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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

What should i do move or stay I will make more money and a better job offer please help me with my decision.

2007-09-24 09:46:59 · 8 answers · asked by firecracker 1

My wife and I were enjoying a nice evening together last night, carving a pumpkin and sipping on some wine, and the phone rang...

it was my wife's older sister. She wanted to borrow 100 dollars in order to pay off a ticket and that if she did not pay if there would be a warrant out for her arrest. She is already on probation and if she goes back to jail she'll have to do 2 years.

she has no job, no car or anything that a responsible 27 year old woman should have.

should I rescue her and give her the money?.. or should I be firm and say no.

I know that if I give her this money.... I will never see it again

My gut wants to tell her to get a job at mcdonalds and walk to work...

but, having to see the look on my wife's face when she has to tell her sister no... will just kill me.. and I dont want her to go to jail...

any insight would be appreciated.. thanks in advance

2007-09-24 09:41:48 · 9 answers · asked by death_by_stereo 3

He always makes fun of the fact that I like Jethro tull or that I don't wear abercrombie and fitch like he does. He thinks that he's all that. I try to stand up for myself, but I never know what to say. Please help me.

2007-09-24 09:41:37 · 9 answers · asked by laurie 2

...and possibly has been since the age of 4? Where to begin? Who to talk to? etc.

2007-09-24 09:39:55 · 13 answers · asked by Azure Ciel 2

I was recently laid off, and made a huge mistake in our checking acct. we are $634 overdrawn. I go back to work next week but we are broke as can be and I have a 6mo. old daughter. Don't have any family or friends that can help either.Need some advice please.

2007-09-24 09:31:37 · 5 answers · asked by Blair 2

2007-09-24 09:24:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother's father is dying. My father might lose his job if he doesn't go to the meeting. I need surgery on thursday.
I want my dad to stay with me, but I don't want him to lose his job. If he stays with me, he will miss the meeting, if he goes to work, I will be more scared then if he was there.

2007-09-24 08:58:43 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2

I have been married for 13 years. My mother in law is from Poland, but has lived here for 20+ years. Whenever she comes over or we go there, my husband and her talk in Polish. My husband tries to let me in on the conversation, b/c I don't know Polish. He says it is easier for her to talk in Polish. But she is fluent in English. My husband is wonderful in every other way but this drives me crazy!!! It is just not right esp when myself and our kids do not speak Polish! What do you think?????

2007-09-24 08:48:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am deeply concerned with this. My wife's brother was a meth user and dealer. He currently is in federal prison for attempted murder. He had a pitbull for a pet.
When he was sent to prison, his mother and father (my children's grandmother and grandfather) decided to take in his pitbull as their pet a couple of years ago. The dog has no history of violence nor has it attacked anyone to our knowledge.

My concern is that I have a 5 year old girl and a 2 year old boy who will be visiting their grandparents over Christmas. My wife thinks I am "freaking out" over the fact that I am requesting that the pitbull be kept in the basement and that the children not be allowed to play with the dog . This is causing great stress in our marriage!

2007-09-24 08:31:58 · 11 answers · asked by PAtki32828 2

My grandfather wrote his memoirs 10 years ago and I never bothered to read them. But I dusted them off now that he has been gone for 5 years, and they are the most amazing stories about his travels, his time in World War II, etc. I just wanted to know how many other people out there wrote memoirs like this ... and if they didn't, they should! I might get started on mine and I'm only 27.

2007-09-24 08:15:48 · 3 answers · asked by Erin H 2

Up until about the last 6 months or so, my daughter and I had a great relationship. She is 11, about to be 12 in a couple months. She started middle school this Fall. All through her childhood, we were two peas in a pod - hanging out, doing dad/daughter stuff all the time, having a blast, etc. but now it's like she has absolutely no use for me. She's not excited by me, doesn't want to go canoeing, skating, putt-putt, any of that anymore. She still does stuff with her mom, but acts like she just does not at all want to do anything with me. What is happening?

2007-09-24 07:15:24 · 24 answers · asked by Pat Smear 4

I mean I'm near positive she wouldn't tell me wife about it.

