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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Its fine for her to take my stuff and use my stuff which i dont aprove of!! I tell her off but she doesnt listen... I have to hide everything in my room so she doesnt take it! She even denies taking my stuff but shes the only one who uses it[aswel as me]?!? When it comes to me using her eyeliner ONCE.. or borrowing a hairclip?? She just shouts and moans and call me a b****! Shes getting on my nerves! We just now had an argument about her taking my things and now shes all turning it on me and ignoring me? GRRRRRR shes so annoying! Shes older than me but she acts like a 5 year old! Help.. Its really bringing me down!

Sorry about how much writing i put ;o x

2007-09-23 09:59:39 · 27 answers · asked by Chillax 4

ok so my parents paid for my sister to go to college but there still making payments for like another 5 years i think. now my parents and i really hate her becuase she has no respect for any of us and she is wasted her life on some guy, well now she is a low life doing drugs and stuff and she is not using her college skills or anything to get a job, we dont want anything to do with her, is there any way that we can have her take over payments for the school because my parents are paying hundreds of dollars a month for nothing, she ovibusoly doesnt want to pay them so is there anything that we can do

2007-09-23 09:24:09 · 5 answers · asked by yup yup 3

I really need to figure it out because i'm sick of having my friends ask me why i never replied to their texts...and then they realize that i CANT text. please help!!


2007-09-23 08:23:04 · 5 answers · asked by Shelly Bo Belly 2

I am 15 years old and this year my mom is turning 50. She asked the family (1 bro 1 sis, and mis padres) what we should do. I said A CRUISE!!! My mom thought it was a good idea. I really want to do a 4 night disney cruise in the bahamas in december, but its alrdy so close! How are some ways I can get my mom to accpet because there really isnt that much time! I have alrdy told her i will give her all my paycheck (which sums up to about 500 bucks), give up b day and christmas presents and sell some games i dont use. What else can i do, ill do anything to make her go on this cruise i know she will love it!!

2007-09-23 08:13:48 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mom and I have tried so many ways to persuade or even hidden his rice-alcohol bottle but there was no better result. He is still drinking and smoking a lot. He looks pale and thin...doesn't wanna eat but drink.I hate him with his drink! But seeing him getting weeker and thiner make my heart break. What can I do now, anyone help him, help me, please!!!

2007-09-23 07:27:05 · 10 answers · asked by Vy Tran 1

would you be happy ,or aggrivated , to have them back in the house , with you ,again?

and why?

2007-09-23 07:13:35 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I go to college that is 2 hours by train away from home, I like to go home every weekened, and stay from friday-monday, because i feel lonely in school and i just not adapt to it, and i just like home. The thing is, my mom married a man like about 2 and half years, and she told me that if i come home too much, it brings lots of inconvience because me and my stepdad could never stay at home alone together. Even though nothing would ever happen, but it just makes her feel better, (like grandma also advise me not to stay alone with him), so is it that i should listen to her and not go home so much and so often, because i should understand her situation, or is it that it's really unfair to me, and go to my dad and stepmom's side. which they live in singapore. please tell me what should i do and how i should think. is it i'm not understanding and selfish?

2007-09-23 06:52:12 · 19 answers · asked by meilingqian89 1

Which statement below is true?
1. Injecting water to relieve stress along a fault line has been proven to decrease earthquake risk.
2. It is unclear if injecting water to relieve stress along a fault line will increase or decrease the risk of an earthquake.
3. Injecting water to relieve stress along a fault line definitely increases the risk of a large quake.

2007-09-23 06:32:55 · 3 answers · asked by Nicole 1

I just got my license and want to drive him around.

2007-09-23 06:27:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My father just passed away 1 month sept 25 and unfortunately it would of been his 59th birthday. I am verry sadden by this and I need confort and try to go on with life without this constant grieveness. I have 3 beautiful children one being 3 months old, I was blessed that my father was able to see and hold my only daughter before his death. Any words of confort from anyone dealing with death I would really appreciate it. I am trying to be strong and show no weakenss with friends since many of them don't have a real idea what I am going through and I don't feel that they are really helping me unfortunately.

2007-09-23 05:54:15 · 7 answers · asked by rene 2

(No I am not just saying this because I'm 13.)

