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Toddler & Preschooler - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

He died this morning. I had a fun day after that happened. I went to a park with two of my friends, my mom, and my nephew and we ate lunch from Wendy's at the park. But now, as I sit here with nothing to do on a Sunday night, I can't get my mind off of it. I am so upset and sad. I don't want a new guinea pig. I only had him for a month or so, and he was only about a year old. What went wrong? *sniff*

2007-10-28 15:55:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whether she's angry or you won't let her get her way?

She kicks her dad, her grandparents, and her aunt. and hits all of them too.

I don't have any kids. But I was wondering what this means and how one can put a stop to this? she's raised by her grandma because the dad is too lazy and the mom is out of the picture and her grandma just yells at her and spanks her. Is that why the two year old hits and kicks others?

2007-10-28 15:31:46 · 11 answers · asked by Butterfly 1

2007-10-28 14:01:44 · 7 answers · asked by kaitlyn k 1

sippy cup. he just throw the sippy cup.. any suggestions. when should they not be getting a bottle at all anymore. thanks

2007-10-28 13:10:06 · 7 answers · asked by lrios1229 1

Just wondering if it's frowned upon because i have a costume for my 2 yr. old and everything. I have a 1 yr. old as well that will be going with, but not getting candy.

2007-10-28 10:22:54 · 19 answers · asked by AJS 2

and she likes dora and dieygo and cars (disney pixar cars) but all i can think of is going to get like a litlle cardboard book or toy at ross. os that okay? but what if 2 people get her the same present, b/c ross is like almost the only store in close proximity.

2007-10-28 10:18:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 3 year old daughter has been going to preschool for 4 wks. She goes 2 mornings per week only. My son is 4 & he goes too (another class) We hadn't even planned on putting her in till next year but she really wanted to go. She was excited at first but after the first couple of days she started saying she doesn't want to go. That she misses me & she doesn't like it. I am debating if I should go ahead and take her out till next year or give it a little more time.

2007-10-28 09:35:27 · 15 answers · asked by jon jon's girl 5

i went to my local supermarket today minding my own business and it was busy...really busy all of a sudden this man (65yr old maybe) came bombing in our direction (me and my 2.5yrold) he barged past and smacked my daughter right in the face with the shopping basket!!!! her little bottom lip came out (as if about to cry) and she looked at me as if to say why? then that was it being 28weeks pregnant i lost it. i hunted this guy down to demand an apology (as my 2.5yr old says sorry when shes done wrong). i said excuse me can you apologise to my daughter as you smacked her in the.....before i had finished he told me to f off!!!! how rude!! do you think i was out of order for wanting an apology?

2007-10-28 08:23:24 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband is over weight himself. I am chubby too. I keep tell him to stop making eating an issue. our kids will not be skinny but he just keep pushing our son to eat more meat.

any advice?

2007-10-28 07:13:18 · 6 answers · asked by questionhead 2


My little sister peed in her bed last night and my mom is at work so I'm stuck cleaning it up. But there is a HUGE stain and I dont know how to get it out. Thank you for your answers!

2007-10-28 06:22:36 · 6 answers · asked by So not a Princess 3

It would be for about 5-6 hours/day, mon-fri. She stays at home right now cuz she got laid off, but she does need an income. Help?

2007-10-28 06:01:34 · 11 answers · asked by pinknlos 2

She'll be two in late november.

I'm worried that she won't stay in the bed. I think that anytime she wakes up, she'll get out of bed and try to leave her room. She's not a very good sleeper...never has been.

2007-10-28 05:32:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are trying for our 3rd child. We have a 2 year old son and a 1 year old son. What is the chances of having a girl this time? We want a little girl bad. Our boys are perfect and they are our princes but its time for a princess now!

2007-10-28 04:50:01 · 12 answers · asked by Dylan, Ethan, Lillian,Aydan 6

So I am still breast feeding my 18 month old toddler girl who is a bad eater. She tries and likes some table foods but mommy's milk seems to be the best.
I weigh 106lbs at 5'3" now. Is that still ok? Before my pregnancy I used to weigh 128lbs and ever since her delivery I'm constantly losing even though I eat A LOT lol.
My thyroid is ok.

2007-10-28 04:28:23 · 36 answers · asked by Pie 3

Our 2 year old has his own room. My wife and I are arguing about this....Should he be allowed to put his toys in whatever toy bin he wants to as long as it is in his toy bins ( All the toys mixed up), when we tell him it's time to clean up his room? Or should we the parents, have places for his toys to stay organized? Stuffed animals in this bin, legos in that bin, big cars on the bottom shelf, etc.

