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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Im trying to come up with a good theme for my family to wear to my brother-in-laws Halloween party. Its me, my hubby, and our 16 month-old son, any good ideas out there?

2007-09-23 17:10:01 · 17 answers · asked by donna 2

I have two biological children ( an 8 year old aactive boy and a 12 yearold very independant girl)that currently live with their mother. I am recently remaaried and when my children come to visit- my new wife ( we were married September 1st) and them fight almost all the time. Any ideas- any other step parents out there?

2007-09-23 16:56:05 · 5 answers · asked by pedidoc43 3

I'm 15 and my 13-year-old little sister is always teasing me about my everything. I get better grades than she does and normally that is my only defense tatic against her, she goes 'uh-huh.' She teases me about my weight, I'm 4'11 and I weight 106. She's 5'0 and she weighs 101. She's an inch taller than me and she's always teasing me about that. She's always telling me what people say behind my back and than she rubs it in my face. I haven't had my first kiss yet and she says I'll be that same weight when I'm 81. She even said she can predict the future and I'll lose my virginity at 28 when I'm drunk to a guy I don't know. She's always making gay jokes about me(I'm straight). I have this friend from when I was little that I stopped talking to two years ago and she's always saying this girl is hiding in my closet. I had a glass of water in my room and she said it was ***. She really getting on my nerves. Whenever she catches me doing something embarrassing like singing or something,

2007-09-23 16:55:58 · 4 answers · asked by Ashley 3

One parent (father) says I'm welcome to live at home as long as I follow the rules, help out around the house, etc (which I do). Im not a bum by the way. I could move out if I wanted, but I am working on saving up some money which is the whole point in me staying here.

The other (step-mother) parent says that grown people have their own places and that I need to go ahead and move out.

It makes me feel that I am stuck in the middle. By all rights, it is THEIR house, but like I said, dad says I am welcome to stay and that it's ok. Should I consider what step-mom says and move out or continue to take up my dad's offer?

I don't want to cause problems.

2007-09-23 16:50:16 · 13 answers · asked by florita 4

please I don't wanna end blackies life I will miss her so much I have known since she was born and I saw her mom giving birth to her and and and well I have already lost her 2 sisters please please help me *cries* please please please I beg you if no vet tells me ask your mom that is a vet please please I don't wanna end her life please please

2007-09-23 16:46:50 · 7 answers · asked by lulu 1

My brother and his wife and her 23 year old pregnant daughter and HER 4 year old daughter moved in with my husband and our 5 children about a month ago.
Everything was alright when it was just my brother and even when his step-daughter and her 4 year old moved in, but when my sister-in-law came...things went south. She would tell me these ridiculous stories that were out and out lies (because she couldn't remember the lie she had told the 1st time) she would wear my things without asking, and the 4year old (her grand daughter) would pretty much do whatever and when I would tell her no she would basically tell me that "she only minded her grandma", and when I would tell her grandma, she'd pretty much laugh.
So needless to say I was a little frusterated by the situation and I was using another forum similar to this one to vent and because I copy and pasted...she accidentally read it while pasting something of her own.

2007-09-23 16:32:11 · 12 answers · asked by kristilkleer 2

I feel overwhelmed by everything. Its only 3 weeks into school and im failing three classes. My dad wont let me go live with my mom. And he has a new girlfriend that I like but I feel like shes trying to be the mother "figure" and I dont want her to be because I want MY mom! And I know shes just trying to help......

My brother is never home anymore even though hes only 17....and we used to be really close.

I still like my ex......but I dont know if he still likes me

and when things do seem to go right, it just seems to crash and burn in the end.

And all I want is for things to be normal. But at the moment with all this crap happening it seems impossible.

And im ready to give up if it doesnt get better soon...

I just want some advice......something to make me feel better about everything

I hate being a teenager

2007-09-23 15:59:22 · 6 answers · asked by mcrgirl94 2

Why is it that if a poor custodial mom cannot make ends meet, we offer her assistance? And if an impoverished noncustodial dad has the same problems, we make him a criminal?

2007-09-23 15:58:00 · 2 answers · asked by Loves Los Angeles 1

Doesn't that make him a hypocrite. He should of all people understand the benefits of getting high. I love my dope, its a part of my life now, im never going to stop.

