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Family & Relationships - 24 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-12-24 02:36:49 · 4 answers · asked by Paulus 6 in Friends

i mean come on you can not cheat and get caught and get forgivin the first time and the second and the third and finally the fourth year in a row.

people ask me why i hate christmas .
now i am sitting here with 3 kids at 39 yrs old, no job, hating christmas because every year for the past 4 years he has cheated and got busted right around christmas time ( with in a couple of days)
but i finaly had enough and threw him out.

now what?
what do i do now?
where do i go from here ?
how do i survive?

i don't believe in love any more it doesn't exsist.
after all he was my high school sweetheart
any advise on where to go from here will be greatly appreciated

2007-12-24 02:33:03 · 24 answers · asked by franamal69 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-24 02:30:38 · 40 answers · asked by Fruitful1 3 in Friends

My friend never pays attention to me unless she wants something. Shes nice but shes a little self absorbed. She brags a lot. She also ditches me a lot 4 her older cousin. her cousin and I do NOT get along. ive talked to my friend about this but she just says im a friend stealer. mean, disrespectful, and self absorbed. Shes said a lot more on these same lines. I tried ending it once but she just started being nice and got me things. What do I do? I like her but she just makes me so mad. When her cousins not around shes nice. Im so confused. please help. Thanks.

2007-12-24 02:29:47 · 30 answers · asked by dream_sista 3 in Friends

i dont understand this girl she jumps from guy to guy but its not like she does the dumping NOOO she gets dropped after a month or so because she gives it up!!! and shes so open about it!!! she has like a two day recovery then shes with the next dude!!!! Like this past summer she was with two different guys they both dropped her hard!!!! Is this girl considered a slut????

2007-12-24 02:29:02 · 33 answers · asked by iloveit 1 in Singles & Dating

I would like to know how people react in their life's circumstances. In good times and bad times, what are you thankful for?

2007-12-24 02:21:55 · 36 answers · asked by dtmc542006 3 in Marriage & Divorce

right here...right now...with what you have...where you are ( in life )...are you truelly happy?
And so, why?
If not...why not?

2007-12-24 02:21:53 · 28 answers · asked by if_shehadonlysaid_sorry 2 in Friends

we love each other to death, although i believe she deserve something better and i wish her every good things, but i feel she is not open to me. in the other side I have a close relative, old man, who I loved but now i just have fear feling toward him, i told him that, but he haven't reply yet... any suggestion plz?

2007-12-24 02:18:19 · 7 answers · asked by saned 3 in Family

i have some trusting and jealousy issues with my hubby. i think because im insecure of myself and from the way i was treated with past relationships. it really got worse after i had our second kid who is now 10 mos. anyway. he also has trusting and jealousy issues also. so we dont let eachother go out or anything. well the other day i looked on the computer and his myspace account was loged in so as a jealous wife does i snooped. and i found messages from and to a co worker (who is female) and i saw him saying "sorry i didnt comment you back but i have a jealous wife" " she must think i have some kind of mojo. and then she messaged him back saying " well you do have a smile that melts women" now i was beond pissed at this and flipped out. we faught all week over it. and now sice that happed. things are worse for me. is he hiding anything else from me? why was he being sneeky? im his wife you know. can anyone else relate? and how can i get over myself and not be so insecure?

2007-12-24 02:16:09 · 10 answers · asked by Nicki08 2 in Marriage & Divorce

He's super controlling (ie: he calls her every 30 minutes to an hour, has planned out her entire career path for her, etc), disrespectful (he's always going on and on about how women think he's so sexy or he'll say another girl's butt is so big and juicy and ask if we agree) and he calls me to arrange for me, him and my friend to hang out (wtf?)

Whenever my friend and I are hanging out with the girls, he invites himself along or just "shows up" at the place we're going.

BUT none of this seems to bother my friend. She seems very happy with him. The two recently got engaged. How can I make myself like him?

2007-12-24 02:08:53 · 46 answers · asked by Original_Syn 6 in Friends

Maybe its me but do all men lie and cheat?

2007-12-24 02:01:05 · 28 answers · asked by luckyme 2 in Singles & Dating

this has been an issue in the past for my bf. we have a very active sexual relationship and there are no problems but i have been finding porn on the computer that he has gotten when im not here. it wouldnt be a problem if he just told me about it, im not a prude, i wouldnt care, i just want to be included. it makes me feel like i am not good enough, any thoughts? i just wish he wouldnt hide it.

2007-12-24 01:56:44 · 15 answers · asked by jb486 2 in Singles & Dating

do you think my wish will come true?i hate my mother so much that she ruined my concert, ruined everything i do and plus she controls everybody, all i want this christmas is have a better life

2007-12-24 01:55:04 · 13 answers · asked by andrea a 1 in Family

Is it odd that my hubby takes off his top if he goes for a poo.So he is pretty much naked is that odd.

2007-12-24 01:47:56 · 18 answers · asked by noot 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

oka well the guy i like and I were talking yesterday on the computer and then i had to get off and it was aroiund 11 at night and i said well i got to go but call or txt me if u still wana talk and then i gave him my number but he didnt call or anything. I kind of knew that he wouldnt but now im scared that i just made things awkward between us and i hope i didnt im just scared, but now i dont know what to do because i tried to make a move and now i dont know what to do from here. I sent him another message asking about how his game went on friday but I dont know what else to do about me and him... well if anyone can help i would be so happy! please help and give any advice and i will pick best answer!

