (originally it was a casual wedding & I picked a formal dress). I got really upset & he's tried 2 backtrack on what he said as he feels awful, but I want 2 cancel the order. Do bridal stores offer refunds? If not, what do I do? I don't want 2 wear this dress anymore as I want 2 wow him in my dress & I know I won't in this one

2007-08-26 16:57:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

American Groom eat garder belt off bride?
what is the signifigance of this american custom?

2007-08-26 16:33:40 · 5 answers · asked by Marie 1

I am helping a friend plan her wedding but the date is in february and she would like it outside could someone help me this is my first wedding.....

2007-08-26 16:29:16 · 4 answers · asked by Cathia 1

My fiance and I are getting married next year. The place we are going to have it is in the Carribean. It is going to be a destination wedding. The resort is also adults only. This wouldn't be a problem except my Fiance's sister has a toddler. Of course I want her there and to be a part of it (children are allowed on the property for weddings and receptions only) but she would have to stay somewhere else for sleeping/staying accommodations because of the baby.
A part of me says to just completely change the whole wedding (and even consider having it local so we don't worry about the wedding just for his sister), and the other part of me says "But, it is OUR wedding and it is OUR dream to have it here..."
I think I would be upset with myself if I let her baby change our entire wedding dream but I couldn't bear for her to feel left out.

This is the ONLY child that needs to be considered out of our entire guest list but my Fiance' is close to his sister and I don't want to upset her.

2007-08-26 15:59:48 · 24 answers · asked by Peppy Lover Gal 2

My fiance and I were thinking about doing scratch off lottery tickets as our wedding favors. They'd be in little glassine envelopes with a sticker that said "Lucky in Love" or Wishing you riches from the new "Mr. and Mrs." with a penny inside.
Good or bad idea?

2007-08-26 15:27:34 · 18 answers · asked by Cindy 3

My sister is my Maid of Honor and she is 15 years old.

2007-08-26 12:53:31 · 10 answers · asked by Heart 1

I'm having a small outdoor wedding mid-October. My dress is silver. My attendants are in red. My fiance is wearing his dress uniform which is blue. Should I have the male attendants (his best man, son, and my son the ringbearer) wear blue to match the uniform or grey to follow the red/silver color scheme?

2007-08-26 11:37:55 · 26 answers · asked by KR 3

Short history: a good friend of mine from high school is dating the LAST boyfriend I had before meeting my fiance. She met this guy through me when I was dating him. When she asked my opinion of him before they began dating, I told her the truth: he's really not the greatest guy and has pulled some shady moves.
Another detail: the wedding invite was sent to her parents (good friends of my fam) and it said: Mr. and Mrs. ### and Family. Does that mean the daughter comes and brings a date?
So, to some it up: Friend decides that it is okay to bring my ex to my wedding, who wasn't invited and who she knows that I don't particularly care for. And the wedding is about 8 hours from where he lives, so he would be traveling to come.

Anyone else sympathize with me??? I could care less about this guy but I don't exactly want to see his face when I'm walking down the aisle!

Side note: This really has been the only thing to go wrong while planning my wedding so I consider myself blessed!

2007-08-26 11:06:14 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

maybe by next year i can be with him in person. but that only after he is married. he will get narried most probably on january. i can only see him personally on april maybe

2007-08-26 10:20:16 · 9 answers · asked by maricar 1

This summer, i left Pennsylvania to go to wyoming to work as a waitress in a seasonal job at a resort outside of Yellowstone. While i was there, I fell in love with a fly fishing guide who worked at a nearby ranch, and i fell in love with my co workers (they became like my family) and the mountains. When i left i literally cried the whole way home. Now I have to return to school (i'm enrolled in a four year University) and i'm dreading the thought of it. Especially since the man i met out west has recently called my parents to ask their permission to marry me. I would rather be anywhere right now than going back to school, and doing the whole cookie cutter college thing like everyone else. I want to go back out west and follow my fisherman where ever he goes and just work at the lodges that he works at. I know the smart thing is to be in school, but i do not want to be unhappy there, but i would like to have an education someday. what should i do? i'm so confused and would love advice.

2007-08-26 10:19:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to have a wedding in a tropical garden or cottage style flower garden. Please help! Where can i have it? I live on the east coast, so i dont mind anywhere from Delaware down to Florida. I have been searching for garden centers, hotels, bed and breakfasts, and I cant find anything! I have looked at many websites and links, but i still cant seem to find anything! Any loacation ideas or website that acutally help!? Please anyone!!

2007-08-26 09:42:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance and I live together. Sometimes I feel like we are being judged for doing that. What the hell is everyones problem? I've even had people have to nerve to tell me that we shouldn't register for our wedding because we live together and "already have everything we need"...we don't have crap....we're graduate students! Is this a god thing?

