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Toddler & Preschooler - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

he whines when he wants or doesn't want something. he ignores me & his father completely or does the opposite of what we ask of him or tell him. he hurts his 11 month old brother. & is just bad. he is starting to act like this at his grandma's house too. but at the babysitter she thinks he is terrified of her because he only says about 5 words to her all day & doesn't do anything bad. if the other kids are being bad, he finds something else to do. do we ignore it? do we yell louder? we have spanked & used time out but those things haven't worked out...HELP!!!!

2007-10-18 06:01:39 · 27 answers · asked by Mandy 1

She doesn't act ill and is being completely normal, I just don't know if I should take her in or not. Any advice?

2007-10-18 05:25:12 · 16 answers · asked by watchinthemoon07 2

My son is 2 1/2 and here lately he has been the biggest brat throwing fits when he don't get his way about what he wants. He is an only child. I have tried everything to try to get him to realize that this behavior is not ok, but nothing works. At first I was spanking his butt, but that didn't work, all that did was made me feel mean, so i quit doing that. Then I put him in time out, but that's not working either. We just got back from running errands and he threw a fit cause he didn't want to go inside to put stuff away. He wanted to stay out and play. So, now he is in his crib crying at me to get out. I'm so frustrated, I don't know what else to try with him. Any ideas?

2007-10-18 05:21:59 · 11 answers · asked by tricksy 4

She started walking the day she turned 10months and has her own way of communicating by handing me things and waves goodbye to say she's tired.
She can only say mum, dada and hi. She's said book, duck and ball ONCE but never said it again.
I know everyone is different but I heard somone saying their baby could say sentences.
Is this ok, should she be saying more?

2007-10-18 02:39:22 · 15 answers · asked by Introverted extrovert 4

I have a 2 year old and its raining cats and dogs here...any suggestions for some fun indoor activities to keep us busy??

2007-10-18 02:34:47 · 14 answers · asked by chey 2

My daughter is 3 and knows all of her letters, numbers, and can write. She wants me to teach her how to read, but I don't know where to start. Does anyone know any places or websites that could help me? I live in Michigan. Thank you!

2007-10-18 02:19:53 · 9 answers · asked by Lisa M 5

I have tried giving their food different names, liek trees for broccoli, and mountains for mashed potato, etc, and it worked for a few weeks but now... Anyway, I have tried making them sit there till it is eaten and they just won't do it, I don't want to keep feeling like a big meanie, I tried offering a reward for a finished meal, like a bowl of ice-cream but that doesn't work either. I cook different meals, the same meals etc but nothing seems to work. I cook exactly the same meals as my mother did when we lived with her, but my girls just wont eat it, and yet my food tastes the same sometimes better. I am getting so sick of throwing it all in the garbage, someone help Please!!!

2007-10-18 01:16:11 · 11 answers · asked by cheeky_lil_pixiegirl 3

2007-10-18 00:44:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

She would bring home a cute eraser /pencil fm school and says its hers.She takes clips and sweets from marts.Both my husband and I are professionals and we buy them(my daughter 6/my son 4) lots of cute stuff. They always get what they ask for..toys/sweets/games. She's kleptomaniac.
I'm really worried.We have spoken to her and explained the consequenses,but then comes the denial.What can we do to stop this now!!

2007-10-18 00:36:37 · 9 answers · asked by jodie 2

there are sooo many to choose from but i cant decide what books to buy for my 17month old-to read to him, we're trying to teach him new words and reading ofcourse is one of the best ways, but we just dont know what to choose...oh nothing from disney! plz no disney lol

2007-10-17 23:12:19 · 12 answers · asked by cherrybc032000 2

I cried today when I had to get rid of all his baby clothes. I gave them to a friend that needed them. Is that normal? Did anyone else do that or was it just me? I hate seeing him grow up!

2007-10-17 20:42:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Alaska and winter is days away. I feel pretty prepared for witner except one thing.

How will I know if my toddler is dressed correctly?

I know it seems odd but she's not a big complainer and I winter here is dry so you don't realize your cold until your REALLY cold. I have a snow suit and hat and mittens for her but I don't want to make her too hot.

We started with just the coat (against alot of tantrums) and now I make her wear a hat and mittens too and I just don't know how to tell if she's too hot or too cold.

Any tips on things to look for or ways to teach her to communicate hot and cold to me?

2007-10-17 20:24:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

he will go on the toilet sometimes, but other times he refuses to go, and demands a diaper, and will not take the underwear..... i do not know many people with young boys like myself, i would love some good tips!! thanks!

2007-10-17 17:39:32 · 11 answers · asked by I'm the mommy!! 3

my son says many words like momma, dadda, toby (the dogs name). his name almost and please. but i don't think hes saying all that he can. i don't think its anything medical so please don't tell me that might be a problem. im just trying to get him to talk more. the more i want him to copy what i want him to say the more both of us get frusterated. it only holds his attention for soo long. then i just walk away. he will say mummm when hes hungry but wont say food. he is very smart he knows what is what. my problem is hes the only child right now. so i can read him and he gets all of our attention. please give me some ideas to help me teach him how to talk.

2007-10-17 17:28:34 · 14 answers · asked by shoppingreen 3

I plan to feed milk, but what else? She usually eats fruits and veggies in her high chair as finger foods.

2007-10-17 16:42:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

For Halloween my son's daycare is having a Pajama party and I really want to get him some really cute pj's. He has some cute pj's but nothing really fun. Any ideas and or links? Thanks!

