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My husband has a daughter from a previous relationship who lives with us all the time, since her biological mother passed. She is 14 and has no respect for me at all. Yesterday we were getting company and I asked her to pick up somethings of hers laying around the house. Her response was "No, you b*tch. You are not my mom go pick it up yourself you lazy "F"er." Then she ran up to her room. My husband(her dad) was at a friends helping him fix up a car. When he got home, I told him what happened and he went upstairs and slapped her for being disrespectful. After we all cooled down, me, my husband, and his daughter had a talk about how even though I am not her biological mother she was expected to treat me with respect.

But I can not help but feel bad. It was my fault that she got hit. If I wouldn't have told my husband what happened then she never would have. So was I wrong for this?

2007-12-31 03:08:59 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother needs a place to mature, he is 16 now and has no where to live after our Mom died. My aunt is considering taking him in, and so have I. She is well established with a nice home in San Diego. I have a small apartment in L A area, and can't offer him much. He had trouble with the last family he stayed with because they were very religious, and I worry that my aunt may not realize the stress her expectations in that area may bring. even though I can't offer much financially is he best off in a more relaxed environment, or is it worth putting up with the religion for a more affluent lifestyle?

2007-12-31 02:54:23 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-31 02:44:11 · 9 answers · asked by Lori L 1

hello.... my problem is like this. my family is really strict about academic. i have an older sister,younger sister n a younger brother. they r really good in academic. last year, my older sister received an award for the best student in state. we all r so proud of her. she inspires me to be more hardworking. but i just don't know why this year i dropped. i was not in the right track. less A's n more B's n C too... my mother is so sad. of course, i am sad too. my father,he passed away. i don't know. maybe that's the reason that affects my studies. he passed away this year. but, the thing is after my father passed away, my brother becomes one of the top student in my country, malaysia. that reaaly bugs me a lot. because, what's my problem?? yeah, my father passed away... so? my brother can get over it. why can't i? my father's death should not be the reason for me to drop. i'm so ashamed of myself... someone.. please help me....

2007-12-31 02:32:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have posted here before regarding my situation with my mother. I am engaged, have a 5 y/o and have twins on the way (less than 6 weeks). My mother has a house full of shiftless adults that refuse to help her out the way they should. My father passed 2 years ago, left her with nothing. I have an older sister and her 4 kids that live there. She is working part-time(dont ask me why) and none of her kids work...she has a 14 y/o, 18y/o, 19 y/o and a 20 y/o. They all sit around and loaf. In the last 2 years, my mother has re-financed her house to help my older sister pay her bills, she also co-signed on 2 cars for the same sis and they got reposessed. My sister constantly drags my mother further in debt. I have been struggling because I have been helping my mother out financially. Now that I am broke, everyone is mad at me because I dont have anymore to give.I told her all I have is the money to pay for my daughters tuition and they are mad cuz I wont give it to them to pay bills.

2007-12-31 02:21:13 · 6 answers · asked by vivian M 2

Ok, my mom and I share a room together; I'm 19 and my mom is 37. We have a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1living room home. My sister stays in one room, my grandmother occupys the other, and me and mom are in the same room. My mom is single; anyways, I need my privacy you know? It sucks, because there are times when I want to masturbate and other things; you know?; we bicker and fight like married people; about the t.v., fan, lights, basically anything. Is there a way for me to resolve this problem because I'm on my way headed to the couch in the living room.

2007-12-31 01:50:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so basically what it is is that my grandparents gave me and my bro a multipack Christmas cared each that I'm near certain we got a card from the same pack last year but they gave 2 of my cousins a 'To My Special Grandson/Granddaughter'. I'm not sure what they gave my other 4 cousins. Is it ok for me to be pi*sed off and should I say something next time I see them.

Don't say it's the thought that counts because I simply think that there was no thought in the cards we got.

2007-12-31 01:07:53 · 3 answers · asked by Ciara 6

the more detailed, the better. thanks
happy new year and have a nice day

2007-12-31 00:38:16 · 9 answers · asked by ? 3

we moved to this small town to help my mother-n-law well turns out we r more of an atm machine we did move out n were away of her always asking for change but have recently had to move back in bcus of our psychotic landlady. she literally asks for everything gas, bills, cigarrettes, chocolate, 2 buy dinner for all of us when there is food in the fridge to last she will even have money in her hand and still ask for more its driving us crazy cus we r stuck here until we can save up which will b in a month n a half. HeLP how can we stop this without being rude.

