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Family & Relationships - 22 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I saw the guy I like other day for the 1st time in like five months at the movies. When I saw him he kept staring at me and blushing. Then at the end of the movie he was standing in front of me and staring at me/checking me out for a couple of minutes and the he just left. I'm not sure if he waiting to talk to me.His face was also red. The I saw my crush again 1 month later and he was blushing a heck of a lot. He also smiled at me and he raised his eyebrow. Plus his eyes got wide and he face got beat red when he realized it was me He also had some gleam in his eyes. Then he was just looking at me a lot and he was stuttering when he was talking to his friend. What does this mean? My friend said he was also amused and pleased to see me. So anyways he had me blocked before I added him to myspace.

2007-11-22 16:23:28 · 2 answers · asked by shanta 1 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend of 4 years has come to me saying he isnt happy. He also says he doesnt know why. We have problems like anyone else, but nothing i ever felt that we couldnt over come. My mom makes things difficult because she doesnt like him, and i cant escape this beacuse i llive with her (moving out is not an option). He also says that i am not social enough. he sometimes has issues communicating his feelings and getting his point across. I want him to be happy but i dont want to let him go either, i really think we could work it out if we give it time. I am so in love with him and cannot see myself this happy with anyone else. my questions are;
1.How can i help him communicate his feelings without putting in my own opinions or controling the conversation?
2.How can i be more social around him and his family when i am naturally a shy person?
3.What is the best way to tell him i am devoted to him with out smothering him?
4.What is the best way to handle my controling mother?

2007-11-22 16:19:58 · 1 answers · asked by ashley c 2 in Singles & Dating

i know i have been complaining about my little girls father and me. well, i gave in and told him i would give it one more chance. i love him don't get me wrong and our daughter adores him. but i am scared and im so afraid of her getting used to having him back and then him up and leave. Am i wrong for feeling like this? Do i just need to stand back and see what happens or intervene before it does happen?

2007-11-22 16:11:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

so me and my family are going out to breakfast tomarrow morning, but i dont like breakfast!! what do i do???

2007-11-22 16:06:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I just posted a very good news on yahoo answers
And right now my husband asked me that " If it is Okay that you do paternity test. Will you be offended". He said he always thought about doing that whenever he has child.
we married for 5 months. I was virgin when I met him. I never had any relationship with someone. He wasn't virgin when he met me. I came from a very traditional background and would never even think about someone else. Is that okay for him to ask these kind of questions.

i don't want to do that. Why would I. How could he say that to me. I never cheated on him ever. You tell is that okay for him to ask this?

2007-11-22 16:04:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

All my dad does is scream and yell when ever you make one mistake, or raise your voice to him. Its embaressing when he does it infront of my friendsand my sister never comes home now because of him. I'm mostly worried about his health.

But one of the worst things about him, is that after he has one of his episodes he act like a five year old, he walks around in his underwear, shakes his butt, can't stand being in a room with out my mom, and he can't take care of himself on his own.

Is there something mentaly wrong with him?

2007-11-22 16:02:26 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am engaged to be married in august of 2008. and my fiance planned most of the wedding already. but now its down to the small details and she asks me to help. when i help she doesnt like my answers, EVER. so i get discouraged. and i am no longer in the mood to help. and to be totally honest, i just have a hard time paying attention anyways.so she gets mad. i just need to know, do all women act this way when planning a wedding? and what are guys expected to do?

2007-11-22 15:59:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I have been talking to a married man for a few months... NOT SEEING HIM... just talking over the phone and we have met up a few times and made out and stuff like that. I am 21 and he is 35. We have liked each other ever since I started working at the gym that he works out at... there has ALWAYS been an attraction between both of us. Now... I feel like I love him and I have feelings for him. YOU CAN NOT HELP WHO YOU LIKE OR HAVE FEELINGS FOR,... I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE MARRIED OR LIVE ON A DIFFERENT PLANET. So please dont start talking a bunch of crap on me b/c we BOTH like each other. Anyway.. his wife kinda found out and he said that we needed to LAY LOW for a little while and I asked him if he still wanted to talk to me and he said that he will still text me. And im sorry to say this but something will probly happen between us... we both agreed to it and like each other alot. I feel bad about it tho... Do you think he will continue to contact me? and no he has no kids

2007-11-22 15:58:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

thats not your boyfriend not your friend with benefits but its more than a friend oh yea not a bestfriend either

2007-11-22 15:58:47 · 8 answers · asked by fer 2 in Singles & Dating

Between work and college classes, conflicting schedules, errand running, etc., I feel like I barely ever see my husband. I really wish we had more romantic alone time, but it never seems to fit in. How can I make more time to spend with my hubby?