2007-10-28 03:50:12 · 17 answers · asked by mrchozen 1

My daughter, 4, was very easy to potty-train at 2 years old and always went to the bathroom alone until her baby sister was born 8 months ago. Now she refuses to go unless I accompany her and will even hold it until she is frantic. Is this normal behavior? We never went through a separation anxiety phase. Could this be it?

2007-10-27 19:01:41 · 16 answers · asked by hechoencristo 1

We have a routine that he gets his formula while I rock him to sleep, but when I put him in bed, he wakes up and starts to scream and won't go back to sleep. I'm loosing my cool with him and I don't like that. I tried taking his afternoon nap away but then he'll fall asleep around 7 to wake up about 1/2 hour later and stay up until 11pm and getting later every night. HELP!!

2007-10-27 17:40:28 · 6 answers · asked by tanlines0 1

my 4 y/o will not go to bed at night. this is a new thing for him. it's been going on for maybe a month. i've tried taking things away, grounding, losing allowance, rewarding him for going to bed, and just about everything else i can think of. i don't know what else to do. i really need help. it's driving me crazy. and he's not getting enough sleep so he's cranky and mean. please help me, i appreciate any advice you have. i'm a "single" mom, my husband is working in india and we're in utah, with a 7 y/o 4 y/o and a 7 mo old. thanks for any advice.

2007-10-27 16:27:05 · 25 answers · asked by sonna 2

I just need to know why she always wants to be around me all the time. My house is always full of people doing things that might interest her more, but she still prefers to be around me. Being 9 months pregnant; I feel bad, because I am limited to what I can do with her. Do you think things will change soon?

2007-10-27 15:19:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to use something i have at home....

2007-10-27 14:43:50 · 31 answers · asked by Teena 2

My daughter just start using the toilet and I would like to reward her each time she goes. I was giving her little pieces of candy but thats not good so I would like other ideas. I have thought of stickers but what is something else I could give her throughout the day thats not bad for her?

2007-10-27 12:23:29 · 9 answers · asked by Spirited Virgo 4

My baby is 13 months old now and I know the day is going to come when he is going to be more aware of what is going on around him and start asking questions. At what age did you make a conscious decision to cover yourself properly before attending to your baby/toddler?

2007-10-27 12:14:34 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been looking to start babysitting. However, I can't find many good websites that explain things. I am going to be taking a course at the YMCA or something, but I still have a few questions.
How much do you charge? What about when it's at night/ holidays,etc?
What types of games can you play?
How would you disapline them if they acted up?

* a little more info... I'm a teenager, and haven't charged for babysitting before, however I've been babysitting for family for a couple years, and haven't had a problem.

Thanks :)
10 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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2007-10-27 11:33:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am ashamed to say that i am a mother who has recently found it incredibly hard to stop swearing. My son has now copied my most worst used word.

I realise i have to take responsibility for my own language, however i have noticed since i have become a mother, i have replicated many aspects of unwanted behaviour, of which is the same way my parents did to me.

My parents swore, mostlly in anger or frustration, and had a 'fly off the handle' temper. They smacked, sometimes round the head face, other parts of the body. I don't like myself as a parent and had tried not to smack at all...but have now started smacking my little boy at the age of 3.

I am ashamed to be a parent and really don't like myself for it, not to mention feelings of awful guilt. My son is everything to me and i love him dearly.

2007-10-27 11:09:51 · 41 answers · asked by Emmsagogo* 2

She fights every nap like Hell!!! we let her into our bed way too early. How do I break her of her habit?

2007-10-27 10:05:02 · 8 answers · asked by group138 1

My husband's Grandma is about to pass away. They live a little over 5 hours away. We have a 15 month old and I don't know what to do. I don't want to be disrespectful and not go to the funeral at all. My son barely made the 3 hour trip to go camping over the summer. Even if I were to go with my husband over to his family, should a 15 month old even go to a funeral? I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving him with anyone over there to watch him...everyone that I do know will be at the funeral. So do I just stay home or still go or what? I feel so bad that his grandma isn't going to be around much longer and I don't want to make things harder on anyone if I don't go. We've been married for about a year and a half now. we've been together for over 4 1/2 years. My son is still nursing from me at night and in the morning and he's teething right now so he wakes up crying a few times a night. My husband is visiting her in the hospital right now.

2007-10-27 09:31:41 · 10 answers · asked by JumpingBean 3

My 18 month old normally gets up between 7-7:30, but today he was up at 6am!

2007-10-27 08:51:56 · 12 answers · asked by Lovemykids 5

i am babysitting a 6-7 yearo ld boy tonight (sat. night)
how much sould i be paid??
i will watch him from about 4 p.m.--9-9:30 p.m.
i am 15
any help is appreciated...(yeah its spelled wrong srry)
10 points for best answer!!***

2007-10-27 06:55:11 · 20 answers · asked by Swan. 2

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