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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

i absolutely cannot do this. I am a junior this year and my parents are basically saying that there is no way around me spending my senior year at a fancy preppy rich highschool six hours away somewhere in MO. I want to experience my highschool years with the people that I've grown up with. Help!

2007-09-06 17:35:41 · 24 answers · asked by yeahh! 1

i feel really confused a while back i found out my sisters were molested by a person who used to work for my parents. I always knew something had happened because of their general hatred towards men, and very defensive and snappy behavior. Even though they are older they tend to act out a lot. I also have an older brother who doesn't seem to understand their behavior, he doesn't know about their childhood. He gives them a benefit of the doubt but a lot of times he disregards them with having rude or immature behavior.

I used to think the same until I found out. I feel like I should tell him but at the same time I'm scared he will be really sad and blame himself. After finding out I did that for a long time, although I know I had no control over the monster. But at the sametime I feel like he will understand the cause of their sometimes very defensive and snappy behavior.

What should I do. I feel bad that he is so hard on them because I was too until I found out yet finding out has

2007-09-06 17:18:47 · 7 answers · asked by talkingator 1

My brother got engaged a couple months ago. He's only been with her for about a year and he's still in the "whipped" phase. He's 28 and he's never had a girlfriend before his current fiance and nobody in the family is a fan of her for many legitimate reasons. Whats the best way for us to accept what is going to happen and learn to like her?

2007-09-06 16:33:45 · 25 answers · asked by runofthemill 4

I'm 24&in Grad school. For the past few months I have been looking for a car because I am about to start working with a company and need reliable transportation to get there. I haven't had a vehicle up until now because it's just an extra expense I didn't need. My dad found out from my mom (they are divorced), that I was looking for a car. He knows that because of school, I only work part time. So, he offered to GIVE me a car he bought that he doesn't drive because he has two vehicles. The car is fairly new and very nice! He says he will continue to pay the notes on it and the only thing I will be responsible for is the insurance. He really wants to help me out and I accepted. I am VERY thankful for this& see it as a major blessing. HOWEVER, a small part of me also feels bad because he has to give up his car for me. I also feel bad because at 24, my parents are still having to foot my bills. I mean I pay for everything like credit cards, phone bills, & stuff but that's

2007-09-06 15:25:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an adult daughter of an alcohlic. Lately I have been feeling tremendous guilt about not speaking to my mother. I have put up with years of verbal abuse when she is drunk, when she is sober she is the nicest person in the world. It's been a long time coming I finally told her I was done w/ all the drama in my life, after repeatedly trying to get her to seek help. I have tried to find a ACA meeting in my area but have had no luck. My question is has anyone gone through a similar experiance w/ a parent and if you felt guilt how did you cope? (I think the guilt I'm mostly feeling is for my daughter if that makes sense, we don't really have family on either side. I feel pain for her that she doesn't have any grandmothers.)

Thanks in advance for anyone who respondes, I appreciate it.

2007-09-06 14:52:32 · 9 answers · asked by Leigh Lee 5

everyday, i always want to scream,but there's no where to go!! school started, and my math teacher pisses me off everyday since she's so impatient & she always nags me coz i dont know the answer!but give me a break!at least i tried,but she wants it to be perfect. homework's been driving me up the wall, & wen i get home, its more irratating since my brothers always ask me to help them on their homework, but i have to do mine, plus i have to do chores!! >.< love life? there's this one guy that's confusing me, but 4get it...im too stressed out for one.
im onlee in high skool, so how do i deal?!

2007-09-06 14:42:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would you do if your S/O did nothing while his/her bro or sis told you off and disrespected you?

