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Weddings - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

We got a save the date in the mail today for a friends wedding. On it said that the attire is formal. What does that mean?

2007-08-01 08:11:43 · 23 answers · asked by ea1825 2

I have two expensive pieces of jewelry that I no longer want. Now, I want different jewelry, but I don't want to spend much more money.

Selling the jewelry is not an option because I'll never get even close to retail or appraised value.

Who/where/how is the best way to take what I have and turn it into something else? Can you trade in without trading up?

Not the best category for this, but I couldn't think of where to put it.

2007-08-01 08:06:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend that I have know since Pre-K is getting married in August 08. She asked me to be her maid of honor. Another friend, Kim has know myself and the bride since 2nd grade asked why I was choosen before her, and the bride (never wants to hurt anyone's feelings) told her that she couldn't choose so it was me because she has know me longer and I am older. I have a child and I do not spend as much time with either of the girls, but do remain very close to them both, and have been actively helping plan the wedding. This past weekend I was at the brides house and she said she needed to talk to me. Bride mentioned to Kim that I would be wearing a different color dress, Kim asked why I was still the maid of honor and why the bride hadn't changed her mind because she (Kim) was spending more time with her, when the bride repeated her reasoning Kim started crying. I love my friend to death, but she has a history of letting people walk all over her.

2007-08-01 07:43:58 · 13 answers · asked by B4Me 2

I like the combination of maybe a brown, pale pink, what would go with those? Or a brown and cornflower which is a blue green color its really pretty.

2007-08-01 07:42:59 · 15 answers · asked by stephanie danielle 1

Our date is set for August 23, 2008 so any ideas for wedding colors or places in GA is greatly appreciated

2007-08-01 07:24:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think of all the things you can get from a bilionaire.

2007-08-01 07:08:31 · 16 answers · asked by Hannah L 1

Ok, we are having a casual beach wedding! I paid for my bridesmaids outfits, flip flops, earrings, jewelry, and bought them a gift to give them at the wedding! They have no had to pay for anything at all, not even hosting showers or bachlorette parties, nothing. I have five bridesmaids! I am planning on getting a manicure and pedicure 2 days before the wedding. One of the girls said she really wants to go...and she had to say it around the other 4 girls----so, I would be rude to take one girl with me and not the rest of the bridesmaids. So, I said to anyone, well, I am leaving at 5:30 on Aug. 27 if anyone wants to go, meet me at my house. That does not mean in any way that I am paying for every girl. No way. Now, I am in a mess----if they call saying they seriously want to go, how do I tell them that I cannot pay for their pedicures and manicures? The idea was that it was my wedding, and I was the one needed a manicure and pedicure.

2007-08-01 06:59:29 · 15 answers · asked by JJ 2

i have a big problem. when i got engaged, i was close friends with my brothers girlfriend, and so i had asked her to be my 4th bridesmaid. i only have 4 total. and recently we have been hanging out and i noticed that if we are without my brother, we have nothing incomman and just sit and stare at each other in silence. i recently went dress shopping with her and my maid of honor and everything that we liked, she didnt.... in fact she made fun of the styles we picked for the bridesmaid dresses. she does not have much style... anyways., im regreting every asking her and my maid of honor is saying to just suck it up and deal with it because i cant take it back... what do you guys think? im paying for their dresses, so i dont really want to keep her on and have to buy her a dress.

2007-08-01 06:53:06 · 18 answers · asked by bar22bie 2

I was wondering if that is the norm..... my mom expressed that she felt a little insulted that I'm a bridesmaid at my best friends wedding and that she and my dad weren't invited. Is that even a normal thing???? I didn't even think about it until my mom brought it up. I didn't know if that was proper etiquette or not.

2007-08-01 06:51:28 · 30 answers · asked by Katia 3

Need websites, designers, brands, for simple, cute & reasonable dresses for my bridesmaids. Any ideas/

2007-08-01 06:45:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm getting married in may. I am using clover green dresses from david's bridal, and the groomsmens vests will also be this color. What flowers will look good with clover green? I like calla lilies but I'm not sure

2007-08-01 06:43:02 · 4 answers · asked by tiffani0901 1


I am having two bridal showers. My mom is throwing one and my fiance's mom is throwing the other. Long story, but they do really get along that's not why. Anyway - who do I have to invite to both showers, if anyone?

2007-08-01 06:35:16 · 12 answers · asked by Aubs 2

I'm looking for a wedding dress that costs between $600-$1000. Please...No David's Bridal.....No E-Bay.....No Online Merchants.

Did anyone have a dress in this price range? What was the exact cost? What designer was it? Do you have a picture of it?

Also, how much did you pay for alterations and your bridal accessories?

2007-08-01 06:27:27 · 18 answers · asked by Answer Girl 2007 5

My soon to be husband and I are having a cake for each of us, and I just wondered which cake we are suppost to cut, you know for the whole cutting the cake thing..... HELP!!!!!

2007-08-01 06:25:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my colors are plums, rusts, greens, and golds. So i would like for it to match . we are having simple delicate finger foods at the reception. THanks sooo much!

2007-08-01 06:03:03 · 10 answers · asked by whit_hbk 1

with a 2 year old. I think it is inappropriate and he will be bored and not understand why he has to act a certain way. Anyone else been through this senario? I know my in-laws are going to think we should be there. There will already be lots of little ones there. The bride has 3 kids, ages 2, 3 and 4. My other SIL has 2 kids, an infant and a 3 yo. My BIL has 2 step kids, ages 10 and 14. I just don't want to do it. Any suggestions?

