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Family - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My mom- Her father used to beat her mom to death and he was also alcoholic. She has a drinking problem. She is a manic depressive and cant live without her medication. She may abuse it. Sleeps alot. Cries ALL the time. Before she and my dad were divorced she would go to the bars all the time and end up in jail. She cheated on my dad and i knew about it the whole time but i never said anything. Has what's turning into a abusive b/f.
Dad- He has his own business so i never see him much. My mom never saw him either so she thought if he never had to be home then why did she? He had the police come to our house to arrest my mother because she was drunk again and things were getting out of hand. He's never really understood me and thinks something is wrong.
Me- I cut my wrists to release the stress of everyday living. I dont talk to anyone at school, and i mean NO ONE. I cant trust anyone so whenever i have a boyfriend or friends at all they are only around for a short time. I abuse drugs.

2007-11-19 14:46:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If teens care SO MUCH about their babies then:

a. Why did they get pregnant in the first place because no baby should have an immature mom for a mom (that is no good for the baby).

b. Why don't they put the baby up for adoption??? It would be the BEST for the baby!!!

c. Why don't teen mothers ever do what is best for their baby???

2007-11-19 14:34:57 · 14 answers · asked by Dina K 5

Lately I've been sitting around thinking about how my family treats me. I am a young married mother of two and my hubby is about to get deployed. Anyway, they're always judging me, talking about me badly, (like b/c I don't have many name-brand clothes), but when they need something they always call me. I've always helped them in anyway i can but i'm sick of the way they treat me, and when i talk to them about it, they laugh it off and they're like "whatever". They've all said that i'll never amount to anything, i'm too fat, no one will ever love me, but i've overcome all of that. But is it wrong for me to just cut them off completely. Cuz i swear i don't wanna talk to any of them.

2007-11-19 13:29:30 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am the youngest of 4 and I am 12 years old. My allowance is only 1 dollar while my older siblings who are 13,14 and 15. There allowances are
13: 3.00 dollars
14: 5.00 dollars
15: 8:00 dollars
Why would my parents give them more money than me? My chores are the harder and more important ones. I have to take care for my 4 dogs,vacuuming,mowing lawns,washing cars, and washing dishes.
Do you think I deserve more than 1 dollar?
Also why do some parents give allowances according to age instead of grades and the difficulty of the jobs?
How can I convince my parents give me more money?

2007-11-19 13:28:26 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our family lives around each other, so we are all very close (proximity wise). And my grandmother and her daughter, my aunt, have been fueding for nearly two years now. It's nothing like guns shooting or anything but they won't make up and get along. What happened was that my aunt accused my grandmother that her dog attacked her dog. From there they haven't been the friendliest of people. Does anyone know how to remedy this? It's getting on my nerves. I'm thinking about going to my aunt's house and speak with her, but I'm not certain what to say. My grandmother has actually tried to bring them to, but to no avail. Suggestions would be great! Thanks!!!

2007-11-19 13:18:34 · 5 answers · asked by Bob B 2

Okay, my parents are always on my little sister's side. I participate in this church's youth group, and I have for over a year. So, all of the sudden, she has 'friends' that go there too, so she wants to go all the time, instead of the church she normally goes to. So, of course, she wants to go on all of the youth trips with us and everything. It won't be long until she goes all of the time. My parents don't see why I hate it so much. She acts sooo immature. They think it's "good for her to be making Christian friends", so they're suddenly on her side. It's so STUPID! She is too, she acts like she's 4 years old. We're going on a youth trip tomorrow, and so is she. It is so annoying! Don't my parents remember when they were younger with little siblings? When can they give me a break? I have 5 bros/sis, and this is the only thing I have to myself, and now it's leaving me. What do I do?

2007-11-19 12:43:27 · 3 answers · asked by Mrs. Cullen 3

My mom used to do this and my dads family hates her and me and they yell at me about her doing this.

2007-11-19 12:09:54 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

im part of your average middle class family, junior in highschool. basically my parents agree i need a car (for work, then eventually college), however my dad says we only have enough money for a used car, that gets good mpg. my mom says i need a new car that will last me a long time. my dad doesnt think we have the money for this, my mom does.

both parents tell me its none of my buisness when i ask about money. how the hell can i know whos right? however, they consult with me about which car i would like out of choice a,b,c etc (new with mom, used with dad.) my dad always talks about how late hes going to retire and how we missed a lot of chances in the stock market and i should learn from his mistakes, yet i always hear about how much money from overtime and raises my mom gets from nursing.

the questions:

1. should i figure out on my on how much money we have since my parents wont tell me what really is the situation? if so how? what factors, what should i look for?