2007-10-17 15:17:15 · 12 answers · asked by Trixie 3

Does anybody know of a psychiatrist/child psychologist here in Quezon City, Phil.? We really can't afford it because my salary is below minimum wage, but i feel we both need a counseling / therapy ASAP. Your recommendations / referrals for a charitable person or institution shall be highly appreciated. We probably can't get it for free so i hope I can find an affordable service. Thank you so much.

2007-10-17 14:12:02 · 11 answers · asked by Eun Liu 1

My son is 3 yrs old and he is attached to his Winnie The Pooh crib confonter that he has had since birth. He does not do good with change. The problem i'm having is he refuses to sleep with any other blanket. I have told him he can sleep with his winnie the pooh blanket along with a bigger blanket so he stays warm at night but he throws a huge fit. I will wait for him to fall asleep and sneek in his room and cover him up with another blanket, however soon after I go back in to check on him it will be on the floor. There have been times where he will bring the other blanket and will tell me "No mama". His favorite blanket is not big enough to keep him warm and he is getting cold in the middle of the night and then has an accident. So any of you ever have this problem and come up with a good solution? I'm going to put him in a blanket sleeper tonight but I feel he needs to learn to accept other things, just not sure how to go about it.

2007-10-17 13:44:26 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's for my baby brother, and I would LOVE if you could help me, and, some games we can play with him could be very useful too.

2007-10-17 11:17:47 · 2 answers · asked by Aleloca 2

is talking in i guess two worg sentences he will say come on mommy thank you mommy i want candy or cookies etc... he likes dora and deigo and can say everything they say including signing the abc song the itsy bitsy spider he makes eye contact he counts with me knows and says he body parts can follow directions perfectly ie throw this in the trash get me the butter out the refridgerator etc... but not all of her words are clear and i have to tell him to say stuff sometimes like if somebody says hi he wont say anything then i say, say hi and he will say it i guess my real concern is that he likes walking on his tiptoes his doctor told me not to worry but i wanted some other opinons from real parents only serious answers please im really bothered he just turn 2 on 10/7 thank in advance from a first time mommy.

2007-10-17 10:52:19 · 17 answers · asked by bettyboop 1

What's the most money a person you know has spent on throwing a kids birthday party? What is the average?,

2007-10-17 09:50:28 · 10 answers · asked by amig 1

I never used to let my son watch more than 1/2 an hour TV a day but I had another baby 3 months ago and I started letting him watch while I nursed her.
He's now totally addicted. If I turn it off he has tantrums that sometimes last literally for hours. He won't play with any of his toys. If it's nice outside we go to the park as much as possible because he will still do that. But the weather isn't always so great now it's fall so we're stuck inside more.
This morning he said he wanted to watch TV "all day" so, thinking I would try a bit of reverse psychology, I said "Okay, we'll throw away all your toys you can watch TV all day strapped into your high chair."
He said "Okay mum, I'll help." We packed all his toys into garbage bags and he sat in front of the TV from 8:45 this morning until he fell asleep around 3:30! I made him move once when I noticed that there was pee dripping onto the floor under the chair because he didn't even want to move to change!

2007-10-17 09:21:11 · 15 answers · asked by -S.C.R.- 2

2007-10-17 08:22:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mature answers from parents only please. Let me give you some background first. My son is almost 17 months old. He's always been a good child, very pleasant to be around. He's always listened when you tell him to do something, never threw hissy fits in the grocery store or anything like that. I am a stay at home mom, so he is never in daycare. For about a week and a half he's been acting out. i.e. - Ignoring me, throwing things, throwing fits when he doesn't get his way (lifting his arms up when I try to pick him up so it's very hard to keep ahold of him), and-the worst thing- biting (he only bites me, not daddy or any other children). I am about at my wits end. Is this normal behavior for his age? I know kids go through transitional periods so is that what this is? Have any of you other parents had this problem near this age and what did you do about it?

2007-10-17 07:22:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Toddler has vomiting, fever and when she sleeps she wakes up every 10 minutes crying that her stomach hurts. I have an appointment this afternoon with her pediatrician. Not sure what is wrong. I feel so bad for her she she can't keep anything down. I have tried the 1 tsp of liquid every 15 minutes but she just pukes it up. NO diarrhea thank goodness.

2007-10-17 06:15:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 3 yrs and is showing signs (according to teachers) of autism. I have a 1 yr baby girl as well and he can't stand her. I live in a city with NO family so it's hard to get good advice. Im going a little nutty. Im not sure what to do. I can't put him in anything because all he does is cry...I want to shoot myself sometimes. I need some real good advice.

2007-10-17 06:15:49 · 9 answers · asked by Kilikina 1

Any nutrionists out there/ My daughter has a great diet. She eats most anything from fruits, veg, meat. Anything. She has a well balanced diet and is very healthy. Only been sick once in her young life and that was due to teething.

My problem is my mother thinks I am giving her too much fruit, saying it is very bad for her tummy and that it could end up burning a whole in in tummy with all the acid in it.

I give her raspberries, blueberries, grapes, banana's, mandrin's, apples, melon, pineapple. She also gets cheese, milk, chicken, beef, eggs, brocolli, cauliflower, carrotts, pea, mixed beans, potatoes, etc as I said a very healthy diet. But can that fruit be too much for her.

For an afternoon snack / dessert I would give her about 5 raspberries, 3 strawberries and 6 grapes on average. However she wouldn't have this everyday.

My question is.... Is this too much for a 16 month old. Bear in mind she loves it.

2007-10-17 06:08:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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