2007-09-23 15:35:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so my mom works alot and so i stay with my grandma and so my mom wants me to tell her everything that happens in school and i don't have any drama or anything and it just fells awkward to talk to her about anything. and boys...i just try to avoid that subject. i don't have a dad so i think my mom has to act like my mom and dad. shes over protective about boys. and she acts like i'm going to go have sex with the first guy i c. and i'm no! i'm not old enough and emtionally mature enough yet. i talk to my grandma more than my mom but my grandmas easier to talk to and my mom keeps pushing me to tell her something that happened at school when nothings happened. i don't know what to do. help please! and i feel like i will never be able to really talk to my mom. but shes great with make up.

2007-09-23 15:19:28 · 4 answers · asked by morg 2

ok if both biological parents share joint custody and both very involved in their child life where do i fall in? Is there certain things/events that i should stay out of(dr. appts/school conferences) and leave to my husband and his ex to deal with? Since my stepson's mom is very in the picture and involved in his life what can i do to make sure i don't over step my bondries and upset her?

2007-09-23 14:59:48 · 5 answers · asked by joanne j 1

I am 18 years old and my father has not paid child support at all. He signed my birth certificate but my mother has not filed for support. Now, she wants to sue him for the money so i and my brother whose 17 can use it for college. Can she do that?

We live in Indiana. I don't know if he does or not.

2007-09-23 14:46:07 · 12 answers · asked by italianamexicana 1

My mom is turning 50 tomorrow and not looking forward to it. I was thinking about taping bras to the garage and have signs saying" Hey debbie needs ur support! Shes turning 50 today!"...anyone have any other ideas?

2007-09-23 14:36:21 · 5 answers · asked by Keli D 2

I am 16 .

I am doing this to be a smarter, responsible person .

my mother told me before if i ever wanted to go on it to ask, but it wasnt easy for me so i didnt tell her .

now i feel guilty , today was my first time taking the pill and just the feeling of me swallowing it was like all this guilt building up inside of me . =( .

2007-09-23 14:18:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

start an ARGUMENT...BECAUSE then it becomes one person hates another...and i am non-confrontational...and hate fights...if someone fights what i do is TUNE them out...and WALK AWAY...That is how i was raised...plus if you know someone will disagree with you do not get into it with them...just say.."I see"...and walk away...

2007-09-23 14:15:15 · 5 answers · asked by sweet 4

I met him when 12 chased him away after 6 months .Now i am 31 always curious of were he was had no info of him 3 years ago found him called his house his wife answered she knew of me when she married him i was 1 y she asked who was calling for i told her she asked my name i gave it to her she said were i was calling from one city over she said what do you want i said only to no how my father is and nothing more .she said he's not here i said i'll call back next day phone was disconected i was hurt i had their adrress but never went.did not want to cause problems ! but i feel confused?


2007-09-23 13:53:57 · 2 answers · asked by SILVIA A 1

I understand the bond between father and son, but what makes the relationship between father and daughter so special? Something besides the obvious please. Thanks!

2007-09-23 13:34:10 · 14 answers · asked by teenster 3

Shes turning 11 in oct. 24 one week before Holween

2007-09-23 13:30:01 · 3 answers · asked by ... 2

but when i seen the second cuzin it kinda was bugging me and i told her and the other day the first cuzin just found out that the second cuzin told somebodii else sumthin she did and know i feel guilty becuz i ran mii mouth and its goin to get bak 2 me wat should i do

2007-09-23 13:15:57 · 7 answers · asked by MRZ.POOHBEAR 1

A 14 year old boy playing his electric guitar quite loudly many hours a day. The vibration of the racket comes down stairs through the walls from up stairs. There is a constant boom or base sound. His music is not enjoyed by all.

After chores and home work, how many hours should the kid be allowed to play his guitar loudly, every day?

2007-09-23 13:04:13 · 4 answers · asked by Rosee 3

two kidsand her parents full time and her other kid part of the time, she says she needs some time to herself but when seh does she goes off with some man and i get mad and i know i shouldnt care but i do and i wont talk to her and then she gets mad at me but there is things that i want to do too. and there is a produce man that is twenty years older than her and she knows that i dont like him, just like every other man that she is "just friends" with. I dont know what to do can you help me?

2007-09-23 12:57:35 · 5 answers · asked by Future Pfeiffer Falcon 3

Uh!!! I hate her. 'What are you gonna do about your life? I expected more than that, I think you should date somebody else, You can't do that, Uh, If you are good as your brother...
Oh my God.. What Kind of parents does say that to their child??

She picks every single things. She Just Won't let go. Is She Just picks on me?