So yesterday, my mom was telling my dad, and I, and the rest of our family, that she would never want to have a tube in her throat if she's had a car accident or something. She'd rather have it be pulled out. Then my dad starts saying stuff like, "Even if it's written in your will, I have the right of passage to do what I want. I'm your husband." I feel that he would not pull the tube out. He's just using that power over my mom, just to make him superior. I'm an only child. I know that the spouse will make those decisions, then the child. Is there anyway that I can be the first person to make those decisions? I don't want my mom to suffer the rest of her life. She's my mother who gave me life. And I don't think my dad understands that.

So is there anyway I can be the first person to make a decision like that?

Thanks a ton!

2007-09-23 05:22:33 · 14 answers · asked by Addicted To Abercrombie & Fitch 2

My brother makes me sick. He likes to annoy me when i haven't done anything to him. Especially when i'm in a good mood. He makes up absurd stuff about me to his friends, (?!?!?!) and when his friends complemented me that I was pretty, he went like "NO!!" to them. Meanwhile, when i've forgotten the stuff he's done, i try to be nice to him, stand up for him when my dad wrongly scolded him, try to connect with him... What the hell is wrong with him??!?!?! Now thinking about it, he really makes me sick to my stomach. i'm 19, he's 14.
Adolescence? Seriously. He takes up the entire living room freedom space because he parks himself in front of the computer every day and every movement I make, he judges it by slamming on his mouse, coughing, singing in a way that really is meant to annoy me. I tried to work around it, thinking I might have done something wrong, but in the end, it just reduces me to this helpless thing.. And he likes to pat my head!! ..wtf?!?!? i'm really sick of it.

2007-09-23 04:09:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

He works 2 jobs and see's his little girl every other weekend, he pays child support every month. The mom lives with her parents and has a hard time keeping a job, she makes no effort in changing any of this. What can he do to see his daughter more, and if he tried could he get sole custody?

2007-09-23 03:56:13 · 6 answers · asked by Two peas in a pod 2

i had a problem in my family yesterday. After a long seriies of violent behaviors , i called the cops on my father yesterday because he came after me with a knife thretening to physically violate me .

they arrested him . Now my whole family is against me . You see i went thru depression , anxiety , panic attacks , social anxiety and everything for the past 5-6 years because of the way he brought me up . i started rebelling when i was 16. due to the dependence issues my parents caused ( excess love , thus causing me to attend to his needs as if I AM THE adult , has made me dependent , thus i was unable to leave)

but now i think i had enough . i send out 2 resumes yesterday . today probably i'll send out much more. but the thing is i heard my family talk about asking me to move out yesterday night
can they do that?
can they just go to court ( which we have to anyway )
and tell the judge they want me to be out and Do i have to move out ? after all wasn't He the one with the knife?

2007-09-23 03:55:36 · 9 answers · asked by sum142121 1

I recently had an argument with half my family about whether or not we have choices in life. They were saying that we absolutely "have" to do things and that we have no choice, just because we have responsibilities. I was saying that we don't "have" to do things, but we "choose" to be responsible. They were telling me that there is no such thing as choice. My family won't listen to others and won't try to understand them. If they think they are right, no one can tell them otherwise. To them no one else's opinion matters but their own. I know I'm not going to convince them, but I just need to know that someone out there understands what I am saying. It would even mean everything to me if someone were to even agree with me for once!

Can someone just reassure me and tell me that I am a human being, and that I have choice!!!

2007-09-23 03:50:05 · 21 answers · asked by Dave C 2

2007-09-23 03:26:17 · 6 answers · asked by pimpinbambam13 1

Last spring my parents had a small family get-together (just siblings). Near suppertime, we had decided to use paper plates, but my brother (who has small health issues) decided that he wanted a full spread, so he went and set the table with all the fixings and trimmings. Then, totally out of the blue, he called me a dirty little c***s****r for not helping him set the table. I was so totally stunned and heartbroken that I left without saying another word. Two weeks later my mother calls me and blames me for ruining the supper, because I shouldn't have left. She claims I have a bad attitude and I should have just forgave my brother. Well, its been several months and I thought that was all water under the bridge, but now with the holidays coming up, my mom does not want a family get-together again because of my 'bad attitude.' I don't know how to feel about this. Did I over-react in the first place? Is there something I can do to make this all better?