2007-11-22 15:56:29 · 10 answers · asked by BG 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My wife doesn't get along staying with my family.
And now she always goes back 2 her mum pl 2 stay n we
r still waiting for our new flat, i suggest renting a room but she
doesn't want. I really donno what 2 do.

2007-11-22 15:53:42 · 6 answers · asked by da da 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband wants sex all the time, we have been married for 5 years and together for 8. We have two loving kids together. I love him with all my heart, but sex is just not on my mind 24/7. Im always busy with work or cleaning the house or taking care of the kids. We share a lot of time together and that time never seems like enough. He comes in from work and expects me to have sex with him right then and there, no matter where we are or whos at the house with us. He dont care. When he wants it, its suppose to be done right then. What do I do, please help. Thank you so much.

2007-11-22 15:50:55 · 17 answers · asked by Carebear 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Our T-day dinner tasted great. It should, since I cooked it all. My sis in law A forgot to inform us she was busy when we planned months ago. She showed up at 12pm today and called her mom and grandma to come. Dinner wasnt until 6, since my bro in law and his family had his wife's family stuff to attend at 1pm. First thing my mom in law says when she arrives is that we should have already had the turkey cooked. It was all I could do to not scream at all of them. I am sick of mom in law and grandma only worrying about themselves and my sis in law A. Every family function is centered around A who has no children and arrives late to everything without the stuff she said she'd bring. I cooked the food she was supposed 2 bring today in addition to the turkey, dressing and casserole I was making. I also had a house full of way too early guests. How do I nicely tell my husband's family that we aren't hosting Christmas festivities here? They are just too demanding and self centered!

2007-11-22 15:46:20 · 7 answers · asked by MomOfThreeBoys 3 in Family

ok so deep inside i really like my dad.
i guess i take advatage of him
like if i go shopping with him i can get anything i want
but when we are at home and he asks for a kiss ( just on a cheek ) i get all squirmy and run away. and then i feel sorry because i hurt his feelings.
im kinda worried too
because he always does something wrong and my mom yells at him alot
and how i reject him whenhe asks for a kiss.
and how his parents are both dead when my moms are both alive
so it makes me wonder. does he every not feel loved?
would he want to commit suicide?
i hope not!!!!!!!!!
i really love him alot!
how can i show it more?

2007-11-22 15:45:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

it seems like ever since i moved in with him all he wants to do is go chill and go out with his boys and smoke weed and drink and go out to clubs. or when we are at home when
we are at home and some female comes knocking on the door him and his boys are quick to jump up and i can't tell if he's cheating can sombody please give me some advice to catch him if he is so that i can leave him alone.

2007-11-22 15:44:37 · 21 answers · asked by STARQUASHA H 1 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend of 7 years has lost all intrest in SEX. It did not start out this way. We just had our first child 10 months ago, so this has been going on for almost a year. He says he is tired all the time, but I truly think there has to be something medicaly wrong. Or is this more common then I thought?
I have tried the obvious stuff, and still nothing, He even refuses to do things that were once fun. I truly don't understand. But I am to YOUNG to be going through this, so any ideas, maybe emotionaly or please tell me I am not the only one..................

2007-11-22 15:43:45 · 17 answers · asked by Cali Girl 1 in Marriage & Divorce

we've been together for so long, but he is still married only because he does not want to walk out on his child, his wife gives him so much stress and has to leave... he knows exactly how i feel, but the age between us is a big problem. should i let him go? or tell him that where he goes, i go?!?!?!? he was my first love, my true love, and its really killing me to know i will never see him again.... WHAT DO I DO??

2007-11-22 15:41:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I was at my mom's house for Thanksgiving tonight and her husband let me use his laptop to look up some stuff online. When I started typing stuff in the address bar it auto-filled "marriedsecrets.com." I clicked on it and found his profile with loads of messages asking women to meet him for dinner and drinks. I copied and pasted his profile and all of the messages into emails to myself so I have proof.

My dad died on Thanksgiving 11 years ago, so it's already a really hard time for my mom. I don't feel like I have any choice but to tell her about her husband, but I still have reservations, and I don't know how to broach the subject.