2007-11-19 11:48:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My father is a recovering alcoholic drug addict of 17 years. I have an older sister that has 2 children that my mother is raising because my sister abuses meth. I have an older brother who has had 2 DUIs before his 21st birthday && I have been following in their footsteps. It started when I was 14 with drinking then when I was 16 I began smoking marijuana. Now I smoke, drink, && do coke on a daily basis. I dont want to end up like my sister && brother, but I am afraid I will. I am being evicted from my apartment because of my habits && I have also neglected speeding tickets, && court ordered NA && Community Service. My life is heading the WRONG way && I desprately want to change it. I want my family to be proud of me. I come from a pretty wealthy family && I want to go to rehab, but I would need them to pay for it. My parents know I smoke weed, but they dont know about the coke && my driniing habits && I am afraid that they might disown me because coke was my fathers drug of choice too

2007-11-19 09:56:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

And do your parents know you well?

2007-11-19 09:33:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

She always seems unhappy with me or like she doesn't like me. Like when she gets back from work she will say hi to my Dad but she will never say hi to me , and then she starts talking about my younger brother and saying ' aww ive missed him today'and im like o fine you havent missed me ( i obv to say that to her )
When i talk to her it seems like she doesn't want to have a conversation with me and i don't know what i do wrong!
Its getting me really down because my friends have really good relationships with their moms and talk about everything , but my mom doesn't seem to want to know me and only cares about eveyone eles!

2007-11-19 09:19:00 · 6 answers · asked by starlett_x 3

when my father died, i stole all the jewelry he had given his second wife. at the funeral home, i was able to put it in his coffiin. that's where it is today. as it turns out, the stuff was worth a little more than $95 grand, and his second wife could really use it. i'm thinking of going to the cemetery at night to get it. anyone with the same expereince?

2007-11-19 08:16:54 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just went on the computer and seached its history and my brother typed in the word "s e x" and "sexy woman" on the computer. I know it was him so don't tell me it could be my parents. I don't know what to do... he's 10 and I don't want him to get "the wrong idea." Now I'm worried that later on he will get exposed to something else. What should I do? Should I tell my parents or not? I told him what I found and he keeps beating me up. I know he's getting close to puberty age, but what can I do to get him away from that kind of stuff? How can I get him to be more focused in school?

2007-11-19 08:02:12 · 6 answers · asked by Lizzie 2

and doesn't have health insurance. I'm not supposed to know...but recently found out. She has another little girl that is 2 years old, who also doesn't have health insurance. She has a planned c-section for January and as far as I know has been paying out of pocket for her doctor's appointments. My husband took her to a clinic to get her shots updated over a year ago. She had not been to a doctor since before she was one for a regular check up. I know for a fact that there are plenty of shots that she has missed but what should I do about it? I don't want to overstep my boundaries but I also care that my niece is in good health. I believe she won't get government assistance because she has gotten so far behind on her first child's shots and appointments. My sister in law doesn't have a DL's or a car and sits at home all day while her husband is at work. My husband and I have always offered to help, she is just too lazy! Should I call social services on family?

2007-11-19 07:35:39 · 22 answers · asked by KimberlyG 3

Ok so we have just bought our first home! We would love to combine our moving card with our holiday card this year. We want it to be fun and cute any ideas? We have 4 daughter twins 6, a 5 year old and an 8 month old!

2007-11-19 07:19:29 · 3 answers · asked by Sarah D 1

My mum and dad have an argument at least once a week shouting at each other, it usually only happens when they get drunk. I am 17 and they sometimes start shouting at me after it and say its all my fault they argue because i smoke weed and they find pipes or bongs in my room sometimes. But the arguments are never about that it's always about other stupid things never about me, so i dont get why its meant to be my fault. I think it might be from them drinking so much do you think it is my fault?

2007-11-19 07:17:26 · 6 answers · asked by Rik M 1

start trouble by ADDING TO THE STORY OR BY MAKING UP SOMETHING and then the person is in SHOCK ....Is it a mental illness???...he always laughs when i say..."that is false or that is wrong"...it is hurtful also...and then the other person has to defend theirself..WHAT is a matter with him??? honest answers only...It really does bother me...What can i do??? He is over 50 years old...

2007-11-19 07:03:53 · 5 answers · asked by sweet 4

My parents just got into a huge fight and my father left saying to my mom "you broke my heart." He drove away and we don't know where he is and he won't answer his phone. Currently, his voice mail says "I can't return your calls right now."

I'm really scared. It's just me and my sisters right now and my mom apologized, but he won't call back. We have no idea where we went and I'm really scared. I'm the oldest of four girls and right now my little sisters asking me what's going on. We're supposed to travel tomorrow to see my dad's family, but now my parents don't know if we're going on our trip afterall.

How can I help my parents? They've been married for 16 years and everything seems to be going so bad right now. Yesterday was my bad meet and now this!

What can a 14 yr old girl do to reunite her parents?

Serious answers please. Thank you.

2007-11-19 07:03:10 · 44 answers · asked by miss brightside 4

We all hate the cold and the bull crap of NY State. Especially the cold. Now that our kids will be going to college we would get cheaper in-state tuition here but I am sick of being shut in the house from October until May.

