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Marriage & Divorce - 26 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

only friends who are close, and he has pet nicknames like sexy this and pusy that, for them. it's between him and them, a few messages i read, look like they are being friends and keeping in touch. they know he is married. what would you make of this...

Thanks, God bless

2007-12-26 16:26:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm actually posting this for my brother as a little evidence to use in an arguement with his wife... Here's the setup. Their child was very close to her grandpa. Grandpa died, years have passed. Now, the family of Grandpa have decided to buy him a new tombstone and wants to have a picture of the granddaughter (living -age 12) with her deceased grandfather etched onto the tombstone. What do you think? My brother is asking your advice. Thanks!

2007-12-26 16:22:06 · 29 answers · asked by Wildflower 6

she keeps his son away from him for months at a time and tries to make it look like he dont try.he doesnt get his regular visitations.she doesnt like me so she thinks she can make my husband choose between his son or I and that the courts will make him do the same.she thinks she can make it to where i cant be in the court room to testify,i have proof of her keeping his son away from us..

2007-12-26 16:15:04 · 16 answers · asked by Jamie 1

Married 20 years...4 boys...he commuted most of marriage. Her..resentful....He cant;/won't talk. She's very lonely :-(....Should i divorce?

2007-12-26 16:13:24 · 9 answers · asked by B. 2

I left my husband and moved to Georgia to get a fresh start but I left the kids until I got everything in order. Now I want to go back and get them but my husband wants to try and raised them (all girls). They are in Louisiana and we are not divorced yet. How can I go about getting custody? Do we have to be divorced first? Can I get temporary custody until then? Can I file in Georgia or do I have to file in Louisiana? Please Help!

2007-12-26 16:10:47 · 11 answers · asked by Determined 1

My friend lives in PA and is going to divorce her emotionally abusive alcoholic husband. She is almost 4 months pregnant. He wants her to abort the baby (which she won't) and says if she won't then he will do everything imaginable to get custody. She is scared and threatened - he's crazy! We are going to talk to a lawyer but does any one here know anything about this stuff?. Can she leave the state before the baby is born - would that help? If you have proof (voice messages) from the father telling her to abort the baby does that help in custody hearings?

2007-12-26 16:05:47 · 22 answers · asked by reesie 1

If a man gets married with certain requirements, does being deeply in love, cause him to compromise, and bend a little more to what she wants...? i.e. if he is requires her to work, but he loves her so much that he is willing to let her stay home, and fully take care of her..??

2007-12-26 15:57:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i feel so lonely. i lost my girl to another guy. he's at her apartment $$%% her. and i am so lonely. i just don't know where to meet attractive women. most women find me an 8 or 9 on looks, but i'm kinda shy in groups. i do better in small groups or one-on-one. my profession i don't meet anybody. i'm just so lonely. i've really reached the end of everything. please HELP!!

2007-12-26 15:53:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi there, anonymous female in her twenties here. I have a friend who is staying with my husband and I in our two bedroom home. Having no children and a spare room, we run into quite a few visitors who end up asking if they can "stay" with us from time to time.

Under the circumstances that my good friend had been going through (with her "fiance") I agreed to let her stay for 3 months. all of OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, & DECEMBER. I even wrote a friendly short one page lease of expectations etc

Halfway through the lease I found out she had been PREGNANT even before she moved in. Well as soon as I confronted her she was a little embarassed, and since mid Nov, Ive only seen her for a total of 4 days.

Well the time has come for her to get her stuff out of the room, she has only dropped by, and I want to respectfully have her get her items out ASAP so we can turn it back into an office, we REALLY need the space, and I am SOOO not good at these things!! Please help.

2007-12-26 15:45:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm thinking of going out for some smokes and never coming back. I got a girlfriend I can stay with.

2007-12-26 15:38:00 · 26 answers · asked by Lonewolf 4


Listen to your heartbeat, a sound no one really knows,
laying with you under midnight moon, soft skin now exposed.
Do you feel the whispering wind, blowing through your hair,
holding this woman, an Angel of the night, showing her I care.

