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Cars & Transportation - 3 August 2007

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it's a '94 Bonneville SSEI, the supercharger is shot and I was wondering if there is a way to bypass it, and is it worth the time and money (it has 220k+ miles)

2007-08-03 18:22:20 · 5 answers · asked by j_welch81 1 in Maintenance & Repairs


What exactly is torque on a car?

2007-08-03 18:17:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

Will this cause me to rack up more miles than I have actually driven?

2007-08-03 18:08:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-08-03 18:02:32 · 9 answers · asked by tkvarsity1 1 in Jeep

hey. i have a quick question.
earlier today, I let my friend drive/borrow my car I was not with him. He stopped at a traffic light and some lady fell asleep at the wheel and rear ended him. Would that lady's insurance cover my car its pretty much totalled the whole read end is smashed in. I was just wondering if they will cover since my friend was driving my car and not me? THANKS!

2007-08-03 17:52:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance & Registration

Isn't it surprising that with the hundreds of people on that bridge, so few died? They dropped 60 feet, surrounded by concrete and steel. Is that a testament to the safety cars today?

2007-08-03 17:50:30 · 13 answers · asked by Cheesetoasto 3 in Safety

2007-08-03 17:44:07 · 11 answers · asked by coopers_mommie 1 in Dodge

do you have to buy pistons for a certain motor?
say i have my nissan motor, and it has a 90mm bore, Piston Pin Height 34mm, Piston Dish 2.8cc but the pistons for it cost $600 forged
and then i have found the same thing, only it doesnt specify my nissan's motor for alot less.

2007-08-03 17:41:27 · 3 answers · asked by Ryan B 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

I heard that many accidents were the result of inattention by drivers who use gadgets such as cell phones,dialing in to the internet, or even eating while driving. Question is: How can one concentrate on driving while looking at the navigational screen. I understand that some have voice commands but still that interrupts concentration.

2007-08-03 17:35:58 · 11 answers · asked by Don S 5 in Safety


do you have to pay tax on a new motorcycle? like here in iowa its 6 cents on the dollar... do i have to pay that on a new motorcycle?

2007-08-03 17:34:13 · 2 answers · asked by sicboarder XD 1 in Motorcycles

the navy work on the ocean right, just like the mariens?????

2007-08-03 17:26:36 · 8 answers · asked by Saul 1 in Aircraft

its 1994 300k blue and asking for $2500 is it worth it

2007-08-03 17:25:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

hi i have a 1986 nissan maxima and i am going to get the ac charged again....im pretty sure it is converted from r-12 to r134 and i am thinking about getting 2 16 oz cans of it...is that too much??

2007-08-03 17:24:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

Okay.. so you know how on the door of cars (specifically a GMC safari van) there is a button that you press to move the window up and down. my boyfriend hit his fist against it (on accident) and it popped down into the side of the door and we can't get it out =( it's not my car, it's my mom's and we didn't have the chance to tell her tonight because she was asleep when we got home. how much could it possibly cost to get fixed, tops? we tried unscrewing that part of the door but it wouldn't budge. the window works perfectly fine still, it's just the button that's stuck. help?

2007-08-03 17:22:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 2006 f150 4.2l v6 and on the tach there is no redline and the numbers end at 7. is it ok to go all the way to 7000 rpms ? or not?

2007-08-03 17:19:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

sometimes it idles & sometimes it dies.when you give it gas it dies.good plugs,wires,fuel pump is pumping gas to the rails.what is wrong with it?

2007-08-03 17:15:43 · 5 answers · asked by april s 1 in Mazda

Im trying to wire a four channel amp to four car speakers... my main question is, is it possible to connect the speaker wires to the head unit harness instead of having to go to each speaker?

2007-08-03 17:14:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Car Audio

My dad bought a Ford Expedition about 3 months ago
in the contract it said that we was gonna received 20in rims and tires with the truck but since that time we havent gotten nothing not even the license plates we keep on callin and they just say 2 call in two days, that they will have it next week, we keep onm going 2 the dealer just for nothing!!! so what can i do??? the truck did not pass the smog check because in the truck its says that the engine needs 2 b check i have allready taken the truck and they keep on telling me 2 bring it next week so what can i do about that???

2007-08-03 17:12:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

he wants a small sporty car, thats safe, but also has some pickup, and for around 30 or under thousand.

2007-08-03 16:56:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

2007 Nissan Versa.Im thinking of buying the wagon looking version,
How much did you REALLY wind up paying?
AND for What.... A/C, Automatic Transmission, etc...

2007-08-03 16:43:38 · 4 answers · asked by michael f 1 in Nissan

help me!!

2007-08-03 16:37:47 · 8 answers · asked by raul G 1 in Nissan

i am looking for a car or suv with 300-500hp....it should be a RWD though......when i say cheap i dont mean cheap cheap....i mean with all the features & spec. the vehicle gives the price is pretty decent..... sumthing below $25,000...

2007-08-03 16:36:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

I got in a car accident a few weeks ago and my white 1994 Volvo 940 was totaled. The whole front right side was bent. We were unijured of course. I had that volvo since I was in COLLEGE, and before then my parents had it. We had been through a lot together. When it was towed away :tear: it had registered 316,000 MILES on it. A FEW minor problems, mostly caused by me when I was in college because I was not servicing it correctly. So what's the point? Well I am looking at buying another '94 Volvo 940 OR a '01/'02 Volvo S40. What does everyone think? I don't want a crap car, and my heart is with Volvo 940. I am sure my mind is made up, but would love others opinion on the matter. BTW, I could have any car I want, $40K+ BMW, Benz etc...but I value money and I think it's hot when people with money drive old cars, it tells a lot about their character. I hate seeing people driving expensive cars who still live at home with their parents. But thats a completely different discussion

2007-08-03 16:34:58 · 6 answers · asked by Me! 2 in Volvo

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