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it's for a room in a house and everything is included like the gas and water. I get minimum wage. I want to leave my house because I hate hearing my dad yell al day. it's iether I pay 300 dollars a month or stay at home for free and hear someone yell all day

2007-12-01 04:58:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I fell out with my son because I caught him smoking cigs in his room. I gave him the silent treatment and I decided to not let him goto his football club and tennis or I don't even bother to make his dinner. I told him,"If I ever catch you doing that again, I'll kick you out of her, you ungrateful little fat bastard, how dare you do that." My wife wanted to just talk him through with it but I wanted to take action. So, he was trying to talk to me and I kept on cutting it off. They then screamed,"SNAP OUT OF IT !" And stormed out of the house and went to his grans ... that all happened 5 mins ago. Do you think I was too harsh on him ?

2007-12-01 04:49:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in a 4 bed, 2 bath home. My wife and myself own half the house, while one of her brothers live in the back half ( the house is seperated by a custom dry wall ) with his wife. Thus, we own 50% a piece. In the front half where I live, my wifes mom and dad live with us in their own bedroom. I commited to 2 years in this house and now, my wife refuses to leave and get a place with just her and I because she says that her parents must be ok with whatever they are going to do or where ever they are going to go. Pretty much, her whole family in this house must be ok to go their own way, before she moves anywhere with me. No one can refinance because of the current market prices. I just feel lost as to what to do. We have no kids and can afford things on our own with no problem. Anytime that I have an issue with her family where they do whatever they want and do not share fair responsibilty, she takes their side and says that I am too opinionated. If you need more details, ask me...

2007-12-01 04:32:17 · 30 answers · asked by degs1982@sbcglobal.net 2

My mom and dad is very overprotective and I've just got invited to my good female friend's sleepover but in order to do that, I need to invite her to my house and show her to my mom and dad. But Im embarrassed too because my house has no cable, no good food, and my dad curses alot and my mom will judge my friend on her looks and I think she will be scared. My mom won't like any girl that isn't preppy and girly and she hates anyone that wears black or anything gothic. My friend doesn't do drugs/drink/make bad grades but they don't trust me. Theres nothing to do at my house either.

Any suggestions?

2007-12-01 04:28:57 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I was a junior in college, my dad bought my oldest sister a car for her graduation. Then he said when I graduate he would buy me a car, too. So I graduated & I asked my dad when he was going to get me a car. He said that he never said that. His reason was that he got my sis a car bc she graduated 1st. (Stupid, huh?) Anyways I am now in college for the 1st year & still don't have a car. There are so many things that I'm missing out on to better my life due to lack of transportation.My boyfriend lives back home & doesn't know that I don't have a car because I always borrow my mom's car whenvever I'm down there and he thinks that it's mine. (My mom & dad are separated) The reason why I'm keeping it from him is bc it's sooo embarrassing to not have a car & you're in college. My mom doesn't have enough money to buy me one & I just always feel like when will it be my turn? I don't have enough money for college bc I can't find any scholarships & the FAFSA money wasn't enough. Please help

2007-12-01 04:16:28 · 7 answers · asked by Jinga 2

he is always drinking and taking drugs all our family have tried talking to him but he just dont listen hes 21 yrs old and has a child that he never sees coz hes always on drugs or hes drunk! all my family dont no what to do to make him stop!

2007-12-01 04:07:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I told my daughter that when she turns 19, she is either required to move out of the house, or if she wants to live with me, she'll have to start paying rent. She seems to think life is so simple, as her best friend is a 26 year old girl who still lives at home!! Since when are 20 year olds still living with their parents?? I told my daughter that she better start looking for a place to live, or get a second job to pay the rent at my place because her 19th birthday is less than 30 days away.
How much should I have my daughter

Back in the day, my parents said the same thing to me, but I was out of the house on my 18th birthday so I never had to worry about paying rent. My siblings and friends on the other hand had to pay various amounts, depending on how much their parents mortgage was. I was thinking of charging her $200 a month for the first few months just to be nice. What do you think?

2007-12-01 04:04:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-01 03:42:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently broke up with my fiance. My mother flew in to confort me. At first it was good, but now it's getting annoying.

I am kind of seeing this guy, but not really because we went on one date and now we call and IM and e-mail. My mom needs to know who I call and why I am. I was once with my 22 month old daughter and the phone rang. My mom answered it saying "This is Taylor's Mommy, how may I help you?" I was so embarrased!

She also pinches my cheeks and my kids' cheeks(facial i mean). It's so annoying. She acts like I'm 4 years old. HELP!

2007-12-01 03:36:09 · 10 answers · asked by Jasmine 4

both of my parents are alive and all of my grandparents are alive but unfortunetly my aunt died at the age of 27 this past summer

2007-12-01 03:26:03 · 10 answers · asked by Hammad Khan 2

My sister and brother really, and I mean really don't like me. It's not a little kid thing because we are all grown, I‘m sure, by now. For example they ask to borrow my stuff and just take things from me, when they wouldn't do the same in return, and I'm always the one left around to clean the house like some stupid little housekeeper to them! And when we are walking and just doing stuff out in public they always distance themselves from me, leaving me to walk alone but I don't really care about that. I just wants some thoughts or opinions please.