2007-09-06 14:41:01 · 2 answers · asked by prettybrowneyez915 1

He was never not once ever been there 4 me when I needed him. And now am almost 17 and he is really sick and I don't care am I a evil ***** or what. He was always treated my mom like crap her my sister and some of my girl friends have been always there 4 me never him. I hate him so much he is really sick and wats to c me I dont want to even talk to him. Plus idk all I feel 4 him is hate. U know how little girls always want a husband like their dad not me I WILL NEVER MARRY ANYONE LIKE HIM EVER I WOULD DIE ALONE B4 I EVER MARRIED SOMEONE LIKE HIM. I never had anything from him and now he wats me will am not going to c him what do u think.Yes he raised me and was living with me but not really I dont have a father

2007-09-06 14:16:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


ok so this is just a quick question for anyone and everyone.. tell me if any of u ever feel like this... i live with my fiancee and its an hour and 30 mins away from my family. im going to stay with my family for about 4 days while my dad has surgery and im excited about going but at the same time im gonna have to leave my fiancee here. he has college and cannot miss any more days so he has to stay home. i want to see my family but at the same time when i get there i will just miss him and want to come home. i dont see my family much but i know this will be good for me. does anyone else ever get like this.

2007-09-06 14:03:53 · 2 answers · asked by jaden 1

I have a friendly aquaintance and she had a new baby and so I got her some baby outfits and I have been trying to give them to her for about a month now and she has rescheduled on me 4 times now, saying shes too tired for visitors. I work with her hubby and today I told him I would be back up to work later today after I got off work, to give him that stuff and he said ok and when I got there, he was already gone! I was pretty much so mad I was fuming and shaking... it just makes me sick how people are like that! And i cant take the stuff back because I took all the tags off and everything. I am going up there tomorrow morning to try again and after that, that is it! What do you think I should do? Have you ever been so frustrated w/ someone it made you sick to your stomach? Should I stop talking to her?

2007-09-06 14:00:40 · 6 answers · asked by greenturtle 1

My sister and her boyfriend and there soon to be 3 kids live in NY with us. In September we are relocating to Georgia. We want them to go with us but they refuse to. How can we get them to move with us. Anything would be helpful. Answers or Advise.

2007-09-06 13:57:43 · 8 answers · asked by pinkprincess 2

Hi guys. My daughter just turned 18 on Sept. 1st.

Since then, she's been...

1. ditching school any time she wants, claiming that "I'm 18, I can call myself off if I want"... she hasn't even done that... she just doesn't show up sometimes. She's already over her truency limit. (and school JUST started) And she doesn't believe that if there's a truency problem, the parents get in big trouble for it.

2. just walking out the door without telling us where she's going. Or coming home any time she wants to. And not answering the cell phone we just got her when I call, sometimes.

3. Last week, she claimed that her stomache hurt too much to go to school. So I called her off (reluctantly). And with that, I told her that if she isn't going to school that day, she has to stay home and not go out with her friends or have anyone over. (that's ALWAYS been my rule). But she left anyway, later on.

4. claims that I'm acting like a 2 year old when I remind her of the rules.

2007-09-06 13:40:31 · 31 answers · asked by ṼξŋØლǿԱ§ 5

I am saying my mother-in-law but it also includes my father-in-law.....ARRGH they make me so mad! I don't even know where to start so I will just list the things that annoy me
1-for our wedding she invited more people for herself than my entire side and my husbands friends combined. she turned it into her own party
2- my husband is interviewing for new jobs and when he doesn't get one she says he most have done something wrong, not anything supportive and she doesn't just assume another canidate is more qualyfied.
3- she is insisting that we buy a house, we can only afford it in a town that we really DO NOT want to live in and they have bad schools
4- talks about our money, as if she is part of our marriage, tells us what to do with it, when she has no idea about that type of stuff
5-thinks she knows everything about everything.....she knows nothing about nothing

2007-09-06 13:36:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am in the 6th grade and i act like i am about 15. At least my parents say. and i have a problem bossing them around. Like nothing mjor just like have you have choclate on your face wipe it off or that is yours pick it up or even hey dont do that!!
I really need help plz plz plz plz plz

2007-09-06 12:13:19 · 3 answers · asked by Ruthyrae 3

i have a friend and she is 13
she was out 2nite in her village and was with this lad who i do not like at all. he is 19 and has been in prison and in court many times.
when her mother found out who she was with her mother went crazy. we searched for her for like an hour and eventually we found her with him. the 19 yr old was drunk and attacked my friends mum
my friends mum has a boyfriend/partner and when my friend wudnt get into the car with them because she was so afraid they were gonna kill her. her mums partner caught my friend by the back of her neck and dragged her into the car and when he had her in the car he hit her a massive slap.
i was at the other side of the road and i even heard the slap as plain as day!!!!!
and i was wonderin is it wrong to do wat her mum and her mum's partner did to my friend????????????????????