2007-12-31 00:07:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Ireland with my new wife, my daughter lives in UK and I visit at least one w'end a month. My boss is getting angsty about the no of w'ends I have off to visit, my wife gives me a hard time about the no of visits, and as she is pregnant this is likely to get worse with the arrival of the new child. Daughter's mother is putting pressure on me to come over more often, saying that daughter is not happy about the amount of time she gets with me and this is resulting in behavioural problems.
Daughter won't be honest with me about how she feels, because she doesn't want to upset me, or so her mother says.
I don't want anyone to be unhappy, and I am trying my hardest, but I'm struggling to see how I can find a solution to this. When in the UK I stay with relatives, and my daughter's mother has a problem with this, but I can't afford to stay anywhere else. I'm doing my best, but my best doesn't seem to be good enough for anyone, I'm at my wits' end, please help

2007-12-30 23:57:30 · 6 answers · asked by Chief Justice 1

I am 14 years old, a freshman in high school and stupidly I got sucked into the pressures of high school parties. I went to a party 2 months ago, drank way too much, and had sex with a guy i barely knew. He is 17, a senior. I have not talked to him since the night and I'm not even sure if he remembers. I know how completely terrible this is. MY ONLY QUESTION IS: how should I tell the father that I am having his child? Should I even tell him?

2007-12-30 23:09:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

we cuddle.. we call it bravo. He kisses my feet. I suck his neck and he sucks mine and we call it bravo. One time he fell asleep in my bed and my aunt flipped out. I lay on him, he lays on me. I mean it the real way but he says he does it cause its comfy, not cuz he means it that way. Ummm... what does this really mean?

2007-12-30 18:19:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

20 yr old son ran away from home??? and has been taken in by 16 yr old girlfriend and her parents. He met her in Sept and since day one has thought she lived at our house. His grades slipped, he dropped 2 classes and his focus is gone, at least it seems that way.The way she used to bad mouth her parents in the beginning it seemed she thought that she was trying to move in with us. My wife has been very supportive and cordial but during conversations with her, redflag, redflag redflags are appearing, something is amiss. We have decided to stay calm and supportive since he is an adult but I don't want him to do something he will regret.

2007-12-30 18:10:42 · 19 answers · asked by junior 1

My Girlfriends parents are very over protective and wont let her "date" until she is 16 (which will be next month) but the crappy part is that they consider EVERYTHING a date if she wants to come visit me AT MY HOUSE with my parents there at all times its a date and vice versa but whats weirder is that i knew her and her parents before we started dating and they liked me and at least her dad still does but her mom seems like she hates the very ground i walk on, okay for example she got to come over to our house last night and we had a nice time and all but when we took her home (my parents and i) i walked her in to drop off some presents for her parents and said merry Christmas her dad smiled at me and her mom gave me a soul piercing scoul.So i don't get it her mom has liked me since we met and her dad too,there Christian and so am i i don't swear never drink or smoke or anything and she herself has NEVER done anything to prove herself untrustworthy to them so please help how to cope.

2007-12-30 18:09:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

We live several states away from my brother and father in law. My father in law, step mil, 1/2 and step brother came out for X-mas. They went to my grandmother inlaws house stayed one night and then left to go on a family vacation. I have 2 little boys 4 and 8 yrs that they only see about once a year. They open presents with us then insisted that we watched a movie and said they were all going to bed, so we left. They came back in town yesterday and spent the day with friends. We had asked them to take a box back with them to my other brother inlaw, his wife and daughter. They called tonight to ask about the box that they had OPENED. Saying that they weren't sure it was for them and then questioning everything that was in the box. I ran out of wrapping paper and my bil said don't worry about it so I didn't wrap them. My SMIL was saying things like are you sure it's for them it would be better for such and such. My husband says Im over reacting, am I wrong for being mad?

2007-12-30 18:01:52 · 5 answers · asked by 3Xmom 2

my nieces and nephews are coming to visit, aged between 10 and 16, and i would like to take them somewhere fun. other than museums where else could i take them. i would rather not just let them stay at my house and watch t.v. all day.

2007-12-30 17:39:21 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 19 years old, goal oriented positive smart and I just want to enjoy life. A couple of weeks ago my mother found my birthcontrol pills and she is so upset over it accusing me of not having any morals and that i am doing such a stupid thing. The thing is I have only had sex with one guy, my boyfriend who i have been with for over a year now and we are in love.
She is telling me that he is a loser and that i can do better and that i shouldn't have just given it away like that to HIM. I don't regret for a moment what i did and in all honesty he is a great guy and my mother just hates him because he is with me. Now she watches my every move and gets ready to cry and is really upset every time that i go out with him. It upsets me that I am making her feel this way but at the same time I love him and i still want to be with him. I just don't know what to do.