[you can use one of my old questions I asked as a reference though it's now quite the same as this one]

2007-12-01 03:21:56 · 3 answers · asked by Lakishia 3

she yells at me for the stupidest things, like asking if i can go to my friends house or to the mall, and she yells at me if i try to compromise or something. she always has to have it her way, and if i disagree she yells at me and then i lock myself in the upstairs bathroom and cry because if i close my bedroom door she screams at me. i told her that punishing me for a bad quiz grade doesnt do anything because it's not going to do anything for me because everyone does bad on a test every once in a while and she knew i was right and still screamed her head off at me. i honestly think shes got something wrong with her because she yells at me for everything and i cry like once a day because of her. she picks on my mistakes and CONSTANTLY reminds me of them. and i didnt want to go to dinner on thanksgiving since i was sick and she didnt believe me, and this other event was coming up and she said, are you going to make sure you have a stomache ache for that too? is she verbally abusive?

2007-12-01 03:16:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i spend alot of time at my kids school and am around alot of moms all the time and am friends with all of them, i have noticed that alot of them while talking to me will get touchy by rubbing my arm or rubbing my back, like yesterday a mom came up to me excited about her new job and she started rubbing my arm and back as she was telling me, what does this mean,

2007-12-01 03:13:32 · 7 answers · asked by MR MOM USMC RETIRED 3

if you had a girlfriend and then your mom or dad and here mom or dad got married..

would you stay together? when you break up do you stay friends or go to being brother/sister

no its not happening to me! just would like to see what people say

2007-12-01 03:11:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a 19 year old brother. He live's with my step mom and my dad. He works with my dad and makes good money. He dosent want to pay for any gas back and forth to work. My father makes him pay 50.00 a week which isnt a dent in his pay check. MY brother is into the whole drug using thing and likes to spend his money there. My parents would like to know what yall think of that. And half the time he dosent even pay rent. His rent covers food,power,ect. he wont help out anywhere that my dad needs help. what would yall do>?

2007-12-01 03:07:23 · 8 answers · asked by Ashley W 1

My cousins husband commited suicide wed. night. She has two boys 6 and 3. They need help for christmas. The father was real depressed and in my opinion very selfish. They do not get insurance benefits because it was a suicide, and All the money they saved for christmas now has to be used for funeral expensise. It is sad enough that they have to cremate him becuase that is all they can afford, and quite frankly both familys are paycheck to paycheck people and will not be able to do much as they are already helping with the left over expenses of the funeral. We have one charity (church) that has offered to help to some extent but most have already been assigned to others in the community which i might add is a very small poor community, so whatever donations they do get are very few. some people here suicide and don't even call back. i relize suicide is very unforgivable and selfish but it is not the family's fault. any one would like to help or know help, i have/will give proof is real

2007-12-01 02:43:21 · 6 answers · asked by a mom of two 2

Ok today i am doing a shopping party w/ my friends. At 3:00! & this is the time i want to buy gifts for christmas. I need to buy one for my mom, my dad, my sister (15), my other sister (14), my little brother (7), my brother (17), & my mom's aunt (senior)!!! What should i buy. By 3:00. I will be checking my yahoo for answers!!!

2007-12-01 02:39:38 · 3 answers · asked by comedian6 1

Okay, so apparently my dad stole MY money, from MY room, without even saying anything. Then a few days later he told me. I'm SO mad! He went in my room without asking. He went in search of money, looking through my things. He took like 10 dollars in quarters. Now my piggy is almost empty... What should I do? I'm really freaking pissed!

2007-12-01 02:14:53 · 7 answers · asked by Ellen 4

It's not that I'm a rebellion in the family. I'm prefectly a good girl with good moral backgrounds,
My whole family is going to church every single morning,
And I'm just lazying at home, which I like, I get my privacy.
Not that I hate church, I hate the people there.
People there just go to church for going to church sake,
Not for God. Just to say that "I go to church".
How fake is that? I can't handle it! I can't be with a bunch of fakers (no offense)
The pastors are just repeating the previous pastor's sermon, the sing-song group is just singing, no life in the singing,
People are sleeping in church for goodness sake!
So, I'm running out of ideas how to refrain going to church,

Now my aunt is FORCING me to go to church, and it's not going to make me more holy or anything...
How can you force someone to go to church? It must be a free will thing right?

Please answer seriously.... I know it's bad, but seriously, I hate that place.

2007-12-01 02:02:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

He got into trouble earlier this year, for which he received probation for foolishness. So I've been quite skeptical about letting him hang out late at nite w/his friends because he doesn't need to have ANY police contact if he plans to get through this probationary period. However, he feels that I'm totally overboard in my thinking and that nothing is going to happen to him. He's a young black male, with a distinctively noticeable vehicle and I KNOW for a fact that he's going to get pulled over if he continues to drive around at all hours of the nite. So lately he's been quite disrespectful, threatening to move out, staying out all nite & not coming home til the next morning. I'm trying to maintain some type of relationship w/him, however, he's making it very hard for me to continue. I've had friends/family that have told me to put him out of the house & let him find out how hard life is. I'm a little hesitant to do that because I don't want him to wind up in jail. Any ideas?

2007-12-01 00:54:58 · 10 answers · asked by havanablu 2

Hey..not asking for money. My daughter is multiply disabled and we live in a 2 story home. She weighs almost 80lbs now and it is really hard to carry her up and down the stairs for baths. She has a waiver that is paying for $10,000 of the stairlift (YES, they really do cost that much..I couldn't believe it!) but we have to come up with about $2000. Hubby is in school full time and works fulltime so he has no extra time to get additional work and with her health needs I can't work. I have to be available at a momemt's notice for her and have never found a job to accomodate that.....SO, anyone have good ideas for fund raisers or know of any funding sources that we could utilize. She has Medicaid and they don't cover stairlifts...apparently it's not medically necessary for her to be CLEAN. The lady from medicaid told me just to give her spongebaths...I told HER to take spongebaths for a week and see how SHE felt...anyway, I digress. Any ideas?

2007-12-01 00:45:33 · 14 answers · asked by aly_des 3