I'd love it if everyone agreed to move to some place like Houston, TX. We are used to getting 3 bd. houses in safe areas for $75K however and none of us are willing to live in the ghetto. My husband is a drug and alcohol counselor; there is a need for those in every city. My business and my license is portable. My sister's business and license is portable. Her husband would have to find a job but he is a skilled welder. My brother would probably join us as he is a perpetual student and my mother, well, we would just have to knock her out, pack her stuff, and have her wake up in another state. As for my MIL, she won't go anywhere as long as her sister is alive but they hate the cold too. The older folks need a cheap, safe place with apartments.

Any ideas?

2007-11-19 06:53:14 · 6 answers · asked by Teresa 5

First: I DONT want to take revenge upon someone, in fact i'm single. I'm just asking something for curiosity. I dont like hurting people...
Ok. suppose that ur in-laws are really bad with u and with ur spouse, that they only want money, not even a call to ask if u are ok, they just call when they need money, other wise, they forget about ur spouse and u. Suppose that they lie, create gossip, etc. they are really bad. How do u take revenge if u could? In a creative way plz, thanks.

2007-11-19 06:34:01 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a brother that is 12 years younger than me. He has 3 kids and a sweet wife.

Whenever my 10yo son plays with his children, who are a bit younger. They horse around or get into spats like boys do and my brother gets mad at my son and then threatens him. In the past he has said "Im going to kill you" "Stay away from my son, dont go near him" and then kicked him out of my parents house. My son was devestated. Just yesterday, he said "You better knock it off, or else Im going to come and smack down on you and you wont like it" - I dont know exactly what my son did. They were all playing and seemed if they were having fun. My brother didnt tell me at any time that my son was misbehaving. He just took it upon himself to discipline my son.

This makes me very uncomfortable. I dont really think that he would harm my son (though Im not totally sure) but I would never threaten to physically harm a child - not my own, certainly not anyone elses!

2007-11-19 06:28:59 · 18 answers · asked by Mildly Me 3

I don't mind people being rude at church because that's just who they are but when it interferes with my praying or trying to be silent, and it goes on for too long it's just sad.
There was this family of a father and 3 teenagers who came in late and I had to get up for them--20 minutes late. O.k. Fine, then another daughter comes in later, and then the kids giggle, laugh, text message on the cell, and hit each other on the back after Holy Communion, and so forth.....

I was raised to be good at Holy Mass, pay attention, and act as if I was in God's House with reverence.
After I told this family politely: "We are in God's house and should be reverent not acting like it's your home playground."
The family looked at me so shocked and mortified, and went out with such shame.
I was taught not to say anything to rude people but this continued the whole time of Mass and it was right next to me.
Your thoughts, please.

2007-11-19 06:13:37 · 10 answers · asked by DREENA 2

My brother's girlfriend is coming to Thanksgiving dinner and it's not a secret that I hate her and the feeling is mutual. My parents think she's really nice and cares about my brother but she's only with him because he is a star athlete in college and I can see right through her and she knows it. My parents invited her without thinking of what I think! They just said if my boyfriend can come then so can his girlfriend but there is a difference my guy is actually NICE and cares about me and she is just a shallow groupie girl who needs to go home for Thanksgiving! We have a small family so it will be hard to avoid her. I was thinking of just going with my boyfriend to some restaurant that serves Thanksgiving dinner instead but I know that will hurt my mom. What would you do?

2007-11-19 06:12:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 16 but i will be 17 in december and i want to move out of my parents house. They are physically and verbally abusive and i dont know if i can face even one more day of living with them. The problem is i dont have any where to go i dont have a job or my license because they wouldnt let me. now im stuck and im starting to think that if i have to live in the streets its worth it. im just not sure if they will let me leave. I live in texas. anyone know the law or have any advice for me?

2007-11-19 05:27:52 · 15 answers · asked by Yolie 3

2007-11-19 04:56:43 · 31 answers · asked by . 7

We were just going to stay home and cook our own dinner this year in order to avoid the drama. I've had a menu planned for 3 weeks. My mom called to tell me that my aunt and uncle I haven't seen in probably 7 years is coming up Wednesday night and leaving Friday morning. My aunt is a self-righteous, arrogant, over-zealous Christian, and my uncle is an alcoholic in denial. I remember one Christmas when I was 12- my aunt ordered me to put on make-up Christmas morning before she would turn on her video camera.

When I was in middle school, I was pretty chubby, and stayed that way until high school. I'm only 5'2" so I pack on the pounds quite easily. My aunt has always made comments behind my back to my mom (through emails and phone conversations) about my weight on how to fix me with diets, herbal supplements, etc. Although I was never really thin, I was happy with myself. I was a size 11.


2007-11-19 03:25:58 · 14 answers · asked by punchy333 6

how much should i sue them for how should i go along with it and is there any good lawyers out there that i should use and how can i prove that my parents stole my cellphone away from me im 20 years old

2007-11-19 03:13:00 · 31 answers · asked by Stephen S 1

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