Adonis body, a soul of love, do you feel the heat,
Silky smooth your hair aglow, a love we can repeat.
Hold me now for a little while, slumber in my arms,
comforting you in all we do, never meaning you no harm.
sleep, now, baby, feel the morning dew, as I hold you close...

tommy_caswell2000@yahoo.com :) pic in reply :)

2007-12-26 15:34:29 · 6 answers · asked by tommy C 1

I have been Married 2 times and I am married now but 4weeks ago my ex wife found me after10 years of being apart.
we have a 11 year old together .
now here is the problem we are both remarried we love & care about our spouses but we are still in love with each other
we started having afair and I split up with my wife are marriage was end it any way but do you think we should folow our hearts.
what do yall think the resion me and my ex divorsed was we were to young and did not know what we had

2007-12-26 15:33:12 · 9 answers · asked by Bobby T 2

for a long time I went through life feeling hopeless but thanks to God my life and thoughts has change. so now I desire to help other men who went through similar struggles or worse

2007-12-26 15:29:38 · 4 answers · asked by d3rd 1

Ok this is lenthley.
My Aunt has offered to help us buy a house and rent to owne with us.
Well we found a house and my Aunt put a bib on it.
And then she sent us a contract to look over and sighn an my wife miss red parts of the contract and is now mad as hell with my Aunt and has also goten my son just as mad over one part the part about his dogs.
My wife is tretining to devorse me over this stupid disagreement .
Tonight my Aunt sead that she was going to back out of this contract with the owners.
And not to help us find a house agen.
I don't want to hurt my Aunt, or loose my wife.
What am I to do.
Please help this is killing me.

2007-12-26 15:26:33 · 11 answers · asked by jeffkuehn15057 4

I was divorced three years ago after fourteen years of what I thought was a happy marriage. My ex-wife had numerous extramarital affairs that I was not aware of until the very end of the marriage. As a result of the marriage, I have a 13 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. My daughter is my biological daughter, however, I found out at the end of my marriage that my son is not my biological son. I thought he was my biological son for the first 7 years of his life. I love him more than anything in this world. My two kids live with me and their mother lives across the country.

Do I ever tell my son that he is not my biological son? If so, when? What impact will telling him have on my son and daughter?

Do I tell my son's biological dad about my son? I am not sure if the biological father knows or not.

I lose many nights of sleep feeling guilty about this secret. any advice would be much appreciated.

2007-12-26 15:20:25 · 20 answers · asked by Dad888 1

Consider this scenario:
A man is crazily in love with his girlfriend. He proposes as soon as they are done with medical college. Her only condition at the time of proposal was: Children will not be involved. Although he would have liked a few, he loved her too much to let her go. Three years down the road: Both are full-time doctors and make plenty of money, take vacations often, go on dates all the time, are very engaged in volunteer work and have the perfect life. But family, friends, collegues are now asking THE question. Husband's feelings of being a dad are reignited. Everyone is pestering the wife about her "selfishness", about how she is depriving everyone of the joy of children, about how she should take time off her career and start trying for a family, and how she'll regret it later. But the wife had made this decision when she was a teen. Her reasons are:
1. Severe tokophobia. She has terrible fear of pregnancy and childbirth. She cannot stand the idea of pregnancy and the

2007-12-26 15:20:08 · 21 answers · asked by La Bella Vixen 4

A few nights in a row I've had a dream that I was having sex with a girl that I've known since I was 8 and she was 6. She is about to get married to another guy. Our parents are best friends (have all family dinners together- Thanksgiving, Xmas, b-days, etc.). She works with both of our mothers. My mother considers her the daughter she never had. She and I are extremely close too though we've never dated or kissed or anything like that. So my question is, does this dream mean I want her for myself, or simply that I'm having anxiety about her getting married?

2007-12-26 15:19:45 · 7 answers · asked by susquehenna 2

I just saw another nature program video about animals and it had these baby tigers nursing on their mommy and now I want one soo bad!!! My husband says they are dangerous but I just want a little baby one, not the big tigers, you know? What can I do or say to make him change his mind?? I want to hold one and pet one soo bad and I think it would be so neat to bottle feed him!!!

2007-12-26 14:54:01 · 26 answers · asked by Little Angel 1

ok, those of you who have been reading my questions know the situation with my husband's ex. the lying, drugs, threatening to kidnap the kids ect... Now something has happened and we have the chance to get the kids. She was in a very bad car accident this week. Every one waited 3 days to tell us even though we had the kids. she broke her neck, hip, nose, shattered her leg and cut her liver a bladder. She is not in good shape. My husband and i are not cold hearted, but we are trying to think about what is best for the kids. She will not be able to use her legs for at least 6 months and is looking at a years worth of recovery. Her parents are going to move them in their home (where the kids have been staying on her weeks anyways) and said that they still want to keep the kids, but she is going to need constant care, and her parents are in their 60's how are they going to take care of her and two 5yr olds. I don't think they can. Everyone told my husband to go for temporary custody, and

2007-12-26 14:46:01 · 7 answers · asked by Dave 2

My husband has an unusual sexual fantasy. He likes to image that I am, what he calls, a giantess. Think the 50 foot woman, only much bigger. Like 50 miles or 500 miles tall.