2007-12-24 01:42:55 · 10 answers · asked by sam s 1 in Singles & Dating

how do you deal with a wife who grew up with a narcissistic mother and a father who enabled her mother's odd behavior? in addition, she grew up throwing temper tantrums to get what she wanted (also because her father enabled it plus she's very attractive so a lot of guy's just put up with her demands). so now i have a wife that knows she does this, knows her parents are disfunctional, the light in all this is she seems to know it and wants to break the cycle. however, her family is so involved in our life (i have a brother in law about 2 miles away and her parents are down at every single holiday). her mother talks to her and doesn't said rude things but if my wife has a negative emotion regarding me her mom uses that and just builds it from there trying to get her daughter back into the family compound. i think i'm fighting a losing battle and my wife is choicing dysfunction with her family over a happy family where i can teach her how love really is from my upbringing. I don’t put up with her temper tantrums or accept disrespect from her parents (whom I don’t respect given they seem to want our marriage to end so they can have their little girl back). I tell it like it is, ask her to tell her parents to leave if they’re being disrespectful to me or her (I’ve heard them talk bad about their daughter to my face), or tell her that no we’re not going to do something with your family every holiday. However I think I’m losing the battle. Her mother and her now have me as the bad guy when I married her it was me and her and her parents were the bad people. It’s nuts. I think we’ll go through a separation because I can’t change her unless she wants to be cut from the controlling apron strings of her parents and stop the dysfunctional life that seems to be from generations. She wants to change but can’t. I’m going to let her go to see if she can change. Think that is a good idea? By the way marriage counseling didn’t work, in the sessions it was all my fault. So don’t suggest that please. I just know if we split she’ll be miserable under the total control of her family and she’ll lose a good man and children. Any suggestions?

2007-12-24 01:42:11 · 7 answers · asked by survivor 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Iam 24 She is 19 Whe Have Been Engaged For 2yrs ...And Geting Married on 13May.... we had a Good One Year... But In 2nd Yers We Fighted too Much . How She Is Not Happy With me Becuse Of All The fights ... we are Not Meeting Each other For 3monts Time No Phone Call From Her Side.. I Only Call Her....The Reson For Fight Is Nothing... But It Got it worst... I said Sorry One Lakh Time But She Doesnt Understand It... We Both Did Mistake ... She Feels She was Right all The Time ...... Than To Ihave Let It Go ... But She Says She Dent Love Me anymore .... What Can I do To Get Her Confindence Back On Me...... She Things She Has Give Her Life in wrong Hand ....... ... Now What Can I do ..... Marrige is Round The Corner ...

2007-12-24 01:36:12 · 8 answers · asked by dev 1 in Marriage & Divorce

he is 13.
so can you please help me.


2007-12-24 01:33:36 · 12 answers · asked by Meagan 1 in Singles & Dating

my b/f is coming over for a few min to give me my pres.
and i don't want my parents in the room...or at least....not at first.any tips to keep them busy?

2007-12-24 01:31:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

i want to go see a psychologist. but i dont want to ruin my moms christmas. should i tell her b4 christmas or after christmas? when is a good time to tell my mom? sometime this year.

2007-12-24 01:31:38 · 7 answers · asked by =/ 1 in Family

Went on a date with this guy. He seems cool and nice. The date went fine.On the way to dropping me off at home, i made the first move by holding hands with him, and before leaving the car i leaned to give him a smack on the lips. He texted me sayin he said he had a good time and that he would see me next week. That was a wednesday, its been 5 days and he hasn't called... what does this mean? was he turned off cuz i made some moves on him.. is he still interested?

2007-12-24 01:27:29 · 20 answers · asked by Alexia 1 in Singles & Dating

Not that no one knows that it is going to bring pain to all involved.

Why do people want to cheat their loved ones? because they are not satisfied??

Lets hear it from you all.

2007-12-24 01:23:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-12-24 01:21:44 · 8 answers · asked by nomorecapri 5 in Friends

I have a 14 year old son who is being bullied by a kid his age. Many threats in various forms, which is effecting his school and social life. I am a single mum and this kid is not listening to the school or to his peers and is continuing the threats of violence. Can you take out a restraining order on a teenager? I guess it sounds a little extreme, but I'm seeing such a once outgoing nice natured kid become withdrawn and a loner. Just anyone have any ideas on what I can do? The school can't do much as the child has been suspended, but that won't help outside of school hours.

2007-12-24 01:15:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

what are you going to do to improve yourself before He comes.

2007-12-24 01:13:18 · 6 answers · asked by Stevo 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I have been married for two years, our marriage was never on a good foundation. My husband is two men, he says with words, "I love you" and, when he is home-- he shows it in his actions.

My husband has had a lot of trouble with other women--and showed this during our marriage. We have been a constant going back and forth, "I love you, and now I show you that I dont." We are in counseling and my husband decided to reveal some truths---while we were engaged , he talked, by phone, to a married women from his past. They talked of their love for each other , but decided that it probably wouldnt work out? And then, he confessed that during our marriage--he sent a birthday card to this woman and signed it "I love You."

How can a man marry a woman he does not love (me)? Why do men string one wife along and have a "double life?" When is your marriage over?

2007-12-24 01:10:14 · 13 answers · asked by skyward 4 in Marriage & Divorce