2007-09-06 12:10:43 · 30 answers · asked by scobby doo 1

I would like to be able to keep these flowers in remembrance as we just had him cremated and plan on burying him with either his father or his mother when they pass. I would like some great ideas on what I could do with them.

2007-09-06 12:03:25 · 13 answers · asked by flirtatious76 1

I have a friendly aquaintance and she had a new baby and so I got her some baby outfits and I have been trying to give them to her for about a month now and she has rescheduled on me 4 times now, saying shes too tired for visitors. I work with her hubby and today I told him I would be back up to work later today after I got off work, to give him that stuff and he said ok and when I got there, he was already gone! I was pretty much so mad I was fuming and shaking... it just makes me sick how people are like that! And i cant take the stuff back because I took all the tags off and everything. I am going up there tomorrow morning to try again and after that, that is it! What do you think I should do? Have you ever been so frustrated w/ someone it made you sick to your stomach? Should I stop talking to her?

2007-09-06 12:02:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am totally annoyed by my husband 13 year old daugther. He is the best husband, he iis so nice to my 4 year old daugther pays for her gym and for her private school. I feel so bad because I am pregnant with his son. The 13year old girl is adopted. I just don't like her for many reasons one of them being that she is rude and spoiled rude and bossy with him. I am never rude to her and talk to her whenever she is not being rude but I honestly I can't stand her. She is this ugly fat thing that all she does is trying to separate me from her father. Please understand me I know I sounded mean but I am the nicest I could be with a girl like her I know she is only 13 years old but she looks so big she doesn't look 13 that is for sure more like 19 , or 20. I am 26 years old and I am very young for her father. I need you all to tell me how to act . Why can I just like her!

2007-09-06 12:00:44 · 21 answers · asked by Ortega'swife 1

Hey, i'm 15 years old now, and now that im in high school, there's so much going on, that i can't keep up with boyscouts which my dad is making me do. Problem is, it's affecting schoolwork and i seriously hate it...not that i hate the organization, i just hate having another thing to do...so i go up to him and tell him that its not something i would like to do, and the responce has to do with it looking good on college apps and that it would be very good for me to do. also that he wants me to do it...I dont! and ive said that..it's frustrating to me because everytime i get yelled at, its for being behind in boy scouts or having bad grades which is because of the organization...this was told to my dad by me, and yet im still doing it!!! so i decided that i wanted to ignore the fact that im in it and focus on my schoolwork, but it keeps getting in the way, meetings,camps,ect. Not only that...it's hard to ignore constant yelling from him and contradicting statements like..for ex.

2007-09-06 11:58:22 · 3 answers · asked by Jon 2

I have a problem. My Nephew just turned two,but I've loved him since before he was born. at first his mother and father (which are my brother and sister in law ) didn't want him when they found out that they where pregnant they where going to abort him,but i talked them out of it. i went to every doctors appointment ,and named the baby. then i raised him until just recently a couple of days before his 2nd birthday they took him away from me because they where upset they saw a photo of us and said that "we look too much like a family" now I'm devastated but i can't do anything about it because they're his parents.but they don't know any thing about the baby,his favorite lullaby,his favorite toys,his favorite story nothing! and i don't have kids of my own ,but how can i stop my heart from feeling this way I feel like he's my baby am i wrong to feel this way?

2007-09-06 11:51:28 · 8 answers · asked by Stressed Out Good Guy Hubby 1

I just found out how to contact my fathers child. He's now 20 years old and we've never met or talked. Would you contact him?