2007-09-24 07:07:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-24 06:20:19 · 11 answers · asked by ShanTrey12 4

I have sister and about three years ago she ranaway. I was always more mature than her so I was always left to take care of her and she pulled this big, "no one gets me, I hate you all" dramatic thing. She even wrote me this big long email talking about how I was a big mistake and I couldn't get over myself, she never wants me as a sister or to see me again. WEll that was fine with me, if she wanted to be like that I told her I was done saving her ***.
Well about 6 months ago she came back, all of my family thinks she has changed but she hasn't. She is still the ***** she was the day she left only now she needed a place to stay. Everyone is getting on my case cause I won't talk to her. She comes to all our family events but I ignore her. If she tries to talk I walk away. I take the whole if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all thing to a new level. I promised her she would never have to hear from me again and I stick by that.

2007-09-24 05:50:31 · 13 answers · asked by unicorncaptin 2

My daughter asked me to pay her rent for her this month. I paid it since she didn't have the money. This put me behind on paying a few of my bills. She knew that her dad had been off from work due to heart surgery and that I had just went back to work so there is not much left in savings - and we need to make sure we have the money on hand to ALWAYS get her dad's medication each month (which adds up quickly). Then, less than a week after I paid her rent, she received a check from college where they had applied for more money on a school loan than was needed and she got the rest of the money for whatever she needed the money for (which she will have to pay back when she is out of college). My daughter also works but not full time so her money is tight. I asked her for half of the rent back ($200) since she got the check ($1000). She got mad, said no that I should pay her rent since I couldn't pay her college, and now won't even answer the phone. Am I wrong to ask for it back?

2007-09-24 02:38:04 · 12 answers · asked by Love being a Mom 2

I don't know when things will ever get better.

My 15 year old daughter was living with her father in another state until now. She lives with me now and is not happy with her school at all.

We were living with my parents and now moved into an apartment and she says that it feels like a hotel.

My expenses have gone up so that I will be saving less money for retirement and her college education.

I feel very unsettled and worried for my child. She misses her Dad, Grandmother and friends. She really only has me and my parents here in the state where I live.

Its too much change for her also with the new school, living arrangements and state.
I feel like I have to struggle for everything and I don't know when there will be an improvement in my life situation.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

2007-09-24 02:25:31 · 4 answers · asked by Stareyes 5

my grandma passed last month.so my cousin and i decided that we would keep my grandma's house and split the bills.when it was time to pay the bills my cousin said she didn't have enough money...so i'm in the process of moving out on my own...and she has no where to go.....but,she is the reason we have to move....she said she dosent have money to pay bills but she goes shopping for clothes...what should i do?should i help her...or let her find out the hard way about living?

2007-09-24 02:22:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If they grow up to be cruel,mean,unjust or simply unhappy?Or they end up hating their parents.It seems there's nothing you can do.Really,what's the point?

2007-09-24 02:19:01 · 23 answers · asked by Julia 1

my 11 yaer old brother always annoy me my parents got angry all the time .

2007-09-24 01:54:23 · 4 answers · asked by greg 2

I just need to say that this is a hypothetical situation- we don't actually have kids now but we've been talking a lot about kids and marriage and this came up.

My boyfriend and I have been having a debate on who is better to take care of our kids if we die - friends who we could be very close to and would know our kids well and live near us, or my sister, who lives in Colorado and would likely not see the kids as often.

I think that it's more important to have kids be with their family so they can see grandparents and cousins and all that. My boyfriend thinks it's better for the kids to have familiarity with their environment and stay with the family friends because it would be too traumatic to move across country and they could go to the same school and be with someone they know well.

What does everyone think? And when you were a child, if you were in a situation like this, who would you rather have gone to stay with, a close family friend or an aunt or uncle who live far away?

2007-09-24 01:13:17 · 11 answers · asked by abrennan01 3

in laws have come back from a holiday and have announced they have bought a plce over there are selling up and going in the next few months.
they are both on long term medication and in their 70`s .
they have not shown the family any paper work or discussed any worries the family my have for them
what would you say and think about it ?