He likes to imagine that I'm dressed in nice clothes, but with high heeled sandals, and polished toes. I've don't wear heels very often, and haven't paited my toes since I was a kid.

He likes to imagine scenarios where I'm attacking the military or destorying cities. He also like to imagine that I'm teasing/taunting to step on him.

The fantasy is harmless, but I'm not that mean or dominating, so I'm really having a hard time coming up with what I should say, to act this fantasy out, and it makes me reluctant to do so.

If this were a simpler fantasy of say being a slut or some dominatrix, I think it would be easier. But a woman 50 miles tall, dressed up and in heels? It's a bit specific, and I'm just at a loss, on what to say.

2007-12-26 14:45:35 · 11 answers · asked by KarlaKayC 2

ok, so my fiance and i have been together officially for a little less than a year. lately, he has been asking questions about my past, which i answer honestly. tonight we talk about an ex of mine. we officially stopped seeing each other 4years ago. i dont even live on the same coast as him nor do we have any contact with one another. my fiance is jealous because i told him that i have nothing bad to say about my ex. (which i dont, he was good to me, but we just werent for each other). my fiance feels like i love my ex more than him. what should i do?? please help. im ready to move back to my old city and call it quits.

2007-12-26 14:43:21 · 7 answers · asked by A. N. M 2

My daughter got sick and i saw her in the hospital. Me and my wife are separated and ive been asking for a divorce. sHE LEFT BECAUSE of arguments, and there was a guy in her life that was a friend but she liked him. She 23, im 23, she in the hospital talking to him on the phone.And gigling and laughing she tells him that she has to see him friday night to tell him something in person, then she says "It nothing bad", then she says no, i cant tell you now".then she continues to tell him about my daughter illness, as if he were a regular friend. Then she calls her friend, who is also his friend to tell her that she meeting with him, but hes not sure cause he might be busy. we just talked about trivial stuff; till my daughter, 19months was discharged. in the past,She has told me if he asked her out she would be his girl. Unfortunately, i still love her, but she seem not to care.I hid my anger, but I felt extreamly disrespected by her talking to him right in my face. Should i be mad?

2007-12-26 14:40:04 · 25 answers · asked by ace82 3

For almost 2 years now me and my boyfriend have been talking about getting married. We are planning to get married in 4 years or less, but my boyfriend has not popped the question yet. Everyone can see that we are ment for eachother, ive loved him since I was 14 im now 19 (He is 23).

I don't want to rush him, but we are making plans, trying to figure out where we are going to live where (Because we are 3 hours away) We have our kids names, we love eachother so much its so special..

How do I make him pop that question, Hints, tips?

I know he want to be with me, his friends tell me, I want to finally after 6 years, become "his" have that name.

I know he want to, but how do I get him to do it.

2007-12-26 14:33:42 · 11 answers · asked by x0hEEE 3

Her name isn't on the lease and she is known to be violent and abusive. No writ of divorce has been filed yet either.

2007-12-26 14:26:17 · 8 answers · asked by jbriss2113 1


HI i can some one please tell me who hanaclinchsehowfahewa married to?????
Thank you

2007-12-26 14:25:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anthony 1

You can tell in 5 seconds which married couples are no longer "in love". Actually I have only met 2 married couples that weren't lying and are truly in love the rest might care about each other but they are no longer in love. Counseling does not work!!! Marraige destroys even soul mates!!!

2007-12-26 14:23:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-26 14:20:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

yah..i am in that situation right now...im staying w/ my live in partner bcoz of my son eventhough i dnt love him eversince. we make quarel almost everyday to the extent that he beat me infront of my son, but still i stay w/ him coz i want my son to grow up having a complete family..we separate many times.he promised me not to do it again & start a new life..i still gave him a chance to change but i feel guilty coz i have an affair w/ the guy whom i love most..here comes my love of my life, sometimes we see each other & spent the whole night 2gether & i dunno if this wrong or what..the guy knows everything about my situation but he doesnt have anything to do coz he's jobless right now..do you think guys am i going to continue what am i doin right now?...i love this guy & i dont want to lose him but i cant leave my family bcoz of my son...what should i do now?...please help me guys...

2007-12-26 14:17:47 · 6 answers · asked by sykesmishe 1

my mom is a very laid back, cool person w/ a great sense of humor, my dad, on the other hand is very rude and no sense of humor, he talks to my mom like a little kid and yells at her and she sits there and does nothing, im sick of this!!! i told my cuzzin(who is like my moms best friend) and she said that my mom wants to divorce him but she then she doesn't because shes staying w/ him for me...what should i do?! i cant take this anymore!!! and will i get to stay w/ my mom if they do end up getting a divorce???

2007-12-26 14:17:35 · 26 answers · asked by an0nym0us 1