2007-09-06 10:00:03 · 16 answers · asked by Ann 2

So he left me (ony married 8wks) because I wouldn't have an abortion and has only seen our son like 6 times in 17 months. He does pay child support but moved 5.5 hours away shortly after the baby was born. I am remarried and we are going to adopt my son and he knows this. He calls me alot but it's never about the baby and he only comes to see him once every 4 - 6 months and usually only see's him for a few hours and then it's off with his friends or whatever else he wants to do. He actually has custody of three of his kids by wife #2 and another one who is older he abandoned from birth. I didnt know about the other one until after I had our son. Anyway I looked at his myspace page (being nosy I know) and he has a picture of my baby with his daughter posted with a caption that says "Daddy's little Boy". Should I confront him or just let it go...what right does he have anyway? He chose abortion I chose life....why should he benefit from my choice only when it's convenient?

2007-09-06 09:27:38 · 8 answers · asked by LilSunbeam 4

i'm 17 turning 18 on oct 23 and Andrew (my bf) is the same age but his bday is oct 27. we met in a chatroom and i met him with my parents in july. well, he asked me to marry him and i stupidly said yes and i'm "going to move in with him on oct 28". BUT, i'm pentacostal(christian) and he's not, i have a huge problem with that. i've came close to braking up with him so many times but i just got soft and stayed with him. i'm giving up a lot if i go there, i mean i'm getting my ged and i'm leaving my family for crying out loud, its just too much. see the thing is, he's in pa and i'm in or. i talked to him before about how i feel and he's like "i'm a christian but i just don't beleive some of it" i was like you either beleive it or you don't. and plus he just argues with me about everything, every aregu we have i turn out the be the bad one, i mean sometimes its my fault but not all the time. i've been seriously thinking about ending it but i just don't know what and how i should

2007-09-06 07:50:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husbands sister has 3 kids, all boys, and they are constantly breaking things and have not been taught how to clean up after themselves (the twins are 6 the baby is 3). They cause my stress level to double as soon as they visit. The kids are WILD, literally, jumping and screaming, and spilling stuff left and right. I do not have children of my own, but I have been around little ones my entire life, and I have NEVER ever dealt with kids who are this bad. And my sister-in-law is oblivious to the kids, she lets them do whatever they want (like play in her car, and the 3 year old even put it in reverse one time, but thats a WHOLE other story).
The trouble is, because I do not have kids, everybody assumes that I can babysit them. My father in law has volunteered my to babysit on numerous occasions. How can I tell them that her kids are wild and that I do not want to babysit them anymore? And that her kids stress me out? Because I'm the aunt does that mean I have to babysit?

2007-09-06 07:45:58 · 11 answers · asked by wifey2david 2

My boyfriend and I have a house and the mother of his child wants our address, however in the past there have been issues between them whereby she has harrassed him and his family when he lived at home still.
I want to know what rights she has to knowing our address. can any one help?

2007-09-06 05:12:36 · 11 answers · asked by shoosh 1

Whenever I tell my 6 year old not to do something my mother overrides me. She makes me really beg her if I need a babysitter so I try not to ask unless absolutely necessary. My Son isn't eating in school and she has told him to throw his food away and pretend he's eating. When she does babysit she feeds him on crisps and sweets and nothing else. I have told my Son that he is not allowed outside to play unless he eats some of his lunch in school and she says that I am wrong to do this. Has she crossed the line this time?

2007-09-06 05:04:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance` and I have known each other for 9 years. From the time we met we were attracted to each other however we did not persue a serious relationship until 2 years later. We broke up after a few years and we have been back together for the last 2 1/2 years. I lived with him for the last 2 years but I really dont feel comfortable. It is an extended family no one treats me badly I just want us to be on our own. We are gonna get married next March so I just want to spend the last few months at home with my parents for 2 reasons. After i get married they are will hardly ever see me, i want my honeymoon to be special and not like another night with my husband. My fiance is upset i am really scared about how he is taking this. I still love him, more actually! Am i being unreasonable?

2007-09-06 04:22:39 · 2 answers · asked by KIZZY 1

My mother and Aunt haven't spoken since i was 11, now i'm 14. my mom now wants to get back in touch with her but i don't want them too. My cousin had a baby last year who my mother's never met. i like things how they are as i can go to see my aunt and cousins alone. it's my aun't party soon and my mom wants to come but i don't want her to. i know i sound selfish but i'm just used to things the way they are now. no nasty answers please but what should i do?

2007-09-06 04:14:40 · 6 answers · asked by summer-pink 1

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