2007-12-30 17:14:48 · 6 answers · asked by BillieT 2

im 15 and is it normal that my mom lets me smoke in the house she lets me get drunk with my friends she no i drink her booz and dont care she finds my weed all the time and just puts it back but she go crazy when im not home and she wants me to call her every 2 hours and she wants me home at like 11 tops and she calls me like 20 times in a night when i sleep at a friends house???

2007-12-30 16:57:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok... soo im 14 yrs old and my mom only lets me go out until 5 pm im the winter but in the summer lets me stay out later becuz it doesnt get dark that fast.... she said that if im at someones house i can stay till whatever time i want its just she doesnt want me on the streets when its dark out becuz she doensnt trust other people.... im in 9th grade.... is this fair??????

2007-12-30 16:46:12 · 9 answers · asked by beachbabie1293 2

like my mom is a diffent person when the person is around and i i donna but i stared to tell my mom i hate her wat sould i do please help

2007-12-30 16:39:28 · 11 answers · asked by mrs.gomez 1

and if so in mississippi how old do u have to be just wonderin

2007-12-30 16:34:59 · 8 answers · asked by Jordan 2

i dont know what to do, is there something i can do legally or can i call someone im lost.

Shes off the wall.

I went to see my dad a while ago and they had an argument. She drove 35 min to the movie theater wasted and made huge scene. He said he was affraid to divorce her because shed take everything from him.

We had a death in the family the other day and my dad was coming down. He called and said he wasnt, they must of had a fight. Then he left her because she had a fit. She called my whole family even the mother of the my dead cousin. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER. She keeps calling me and my house where im staying at my moms. She wont stop, im worried for my dad. I don't think shes made any threats, is there anything i can do? this needs to end, my dad cant go back to her shes literally insane. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-30 16:31:38 · 13 answers · asked by tigersnw86 3

My husband works long hours and is busy with his hobbies after work a lot of the time. It's not the time apart that bothers me but my reluctance to plan my own fun, just in case he's available to spend time with me. There are lots of things I'd like to be doing, but I don't, and I find myself at home, alone with my baby, waiting for things to happen, waiting for him to come home and see us. I want to live my life too. What should I do to keep a balance between us both doing our own thing, as well as getting quality time together?

2007-12-30 16:23:10 · 6 answers · asked by Kelly Lancaster 2

to unspoil a spoiled little brat-biatch?

2007-12-30 16:20:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was 2 or 3 my parents got a divorce and the judge didnt give my dad visitation rights. my mom didnt let me know my dad until i was 14. its been about a year since i started going over his house on the weekends and i still havent called him "dad". it seems like it would be very embarrassing and akward. when would be the perfect time to first call him dad? where should the setting be? and should anyone else be around?

2007-12-30 16:17:59 · 7 answers · asked by dagokid3500 2

I don't know what to do. I am crying so hard right now.

I had my wisdom teeth taken out on Friday and it seems like my parents don't even care. It's been three days and I am still having heavy bleeding. My mom called the dr and he said that if it presists into the next day (tomorrow) to call him. Well eventaully it stopped. I was able to go all day without pain or gause.

Well now it's back. It's bleeding heavily (at least what i consider heavy) and when I tried to talk to my mom about it, she yelled at me and told me it was fine which made me yell at her and caused it to bleed even worse. I asked her for my pain medicine and she said, "you just took some. go to bed" and walked out leaving me in my room with gause stuck in my mouth bleeding even worse.

I looked online and it said don't get "exicted" or "angered" because it can induce bleeding and after the fight with my mom it's bleeding really badly and she went to bed slamming her door shut

2007-12-30 16:07:23 · 28 answers · asked by MissSamanthaAnne 1

I'll sum things up quick...
1) she has been living with us since august of 2004 and it was discussed as a temporary situation.
2) she rarely contributes towards groceries and never contributes towards the household bills.
3) she is LAZY and never contributes towards keeping the house clean.
4) her bedroom looks like a crackhouse! She has been asked to clean it up atleast 400 times and mrefuses.
5) she never baths! she wears cheap perfume to cover her body stench.
6) she never raised my wife. She was too busy partying and pawned her off to her mother.
7) my wife moved out on her own at 17 and took her brother and provided for him while the mother continued to party.
8) she has never taken responsibility for herself. She has always had a sugar daddy take care of her and pay her bills. He died 4 years ago.
9) she only makes about $9.50 an hour and probably cannot afford her own place. Is this my concern?

2007-12-30 15:41:34 · 9 answers · asked by Joox 3