2007-08-26 08:43:00 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am thinking about getting married on the beach of Lake Michigan. Either in Chicago, IL; Michigan City, IN; Holland, MI; or Grand Haven, MI... Does anyone know any good reception sites that would be close? I want a sunset wedding and an evening reception in May... but there isn't a date set yet, I just want lilacs so it would have to be around Mother's day for the flowers to be in bloom. I was thinking it would be really cold still on the beach and windy in May. Has anyone had experience with weddings on Lake Michigan in any of these areas? I would like to know what kind of rules there are for the ceremony. The reception would be at a different location near the beach, but inside because it will definitely be too cold to be outside at night in May. Thanks!

2007-08-26 08:03:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok!! Debate in my household...

We know its tradition for the groom not to view the bride on the day of the wedding... I've noticed on a lot of bridal shows on TV, that a LOT of people completely disreguard this tradition lately. I *the bride* think its bad luck for the groom to see the bride on the wedding day. He *the groom* thinks its a bunch of "horse poo".

How do you feel about the tradition, personally?

2007-08-26 07:58:31 · 27 answers · asked by loki_only1 6

I kinda know what she wants but I dont want to make a mistake because this is a long term thing and also expensive. Im not going to buy the ring on the spot or let her know when im going to pop the question, it's just so I can get a better idea.

2007-08-26 07:53:18 · 24 answers · asked by ER 1

I am getting married about two years from now. I have briefly discussed wedding ideas with my mother. I have expressed that we only want to invite parents, grandparents and siblings to the ceremony AND reception. She has told me that I need to consider that some family will want to share this day with me. My fiance says that people should only be invited because we want them there, not the other way around, it's OUR day. I also know someone who might bring their own siblings if they are invited, I do not want this. We have a VERY small budget, like 1500 as it stands now and I want to keep the guest as minimal as possible to avoid added stress and choas on my special day. Any suggestions?

2007-08-26 07:51:39 · 19 answers · asked by Amber 1

We have pots and pans, appliances, furniture, clothes, computers, electronics etc. Some one mentioned a money tree. Is that tacky?

2007-08-26 06:50:41 · 16 answers · asked by jturner752000 1

2007-08-26 06:43:40 · 11 answers · asked by kimberleyh26 1

How long do you dance with someone during the dollar dance?

2007-08-26 05:34:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

It will be our 10th anniversairy. We did not have a formal wedding the first time. And We want to include our children in the renewal as well. And we never had a honeymoon either( we would like to a beach somewhere). Any serious suggestions as to were to go for a honeymoon and how to go about renewing our vows would be greatly appreciated . Thanks

2007-08-26 05:06:09 · 6 answers · asked by Heather M 3

My period never has a schedule and just kinda comes...and It didn't come this week, so I know its coming next week. The week of my honeymoon...HOW CAN I STOP IT FROM COMING??? ASAP!!! and plz guys no mean things...its my honeymoon and I want to enjoy it after all my husband and I have went through.

2007-08-26 04:28:31 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am getting married next August. I have already asked 3 of my bridesmaids. The 2 are soo excited, but the third one said, "I dont know.. I'll try." Shes upset she is not the maid of honor, She said she expected it since we have been friends for 11 years. I dont think years= value of friendship. I am also having a adult recpetion and she is upset she cannot bring her two kids. She said she cant find a babysitter and she doesnt know if she can get off work that day.

I know life must be different with two kids and all, but it doesnt even seem like shes excited. My fiancee is telling me to kick her out, but I dont want to be too mean about it. She already said she probably wont make it to the bridal shower/bachorette party. I'm upset cause i am afraid this will ruin our friendship. Please, I could use some unbiased opionons here. My weddings not for a year, is it too early to ask for a yes or no?

2007-08-26 04:18:15 · 17 answers · asked by Lily 2

I am having a civil ceremony and would love a nice peice of music to enter the room and walk to my fiance. I am stuck !! Any ideas??

2007-08-26 04:15:36 · 21 answers · asked by cavviecath 3

I made a question last night, but some girl said it's tacky.

I just wanted a simple, inexpensive wedding. We are not changing plans! Invites are made already! We've just got 26 days left! We are having the wedding in a nice looking church. It's smaller, but it's decorated very beautifully. It's just enough seating for the amount we're inviting. The church has a room where they have parties and things. The room is not very large. There will be no sit-down reception. There's not enough room. If anything we can line chairs along the walls and have enough room with food down the middle on a large table.

Both sides are making a feud over catering. My mom keeps getting her feelings hurt over it cause she wants to do it for me, but the grooms family keeps trying to change her mind! I just said to do cake, ice cream, coffee (some people suggested punch, which is great, with water, sweet tea, and other drinks). Then there are other small things to serve as well.

2007-08-26 03:26:08 · 25 answers · asked by New mommy 2010! 4

My best friend is getting married , her wedding is soon. We used to have a great bond , but after her engagment we rarly see her. I feel that she's changed a lot, she's no longer funny and she meets us once in 2 weeks! Instead she's always with her fiance , I miss her but at the same time I don't want to take her romance away. What should I do to make her feel that I really miss her?!

2007-08-26 02:55:41 · 9 answers · asked by Adrianna Da Costa 1

2007-08-26 01:45:34 · 1 answers · asked by perfectlyimperfect217 1