You know that Monica's mom at the 'Friends'?
My mom is exactly like her.

2007-09-23 12:52:04 · 22 answers · asked by SG.L 1

He scares me...and he always threatens to hit me...with his fists...this morning he threatened to hit me with his shoes...
this started out about a year ago...i tried to talk to him many times before but he attacks me and we end up getting physical. I stopped trying and just went on doing my thing as a mother...i already stopped working...my Aunts are supporting us since i stopped working so i can stay at home and spend time with them...i'm a single mom...i lost my parents when i was still single.. i'm very home bound. I take care of their needs (his older brother is a very good son to me...very God fearing...very loving and caring...very respectful...unlike him).
I send them to a good Christian school...i try to give them all their needs...although i can't give them whatever they want anymore unlike before when i was still working...but my elder son understands and appreciates everything...unlike him.
He has broken my heart so many times =(
He makes me feel like i'm living with a devil child. Sometimes i can't help but wish he would just vanish...i just can't take him anymore....he scares me and is hurting me deeply.
What must I do? I've been praying for him ...but he doesn't change.
When he was a little boy...he used to be a very sweet child...I always find time to talk to them about God...
we even read the bible together...and i believe i have shared to them everything they need to know about God's ways and love. A year before this radical change...i can confidently say...we were all in God's grace...but now...this son of mine has definitely fallen away.We live in the Philippines. I don't know what to do with him anymore. Can you kindly advise me?

2007-09-23 12:39:58 · 28 answers · asked by ♥Slide♥ 3


Hey I'm helping my sis, Kathryn, run for class rep (Class Prez) and she needs help thinking of a speech. She's 10 & in 5th grade. Help on her speech! A whole speech would be ah-mazingly great! But just little parts are great too! Her slogan is:
Vote 4 Kathryn Leffew! Imagine What she could do!

Thanks so much!

And don't say this is the wrong catergory. Thanks Again!

2007-09-23 12:24:54 · 3 answers · asked by 0mg I'm Megan! 2

my mother has a really bad attitude , once she gets mad there is no stopping her from hating or tellin that person off. sometimes it really embarasses me and sometimes it is just really uncalled for. she does not smile or laugh and when were watching a funny movie she falls asleep and i dont know how to tell her that i cant stand it what do i do ?

2007-09-23 11:43:45 · 14 answers · asked by Leticia S 2

2007-09-23 11:06:17 · 6 answers · asked by domenicathesims2player 3

I have a situation, as in, both of us would rather him not be with her. She is not at all stable but puts on a very good face for the public. If I could have gotten out earlier, I would have, but I am the oldest child. I am 19 years old by the way, and would be 20 at the time this would need to be done. He is very responsible, works as a waiter, makes the honor roll each quarter, and all that jazz. I would be able to help support him since I have a very reliable source of income, but if our mother says no, and he says yes, will that make it impossible to carry this through, or is there a loophole that I don't know about? We live in Columbia, SC by the way. Thank you. Any help would be very much appreciated by the both of us.

2007-09-23 11:05:20 · 2 answers · asked by Ashley Y 2

Im 23 and for a while now Ive been thinking that its time I moved out of the family home - I have lots of friends who rent or flatshare and a few of us have talked about moving in together... Only trouble is my parents - tonight my mom was complaining about my sister (whose 28) saying that her boyfriend wasn't good enough for her, that she thought she would have settled down by now, that she wants grandchildren etc etc. It struck how even though me and my sister are two fully grown adults, we still are treated like little children by our parents who have their own expectations about what we should be doing in life. Im finding it really stifling and suffocating having so much expectation levelled at me as I know that one day the same kinda grievances are gonna be levelled at me. this is why I wanna move out - I wanna experience life for myself without my parents telling me whats best for me. Otherwise I fear Im gonna look back at my life and regret the things I never did. Advice please!

2007-09-23 11:01:48 · 39 answers · asked by JonH 1

We moved about 3 years ago and I really miss my hometown. My family is there, and I really want to go back. But the thing is, my mom and dad hate my hometown. But I miss them so much I cry. Can you please help me convince them. O yeah it's really far away. PLEASE HELP!

2007-09-23 10:58:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother and mtoher think i am gay by the way i act.
I am always alone in my room watching t.v or im-ing and my dad is the only one along with my friends that understand me.
I know i am not gay and never will be but should i ignore them or just tell them i am not gay and never will be?

2007-09-23 10:32:53 · 5 answers · asked by Stuffe s 1

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