How do you tell someone you love something so devastating? Should I not? Should I wait until after Christmas? I need advice - please!

2007-11-22 15:40:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

There was a time when I was at 4-H camp and was told that I had to forgive the other counselor at the camp because of his family life he came from. does that give him the right to sexually harass and make inappropriate touching?

Ex-gf/bf whatever do you forgive them if they abused you, or just broke your heart, stolen from you, wrecked your car....

Your parents who abused you but some how seem to not remember that in their memories of my childhood. Or the sickening part is that they act one way towards you and are like angels or perfect teacher to others or specially other children, when you were treated like dirt.

What about that parent who seems to be the saint who sits with her sick mother in the nursing home day after day, but can't take 1/2 hour to come visit you when you only live 7 miles from that nursing home.

Tell me how do you forgive them, and move on, and still love them, and tolerate them at holidays and be able to spend time with them....

2007-11-22 15:39:54 · 6 answers · asked by Artist Wanna Be 4 in Family

k i was a strait a student in the sixth grade and in 7th i would get like a c in math twice but that was it.....and bs...............in the sixth grade we wouldnt do anything we would get about one assignment a week and fet all week to do it.....and now im in 8th im trying super hard and i got a 69(D+) in Math :(
now i feel like ive failed its my 1st year of art and i got a c-!!!!!im srry im not the best drawer and she only gives us like a day to work!!!!!well neways my dad is super strict with grades
and he gets mad if i have more than 1 b well i tried super hard to get an a in math and i did all my homework but on the tests i fail them cuz my mind just goes blank and my notes dont help!!!!should i hide my grades?????i dont know what to do i dont want to dissapoint my parents

2007-11-22 15:38:55 · 12 answers · asked by dorkxxxx♥ 1 in Family

My girlfriend just told me that her mom told her that she thinks i am very immature.She thinks that cause of how i act with her 5 year old little sister. I play with her sometimes. She also thinks that because my girlfriend is 2 years younger than i am. Her mom also said that i dont do my part in the relationship. When i think that i do. It made me think that i really am immature. My girlfriend doesnt think so, and i have never been seriously told im immature. I dont really have a lot of friends though. Could that be why? Cause im immature? If im going out with someone 2 years younger than me, because im immature... i dont see what is wrong with that. I think it's fine. She is an amazing person that can make anyone happy, not just me. I can act "silly" around people. But i do it to be friendly. How do i be more mature then? What is my part in the relationship then? I want to feel better, thinking about it is just putting me down.

2007-11-22 15:37:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

he has plans to get divorced but i don't know why he calls me when he gets a chance and has taken chances when he's at work the first thing he told me when we started talking was that he was married and planned on getting devorce as soon as h could without loosing everything

2007-11-22 15:37:21 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

b4 you read this search for the question: Love Troubles!!!?
If u dont read that question first then this will not make sense.

After all the things that I mentioned and everything and after everyone said that it sounded like we liked each other a lot. Would tht be affected if I were to say we were both the same sex? Would that be like me and them being really close friends or something else? Help! Idk why I feel this way but never have...its really weird for me to put this out. Especially over yahoo...so please someone give me some advice please! Thanks

2007-11-22 15:33:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous 1 in Singles & Dating

I dated a guy about 10 years ago; we broke up on good terms and remained friends. Due to an out of state job transfer we lost contact. When I was visiting a friends myspace page; I saw he was a visitor. When I asked my friend about him, she forgot we dated. I have since learned that he is divorced. I would like to email him and catch up. Do you think my friendly email could be construed as something more serious? I am happily married!

2007-11-22 15:33:02 · 11 answers · asked by Rebecca K 3 in Marriage & Divorce

But they love thier son and show they love our daughter?

wt would u do in this situation? how much is ok?

It kinds of make me feel as if i will be only one singled out of my large inlaws family.

2007-11-22 15:33:00 · 8 answers · asked by abeer 2 in Family

ok i have a grandmother who for somreason takes it apon herself to let my mother know about every thing and i really dont care about that too awfull much but she keeps saying that my aunt doesnt want to have any thing to do with me and i am pretty sure that if my aunt didnt want any thing to do with me she would let me know i have asked her before if she wants me to go away and she never gives me a straight foward answer and i dont know what do do about this i know i did somthing that i shouldnt have but i thought that me and her talked that out but i hear different from another person .... what should i do...

2007-11-22 15:30:34 · 6 answers · asked by frogy_poo_87 1 in Family

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