2007-08-01 05:56:34 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am getting married next year for the second time. My question is, I have 3 dads. (my father, my ex-step dad, and my step-dad now) They all mean so much to me, as they were each there for me. My real father walked me down the isle the first time. And I want him to do it again, but I also want to include the rest of them. How should I do this? Would it be ok, for all of them to walk me down the isle some how?

I really need help, I felt so bad leaving them out last time and don't want to do it again.

2007-08-01 05:49:07 · 27 answers · asked by blebert2002 5

I was asked to be a bridesmaid in my friends wedding, but in the past two months I have gone through HELL and back with her and her sister (her maid of honor).... she's a true bridezilla. (her family is super rich, she's never had a real job, doesn't understand the concept of hard-earned money and a full time job.)....... lately I've been accused of being a selfish ***** because I told the sister I am broke from tons of things in my life after she asked me to help buy MORE gifts for her bachelorette party. (I have had a budget set out for awhile for this, so this is ANOTHER thing they dumped in my lap at the last second)....... so I'm currently not even speaking to EITHER of them and I'm just plain fed up. I don't even want to be this girls friend anymore (this is not the first time we've had a fight like this.... I always try to get them to see from a perspective other then their own and then I end up being called selfish for it.)..... I'm sick of dealing with people that will

2007-08-01 05:39:06 · 23 answers · asked by Katia 3

Can you have a really pretty dress when you get married at a Justice of the Peace? Would that look weird? We are just going to have the wedding at the justice of the peace cause we are not going to have one of those huge weddings just one with a few family members and a couple of friends we think but have a pretty reception somewhere nice afterwards...Someone tell me what you think?

2007-08-01 05:35:54 · 9 answers · asked by *Baby Me* 1

What is the name of that poem that people read during the ceremony that has the famous line "never goto bed mad".... ?

Thanks in advanced!

2007-08-01 05:28:40 · 2 answers · asked by ♥Ashley 5

I'm getting married in November, the problem I'm having is that it's my second marriage. It's formal, but I see no point in having my father give me away AGAIN, and neither does he. But, I don't want to walk down the aisle by myself, all eyes are going to be on me regardless, but I'd like to have someone to lean on in the process. Would it be ok if the groom escorted me himself? Or should I find a male friend or relative to do it?

2007-08-01 05:26:36 · 27 answers · asked by Orchid 1

I am standing in my sister in-laws wedding. We are doing all the normal, throwing her a bridal shower and bachelorette party and then standing in the wedding. My question is do I buy a gift for her for everything even though we are paying for all the parties. I don't mind buying gifts but I don't have a whole lot of money so do I not buy one or look cheap with a cheaper gift??

Thanks in advance and please serious answers only.

2007-08-01 05:06:05 · 23 answers · asked by ♥ Nikkee D ♥ 4

I was just in Denver with my aunt, and all around her house were pictures of her three children and their significant others - their wedding photos, their children, ect. It made me want my own wedding very bad, and sometimes I wanted it so bad my stomach kind of hurt. Is this normal at 13 years old?

2007-08-01 05:03:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

my fiance's parents are hosting the rehearsal dinner.. now let me start off by saying this is the ONLY thing they have done for this wedding, other than give me a headache, and more stress than i can handle (his mother is horrible, petty, mean, and terrible to him for his whole life, not even being petty.. his childhood was a horror story-my entire family, myself, my fiance, and our friends cant stand her..)

now..they want to put a limit on the amount of drinks at the restaurant they are choosing.. (i dont even drink.. but a lot of the guests like a few beers with dinner) They want to pre-pay for 2 drinks for everyone.. and thats all anyone can have.. 2 drinks.. which my fiance and i think is tacky and cheap.. and how do u explain something like that to the guests?!

what the owner did say was that people can order drinks..then his parents just pay for the bill when its over..but they dont want to do that..

just to add they are rich.. seriously.. so its not like they cant pay for it

2007-08-01 04:07:41 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should I just get some wallets and maybe 2 or 3 8 by 10's? Or what really do I need? Can someone suggest what I need?

2007-08-01 02:44:36 · 9 answers · asked by Kat 3


alright so my boyfriend's brothers wedding is next friday and although im not in the wedding i know there is going to be alot of pictures im in cuz of my boyfriend being in the wedding, so i needed a cute way to wear my hair up cuz its an outdoor wedding and i know i'll just play with it the hole time if its down,

also i have blonde hair that comes a little below my shoulders with side bangs! if that helps any!!!

2007-08-01 02:21:18 · 10 answers · asked by baybeegirl43 3

I've wondered whether traditionally the wedding rings are less expensive than the engagement ring. There's always the "two month salary rule" for engagment rings but what about wedding rings?

2007-08-01 02:04:44 · 23 answers · asked by Mike M 1

We're going to a wedding this weekend - it's a very good friend of mine from school days. They sent us an e-mail detailing their wedding list info.
Are we the only people in the world who don't like wedding lists?!
I appreciate that times have changed; people live together before marriage (we did) and so already have the traditional wedding gifts of household items, but I don't like being told what to get!
To me, it takes away my right to give a personal present to the couple which they will always remember is from me/us.
Therefore, I haven't even looked at the list...I have gone and bought a little gift which is unique.
We didn't have a wedding list, and we got loads of great stuff 'cos people had to think. We got loads of lovely candles, and somebody got us a wicker basket filled with bottles of wine! The vino is long gone but we use the basket all the time. One person's present was to take us to the airport and bring us back - Wedding lists NO!!

2007-08-01 01:46:54 · 34 answers · asked by Zoe S 3