2007-09-24 00:18:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

always tells me to never talk to strangers

2007-09-23 22:34:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mum has been going out with a man called martin for nearly four months now he is 42 and i am 16 but i totally fancy him and love him i dont know why im feeling like this please help

2007-09-23 22:26:35 · 8 answers · asked by christina h 2

she is always yelling at me and beating me.i am scared to tell anyone.i talked to a school counselor and when my mom found out she beat me and called me a B-I-T-C-H.she said she would punch my face in if i told the cops or anyone.i am really scared cause she said she would kill me also.what to do?i am scared to call ss or the cops.what do i do?who do i tell?

2007-09-23 22:22:11 · 22 answers · asked by domenicathesims2player 3

hello, i am an only child (age 17) living with just my mum and grandmother in a council house, she has been receiving benefits since i was born, and also she works, she does get paid a reasonable amount but she does have a job, the problem is she doesn’t seem to pay for anything for me she either get my grandmother to pay and keeps all the money for herself, i have also found letters addressed to my grandmother in her room, im a bit worried about this she doesn’t give me any money what so ever i was reading on her site about child maintenance and does that mean i should be getting money I don’t have a bank account she has one and said we share it, im really worried because she does seem to keep a lot of the money and doesn’t like spending any of it even on herself, she just seems to be keeping it all i don’t understand why? i remember a couple of days ago i was at the options and he said does your child get JSA and she said yes but i didn’t know anything about this! I know ist difficult to understand the situation even today she just itching to start an argument with me, its hard I don’t know my dad she never even spoke to me about him she gets embarrassed if I talk to her about periods, so I have no one to talk to about anything like that really, you know when you know, when I was younger she sent me to this health clinic thing saying that I was a badly behaved child and that I was clumsy sometimes and when I went to nursery I cried and I liked to play with dolls and a lil shy LOL I look back now and think so are a million other kids she raised me there was never any punishment in our house even as a kid, and I member at the time her asking what’s wrong with her and they could not really give a proper answer cause there wasn’t anything wrong with me , I found this letter yesterday what my mum wrote loads of stupid thing that kids do its normal and she said I proper diagnoise would be nice!! I cant believe it, I also found an old letter from my mums m8t I think she suffed domestic voliance or something and she hates my dad so maybe she just automatically thinks ill be nasty or horrible?? thanks for reading this please email me back any advice would be very helpful, look forward to hearing from you.

2007-09-23 22:05:50 · 1 answers · asked by crystal c 1

My husband will not throw away stuff and he goes through the trash 2 c what I have tossed. I know its because he was poor as a child but I need to rid my house of the clutter. Any ideas??

2007-09-23 20:12:41 · 11 answers · asked by GabbyGal 4

My mom is American, most of me is Mexican, 50% and the rest of me is Scottish, Canadian, English, German, Russian, and thats it im sure. And I dont look Mexican at all, brown hair, white skin. I am a bit sad I dont look a thing like my father and cant be darker, what do you think ?

2007-09-23 19:05:09 · 17 answers · asked by John 2

I have two brothers I have never met. I have talked to them on the phone a few times but that has been a year and a half ago. A girl I work with has friends that hang out with my brothers. She mentioned today about her friends talking about hanging out with my brothers. I told her that we are just very different people and their is no reason for me to force something. I agree with what I said. Still, I feel like I am missing something out of my life. I'm missing a friend, in a way. I know what you will say "it's their loss not yours." So, that can be left out of comments.

2007-09-23 18:11:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been living with my dad my entire life (I'm 16) and my stepmother joined us three years ago. It was okay the first two years, but just the other day she just... lost it. I made a small, simple mistake (bought the wrong salmon fillet) and she just went completely berserk. She started yelling at me as soon as she checked the fridge the next morning, stating I'm absent-minded and stupid. I told my dad about her anger management, but unfortunately she overheard our conversation and started yelling at us. She said the most ridiculous things, such as "Your previous mother was stupid and ugly," and "Your son is a stupid, uneducated bastard." How would I deal with this?

2007-09-23 17:29:28 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like she's seeing this guy only because she doesn't think she can do better. He doesn't have a good personality at all, and he doesn't have much of a future, and he's not that considerate of our family. And my parents don't like him much either.

I know, if it were someone else's question I would be saying, "Lay off, it's her life and she's an adult." But she's my sister and I think she can do so much better than this guy.

The problem is how to tell her without making her get defensive about it.

2007-09-23 17:19:08 · 7 answers · asked by Surely Funke 6

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