2007-09-23 03:23:30 · 9 answers · asked by ? 3

We've been living together for 7 months. Due to family issues wth my children he's thinking of moving out and getting his own place but still see each other.

I feel this is a step backwards and out of the relationship. He says he's uncomfortable here with my daughter and her teenage ways and has tried but hates it here.

If you've been living together and then he moves out....what type of effect would that have on the relationship?

I feel like I"m losing my best friend and partner for support. I don't know if I can continue in the relationship if he moves out.

Why is that? Should I?

2007-09-23 03:14:36 · 11 answers · asked by xxxxi 1

My sister in law went to jail, her husband my brother, is also in jail. He will get out in Feb and her in March. (Different cases, for stupidity like check deception and probation violation). Yes they are stupid and selfish. My sister in law had custody of her and my brothers kids and had another baby by her boyfriend. All she told me was how she hated her boyfriend, and how her mistreated the kids. It was known that when she went to jail I would take custody of all three of the children she had with my brother. When she went to jail she changed her mind and signed a statement that her boyfriend should take custody of them. CPS agrees he has no right to them but she signed the statement and now they told me I have to file a petition with the court. I have no lawyer and not alot of extra money. I am willing to take the kids so they dont go to foster care, because she has an open case. Her boyfriend is mentally impaired and abusive. Her family is not stepping up for the kids

2007-09-23 03:01:19 · 1 answers · asked by Mystie 3

My husband and i haven't talked to his brother in over three years because this is the kind of !@#$ that he pulls. So instead of dealing with the abuse, we simply just stopped talking to him.(trust me it hurt because we were so attatched to his children) So anyways here I am looking for local providers and I typed in my husbands name and loe and behold here pops up my hubbies name who has never lived in this town. What do we do? Do we contact the authorities? and to answer any questions, It also came back in he&his wifes's name, and their son's. so four people in all in the same family, Doesn't the telephone company catch on? and yes I did try the telephone # but it's been disconnected. what to do???

2007-09-23 01:27:18 · 4 answers · asked by laurii2 4

Hi everybody I'm just wondering if you think a 19 year old earning $500 a week is alot for that age?
She complains its not enough, but back in the day I got half what she earns now.

My little sisters 19 years old and earns $500 a week.
She works a typical 9 to 5 job. She finished year 12, but hasn't been in college, tafe or university.

What is a typical wage for a 19-20 year old?

Should she be grateful for what she earns, or does she have a right to complain?

Any answers will be much appreciated!

2007-09-23 00:55:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm 11 years old
and also please please also tell me
whatn are the best ways to earn money
through jobs that i do for people that are not family
because dad is broke

2007-09-23 00:55:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


This lady in my town just got killed in a car accident, and had her 2 young children in the car also. The children are in the hospital, their conditions are not known. The lady was 29 years old, her children are 2 and 6. Can you please say a prayer for the children and the family?

2007-09-23 00:38:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey ya'll. i'm 17 and from houston, tx. today my cousin who lives in london is in houston at hilton hotel. me and mom have got go see them but i'm a bit nervous because i've never really met them. i'm not sure if i have to act different because they are from london or not please help!

2007-09-22 23:51:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 22-year old undergraduate student. Recently, my mum asked me to go swimming on a daily basis. However, I told her I can only go swimming 2 times a week, mostly. I say I need to attend school on weekdays and work part-time every day. I don't have so much time. But she yelled at me " I don't accept this and you are full of sin. " Then, she said when I'm at the age of five, I did something wrong. She compained from the age of 5 to 22, evry year. I said I am an accouting student so studying accoutning is my main job, not swimming, She said I didn't respect her. She said " Chris, when I see you everyday , you must let me see you studying, gone to canoeing, swimming or working part-time. Last time I saw you watching TV. " I said " Come on. I have my own time schedule.and I only watch TV for half an hour every day. Still unreasonable ? " She replied ' If you don't obey to me I'll stop sponsoring 50% of your school fee ( p.s. I paid another 50% of it by part-time, barely enough " )

2007-09-22 21:26:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Duggar family had their 17 child last month and they want more. I'm interested in what other people think of this.

2007-09-22 20:46:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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